"what the fuck?" Sammael asked as the bridge's lights slowly flickered to life." welcome back to the land of the living captain." the author greeted, earning what appeared to be a mix of a scowl and possibly a smile from the marine.

"WHY the fuck were we not updated for the longest time you prick?" Sammael asked earning a shrug from the author." you do know i work upon other projects right?" the author asked earning a dismissive wave from Sammael." so whats your reason for not just diving into the story?" sammael asked groving suspisios as the bridge's doors abruptly closed and three objects were pressed into his hands.

"FOR FUCK SAKES! you think a story that hasnt been updated in roughly a year would stop receiving mail." Sammael complained as he opened the first letter.

Dear fucking soup,

You sure the Chapter Master of the Angry Marines ain't Doom himself? Not really close since he wears green, but the rage might be close to him.,

from, UndeadLord22

Sammael merely nodded at this, after all the doom marine would always be the angriest being in existence but he was no chapter master. He was honestly viewed as the angry marines' primarch or a patron saint. the angry marines aspired to be that angry.

dear fucking soup,

if you could wipe out every xeno and heretic faction except one, which one would survive?
I would think orks, because they seem to piss you off the least.

from, SuperSaiyanDiclonius

"i would have to fucking agree upon that. Orks are the best things to fucking curb stomp. But as that eldar fucker rowboat girlyman would have it, the eldar are apparently the ultramarines choice. So fuck that. Defiantly orks." Fucking soup responded. on the other side of the galaxy orks began to get excited as the prospect of a big fight was announced. it could possibly be the biggest scrap there ever was! for it to happen though all the spiky chaos boiz, eldar gitz, tau, and those chompy things needed to die. it was the perfect idea.

" one more and then we can get to the story." the author said as he took the letter from the captain and handed it to a servo skull." We are in space idiot! how is that gonna go planet side?" Fucking soup asked, earning a smile from the author as a loud thud was heard as the servo skull was fired out of a cannon.

"what the FUCK is this?" Dontgiveafuck asked as he lifted the charred remains of a servo skull from off the floor of his chapel. in it's tiny claws a pristine letter sat addressed to the reclusiarch. the reclusiarch carefully opened the letter, but was greeted with not a piece of parchment inside but a voice recording.





-system status:Nominal

Ohhhh...What happened?...

Dontgiveafuck obviously knew this was from forge master 00. after all anyone hit over the head and then stuffed in a closet would be angry. but that didn't stop Dontgiveafuck from uttering a phrase that would only serve to anger the martian," Ill fucking do it again."

The alarm had sounded for three full weeks before the grimm horde finally entered within the view of the aspects of atlas." so they come in number." Fuklaw noted from the imperial command center in the middle of what was once Jacques's office.

" Indeed they do." a nameless colonel agreed as he voxed orders to the heavy ordnance to commence bombardment. The vox was answered by the rhythmic sound of the bombardment commencing, sending round after frag round over the kingdom's high wall." The creatures are uncounted." A nearby tech adept noted as it watched the aspecs light up with thousands of target runes.

" one could compare them to tyranids sir, just without the need to consume everything in sight." General Smit noted, his voice betraying no emotion." agreed." General Hans stated, his gas mask's tubing clattering softly against his flack armor as he turned to look over at comms. Fuklaw watched the men wearily, it wasn't common that a commissar survived denying kriegers their death so Fuklaw decided to keep his distance away from the generals. For now." any word from the astartes?" An ensign nervously asked.

Fuklaw couldn't blame him, after all this was a plan created by a astarte chapter known for extreme amounts of violence and little in the way of strategy. A chapter that was also known for crashing vessels into planets to kill the enemies of the emperor." Not yet. From what I have been told the remainder of the heretical fleet has pulled back to the outer edge of the system, using the planets and the asteroids as staging grounds as they attempt to regroup. Thus the astartes are attempting to locate these pockets and eliminate them." Fuklaw responded with a shrug.

" So what you're saying is it's unlikely?" a major asked, earning a nod from the commissar." What about the lord commander's forces? Surely they can provide assistance if necessary." The unnamed colonel asked, earning another no from Fuklaw." Our lord primarch has them stationed in the remaining kingdoms and engaged in other combat zones around the sector." Fuklaw reported, noting that the kreigsmen in the room seemed to enjoy the idea of a lack of astarte reinforcements.

