"It's beautiful…" Drusilla murmured softly, but loudly enough for Hiccup to hear, as she gazed up at the strange and twisted spires.

"Yes…" Hiccup agreed, standing purposefully a little ways from her. "It is quite beautiful. It is where I married my wife."

Drusilla looked at him quickly, before just as quickly returning her gaze to the spires. "And—and this," she said, her tone accidentally indicating her eagerness to change the subject, "This is where the podium used to rest?"

Hiccup nodded.

"It's so…clever…the way your ancestors were able to form this," she noted.

"I'm afraid my ancestors did no such thing," Hiccup answered. "This was formed by the creatures who lived here long ago—before we chased them to the North."

"Really?" Drusilla frowned. "But it is yours now, is it not?"

"I suppose so," he answered, a little blandly. "It's no one's now."

Drusilla smiled, and he was struck again by how charming her smile was. How he wished Astrid would smile so willingly at him. Sobering thoughts rushed into his head at the thought of Astrid. She had avoided him all morning, after receiving the news that he was to escort Lady Drusilla to the Old Citadel. He wished Astrid wasn't always so petty about such things—he wanted a chance to explain why he had to escort the lady—how he had inadvertently promised to, and couldn't break his word. He sighed audibly.

"Is something wrong, My Lord?" Drusilla asked, worry on her face and in her voice. She took a step towards him, but he put up his hand to stop halt her.

"No," he answered. "I'm fine." He looked back up at the spires, wondering, as he often did, what they were and how they were made—and what, exactly, made them. After all, they had to have been made from the Old Ones, but… he knew hardly anything about them, except what he learned on the battlefield.

He sighed again, and felt a gentle hand lay to rest on his arm. He looked over, startled to find that Drusilla was now at his side, gazing up at him with worry. "Let us return to the palace," she said. "You are unwell, My Lord."

He gently shrugged off her hand, nodding. He turned and walked briskly over to their steeds and the sentries waiting for them, and she quickly followed him.

"Perhaps we can finish the tour tomorrow, when you have recovered," she said hopefully, as a sentry helped her into the saddle of her dragon—an elegant beast, as beautiful and delicate as she was. "I actually am very interested in seeing…oh—there is so much I want to see about the capitol…"

Hiccup bit back a scowl. Decorum required him to agree to finish her tour—and give her an extended tour, as she wished. If her father were not so powerful, and a such a much needed ally in the North, he would have refused outright. But instead, he found himself saying, much against his better judgement, "It would be my delight, Lady Drusilla."

She beamed at him.

"Perhaps my wife can join us," he continued. "She spends more time in the capitol than I do—I'm sure she knows it like the back of her hand. I'm even sure even I'd learn something new."

He glanced at Lady Drusilla to see her face blanch with what looked like disappointment and fear. "Oh…" she said softly. "That's…well…that's…that would be wonderful."

She looked straight ahead, and he almost felt sorry for her. After all, her father and Lord Beira might be pushing her into this without considering her own feelings. Perhaps she was just as reluctant as Hiccup was at the idea.

"It's settled then," Hiccup said. "After my daughter's birthday celebration—my wife and I will give you the extended tour."

He watched as Astrid paced her bedchamber. He had found her this way, when he had arrived for the night. Somehow… somehow… Astrid had in her mind that Hiccup had ulterior motives for showing the young Lady Drusilla to the citadel.

"I told you, it's nothing," he explained for what felt like the twentieth time. "I accidentally told her I would give her a tour of the Citadel—I couldn't exactly go back on my word."

"It's not that," she said, sitting down heavily on a chest and glaring at him. "I trust you, Hiccup…I suppose…" she trailed off, deep in thought, and he felt a stab of pain in his chest at those two simple, but gut-wrenching words. I suppose.

"Astrid…" he took a step forward, but she put a hand up to stop him. He halted. "Astrid…you can trust me."

She didn't reply, still looking into the distance, at who knows what, with a calculating expression.

