Author's Note

So, I've always been interested in the Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons thing. What would it be called? Multi-crossover because if so, it's one of the more popular. Anyway, I decided to take a stab at it.

Before the story begins, I'll just explain some things that need to be explained first.

1) The story begins at the start of their fifth year. I know, most do it sooner, (like first year) but I have reasons for this. 1: Pitch doesn't strike me as 1 plan per year kinda guy like Voldemort. He's going to bombard them with an onslaught of plans when he sees fit and when the timing is right, which 2 will be implemented during this, because why not? The 2 I chose make sense in that evil, I-hate-muggleborns kinda way. 2: 15 for the characters is also when everything is going on with them. I have Jack gaining his Jack Frost appearance when he's 13, and going off of the movie, Pitch doesn't show up for around 300 years after Jack's made a spirit. Going by that logic, 2 years after having that happened makes sense for Pitch to finally rear his ugly head. On top of that, Hiccup has just gone through the whole dragon training, defeating the Red Death thing, and losing a leg. Rapunzel's getting suspicious on if Gothel's actually her mom, but is keeping her skepticism inside. Merida ... well she's not looking forward to next summer at all.

2) I took the liberty of putting the characters in Hogwarts Houses I believed they should be placed in. I'll give my reasons, but please note, because I chose to start this with the Triwizard Tournament, some characters are in Durmstrang and Beauxbatons. If they aren't listed for Hogwarts Houses, they're in one of those schools.

-Merida: no-brainer, she's a Gryffindor through and through.

-Jack: I've always felt he's a Slytherin like most people do.

-Rapunzel: Hufflepuff. Here's where controversy begins. About a month ago, me and a friend were doing a game of Place the Character in the Hogwarts House. We both immediately said Rapunzel was Hufflepuff. I get it, most of the fandom for these guys that involve Hogwarts puts her in Ravenclaw. Here's the thing, she's not Ravenclaw in my opinion. She's open, loyal, humble, and cavity-inducing sweet. She's only good at the few things because she's locked away in a tower and, during her movie, we don't really know if she's that good at chess and she's limited to 3 books. Not enough to put her in Ravenclaw in my opinion, despite her mapping out the stars, though you don't just need to be a Ravenclaw to do that. I get it, she's imaginative, but that shouldn't overrule everything else about her. She's Hufflepuff for me, end of story.

-Hiccup: Ravenclaw. I know, he's got characteristics of Hufflepuff: not one to quickly judge, loyal, humble. Yep, that's Hufflepuff. But Hiccup's so smart. The way he made Toothless's tailfin is far ahead of his time period and, as a topper, he didn't have to go down and measure to make sure he had the proportions right. He just knew it off the top of his head by visualization. That's a skill very few have. He's creative when it came to inventing this design, realizing he'd have to ride Toothless, and then ultimately making a self-flying tailfin for him. On top of that, being a good seeker is actually a Ravenclaw trait, and Hiccup is invested on seeking the answers to something that doesn't make sense despite everyone else being fine stuck in their way of thinking. And, to end this, he's clever. He thought of how to defeat the Red Death in a way no other Viking would think of just because he's hung out with them in a way everyone before him hasn't.

-Snotlout: okay, before I say it, you might be angered that I did this, but these guys are important to the story, so suck it up. He's Gryffindor. Some might say Slytherin, but this idiot's not cunning. Ambitious? Not really. Determined? Only to win Astrid over, and even then, he ends up realizing sometime that that's not going to happen so he focuses more on Ruffnut.

-Astrid: Hufflepuff. Now, I get it, Astrid's insanely brave. That's worthy of Gryffindor. She's also cunning, ambitious, and determined. All Slytherin qualities. But what strikes me the most important factor about Astrid is her loyalty. She can still be the rest, but what singly drives her in the rest is her loyalty: her loyalty to her family, her loyalty to her tribe, and, most recently, her loyalty to Hiccup. As soon as you have her loyalty, it's unshakeable until you turn on her. Deadly Nadder's are said to be insanely loyal and Stormfly bonded with Astrid. What does that say? Think on that.

-Fishlegs: Ravenclaw. Period. I shouldn't have to explain this one.