" Vale could send us three astartes if needed." The vox operator reported earning a knowing smile from Fuklaw." To your positions gentlemen. Let us not focus upon the future but instead upon the present." The commissar announced as he took off his worn hat of office to run an aged hand through his white hair as he watched the aspects closely.

"ATTENTION YOU WEAK ASS BASTARDS!" emperor's champion Fuckoff roared as he raised sword of office into the sky to silence the horde of lowlifes before him." The kreigsmen have been so kind as to lend us their gorgons in order to fuck the grimm in the ass!" Fuckoff shouted, earning a weary half hearted cheer from the criminals and terrorists. They knew what their purpose was, to act as cannon fodder for the main imperial guard.

" Any questions faggots?" the champion asked earning a single brave hand raised in the back." Yes?" Fuckoff hissed causing the nearest conscripts to back away in fear." who are the creeps?" the brave man asked as he jerked a thumb towards the large group of kreigsmen who stood unnaturally silent towards the back of the parade ground, content upon watching in silence. " these fine gentlemen are your new commanders. They will both lead you into battle and make sure that there will be no tomfoolery." Sir announced as he over to stand next to the emperor's champion.

"If everything went according to the plan there would be no penal legionnaires left to retreat. if we are lucky then we won't even have to perform any executions before the operation begins either." Sir thought as he looked out across the sea of scum. These people were definitely the worst of the worst, all forced into serving the imperium so the ministorum could save a few thrones upon regimental pay and supplies.

" So in light of this being all of your last day in vale, we decided to give you the option of confession with the reclusiarch and his staff. While this isn't mandatory it is heavily encouraged." Sir quickly added to the speech, realizing his thoughts had made him go quiet. From the left side of the champion the reclusiarch and a few imperial priests stood by armed with incense burners and a few weapons. The marines ended the speech with a gesture to the ministorum representative before they retreated back towards the chapel, walking down the empty streets of downtown vale.

" Do you think any of those cock suckers will go to confession?" Fuckoff asked, earning a shrug from the reclusiarch." I dont know. Some of the cunts have been turning up for mass so i would assume so." Dontgiveafuck replied as he placed a hand upon his symbol of office as they passed by a group of bandits heading towards the nearest temporary mess hall.

" Well look on the bright side, after all of this crime rates will be the lowest this planet has had in years." Sir joked, earning two grunts of agreement from the other two astartes." True. But it is saddening to see how many of these mother fuckers actually turned towards crime. Makes you wonder how the government actually functioned before we showed up." Dontgiveafuck noted as they passed the old council hall, now dubbed the old farts shitty shack where the remnants of Vale's council chambers sat.

" Yes, it truly is a mystery how the people of this miserable mud ball ever survived." sir added earning a gruff laugh from Fuckoff as they came into the view of the chapel. There was already a large line of convicts willing to confess their sins. Today was one of the last days they would be alive after all.

The kreigsmen walked amongst the army of bandits upon patrol, armed with stun batons and las pistols as they helped maintain discipline as groups of scum were called up one by one to go to the chapel or go to the mess tents. At first the bandits stayed clear of the kriegers in fear of what these gas masked freaks would do. But slowly the bandits' fear was replaced with curiosity and then hatred.

Hatred for their captors that now forced them into military service. Hatred for their captors that held them at gunpoint. Hatred all angled at the kriegers that bravely patrolled through the parade ground." Why should we remain in captivity only to be sent to the slaughter like lambs?!" A man roared as he raised his fist into the sky as a act of defiance, only to attract the attention of the closest kreigsmen.

" Remain quiet and in line." A kriegsman demanded as his stun baton sparked into life." I will not be ordered around by a man who hides behind a mask!" The man stated as he lunged forward towards the kriegsman." Oum give me strength to overcome my oppressors!" the man bellowed again as he took a swing at the kriegsman, only to rear back in pain when a stun baton connected with his throat.

" stand down." the hallowed soldier demanded as he hit the man once more, earning an electrical buzz and the sickening crunch of a bone breaking." never! I will not be a slave any longer !" the man unwisely shouted, obviously not realizing the generous offer that the kriegsman was offering." make an example of him." The kriegsman demanded in response, prompting the bandits to look at the floor before them as other kreigsmen came forward to haul the man up.

There was a crack of a las pistol and a thud before the kreigsmen restarted their patrol, leaving the man's corpse where it was upon the ground. this time without the unruly bandits attempting to rebel against them." Penal regiment 34 rise!" A commanding voice called as the next group was called to head towards the cathedral.

