Hello there,

Told you it wouldn't be long until I posted my new story, after TVD it seems I'm not able to let this couple go so my muse has been in overdrive. I must admit I'm really nervous about this one because it's very different to everything I've written so far. So here's a big disclaimer, DAMON IS DARK IN THIS ONE, HE'S A CRIMINAL, HE'S NOT A GOOD PERSON AND HE WON'T CHANGE HIS WAYS IN SPITE OF LOVING ELENA. He's also a bit obsessive and he's going to take some questionable decisions so if this is not for you please just stop right now.

I want to thank Amber (LivetoreadLovetoread) because she's going to be the beta for this story and is already doing an amazing job.

Hope you like this one *crosses fingers*

Please leave a review.



"The Prince of Darkness is a gentleman"

-William Shakespeare-



Elena Gilbert woke up the morning of her eighteen birthday full of excitement and happiness. She threw her arms over her head, stretching her body languidly on her big queen-sized bed. Her bedding was stark white and incredibly soft, so soft that she didn't even want to leave her bed to go for breakfast, but one glance at the clock told her it was for the best if she got up, before her mother came searching for her.

She threw on her floor length, pale pink robe and tied her hair in a side braid before opening the door and heading out towards the dining room. The house was in full swing, people were coming in and out carrying chairs, tables and hundreds of decorations. Elena smiled brightly at seeing everything, because she knew they were all getting ready for her party.

Her sister Katherine had turned eighteen three years ago but she didn't allow her parents to throw her a party, instead she asked for a two month all round trip to Europe, with the most expensive accommodations and of course, alone. They complied with her but Elena knew that her mother was heartbroken because she had wanted to have a party for Katherine so badly. Therefore, Elena had decided to give her parents what they wanted and allowed them to throw her an over-the-top birthday party. After all she was the baby of the family.

"Well isn't the birthday girl looking lovely today", her father said with excitement the minute she walked into the dining room where everyone was already sitting down.

"Thank you! daddy", she answered with a sweet smile as her father got up from his seat at the foot of the table and walked towards her.

"Happy Birthday princess", he whispered before placing a kiss on her cheek as he embraced her small body in a strong hug. Elena returned the hug with equal fervor, it was no secret that Elena was a daddy's girl, she was her father's princess and she was very proud of it.

After that it was her brother Jeremy' turn, followed by her aunt Jenna and her mother. The three of them hugged her and placed kisses on her cheeks, and Elena let herself drown in her family's love. Then it was Katherine's turn, she pretended to be excited and happy, but Elena knew that her sister always wanted to be in the spotlight, therefore hated any occasion where Elena was the center of attention.

Once the congratulations were over and they were all sitting down, the party talk started again. Jeremy and her father pretended to be annoyed by it but they couldn't help but smile and comment from time to time. Elena had to admit that her mother and Aunt Jenna had gone all out, but she knew that doing this for her, made them happy, so she let herself just enjoy it.

A knock on the door stopped all talk of festivities as they all turned their heads towards the big, sliding doors of the dining room. The Gilberts had one big family rule; no one interrupted them during meal times, unless it was something of great importance.

"Come in", Grayson said in a deep, strong voice and the sliding doors opened to reveal a very distressed Elijah Smith.

Elena's heart skipped a beat at the sight of the man standing there. Elijah had been around her family since he was a little boy; he was best friends with her brother and worked for her father, he was almost like another member of the Gilbert Family and Elena had loved him ever since she could remember, it was too bad that he never saw her as anything other than Jeremy's little sister.

"I'm sorry to disturb you boss", his voice was deep and always made Elena go weak in the knees, "especially today", his eyes moved to her and her heart did a somersault when he gave her a small smile "but some important matters need your attention, immediately"

Grayson grunted and then nodded, "Thank you Elijah" he told the young man, "I'll be there in a second".

Elijah nodded in response and disappeared behind the sliding doors. Grayson and Jeremy both got up, "I'm sorry about this princess, but I'll make it up to you today at the party". He winked before dropping a kiss on her forehead, Jeremy ruffled her hair on the way out and they both disappeared behind the doors.