-Ruffnut and Tuffnut: Slytherin. They are the most cunning little shits. They're ambitious and determined to do destruction. But they do it in a way that seems highly improbable and make it so. That's what I think makes them Slytherin. Besides, some of their pranks ... let's go with they can be worse than the Weasley twins'.

-Kristoff: Hufflepuff. Simple.

-Vanelope: Slytherin.

3) This is kind of placed in modern times, maybe more around the 2000s. However, there can still be tribes and higher ups that they appear like royalty and such because of how ancient wizarding society is. So, when the Viking tribes are mentioned, think of it as lack of technology but a little bit more modern clothing, or at least some shoved to the side for when they have to venture out of the archipelago and into muggle society. Merida's family is mostly treated as very important in both wizarding and muggle societies. Her mother, despite having no qualms with muggleborns, is still very traditional in the wizarding sense of marrying your child off or having suitors fight for their hand in marriage.

4) The story is going to show this more, but I imagined that there would be a bigger rift between Scots and Vikings by another factor outside of ancient wars: the Vikings sided with Pitch while the Scots were against him (for the wizarding society of Scots). In the story, you're going to see how Vikings from Berk are heavily affected from the tribe once supporting Pitch, to not at all now. Even then, there's still turmoil within the tribe over the decision. And ... I'm going to leave it at that. Can't spoil everything. *winks*

5) Final one, I promise. Everyone loves couples and shipping people. I'm guilty of that. So, the ships, for the most part, are canon. Hiccstrid, Flynn/Rapnuzel, Kristoff/Anna, and any other couples who are canon I can't think of off the top of my head. That doesn't mean I might not have Jelsa, I'm still debating on this one for now. Merida ... I've always imagined her not finding someone of the wizarding world (for this story at least), yet alone it being one of the Lords' sons. So, for the most part, she'll remain single. Maybe. I don't know, it's too early to tell.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter, Rise of the Guardians, How to Train your Dragon, Brave, Tangled, Frozen, Wreck It Ralph, and any other Disney/DreamWorks movies/shows/other-name-for-what-they-do I might end up using.


The Beginnings to it All

Hiccup stood in front of his dad, for once not looking forward to leaving for Hogwarts. Oh, he loved his school and his first ever friends. But what happened this recent summer with him discovering the truth about dragons, training a unholy offspring of lightning and death that acted more like a cat, being forced into dragon training, defeating the Red Death, losing a leg, and helping the tribe accept dragons, Hiccup wasn't confident in just leaving. He was the only one who really knew how to be helpful and, according to Gobber, had that special way with the dragons. If he had to choose someone else to entrust this duty upon, it'd been Astrid. But she was going to Hogwarts with him, along with the other dragon riders Snotlout, the Thorston twins, and Fishlegs. So, Hiccup had to depend on his dad and Gobber, along with letters if a desperate question arose that needed his special Hiccup flare.

"You know what you have to say?" Stoick asked and Hiccup nodded. They couldn't go around announcing the great deed Hiccup had achieved, or the real reason he lost his leg. Luckily, the lie was so close to the truth, Hiccup could easily say it and not give it away. Those were the best kinds of lies. He wasn't lying, but he wasn't giving the full information. Besides, being a Viking and nearing his fifteenth birthday, it'd be a reasonable conclusion on him losing his leg to a dragon. They'd just assume a Nadder or a Nightmare, not a dragon the size of a mountain.

"Yes, Dad," Hiccup sighed heavily with a goofy grin twitching at the edges of his lips.

"I'll miss you, Hiccup," Stoick said sincerely. Hiccup let the smile take over. It was nice to be fixing their relationship into something Hiccup had always dreamed of having. And the best part, Hiccup didn't have to be something else to achieve it.

"I'll miss you, too, Dad. Don't forget to owl if anything happens you and Gobber can't sort out," Hiccup reminded. Stoick nodded, his beard twitching enough to let Hiccup know his dad was smiling. Catching sight of golden blonde, Hiccup looked over to see Rapunzel, one of his friends, hugging her mother. She pulled away and walked to the train, waving at Hiccup as she went, a huge grin on her face. Hiccup waved back in return.

"You should get going," Stoick stated. Hiccup nodded, debating with himself for a moment. Well, screw it. He's been on the brink of death more than enough for him—and more than his dad knew about. Doing what he was going to do was nothing. Hiccup lunged forward, giving his dad the best hug he could for a skinny, short boy to a tall, vast father. It probably looked comical, but Hiccup didn't care. His dad hugged him back before pulling away.