The astarte vessel sat on the edge of an asteroid field watching as a space hulk continued to tumble through the asteroids as it rolled through space." Status upon the hulk?" The helmsman asked as he continued to watch the massive pile of scrap plow its way through inferior asteroids. It had been three weeks since the first wave had boarded it, then two weeks later another wave led by the captain boarded as well.

In total there were roughly a hundred astartes onboard it. but there still was no sign of them, so he opted to wait around the hulk until something happened. It was better to play the waiting fool rather than to be on the business end of a two by four." It has been three weeks serf, it is time to return to the fleet for repairs and resupply." The lone ultramarine on the bridge noted, possibly knowing that his authority over the crew was little to nothing.

" No. we shall wait until we are either called into action or news is reported from any survivors." The helmsman replied as he finally tore his gaze off of the view port to focus upon the reports coming in from across the vessel. The ship was badly damaged, forcing the crew to abandon certain areas of the vessel due to breaches in the hull." status on the engines?" the helmsman asked as he shifted his gaze towards a lone servitor in the corner of the command deck." Engines functioning at eighty percent efficiency. Engine room requesting additional aid in fire control." the servitor reported as it's mechanical arms moved over the controls.

" request denied. There are more important things the fire control needs to focus on. Status of the reactor?" the helmsman asked, praying that it wouldn't go critical." Tech priests report that it will remain in safe lines for three more days, but it will go critical soon." A serf reported." Then we have no choice." The helmsman muttered as he made his way towards the wheel." Alert all stations to full alert. Prepare to board!" the helmsman announced as he punched the ignition button and began to guide the massive battle barge into boarding range. The ultramarine's face contorted into something that looked pained, but he held his tongue. The vessel rumbled into position as massive assault bridges were fired into the side of the strike cruiser, allowing the remaining angry marines to charge across the bridges into the strike cruiser.

" Now we shall wait." The helmsman stated as he signaled for anti boarding teams to be prepared just in case of a ork counter charge. The ship thrummed as extra power was added to the forward thrusters as the ship attempted to maintain its position alongside the strike cruiser." Boarding to helm. We have found seventy survivors. The captain is with them." the helmsman let out a breath he had been holding as he gave the order for the boarding parties to retreat back onto the fuck of massive fuckery, taking the wounded to be treated in the medical facility onboard.

" Prepare to disengage." The helmsman announced, taking a moment to examine the strike cruiser before him. It must have been a mighty ship, a veteran of a hundred wars, and here it sat. It's hull infested with orks and its crew slaughtered." Perhaps it would be best to destroy it." He muttered as he turned to face the approaching host of astartes.

" CLEAR AWAY FROM THE HULK!" Captain Sammael demanded earning a groan of compliance from the remaining bridge servitors as the emergency thrusters were activated, turning the massive vessel a full three hundred sixty degrees before engaging the full might of the massive thrusters, launching the battle barge through the void back towards remnant. behind them the ork rock continued to roll into the void, taking a ship with a critically failing reactor with it.

line break

" State your fucking sins." Reclusiarch Dontgiveafuck demanded, causing the woman before him to shrink into her chair. Vernal began to immediately recount all of her crimes, tales of murders, her lies and her faults. Dontgiveafuck sat silently listening to the tale unfold until the woman was nothing more than a sobbing wreck upon the floor.

He seemed to have this effect upon mortals that stood before him. It was entertaining at first, but soon it became dull and boring." and why did you do that?"he asked, earning a sob filled response from the woman as she attempted to give a reason for her crimes." Because the strong live and the weak die?" She sobbed.

The reclusiarch sat still for a minute, the only sound coming from him was the thrum of his power armor." That….. Is wrong.'' The reclusiarch finally spoke, his form shifting in his provided seat as he reached down to his belt and pulled out a copy of the lectitio divinitatus. It was an ancient relic that had been passed down to him by his own mentor, cunt fucker and had been a great aid in these troubling times." Your entire clan's ideology is based upon old ideals. Now a days it is the strong who should fear the weak." Dontgiveafuck explained as he looked down to find a certain passage in the book.

" The strong should fear the weak?" Vernal repeated softly, prompting the astarte to pause in his search." Well it's simple really. Let me put this simply for you. Do you remember the kreigsmen from earlier?" The reclusiarch asked, hoping that what he was about to say would lead the woman towards enlightenment and him closer towards his fifteen minute break.