"It's more who she is that bothers me," Astrid continued. "It was how she was introduced. You say that Beira was the one who introduced her to you?"

"Well, technically her father introduced her—" he grinned when she sent him another glare. "Look, Astrid—It's not like I have feelings for her. Just because Beira clearly wants her to bear my heir doesn't mean that she will. I have a say in the matter, you know."

She raised an eyebrow. "I think you'll find," she said quietly. "That in this court, no one has much of a say in anything."

"Are you daring to say," he began, walking towards her and sliding down on his knees between her legs, "That I don't have control of my own court?"

He kissed her lips, and drew away, before carefully taking the hem of her nightdress and lifting it up. He grinned as he heard her breath hitch as he lowered his head, working his tongue between her thighs, enthralled by the sensation of her uneven breathing and trembling body.

He did love when she brought him to his knees.

"Your majesty!" a loud booming voice called out to him, and Hiccup paused to see Lord Ackfuros wave him over to where he was standing with another lord.

Hiccup grimaced slightly, but quickly recovered. It was the night before Ky's birthing day—and… he had, as always, promised he would join Astrid in her bedchamber. But of course, there was still time to get there, and he could spend a few moments doing his duty as king. He put on a grin as he approached Lord Ackfuros. "How are you, Ackfuros?" he asked.

The older man clapped him on the shoulder. "I'm good, I'm good," he said. "Congratulations on your daughter's first birthday."

Hiccup grinned at him, before Ackfuros continued, "Why don't we celebrate? Join me for a drink!"

"I really don't think—Oh," Hiccup found himself being steered towards a small reception hall, where many other lords and a few of the council were already celebrating.

"To the princess!" Ackfuros bellowed loudly and cheerfully, as he, Hiccup, and the other lord, whom Hiccup remembered was named Laof, entered. The room cheered, and Hiccup was impressed that so many of his council were pleased with the princess' birthday. "Here," Ackfuros shoved a large mug of mead into Hiccup's hands. "Drink, My Lord."

He continued to steer Hiccup to a seat by the large fireplace, where Lord Beira was animatedly chatting with someone else—though who it was, Hiccup didn't quite remember. They both greeting him as Hiccup approached, and Hiccup sat down. As the four lords around him began to talk about some business deal, Hiccup took a few sips of his drink, and then a few more, not feeling like putting his input in, and not knowing what else to do without insulting the lords by making an escape. Before he knew it, he had finished his mug—and was about to stand up to proclaim he was going to bed, when another mug of ale was pressed into his hand.

"Your majesty," Ackfuros said, after Hiccup had sat back down for a few minutes. "The Queen…your wife…"

"My wife?" Hiccup asked, taking a sip—his mind was already growing numb, slow, and thick. There was something odd about this ale. He was usually able to hold his alcohol well, and yet he was already feeling drowsy.

"Yes, the Queen," Ackfuros said. "Surely… she is with child again? After all, the princess is a year old already…"

Hiccup cocked his head to one side, trying to clear his mind. He blinked, and then shook his head. "No, I don't believe she is."

"The Queen is barren," Lord Beira said, looking forlorn. "Alas, that she will not be able to give this kingdom a second child—an heir."

Hiccup tried to glare at him, and set down his mug. "She's not… she's not… Ky—Kaylisime—Princess Kaylisime will be Queen when I pass."

"Oh, how I wish it could be so!" Beira said, lifting up his own mug in agreement. "But My Lord—you know the law passed by your great-grandfather, no woman can inherit the title, unless through marriage."

"That's…" Hiccup wasn't thinking clearly. What Beira said seemed to make sense. After all, it was the law. And how was he going to change the law, anyway? When all the lawmakers in the Wilderwest seemed content with Ky not inheriting the throne? "Well, what do you suggest?" he asked, his words slurring slightly. He blinked again, trying to clear his thoughts and find some sort of dignified way of thinking and speaking.

