I do not own Naruto and if I did Itachi, and Mikoto wouldn't have died

"Naruto" -normal speech

'Stupid idiots' - normal thoughts

"Oi gaki listen to me" -Powerful being speech

'stupid ningen'-Powerful being Thoughts

*thunder* -action

Kage bunshin no jutsu -Techniques

"Yo baka" Beings translation/speech

Check out the poll on my page to let me know what you want updated.

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A/N: Note This. Is. Fiction. Here I am God, and I can decide how each character acts or behaves.

*story start*

*Training ground 7*

Where is she." Satsuki asked as she activated her twin, single tomoe Sharingans to scan the area.

"That's Rin Nohara, surviving member of Namikaze's team 7." Sakura stated as Naruto held his blade 75˚ angle in front of him, and deflected three kunai shot from the tree line from his front, rear, and back.

"Stay on your toes, there's a reason she survived the Third Great Shinobi War." Naruto warned them as they formed a circle in the clearing.

"Lets start this off one, Ninjutsu" Rin's distorted voice echoed through the training ground as Naruto sliced through several expanding rocks. "Doton: Iwadeppō no jutsu(Earth Release:Rock Gun release)"

"Incoming. Left!" Satsuki declared as she fired an electric blast into an oncoming barrage of rocks.

"Fūton: Renkūdan(Wind release: Drilling Air bullets)." Rin's second attack barrelled towards them, and Sakura deflected the compressed bullets off her weapons head, sending them flying to the left and right of her.

"Raiton:Dan Ibuki(Lightning Release Bullet: Powerful Breath)" Rin's following attack electrified Naruto and Sakura's weapons, and got absorbed by Satsuki's gloves.

"Come on sensei? Is that all you got?" Naruto asked as three versions of Rin jumped out of the treeline and separated the small group with a copy of herself dragging them away.


"What was that?!" Satsuki asked as Rin stopped dragging her. She locked her Sharingan eye with Satsuki's and palm struck her into the tree.

"Lesson two, Genjutsu." Rin muttered as the forrest and sky began to distort and change.

"W-what...'s happening?" Satsuki asked as the world changed to a lavish bedroom with two figures present. One was herself laying naked on the kingsized bed, with her private areas seemingly on display. The other was a naked Naruto kneeling in front of her, with his headinches away from her private.

"Are you sure you want to do this Satsuki-chan?" Naruto asked as her copy? poured a bowl of ramen broth across her body.

"I've been sure of this for years. Naruto-kun, make me a woman." 'Satsuki' demanded as his extended tongue was millimetres away from her slit. The real Satsuki could feel the warmth from his breath. But as soon as the illusion began, it collapsed in on itself. Leaving a hot and bothered Satsuki laying on the ground in front of her blushing sensei.

"That illusion was suppose to show your inner desires, but I thought that it would have been something like having a family. Never something so 'adult'." Rin muttered blushing, which Satsuki capitalized on and slammed an electrified fist into her chest. Rin exploded in a cloud of smoke, revealing she was a shadow clone of the original.

"I better go help the others out." Satsuki whispered with a blush, as she headed towards the last spot she saw her team.


"Lesson three, Kenjutsu." Rin told her possible student as she dropped Sakura into a clearing, and pulled out a standard Wakizashi to defend against Sakura's dual hatchet strike.

"Be careful, you don't want to lose a hand. " Sakura warned her as she hooked her blade with the underpart of the hatchet, and used her other weapon to swing at Rin's chest. Said kunoichi managed to narrowly retract her stomach to avoid the hatchets blade.

"You've done pretty well for an academy student." Rin congratulated her as she jabbed sakura's right shoulder with a senbon, and rendered her arm useless.
"That was good, but I'm better." Sakura warned her as she threw her hatchet at her sensei, and it disappeared into the trees.

"Is that-" Rin tried to ask before the mini axe bounced off a tree, and poofed the Rin clone.