" The kreigsmen take about fifteen years, give or take, to train. It takes a astarte longer to be chosen, initiated into a scout company, and to ascend to full astarte. This means it's easier to make more kreigsmen then astarte yes?" Dontgiveafuck asked once more. Vernal opened her mouth to respond, but immediately shut it as the astarte continued, his deep gravelly voice cutting through the silence." Now then, if a astarte was attacked by a single kriegsman, who would win? The astarte obviously. BUT. If there were say a dozen kreigsmen they could potentially kill him. Now if there were a hundred kreigsmen the astarte would be fucked." Dontgiveafuck stated, hoping his metaphor would get through.

It didn't, leaving Vernal more confused." But didn't the astarte or whatever train for years?" She asked, wiping away her tears." Alright let's look at it in….. Native standards. Who is the strongest person you know?" Dontgiveafuck asked." Raven." The bandit replied immediately." Now then raven would win against one grimm. But what if a hundred attacked. She would be overwhelmed and quite fucked." Dontgiveafuck stated earning a chuckle from vernal. But before the reclusiarch could inquire why the woman was laughing the vox servitor released a sound that took the astarte's attention off of the woman." twenty minutes till mission." The servitor groaned as it shuffled into the tent.

As far as sieges went Ruby could honestly say this was rather tame. Sure the entire kingdom of atlas was surrounded by grimm but she believed the imperials had a plan to deal with this problem. Why else would the imperial guard ask the huntsmen to guard the top of the walls?

" thats a lot of grimm down there." Ruby muttered as she looked back to her team. Weiss seemed ready, sporting a pair of white pants rather then her usual skirt for some odd reason. Blake was relatively the same with short hair and Yang was….. Still being a bit moody but that was fine as long as she looked out for the rest of the team.

" Are we ready?" Ruby asked as she drew crescent rose from it's holster upon her back." As ready as i'll ever be." Blake and Weiss muttered as they looked down into the sea of pure evil. The team had been through a lot recently, with Blake's home being destroyed and Weiss's home being turned into a bastion against the grimm, Ruby could understand their hesitation to fight such a vast number of grimm. Her silver eyes slowly moved down a little to where the trenches were.

Hundreds of guardsmen were currently fighting and dying to protect the people of remnant while their artillery bombarded the land around them showering both man and grimm in dirt. These men and women had no aura but yet willingly died to protect the people of a world that wasn't their own, it was rather astounding to ruby. She had seen their ferocity at the battle of Vale, but this honestly took the cake.

Guarding the entrance below her were the firstborns, the only army that really seemed use to the frigid cold of atlas due to their fur hats and coats. Sure the cadians were in their long coats, but they still seemed to freeze from what she had seen over in their circle of protection. Ruby didn't bother checking on the death korp side however. It seemed that general Hans had roped off or merely barricaded streets leading up to his unit's sector.

Plus they scared her." Beautiful day for war." A weary voice spoke behind her. It surprised Ruby when Fuklaw appeared directly behind her, being surprisingly sneaky for an old man." Commissar." Ruby greeted, not really planning on swearing to say his name. Fuklaw merely gave a nod of recognition as he turned his attention to the battle below.

" Must be alien to see others fight when it is usually you huntsmen and women down there." Fuklaw remarked as he looked out upon the horde, merely looking down upon the guardsmen below the walls disinterestedly." I suppose it is. But I hope we will be intervening soon." Ruby replied, earning a cocked eyebrow from Fuklaw.

" intervene…. You mean reinforce. Yes, fear not, you hunters will have your time to shine." Fuklaw spoke, keeping his voice low as he kept his attention upon a few of the guardsmen below. The Line seemed to hold as flamers came forward to suppress the grimm as the heavy bolters paused to reload.

Ruby watched as large waves of flame washed across the battlefield until the regular chatter of the heavy bolters resumed once more. To Ruby the armies of man seemed to be a well oiled machine as they withstood the waves of evil.

The grimm seemed unstoppable, a wave of nightmares that swarmed over the hills and snow. For the cadians and vostroyans this was hell. For the kreigsmen, this was a normal Tuesday.

The men and women of krieg fought tooth and nail as the grimm came over the barbed wire and past trench walls. Bayonets and claws were added to the frey as the first beowolves dropped into the trench." AFFIX BAYONETS!" The death korp officers commanded as they drew their own respective swords or shovels.