He found he was thirsty, so he reached for his mug again, taking another sip.

"There is always a way," Beira said, contemplating. "What if, My Lord, you beget the heir through another? In fact, I can think of no one better than Lady Drusilla—the joining of your families could strengthen the Wilderwest."

Hiccup's lip curled slightly, "Drusilla?" he asked. "I won't…no one other than Astrid." He blinked rapidly. Something was wrong. Why couldn't he speak clearly?

"Are you saying that my daughter is less worthy than the queen?" Ackfuros said, his face reddening slightly. "What about her, exactly, is lacking in some way?"

Hiccup stared at him. Was he insulted that his daughter wouldn't have the opportunity to whore herself to his king? "That's not what I meant," he said. "I just think…you know…I don't want to replace Astrid."

"Good heavens," Beira laughed. "No one is suggesting that. But the queen is stressed—I hear her health is declining due to it. Imagine if you were able to having another woman bear your heir, and then you, and your queen—and your daughter—can live in familial bliss knowing that the kingdom is well provided for."

That… made some sense, Hiccup had to admit. He did need an heir. But he had promised to Astrid—both to her, and to himself—that he would remain faithful.

"After all, the law is the law, and it is the old laws, which cannot be changed by one king," Beira said. "Trust me, My Lord—I could wish for nothing more than to make Princess Kaylisime the Ruling Queen—but alas, it cannot be. Your people are anxious with you away at war so often, and they will be thrown into turmoil should something should happen to you…without an heir to replace you, should the worst happen."

Hiccup nodded slowly, his mind growing thicker and slower by the second.

"So why not give your people what they deserve?" Beira asked, leaning forward with a spark in his eye. His companion produced a scroll, and Beira opened it up. "Give your people your utmost priority, peace of mind… Security for their future…"

Hiccup looked down at the paper, at the contract written on it, and, unable to consult his better judgment, reached for the quill that Lord Ackfuros offered him.

Astrid woke with a start, reaching for Hiccup—but found he was gone. He still had not come to their bed. Strange, that he had not visited her this night, especially since he had promised to. It had become somewhat expectant, these days, that he should visit her bedchamber each night. Which was why on this night, his lack of presence was concerning.

She pushed out the nagging thought that he was in danger of some sort, and rolled over, wishing he would join her—and half wishing he wouldn't. Should she tell the sentries to bar his entrance should he try to visit? No, she would not. She did not want to start her daughter's birthday with a squabble over something as tiny as him forgetting to come to her bed.

When she woke again that morning, she sat up, blinking against the bright light let in from the curtains opening. "Good Morning, your highness," Heather said pleasantly. A little too pleasantly. "How are you this morning?"

"Tired," Astrid said, yawning. "How is Ky?"

"She's fine," Heather said, rummaging through one of the chests. She seemed to find what she was looking for, for soon she was walking across the room and adjusting things on one of the vanities. Astrid realized Heather was fidgeting.

"What is it?" Astrid asked.

Heather sighed, turning to look at her. There was something odd in her eyes, the way she looked at Astrid—but what could it be?

"What is wrong?" Astrid asked again.

"I don't believe it is my place to say," Heather said. "You'll have to ask Hiccup."

"Hiccup?" Astrid blinked. "What do I have to ask Hiccup about?"

"Oh, I think he'll know," Heather said, a deep scowl crossing her face. The pleasant visage soon returned. "But for now, let us tidy you up. You will have luncheon with his lordship, he requested that yesterday—and then you, unfortunately, have to entertain some of the ladies of the court, but nothing you aren't used to."

"Of course," Astrid said. "Luncheon?"

"It is quite late, Milady," Heather said, smirking at her. "It's half an hour till noon."

"Oh!" Astrid darted out of bed, hurrying to get dressed. Heather and Ruby aided her, she gave Ky a quick kiss goodbye, and hurried to her husband's private dining chamber, a sentry in tail.