After the men were gone, they all continued with their breakfast and talked about the party like nothing had happened. Elena was not stupid; she knew what her family was. Even though nobody talked about it directly, it was no secret that her father was one of Chicago's most powerful Dons, and that all they had, was built on violence and crime. She didn't like it or was proud of it, but it was the only life she knew, and she loved her family deeply. She would do anything for them in spite of the crimes they committed.

It was the one thing she had learned since she was a little girl.

"Family first. Always".

Damon Salvatore walked out of his father's office with a hint of annoyance in his expression. It was to be expected, after all, his old man had just ordered him to travel to Chicago, to an eighteen-year olds birthday party! To say there were other more interesting places, he would rather be, was an understatement, but it was business and no one took business more seriously than him.

He headed towards the back garden where he knew his little brother was at the moment. Damon was wearing a dark blue polo shirt and a pair of faded jeans but from the way the staff members stared at him you would think he was in an Armani suit. It wasn't just that he was incredibly handsome, it was the way he handled himself. The confidence, the ruthlessness with which he walked, like he was the king of the world and nothing could touch him.

In a way it was probably true.

When he reached the garden he spotted his baby brother eating breakfast with his girlfriend on one of white garden tables his mother liked to have around. A genuine smile appeared on his face at seeing the pair of them; they were few of the only people who could provoke a warm reaction from Damon.

Caroline Forbes was the daughter of Elizabeth Forbes, a Queen Pin who had earned Damon's and his father's respect, on knowing how to handle herself in a world full of men. She was Giuseppe's most trusted friend and the only one with whom he shared business information. Damon had known Caroline his entire life and knew there was no one better suited for his little brother. They had been together since she was fourteen and he didn't' think that was going to change any time soon. Damon was sure Stefan was going to pop the question very soon.

At 24, Stefan Salvatore was as inside in this business as anyone could be, but he still had a lot to learn. That's why their father always put him under Damon's watch, he knew no one could teach him like he could. But the problem with Stefan wasn't a matter of learning, the problem was his heart, he had too much of it.

Caroline spotted him before Stefan, and a frown appeared on her face when she saw his expression. "What's with the face?", the blonde girl questioned him before taking a piece of chocolate waffle into her mouth.

Damon took the remaining seat and stole a piece of Stefan's waffle before speaking, "Feel like going to a party love birds?".

"What?", Stefan asked while stopping him from stealing more of his food.

"Daddy dearest just ordered me to fly to Chicago for the birthday party of Grayson's Gilbert's youngest daughter. Apparently the man has been running lose lately and the old man wants to put him on a leash".

Stefan nodded as Caroline got her thinking face on. At 21, she already knew more about the business than any woman should, Damon wasn't surprised, given who her mother was. To be honest he hated that whole rule about not letting women know anything about their business, he thought it to be a retrograde idea implemented by men who had no idea of the power a woman could bring to the table.

"Elena Gilbert, right?", Caroline asked and he nodded remembering the name his father had given him.

"We met her couple of months ago remember?", Caroline asked Stefan.

"No, not really", he shook his head while his girlfriend rolled her eyes at him.

"Maybe you weren't paying attention", Stefan rolled his eyes in return, and Damon couldn't help but chuckle at the childish exchange between the couple.

"She seems like a sweet girl, very beautiful and a bit sheltered if you ask me", Caroline remarked.

"Sheltered?", Stefan asked.

"Well you know how Grayson Gilbert is and apparently she is his little princess so I guess the party is going to be over the top. What in the world am I going to wear?".

"Yeah because that would be your only concern", Stefan smirked at her and she elbowed him in return before directing her attention back to her breakfast.

"So what's dad going to offer?".

"Apparently Gilbert has been having some problems with a Mexican cartel and he's not handling things the way he should, Dad thinks it can end badly so he's going to offer our support", Damon explained as he took one of the toasts on the table in the center and smeared it with nutella , "soldiers, guns, etc."

"Tying them up even closer to you", Caroline offered and Damon only nodded, "honor against all".

"Smart", Stefan said.

"So, you kids coming or what?", Damon leaned back on the chair and eyed them as he bit into his toast.

"You're going to end up diabetic if you continue eating like that", Caroline gestured at the nutella dripping from Damon's toast; he only shrugged and put almost the whole thing in his mouth.