"Bye Dad. See you for Snoggletog," Hiccup said, rushing towards the train. His foot didn't clank like it usually did after the silencing charm his dad had put on it. Hiccup was going to try as much as he could to not let anyone realize he was missing his leg. They would treat him with sympathy or pity or something else. Not like the tribe who had started to show him respect and some of the little kids ogling at the hero and his greatest scar.

It had taken forever to perfect the design so it didn't catch in the pants of his uniform. After two prototypes, seven adjustments, and nine pants, he and Gobber finally finalized on a design. The only problem was if anyone paid attention to his feet, they'd notice that he wasn't wearing one of his shoes. That would be the only give away, but Hiccup knew most didn't pay attention to that area. If they noticed, they noticed. If they asked, he'd give the lie. As much as he didn't like attention, this was the best they could manage in the small amount of three weeks.

Hiccup walked down the train, trying to find the compartment his friends were in. He found his fellow dragon riders, but they didn't expect him to hang out with them. It still weirded him out that he was friends with them. The only one he felt closest to was Astrid, after her was Fishlegs, and then the twins and Snotlout were tied after that. He'd rather hang out with Jack, Merida, and Rapunzel. Astrid understood that and made sure the others did, too. Yep, that crush was definitely deepening. Great.

He finally found the compartment due to Merida's Scottish brogue raising in volume. Hiccup couldn't make out the words, but opened the compartment to see Merida standing up, sticking her head out the window as she began to mutter.

"Okay," Hiccup said slowly, raising an eyebrow at the image. "What'd I miss?"

Jack grinned, his blue eyes dancing with mirth. His white hair was a mess like always, and Hiccup could still remember when Jack's hair was brown and his eyes were hazel and his skin was a warm peach color. Now his hair was white, eyes icy blue, and skin whiter than snow. Jack had only been able to tell the story once when he returned from Christmas break, about him and his sister going out skating and they both fell into the ice. Jack's magic had quickly adapted to save him, but it was unable to save his muggle sister.

Rapunzel was sitting opposite Jack. Her long blonde hair was weaved into a braid that brushed her ankles and was as wide as her back. Green eyes dancing with guilt and laughter, she had her legs pulled up to her chest, toes wiggling against the fabric. Her flats were placed on the cushion next to her.

Then there was Merida. She had reeled her head back in and was giving Hiccup a mild glare with her bright blue eyes. Her red hair puffed around her head, making her peach skin seem paler than it really was and freckles stand out just a bit more.

"Punzie was saying ye were saying bye tae yer da," Merida said, waving a hand at Rapunzel. That explained the guilt.

"So?" Hiccup asked, trying to play it off as nothing.

"So?" Merida mimicked, glaring deepening just the slightest as Hiccup placed his trunk in the overhead compartment. "Ye were nae close to yer da last year. Wit happened?"

"We reached an understanding," Hiccup deadpanned.

Nothing speaks more than bonding with your Viking dad over nearly fourteen years of not listening, disownment for not following tradition, near death via fire and crashing, killing the Red Death, and losing a leg.

"Please tell me it wasn't because of some life or death situation," Jack joked, nudging Hiccup's ribs side.

Hit the nail on the head, Hiccup thought while doing everything he could not to cringe. He was a Viking, pain should be nothing. After a week of being in a coma, he'd been able to walk as soon as he woke up. But Gothi had focused all her attention on his leg, not putting as much attention on his ribs, which were on the last stages of healing, but were still sensitive now.

"Uh, about that," Hiccup laughed nervously, adverting his eyes.

"Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III!" Merida snapped.

"Dude, not cool," Jack exclaimed.

"What happened?" Rapunzel asked.

"Um, I kinda, sorta, got in a fight with a dragon. And lost my leg," Hiccup mumbled out, rubbing the back of his neck as his friends stared at him.

"You know, when I said have a blast this summer, that's not what I meant," Jack deadpanned.

"Ye lost yer leg?" Merida asked.

"Are you okay?" Rapunzel rushed out.