Hiccup's head was bowed to the table, when she arrived. He didn't seem to have noticed that she was there, and when one of the valets pulled out a chair for her, his head sprung up, and he blinked much like she did when the curtains were drawn earlier that morning. He looked… horrible. Ashen faced, with a slight olive green hue to his skin. He looked like he was gravely ill. Or…

Just hungover.

She smirked. "Have a little too much to drink at the festivities last night?" she asked.

Hiccup's face seemed to fall even more ashen. He nodded, his lips tight, as if he was fighting the urge to hurl.

"You can go back to your bed, if you wish," she said, as she helped herself to food. "I won't stop you."

Hiccup was gazing at her, with a horrible look on his face. "What is it?" she asked. "Did something happen last night?"

"No," he answered a little too quickly. "I just… I just got drunk, and…"

"And what," Astrid asked, cocking her head and gazing at him in concern.

"I ended up agreeing to a contract," he said. "Of sorts."

"Oh? What kind?"

His face paled even more, turning a nasty grayish color. "I'll tell you later," he murmured, a little dismissively.

"You don't seem very eager about this… contract," Astrid said. "Is it something bad?"

He rubbed his temple with his hands. "It's…" he licked his lips uncomfortably. "Point is, I don't want to think about it right now. I don't want to think about it until it's necessary to think…or act on it." He looked like he was going to be ill again.

"Why don't you go back to bed and rest," she said. "Eret and I can take care of your duties today."

He nodded. "Will you join me?" he asked, finally.

"I think you'll find it hard for me to complete your duties while shacking it up with you," she laughed.

"I mean it, Astrid," he said, looking at her pleadingly. "I don't feel well and… I could use the company. The company of someone I can trust."

She gazed at him. "Very well," she said, "But only until about three, as I have to have tea with some of the court ladies."

He nodded.

She rose, getting ready to return to her bedchamber and wait for him there, when he called out, "No, I want to…" he crooked his head in the direction of the door that led to his own bedchamber.

Her eyes widened slightly. "But—" she began, surprised beyond words. In all their years of marriage, she had never visited his private room. His dining chamber, offices, library… yes. But not his bedchamber. At another pleading look, she smiled. "Of course," she said.

She was pleased. Perhaps this meant that their relationship was truly, truly, something now.

"Hiccup…" she murmured, and she blushed in embarrassment as his name slurred into a moan as his kisses turned into tender nips along her neck. "Hiccup!"

"What?" he asked, drawing away from her. His hand—that clever, traitorous, talented hand—was still working between her thighs, causing her breathing to come out in uneven bursts, her hips squirming slightly despite her best efforts to control them.

"I have to get ready," she said, a little breathlessly.

"Just stay a little longer," he murmured, resuming his kisses on her neck. She realized he was working his way to her breasts.

"Hiccup…" She was close to her climax, and she found it increasingly difficult to concentrate on the fact that she needed to make herself presentable in order to be presented to the ladies of the court. He kissed her lips, and she clung to him as his fingers completed their task, her body arching into his embrace.

He exhaled as he draw away from her, and she grasped him by the shoulders to draw him close again. "Hiccup…" she said, laboring slightly to keep her breathing steady.

He settled next to her, his fingers dancing along parts of her body.

"What kind of contact did you sign?" she asked.

His body stiffened slightly, and then suddenly he rolled away from her, to the other side of his impressively large bed.

She sat up, gazing at his back in confusion. "Is it bad?" she asked.

"I… don't want to talk about it," he said, his voice somewhat thick.

She reached for him, and he flinched slightly as she touched his bare back. "You can talk to me, Hiccup," she said.

When he didn't answer, she sighed, and rose from the bed. "I'll have to get ready," she said. "I can't be late for tea, and… there's the council meeting to attest to."

"The council meeting?" he sat up suddenly. "No, no—you can't go to that!"

"Why not?" she asked, amused. "I attend whenever you are not here."

"Not today you can't," he said, his pallor returning to an ashen color. "No—I'll go."