Stefan winced in faked disgust, "Yeah yeah we'll go".

"Yeah it'll be fun besides I think I need new friends", Caroline said in a very serious tone which only earned her chuckles from Damon and Stefan, "I'm serious, Andie is being a bitch lately and don't even get me started on Vicky".

"Vicky's always been a bitch", Damon offered.

"That didn't stop you from sleeping with her", Caroline said with annoyance.

"Well she's a bitch but she's hot", Damon smirked "and there's not a single thing she's not open to try in bed".

"You disgust me", Caroline said and Stefan laughed and kissed his girlfriend's forehead before returning to his conversation with Damon.

They finished their food and went separate ways so they could get their things together for the trip. They were leaving in a few hours and Caroline claimed she needed to express shop before it, the Gilberts were Chicago's royalty and she wasn't planning on going in an old dress.

In contrast to her Damon and Stefan went to their father's office, to go through the plan again and decide which men they were taking. The ideal was to have Giuseppe make the journey himself, but the man had been feeling ill lately and he refused to let anyone know, so he started giving Damon more responsibilities. His son had earned his name and the men's respect on his own. It was only a matter of time before everyone started to seeing him as the capo di tutti capi.

At 29, Damon was already more ruthless and efficient than anyone, there was no doubt who was going to be the next boss and Giuseppe wanted everyone to know it.

Damon Salvatore was someone to be afraid of.

Elena tried to laugh at Tyler and Matt's jokes, but she was unable to, she had a feeling of uneasiness that she couldn't place a finger on. She and her friends were sitting in one of the small lounge areas in the garden where the party was being held, Elena spotted her mother and aunt mingling and joking around with their friends and even Jeremy who was always so gloomy, seemed to be having fun.

"Lena are you okay?", her best friend Bonnie said while taking a seat next to her.

Bonnie was the daughter of her father's consigliore and best friend, the girls had known each other since they were born. They were inseparable and there was no one who could read her better than her.

"I'm fine Bon", Elena answered with a fake smile on her face.

"Something's bothering you", Bonnie whispered so their other friends couldn't hear them.

They were a tight group; Matt, Tyler, Liv, Luke, Bonnie and her. They all had known each other since forever but even so, nobody knew Elena like Bonnie, maybe just Matt, but he was too busy trying to flirt with a brunette called April, to pay her attention.

"I don't know; I just have a bad feeling", she smoothed the fabric of the knee length champagne colored dress she was wearing and tried to avoid her friend's intense stare.

"What do you mean?", Bonnie asked with a worried expression.

"Don't pay attention to me, I'm just paranoid", Elena dismissed her friend's concern and moved her attention back to their friends' jokes. Bonnie didn't look convinced but after a while decided to drop the subject.

A few minutes passed before Elena felt it, someone was watching her. A chill ran down her body as her eyes scanned the garden trying to find the person who was staring at her.

Her heart stopped in her chest when she spotted him. He was across her table, sitting where his father was, some man was talking to him but he wasn't really paying attention, his entire focus was on her.

Elena started fidgeting with the fabric of her dress again when she felt his eyes roam all over her, her body heating up under his scrutiny. She felt warm and fuzzy all of a sudden. There was something in his blue eyes that scared her and excited her at the same time. His lips twisted into a conceited smirk and she couldn't take it anymore, she had to get away from his intense stare.

"I'm going to go and prepare myself something", Elena told Bonnie while gesturing at the bar.

"Do you want me to come with you?".

"No it's okay!", Elena reassured her friend and headed towards the bar. Suddenly she felt the need to be alone, to be away from his eyes so she could breathe freely again. No one had ever caused a reaction like that in her, not even Elijah; who the hell was that blue eyed man?

He was awestruck from the minute his eyes landed on her. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Her long brown hair fell and curled down her breasts, her legs were toned and long, her lips were full and soft and her face held an innocence that made her instantly attractive, but what drew him the most to her were her eyes! Doe-shaped, hazel eyes, that held so much life and love, all of the things he never had.