In the background the crack of lasguns continued as the rear trenches picked up the suppressive fire upon the ever advancing grimm as the soldiers engaged in the ever expanding brawl that was the first trench. Problems began to arise as more and more grimm began to pour into the front trench, slaying most of the heavy weapons crews that had originally occupied key positions there.

" Sir, we are losing the front lines." A corporal reported over the vox." Affirmative. Initiate plan b. We must pull back what units we have to retake it." The commander announced. The order was given as the few survivors moved forward to carry the few surviving heavy weapons back to the rear trenches while flamer teams moved to flood the forward trench full of burning promethium.

Thus the grimm got a taste of the brutal fighting style of the kriegman. It would not be an easy victory for the grimm as it was made blatantly clear that the kreigsmen were willing to sacrifice their own men to stop the enemy. The commander watched as both grimm and the few slow kreigsmen become engulfed in flames as the frontal trench became a barbecue.

" Typical Tuesday." The commander thought.

" Can we make this go faster?" Captain fucking soup demanded as he layed upon a examination table." Quit your bitching." The apothecary on hand demanded as he injected more medicine into the captain's chest as he sewed up the wounds created by the ork shootas.

" I WOULD LIKE TO FUCKING GO AND TAKE COMMAND OF MY SHIP YA CUNT!" The captain shouted as he slammed his fist down upon a nearby medical try, prompting syringes and scalpels to fly into the air." You fucking twat!" The apothecary spat as he reached under the table to grab some anesthetic. Sammael watched in horror as the apothecary pulled out a four by four and slammed it into the side of his head.

The force managed to knock the angry marine out cold, allowing the apothecary to operate more efficiently without the constant bitching and groaning from the captain. This allowed the apothecary to extract more of the heavy metal slugs that riddled the captain's guts. The medical facilities of the Fuck of maximum fuckery were full of the wounded and dying. Already twelve astarte had passed upon transport back to remnant.

" My lord, we require more pain killers." A serf reported, earning a harsh growl from the apothecary as he deposited the ork slugs into a nearby tray." Have we raided the fucking fridge?" The apothecary asked rhetorically. He knew that the medical facility's storage was already emptied.

All the healer could do was hope for aid from any allied vessels that were close by for supplies. Three thunder hawks were being dispatched to requisition supplies from the nearest imperial navy vessels and any other astarte vessels in the area. This would take time however, time the apothecary did not have. The angry marine clad in white slowly stitched the captain up before he looked at the stump of the captain's missing arm.

The tech marine on hand had carried the captain's arm and armor away to be repaired and examined." yes my lord. The storage has been emptied." the serf replied, bowing low in fear of incurring his master's wrath. The apothecary nodded and merely waved the serf away, all they could do now was pray.

The Will of the Emperor successfully managed to warp into the system, taking the time to guarantee that the system was in friendly hands before it proceeded towards its target destination, remnant. Onboard sisters of battle knelt in prayer as the confessor began the hymn of thanks to the emperor. The ship flew uninterrupted for a full hour before finally they were hailed by an approaching thunder hawk.

Only the captain and the vox officer knew what truly was coming on board as the bright yellow thunder hawk landed in the forward hangar. The sisters were used to dealing with the emperor's angels and as such they greeted them with an honorable presentation that was standard for greeting astartes. they gathered in the hangar, clad in ceremonial robes with banners aloft as the thunder hawk's frontal ramp slammed down allowing the space marines to disembark.

The sister superior took this as a sign to approach the thunder hawk." My lords, welcome to the Will of the Emperor. How may we assist you?" She asked.

" You may assist us by…. MOVING OUT OF THE WAY YOU CUNT!" one of the astartes stated as he shoved the sister superior towards the side and b-lined towards the rear of the hangar. The marine's white counterpart quietly strode forth, making his way past the confused sisters and after his brother.

After the apothecary followed a timid group of servants that seemed to shy away from the sisters as they followed their masters towards what they assumed was the infirmary.

" we are honored to be here." A servant said, placing a hand upon the shoulder of the confused sister superior before he quickly jogged after his masters as they went to raid the vessel for medical supplies.

Behind the Will of the Emperor the warp roiled and twisted as a bright yellow strike cruiser exited. The raging psykers had arrived at last.