"I'm fine, honest. Gothi healed me up just fine and Gobber and me worked out an awesome prosthetic," Hiccup explained, rolling his pants leg up to expose the metal, spring-coiled and gear-working prosthetic. This was his second greatest invention, right after Toothless's tailfin. At the thought of his dragon, Hiccup felt a pain in his chest from the separation. His dad promised he'd get the dragons into the Forbidden Forest. He and Headmaster Moon were once old friends and had rekindled their friendship after his dad rejected supporting Pitch.

Rapunzel seemed to want to double check, but slowly lowered her hands.

"If you say so," Jack sighed, scratching his head, eyes alight with worry and mild fear. Hiccup could only imagine what was going through his mind. He lost his sister and Jack had admitted thinking of Hiccup as a brother. Hiccup had basically just given Jack a heart attack in announcing he wound up in a life or death situation without any of them there.

Good job, Haddock. You made the guy who lost everything panic even more. What a great friend you are.

"Did ye hear, Hic?" Merida said, bouncing up and down, looking the least affected about the missing appendage. Then again, her father was also an amputee. If Hiccup didn't have Gobber, he'd asked Merida if he could send letters to him about how to deal with this. He still got sore and achy when he changed air pressure and temperature, which sometimes sucked during flying. That was the worst time to get it.

"What?" Hiccup asked, eyes wide. What did he miss? It had to be wizard related. Jack was a half-blood who grew up in the muggle world and his mom had been a muggle. Rapunzel had grown up in an isolated area for so long that her first ever experience of a crowd was when she went to Diagon Alley back in first year.

"Hogwarts is hosting the Triwizard Tournament," Merida exclaimed, throwing her arms out wide. "They're bringing in Beauxbatons Academy and Durmstrang Institute."

"Really?" Hiccup asked, perking up. The last time the Triwizard Tournament was held at Hogwarts was when his dad had been going. He'd been raving how mad he was that it was limited to seventh years and he was just a third year when they came through. And then, when Hogwarts entered the tournament again, he'd just graduated. He was still mad about that.

"I've heard of Beauxbatons," Rapunzel said, curling her toes into the train's carpet. "Max, two years ahead of us, was talking about the rivalry between Beauxbatons and Hogwarts last year. They said we're tied in equal wins with Beauxbatons."

"They're also said to be smoking hot," Jack said, nudging Hiccup again in the ribs. "Think we can get a few dates with them, Hic?"

"Ye'd have to tae wait for him tae be over Astrid," Merida snorted.

Hiccup blushed a deep red and shrunk in on himself, but was unable to keep a crooked grin off his face. They didn't realize how much of a chance he might actually have. Ever since that kidnapping-turned-midnight-flight, he and Astrid had become food friends and, if he had to choose one person from his tribe, he'd entrust his life in her very capable, slightly violent hands.

"You're right, Mer, that ain't happening anytime soon," Jack laughed. Hiccup lashed out at him, forgetting that his left foot was metal. "OW! HICCUP!"

"Whoops," Hiccup deadpanned, letting a smirk form on his lips. Jack opened his mouth to retort when the trolley came by. All four bought a few treats, Merida eating chocolate frogs and keeping some of the cards for her brothers, Rapunzel and Hiccup chewing on pumpkin pastries, and Jack deciding on every-flavor jellybeans.

Then it dawned on him on who the other school was.

"Mer, did you say Durmstrang?" Hiccup asked, keeping his voice from shaking as much as possible. His hand, however, wasn't on the same page and started to quake where it held his treat. Suddenly, he wasn't so hungry.

"Eh, fir wye?" Merida asked after swallowing a mouthful of chocolate.

"Son of a beiskaldi," Hiccup whispered, blushing when Rapunzel squeaked. He hadn't meant to say that, but sometimes Gobber's curses just came spewing out at random times.

"Hic, what's going on?" Jack asked, lowering the jellybean he was about to eat from his mouth.

"You guys know how I mentioned Snotlout and the twins weren't the worse bullies I've had?" Hiccup asked, pursing his lips at the thought of how his friends would later react when they found out he developed a friendship with some of his ex-bullies this summer. The three nodded. "Well, the worst goes to Durmstrang. And I know for a fact he's going to end up at Hogwarts for the Tournament because only seventh years can compete and he's in seventh year."

"Wit is his name?" Merida asked, voice low and Scottish brogue rumbling.