Damon knew that she was the birthday girl, Grayson Gilbert's eighteen-year-old daughter, the man his father had sent him to put on a leash. A sweet little thing like that couldn't know much about the world she lived in, couldn't know about men like him. If he were a decent man he would have walked away and only conduct the business he came for, but Damon had never been a decent man, and he wasn't going to start now.

He watched her go alone to the makeshift bar, his eyes following her every move. She was trying to make something for herself he assumed. She was completely caught up in her own thing, oblivious to everything going on around her. He excused himself and stood up, every nerve in his body telling him to not follow her but he fought them all, as he walked slowly and quietly towards, like an animal stalking its prey.

He stood beside her and eyed the thing she was mixing, "Do you have no fear of the world bambolina?". He saw the way her body tensed at his words, finally taking notice that someone was next to her.

"Excuse me?", her hands stilled and her eyes rose to meet his. The air got stuck in his throat at the full effect of her eyes on him, there was a hint of fear in there and awe too.

He gestured towards her drink, "With all of that you're mixing, I don't think you'll have a nice morning", he said in a much lighter tone than the one he had used before and saw her release the breath she was holding.

"Oh!", she looked at her drink nervously, "I'm not very good at this, I was just trying…". He could tell she was nervous, from what Caroline had told him, he knew she attended a catholic school and was shy. The definition of a good girl, Caroline had said. Damon could see that his presence was making her uncomfortable and he thrived on it.

"I could make you something", he offered and saw her eyes going wide at his words.

"No, I don't want to be trouble".

"Don't be silly bambolina, you're the birthday girl", he smirked and did that eye thing that made women fall at his feet.

"Well then", she smiled at him and said "have it your way". A small glint appeared in her eyes and he thought that she would never have said those words if she knew what he wanted from her.

He pulled up the sleeves of his black button down and took the mixer, he added the ingredients and in no time he was shaking the damn thing and cursing himself for not walking away when he was supposed to.

Damon could feel her eyes watching him and that gave him a great deal of satisfaction, her mouth was slightly parted and her eyes were glazed over. She was getting turned on by watching him mix her drink, that's when he knew he needed to get out of the place fast because he was ten seconds away from bending her over the bar and fucking the hell out of her, that would do nothing to help his father's business.

"You seem to be good at that", she whispered as he took a martini glass and poured the mixer content on it.

"I've had a bit of experience", he winked at her before handing the glass, "I hope you enjoy it".

"This looks really pretty, what is it?" she asked eyeing the cup with a big smile. His heart did a weird skip, that he didn't want to dwell on too much, at seeing her happiness.

"That is a pear martini", he told her, it was Caroline's favorite drink and he guessed most girls liked the same things in matter of alcoholic beverages, "and it's delicious". He licked his lips, moving closer to her and her eyes went to his mouth instantly; mimicking his action she licked her lips.

"Well thank you Mr. Stranger Bartender", she said as a seductive smile appeared on her face and he wondered if she was indeed as innocent as she looked, "I'm sure I'll love it".

"Just take it easy on the alcohol tonight bambolina", he took a strand of her hair and curled it around his finger, "I wouldn't want you getting sick in the morning". He stretched her curl down her breasts and let his hand graze the underside of her chest before releasing the hair.

She closed her eyes and let out a barely audible hiss at the contact, Damon smirked when he saw her pebbled nipples through her dress. She was as turned on as he was, he guessed if his hands went inside her dress he would find her dripping wet for him. So he needed to get the hell away because he wasn't going to have her, not tonight anyway.

He got closer to her, his breath caressing her cheeks, "Happy Birthday Elena", he kissed the underside of her mouth and started walking back towards the house. He heard her shout, "Wait", but he didn't stop, instead he pulled out his cellphone and dialed his best soldier's number.

"Enzo I want you to keep an eye on the birthday girl tonight, I don't want any men near her".

"Got it boss".

Damon Salvatore was a ruthless man, the best of the best they all said. The next capi di tutti capi. But most importantly he was a man that always got what he wanted and tonight he had a glimpse of the most prized thing in the world and he was going to make her his. Sooner or later that little doll was going to be his and only his.

*Bambolina* Little doll

*capo di tutti capi* Chief of all chiefs/ Boss of all bosses