Robute guilliman watched as the planet's moon began to fill the view port of his small shuttle. It had been some time since the mechanicus had been stationed on the moon. What they were doing was unknown to the primarch. Only the magos and the angry marine chapter truly knew what was happening upon the moon and Robute didn't like being left in the dark.

Not after last time. The small shuttle maneuvered past the moon's debris field and a few decimated vessels that had become nothing more then molten metal until it finally entered into the broken side of the moon." what in the emperor's name?" the pilot asked aloud as a massive tower appeared over the horizon. The tower was huge.

Big and bright yellow as it stood surrounded by armies of servitors and tech priests as they continued to labor around the device. The shuttle slowly came into land as robute placed his helmet over his head, the mechanicus had not set up a base yet so there would be no oxygen available to him besides his recycled supply in his armor.

The rear ramps slowly dropped, allowing the primarch and his honor guard to descend onto the moon's surface." Greetings my lord." The magos greeted, bowing low before he rose up to his full height." Greetings magos. Tell me what exactly are you building here?" Robute asked as he motioned for the magos to lead him towards the device.

" Straight to the point! I like that." The magos chuckled in response as he led the avenging son towards the massive tower." Well we were originally sent here to construct a beacon. That took about 48 hours due to the fact we knew about it ahead of time and considered that certain resources would be needed. So we accomplished that rather quickly." The magos began, skipping over the beacon for the main part.

" After seeing we could construct things rather quickly, that horde of astartes up there demanded we make this." The magos said as he gestured towards the massive tower." What is it exactly?" Robute asked, earning what he assumed was a shrug from the magos." Dont know my lord. It is a STC i have never seen before. Only the forge master knows." The magos replied as he pointed up towards the top of the tower. Robute's helmet's optics kicked in as it zoomed in at the top where a large group of bright yellow tech marines gathered painting crude fraises upon the tower's exterior.

" Is there any way of contacting him up there?" Robute asked, earning a nod from the magos." Channel seven. It's open and unguarded." The magos stated before he disappeared off towards the tower. Robute was confused on why the channel was unguarded. Did they think the threat was gone? Did they leave it open in case of emergency? Robute put those thoughts aside as he eye clicked the channel seven key inside his helm.

" Perhaps a chat with the forge master will clear everything up." Robute thought before his helm's vox attuned itself with channel seven. Robute immediately regretted his decision to join the channel.

"The user has joined the channel." "FUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKK." "WHO'S THE COCK SUCKER WHO STOLE THE REST OF MY RED PAINT?" "for just twelve prayers to the omnissiah a day I WILL KICK YOUR ASS INTO SPACE!" " THESE HANDS ARE RATED E FOR EVERYONE!" "KEEP PAINTING YOU DICK WADS!" Robute didn't hear the rest as he turned the volume down a bit before he spoke," Is the forge master here?"

the channel went silent for a full second before it erupted with insults hurled at robute, his mother, and something about being a boat. These insults all seemed to come together into one big sound wave that slammed into the primarch's eardrums until a long burst of binary silenced them." Robute Guilliman. What brings the avenging son to my moon?" a mechanical voice asked. Robute wondered for a minute if it actually was a good idea to respond to the forge master.

" I have come to see what keeps the mechanicum here." Robute stated as he approached the tower a bit more, signalling for his entourage to fall back a bit. It took a total of thirty minutes before the Forge master and his horde of yellow tech marines descended to meet with the primarch.

" Greetings, I am Forge master 00." The forge master greeted, his hydraulic claw carrying a red bucket of paint." Forge master." Robute greeted. The primarch half expected the marines to bow before him after the introductions were made, but they all remained standing much to his honor guard's dismay." Do you have no respect for our lord?" an ultramarine veteran asked, earning the attention of about five angry tech marines.

" Fuck 'im." one of the marines stated as he flipped off the honor guard. The ultramarine veteran naturally did not take kindly to this and began to move forward to engage the marine. Robute quickly placed a hand to block the honor guard's path before he could cause trouble." Forge master, may i inquire about the purpose of this device?" Robute asked. The forge master stood quiet for a minute, merely looking to either side of him as if to seek his brothers approval upon revealing the tower's purpose. A few shrugged or merely nodded.

" The purpose is simple lord. It was created to act as a vessel killing weapon. But because you fuckers chased them outta here it has been converted to a more….. Simpler task." the forge master said, leaving a sinister feeling in the air." And that task is?" Robute asked, earning an excited round of laughs from the angry marine host." It will also keep the people of remnant in line." The forge master stated, earning a frown from Roboute.