"Dagur the Deranged," Hiccup answered, gulping at the name. He still remembered the knives being thrown at him while he had to remain perfectly still and nearly being drowned. Dagur had also made Fishlegs eat some rotten fish and the twins didn't mention what happened to them. He was the one common enemy that had teamed all the riders up before the whole debacle this summer. They tried to not be separated, but Hiccup being the son of the chief and Dagur the heir to the Berserker Tribe, there was no going around it that Hiccup was usually his main victim.

"So, not only do we have to save you from your regular bullies, but also this madman?" Jack asked.

"Eh, you won't have to worry about Snotlout and the twins. Dagur's the one person we all band together to not be victims. And since it's not for treaty reasons, I can avoid him all I want," Hiccup explained, shuddering.

"Oh, that's good," Rapunzel sighed.

"Isn't Durmstrang also the school that one Quidditch player comes from?" Jack asked, changing the conversation and Hiccup was eternally grateful. Jack just always seemed to know when Hiccup wanted off a topic.

"Flynn Rider?" Merida asked, that glimmer back in her eyes. "He's the best and it's sad he isnae playing for the Scottish team, but the Bulgarians. Bleh!"

"Didn't the Irish beat the Scots this year?" Hiccup asked, confused. The Bulgarians never competed with the Scots this year.

"That's beside the point!" Merida exclaimed.

"But the Irish beat the Bulgarians. You gotta admit, you'd rather have the Irish win than the Bulgarians," Hiccup countered. Merida nodded stiffly in agreement, resigned to having lost the argument. It turned out to be a lot harder to argue with a Ravenclaw who knew what they were doing or a Slytherin who had a cool head.

"Wit did ye do this summer, Punzie?" Merida asked to change the conversation.

"Oh, nothing much," Rapunzel said, her dazzling smile fixed on her face. Though Hiccup would say that it didn't seem to contain all of Rapunzel's natural enthusiasm.

"No painting a new wall?" Jack asked, raising an eyebrow, laughter in his voice.

"No, I ran out. So, I used my hair to paint some of the ceiling," Rapunzel said, all of her enthusiasm in her voice.

"Mum would kill me if Ah did wit ye did," Merida snorted.

"Mother tried to stop me from a young age, but realized it kept me busy," Rapunzel laughed. And there, when she mentioned her mother, her enthusiasm dropped. Usually it was strengthened. Hiccup realized he wasn't the only one keeping the truth from his friends. He wasn't going to pry. Not only would he be a hypocrite, but he didn't want to be called out as a hypocrite when it was later revealed that he had kept the truth from them.

"We have O.W.L.s this year, right?" Jack asked.

"Yep," Hiccup said, nodding his head. His stomach rolled at the thought, but not as bad as it probably would have before this summer. Despite being in Ravenclaw, he'd never tried to really apply himself. Maybe, just maybe, this year he could gain the confidence to start really trying.

Merida groaned loudly, sliding down her seat as Rapunzel giggled at the display.

"It can't be that bad," Rapunzel laughed.

"It could be worse," Hiccup elaborated, eyes glittering dangerously. "We could be taking N.E.W.T.s."

"But that's next year," Merida whined.

"Oh, never mind, I guess it could be worse," Hiccup laughed.

"We can all study together again!" Rapunzel exclaimed, jumping up and spreading her arms wide. The other three laughed and Hiccup felt himself settling back into them. But the idea of Dagur being at Hogwarts niggled at the edge of his mind. He had to tell the other riders or at least Astrid or Fishlegs.

"Hey, guys, I need to tell the others about Dagur," Hiccup said, standing up.

"Fir wye?" Merida snapped, glaring fiercely with hands on her hips.

"Pact," Hiccup explained weakly.

"Wit have those eejits done for ye?" Merida asked. Hiccup knew it was rhetorical. Anger bubbled in his stomach for a moment. He was ready to throw away what his dad had said about keeping what happened a secret. Those "eejits" as Merida called them had helped him when they didn't need to. In the Hairy Hooligan Tribe, those were his shield brothers and sisters. They've fought next to each other and faced a hideous beast of a dragon on the backs of their dragons.

He couldn't say that, not without spilling everything.

"You don't know everything, Mer," Hiccup stated lowly, feeling strength he seemed to only have when Toothless was around seeping into his bones. He knew they were shocked. Hiccup had never acted like this beforehand. It was out of character for them.