"Lets help Naruto-kun out, and Satsuki." Sakura reminded herself as she went to re-converge with her temp squad.


"You want to go all out?" Naruto asked her as he held his blade in front of him, and began to cloak himself with his yellow chakra containing flakes of deep red chakra.

"I'll follow suit. Let me ask you something though. Do you know what happened at Kannabi bridge?" Rin asked as she was enveloped by dark teal energy that had formed into a turtle shell, with a shrimp tail behind her.

"No, can you explain sensei." Naruto asked her as his cloak hood grew two rabbit-like ears and a blue and red fox tail behind him.

"During the battle of Kannabi Bridge, Kiri ninjas sealed the Sanbi no Isonade in hopes that I would return to Konoha by the time the timer on the seal expires. I'm lucky that I was taught emergency sealing Kushina-sensei. But enough talk, let's start." Rin declared as she drew her Wakizashi and pointed the tip towards Naruto's mirrored tanto.

"Let's go sensei." Naruto declared as they leapt into the air and clashed their weapons.

"That's impressive Naruto, Have you had any formal training?" Rin asked as she used her tail to strike him backwards, and semi-graciously land on the ground.

"I haven't been taught by a teacher if that's what you meant. But I have practiced my sword skills for nearly 5 years." Naruto told her as he angled his blades tip towards him, and used his chakra to propel him forwards. Rin positioned her blade vertically, and deflected Naruto to the right of her.

"It shows. You may be fast, but remember there is always someone faster than you." Rin warned him as they each held their blades at 45˚and charged towards each other. The duos clashing blades released a small shower of sparks. They repeated the flying attack before Naruto leapt backwards and both of them started to show signs of exhaustion.

"I can see why you're the Jonin and I'm the Genin." Naruto panted as he held his bleeding side, which began to seal up by a milky white substance, and fiery coloured chakra.

"I am also several years your senior." Rin reminded him as she parried a blade thrust aimed at her chest.

"Don't make it sound so massive. You look 18 maybe 19." Naruto denied as he blocked a strike aimed at his head.

"Please, I'm a 31 year old Kunoichi, I'm old enough to be your mother." Rin informed him as he raised his eyebrow curiously.

"That seems unlikely. You look like a mature teenager at most." Naruto unknowingly complimented her, which caused her to blush.

"My my. So smooth. I've heard that you had had a girlfriend, yet you're flirting with someone nearly twice your age." Rin tried to shock him, yet he didn't react.

"Hinata-chan has told he that she's fine with it. I just can't forget her though, she's my girlfriend." Naruto told her as Rin deflected a barrage of kunai thrown at her.

"Oh? Well I want to see how true that is if you pass this test." Rin told him, Sakura and Satsuki dropped into the clearing to discover long grooves sliced into the trees, and floor.

"Naruto, we're here to help." Sakura told him as Rin destabilized the ground beneath them, and dragged the two teens into the ground up to their necks.

"Lesson four : Tactics. Naruto, you two potential teammates are trapped up to their necks with only enough time to save one of them. Chose now." Rin yelled as the pinkette and ravenette began to sink down into the loosened soil which caused Naruto's cloak to disperse.

"HA! I choose to save both!" Naruto yelled as he separated hisself down the middle and ran to pry his teammates. The copy that helped Satsuki out looked like Naruto in dark clothing, and the one that helped satsuki out wore alabaster clothing.

"What kind of technique is that?" Rin asked him thoroughly shocked.

"One of my custom techniques Ninpō: Ōnmyo kiretsu(Ninja art: Yin Yang fissure). I can be in two places at once." The Naruto's declared in unison while the aided the girls out of their pit.

"That is an impressive ability, why am I just learning about it Naruto-kun?" Satsuki sweetly inquired as she cracked her knuckles.

"I-its kinda painful, a-and I wanted to keep it as a s-secret weapon." Naruto's shakily explained as they rejoined together and returned back to Naruto's original form.