" How is that beneficial to us? I have been attempting to make peace with the authorities upon remnant before we even suggest bringing it into the imperium's fold." Robute reasoned. This earned another amused round of laughter from the marines." My dear primarch, the only reason they aid us now is because we share a common enemy. Due to this SOLE reason they have allowed themselves to put up with us drafting them and occupying their pitiful cities. As soon as the enemy is vanquished they will seek to remove us." The forge master stated, earning a sigh from the primarch.

Diplomacy was what was needed at this point in time not excessive amounts of violence. But at the same time it was always good to have a back up plan.

Down in the streets of Atlas chaos reigned as the people of remnant panicked behind the walls. While they were perfectly safe behind the walls of barbwire, plasteel, bayonets, and guardsmen the people remnant reacted to the attack poorly.

All it would take was one spark and the entire city would descend into anarchy. It was Cole's current job to root out the potential source of disturbance and eliminate it. While the job required more people and resources Cole was pleased with what he was given. It honestly helped that a astarte and a few of his " volunteer" penal soldiers were accompanying him as they hunted a rebel cell.

" fucks that?" the astarte asked as he pointed towards a small little drone that floated down the streets, occasionally stopping to scan something." That is an atlas monitoring drone." Cole stated, motioning for his retinue to move out of the little drone's way as it continued to patrol the two penal troops moved out of the way, leaving the terminator to loom over the small droid.

" Attention citizen! You are obstructing a atlas military security drone. Please remove yourself from its path." the small drone stated, thus earning the ire of the angry marine, who promptly smashed the small drone underneath the weight of his terminator armor." FUCK OFF!" the angry marine shouted, his aviators slowly sliding down slightly from their position upon the helmet.

" Aaannnddd we have lost any potential of having the element of surprise." Cole muttered as he drew a las pistol and jogged forward towards where suspected rebels hid. An old bar that had seen better days." Form up on me!" Cole hissed as he maneuvered to stand near the door, to follow standard breaching protocol. Roman and Emerald were quick to comply, one placing a breaching charge upon the door while the other took up a firing position.

The angry terminator however merely looked at the door and decided he no longer wished it to be there. With a horrified look from the penal troopers the astarte ripped the door off of its hinges as the breaching charge exploded, leaving a ash covered astarte and a door handle behind.

" THOSE FUCKS!" the astarte bellowed as he dropped the door handle and marched inside shouting threats of violence towards whoever was responsible." What was in that charge?" Cole asked, motioning for the penal troopers to move across the street away from the bar." well we were running low on explosives…. And I knew a guy." Roman began, only to be silenced as a man was thrown out of a window.

" so it was fire dust." Emerald finished, earning a curt nod from roman as he slung his lasrifle over his shoulder and fished around in his pockets for a cigar or a Iho stick."i see." Cole responded as he watched another person come flying out of the building, this time through a wall." should we stop him?" Emerald finally asked. Earning a shrug from both Cole and Roman.

" be my guest." Cole said as he gestured towards the open door. As if on cue the angry terminator exited the building with three rebels held under his arm." I have prisoners." he simply stated, earning a cruel smile from Cole as he motioned for the group to return to their temporary base of operations. It was interrogation time.

Ozpin sat in a small cafe that overlooked both the temporary parade ground and had a nice view of what was once his. Beacon Academy, once one of the proud huntsmen schools now a research center for the machine men of mars as they attempted to unlock all of the secrets of the tower. Sure they had found the first one, the fact that the tower was part of an ancient lance cannon.

" if they ever found out what it was for." Ozpin thought, pausing to take a sip of his coffee as he watched a few of these corpse men march by leading a group of penal troops back from the chapel. Ozpin's thoughts turned towards the penal legion. This was technically the second penal legion that the imperium had made upon remnant. But this one.

This one was truly legion! Ozpin knew that the first was composed of anyone that the inquisitor's apprentice deemed skilled enough to be of some value towards the imperium's defensive operations upon remnant. But this one was put together by the reclusiarch! In comparison to the first this one was titanic, basically taking every single prisoner and drafting them into this army.

Ozpin was honestly afraid of the reclusiarch now." If he is capable of bringing something this large together what else could he do?" Ozpin mused. Perhaps he could get some answers from the man himself.