Silence hung in the air for a solid minute until ...

"Do you want me to go with you?" Jack asked.

Hiccup froze.

He was glad Jack was at least taking him seriously in a way. Or at least willing to believe Hiccup enough that he needed to go tell the others. But he wanted to be able to tell the others up front without having to fear someone overhearing their conversation.

But if he said no, that'd be suspicious. He'd have to explain why he was now so comfortable around them that he didn't need at least one of them near him when he came back. He couldn't lie that well to say they bonded over dragon training. Okay, because of the name for dragon-fighting lessons, Hiccup might be able to get away with it, if he really thought about it one way instead of the other. But he couldn't do it. He was already lying and he'd rather not make it too much of habit

"Okay, just stay a little way behind. They might think it's a prank or something if they see you," Hiccup explained. That was reasonable. They all knew how easily the Thorston twins jumped to conclusions of different kinds of pranks as soon as they saw Jack. They'd always wanted to do one with the master legend—their words, not Hiccup's—but Jack had refused once he found out that they picked on Hiccup. Maybe he should tell his friends about the strange acquaintance-friendship he had formed with these guys. If only to witness the complete hilarity that would follow between Jack and the twins.

Or maybe not. He liked Hogwarts standing, not as a pile of rubble.

Jack nodded and they left quickly before Merida could get a say in the manner. Rapunzel gave Hiccup a look that spoke volumes on how she supported him but still feared for his overall safety. Hiccup lead Jack to the compartment the other riders were in. Motioning to Jack to wait within shouting distance, Hiccup walked over to the door and knocked. It slid open revealing Astrid. She gave the smallest smirk, already dressed in her Hufflepuff robes while the others had dressed in their own robes: the twins in Slytherin green, Snotlout in Gryffindor scarlet, and Fishlegs in Ravenclaw blue.

"What's up?" Astrid asked.

"Merida said Hogwarts is hosting the Triwizard Tournament and that Beauxbatons and Durmstrang are competing, too," Hiccup rushed out, putting emphasis on the dreaded name. Fishlegs and Astrid both paled. Snotlout and the twins were unaffected. "Dagur's going to be at Hogwarts." The others paled, too. "The dragons will be in the Forbidden Forest. We have to avoid Dagur while at the same time making sure he doesn't find them."

"Any instructions?" Astrid asked, looking ready like the shield maiden she was.

"Snotlout, Ruff, Tuff, Fishlegs, don't go see the dragons without me or Astrid. Yeah, I know, you guys are getting better at handling your dragons, but me and Astrid are the best encase something happens," Hiccup explained, shooting Snotlout and the twins a specific look. "You three especially. Ruff, Tuff, I know you like exploding stuff, but we can't at all. Not without risking the discovery of our dragons and Dagur killing them to mount their heads. Snotlout, I know you like practicing everything with Hookfang, but this time, we just can'. If you want to fly, you have to sneak out at night. Got it?"

The five nodded, though Snotlout seemed mildly irritated.

"Why's Astrid not on the list?" Snotlout whined.

"Because she can calm all the dragons like I can if need be. You're lucky to calm Hookfang down when she's frightened or irritated. The twins like watching the destruction and Fishlegs still needs to build up confidence to consul the other dragons," Hiccup explained easily, though his voice still sounded timid to his ears. He'd have to work on that. Snotlout nodded, grumbling beneath his breath about too smart Ravenclaws. Hiccup would take that compliment any day.

"Thanks for the warning," Astrid said, her voice just a little louder. He knew that was a signal Jack had moved just a little bit closer because it was taking too long.

"No problem," Hiccup replied at the same volume and scurried off. Jack gave him a look and Hiccup knew he wanted an explanation. "They wanted a little more detail on some passageways. I know Astrid knew some and the twins knew plenty, but Snotlout and Fishlegs didn't. I was explaining some of the ones we found."

"Not the ones we usually use?" Jack asked.

"I'm not stupid," Hiccup laughed, nudging Jack this time.

"Let's get back to the girls. I want to hear what Merida's gotta say to us about our display," Jack announced, grabbing Hiccup's elbow and dragging him back to the train compartment.

The auburn-haired boy was grinning the whole time. It was good to be back.