"Naruto~ don't make me hurt you. Why didn't we at least know? Are you afraid of what I'd do~?" Sakura asked him as she dusted off her weapons.

"N-no, I just w-wanted to have a surprise weapon." Naruto told them as they turned towards their teacher.

"Let's focus on her. If we-" Satsuki tried to declared as the timer rang showing that the time limit had been reached.

"You know what that sound means." Rin told them as she held up the alarm.
"Nandató?! ARG! We were so close!"Naruto yelled as he slammed his fist into a tree which left a crater in it.

"You know the deal."Rin reminded them as she created two copies of herself and the conpies and the original grabbed one of them and tied them to a tree.

"We were sooo close." Naruto muttered as the clones tied them to the trees, then dispelled.

"Can you tell me what went wrong?" Rin asked as she silenced her alarm as rose a pillar of rock for herself to sit on.

"You are a trained Jonin and we're merely genin's, fresh out of the academy. We haven't seen actual fighting, just pathetic spars." Sakura explained as Rin nodded.

"Can you tell why you think you've failed?" Rin asked them.

"If I had been faster in our duel, then I could have grabbed a bell and passed us." Naruto explained, to which their sensei nodded.

"That is also true, but let me ask again. Why do you think you've failed." Rin re-emphasized.
"What do you mean sensei? We didn't get a bell in time. We ran out of time as well." Naruto asked as Rin sat the bells on top of Naruto's head.

"The bells were to see how you and your team tried to get them. My sensei Minato did the same test with myself and my teammates. The only difference is that we were told that we needed the bells to pass. I wanted to test how you each individually dealt with one of the main problems on the field." Rin explained as she quickly unsheathed, and re-sheathed her blade. Cutting the ropes, and freeing them.

"So the real test was of our skills, not the bells?" Naruto asked as he returned her twin silver bells.
"No, it was about the bells and I'm just messing with you so I can crush your dreams." Rin declared with a dead serious expression for several moments, before breaking out laughing.

"Hahahah..." Naruto awkwardly laughed as Rin lead them into town.

"I'm kidding. Anyway, lets head into town and inform the Hokage that you've passed." Rin explained as she slid her goggles over her eyes.

"Alright. Rin-sensei, has anyone told you that you can be terrifying?" Naruto asked as they followed their teacher towards the centre of village.

"Yeah. Quite a few, dozens, of times." Rin told them as a mysterious figure in a black robe with crimson clouds on the suit. They had noticeable lumps visible from underneath it, and a right Sharingan showing from their orange spiralled mask.

"... it seems that you have finally gained a team... Rin-chan." an ominous, female voiced figure declared from their perch on the tree, before they disappeared in a vortex from their lone pupil.

"So sensei, can you tell me how you managed to make that cloak around yourself and how you got your Sharingan?" Satsuki asked her as they walked along the pathway.

"Right, you two weren't there to hear it. During the battle of Kannabi bridge, I got separated from my two male teammates and sensei. Kiri ninja's sealed the Sanbi that was at a third of its original power into me. The seal had a timer on it so it would unseal inside of Konoha. I managed to fix the seal by the time my team met up with me.

But the Kiri nin destroyed the cave we were forced into, which collapsed on Kakashi, my other teammate. Obito managed to get me out of there, but he was dragged into the cave by a suicide nin. Last I saw of him, he was being dragged into a hole before he gave me his left eye. His right side was covered in a lava release attack, and wanted to use his eye as a thank you gift for reaching Chunin." Rin explained while they walked past the market district.

"Wow, So you still have the Sanbi sealed into you? I thought the Yondaime Mizukage was the Sanbi Jinchūriki?" Sakura questioned her.

"They are, but they have the Sanbi's chakra sealed in them rather than the turtle." Rin explained to them, while Naruto felt a burning feeling in his stomach.
"Whaa..." Naruto tried to ask before his seal glowed bright red, and he lost consciousness.