Raven was not in a good place. Her husband was dead, her tribe was integrated into remnant's biggest suicide run, she had lost track of her daughter, and its was beginning to become hard to hide her maiden powers. Perhaps it was the ludicrous amounts of alcohol she was constantly drinking but every now and then her damned aura would flair.

This would happen randomly and the output of aura could be quite easily detected due to the amount being unnaturally large. To make matters worse, the resident apothecary was beginning to track the source down. Normally she would have Vernal to deflect the blame onto but she had been "drafted" into the penal legion by that damned reclusiarch. The only thing that kept her ahead of her hunter now was the apothecary's work schedule.

The astarte only seemed to be allowed to walk the city for about four hours or so before he would return to the chapel. Raven was able to memorize his schedule but lately the astarte seemed to either be mixing the times of his patrol up or he was growing wise to her. Raven's paranoia suggested the second option. But she dismissed that as she took another sip of her drink, an alcoholic strawberry sunrise if she remembered correctly.

" yang would have loved this." she muttered aloud." really? What is it?" A voice from beside her asked. Raven's swimming vision locked onto a large white blob next to her that must have been the person who had spoken.

" My daughter. Is a staaawwwbbeerrryy sun." Raven slurred as she leaned back a bit too much, knocking over the drink of the person to her right." FOR FUCK SAKES!" A familiar voice bellowed, immediately sobering Raven.

" Oh no." Raven whispered as she found herself looking at an ale soaked champion." Then that means." Her mind raced as she turned to face the white blob, only to find the smiling face of the apothecary as he set down what appeared to be a glass of water and placed a hand upon the shoulder of the maiden.

" we can either do this the easy way or the hard way." Sir stated. Behind her Raven heard the soft thrum of what she assumed was a power field generator activating. This made Raven smile as her eyes began to glow and all signs of drunkenness seemed to fade as Sir merely watched.

" You remanatians are truly interesting." was all Sir said before he brought up his power fist to block the first strike.

Dontgiveafuck watched eagerly as the penal legionaries were loaded into the massive transports that would carry them to the gates of hell. Or was it atlas? The reclusiarch couldn't remember for the life of him. The air was thick with promethium exhaust as another battered looking gorgon rolled up the narrow ramp of a local atmospheric vessel.

Apparently these were a special type of bullhead used to transport heavy machinery long distances but to the reclusiarch they looked like something the tau would make." Damn things are too smooth and white! Where is the gothic architecture?" Dontgiveafuck demanded a small whimper from a nearby mechanic.

" Last transport is loaded sir." A kriegsman reported, flinching a little when the reclusiarch turned to face him." Excellent. Now let us have a moment of prayer that this mission is a fucking success." Dontgiveafuck stated as he bowed his head for a few minutes, prompting those around him to do the same. Some did this out of fear while most did it out of a new found faith.

Life was slowly returning to the streets of Vale and along with it came the imperial creed. Dontgiveafuck was rather proud of this achievement to turn some of these "Oum" worshiping assholes into true believers in the motherfucking Emperor and he would show it off in moments like this." excellent." the reclusiarch thought as he ended the prayer and signaled for the bullheads to take off.

They set off, one bullhead lifting off at a time, until the landing pads were finally empty." all bullheads have departed my lord." the mechanic reported, raising a scroll for the reclusiarch to see. The reclusiarch merely waved the scroll away and began his long walk back to the chapel, his thoughts keeping him company as he walked down the relatively empty streets.

" How long ago was it used to be a major battle field?" Dontgiveafuck remarked, noting that there was still wreckage of old tanks and aircraft strewn around the city. Normally there would be teams of workmen supervised by a tech priest who would remove the wreckage, but after the secret of the tower was revealed all of those toaster brains seemed to have dropped everything and rushed up there.

" wonder what else that grey haired fuck is hiding." The reclusiarch thought as he rounded corner to find the grey haired fuck sitting at a cafe table that seemed to have a relatively good view of the now empty parade ground.

" reclusiarch." Ozpin greeted earning a grunt of acknowledgment as the reclusiarch approached." headmaster." the reclusiarch returned, coming to a stop a foot away from the opposite end of the table. There was a sudden thud of in the distance, but neither man turned to face the source of the sound. " I see your men finally found raven." Ozpin noted, his eyes locked onto Dontgiveafuck's helm.

" indeed they have. Sir has always been one to enjoy a good hunt." dontgiveafuck replied, earning a crooked smile from Ozpin as he took a sip of coffee. Things in Vale were finally livening up a bit.