She blinked, and nodded. "Very well," she said. "I'll see you at the celebrations tonight."

He tried to smile, but seemed to fail to, and, worried but knowing he would not answer if she asked again, she rang for a servant to help her dress. Once suitable to walk through the halls of the palace, she returned to her own chambers to make herself presentable.

"Ah, yes," Ruffnut said, sticking a pinky finger up in the air—"Just like this…isn't that right, Astrid?"

Astrid resisted the urge to let out a snort. Whoever invited Ruffnut to this gathering was surely stretching the limits of what 'proper' society consisted of. Her old friend had come to celebrate the birthday of the princess, but Astrid was thankful that she was here. She could use an ally in the court at Berk at the moment.

Lady Drusilla gazed at Ruffnut with a perturbed look on her face.

"Lady Ruffnut is of course, jesting, Lady Drusilla," Astrid explained. "She is ever the jester."

Ruffnut laughed, but she was the only one who did so.

"Oh," Lady Drusilla said, frowning. "I see…" she turned her dark blue-gray eyes on Astrid. "How fare you this day, Your Majesty?"

"I am well, thank you," Astrid said. "And yourself?"

Lady Drusilla looked relived. About what, Astrid could not begin to guess. "I am well, as well," she said, looking as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. "I hope there is no… hard feelings between us, going forward."

A silence fell upon the room, and all eyes turned towards Drusilla. "Of course not," Astrid said, smiling, though she did not understand the young lady's words. Because Hiccup escorted her on a tour? Of course that is nothing to be petty over. Not by itself.

"I am looking forward to the rest of my tour," Drusilla said. "His Lordship told me that you will be joining us?" She seemed to be choosing her words carefully, and Astrid could tell that Drusilla was hoping Astrid would decline.

"Of course I will," Astrid said, smiling sweetly at Drusilla, though inwardly she made a note to berate Hiccup for agreeing for her to do something without consulting her first. "I daresay I know this city better than my husband does, at this point."

"Oh, good," Drusilla said, looking disappointed. Astrid hid a smirk with a teacup. "So… no hard feelings between us?"

"What is there to have hard feelings over?" Astrid asked.

Drusilla blinked, and nodded. "Of course," she said. "You are absolutely right."

Astrid smiled, before Eret arrived. "Milady," he said, bowing, "You must retire now to get ready for the ball tonight."

"Of course," Astrid said, rising from her seat. "Thank you all for joining me today. And especially you, Lady Drusilla."

She turned and followed Eret from the room.

"That was an odd tea party," she noted. "I wonder what Lady Drusilla's manner was about."

Eret shifted slightly in his steps, and she realized that something she had said had made him uncomfortable. "What is it?" she asked.

She looked forward, to see that Lord Beira was approaching them. He was talking with a young man—the royal scribe, Astrid realized, and straightened her back.

"Ah, Your Majesty," Beira bowed low, as did the scribe. "We were just discussing you."

"I hope nothing has gone amiss?" Astrid asked.

"No, no—we are all so pleased that things are finally going well for the kingdom," Beira said, smiling at her. "Aren't we, Jerold?"

The young man nodded, but looked warily, and, strangely enough, apologetically at Astrid.

"Has something append in the North?" Astrid asked, returning her gaze to Beira. "An event or battle won that I am not aware of?"

"Oh, no," Beira said. "We are just rejoicing that an heir will finally be born for the kingdom, of course."

Astrid blinked, a flush creeping up her neck. "I see," she said. "And where did you hear that rumor?"

"Oh," Beira frowned. "Of course, oh… this is awkward. Of course we do not mean yourself, your Majesty, but…rather…That an heir will soon be conceived for his Lordship…through…alternative means."

She blinked again, and Eret shifted uncomfortably beside her. "What do you mean?" she asked, her voice quiet and forced.

Beira's frown deepened. "Did you not know?" he asked, feigning innocence. "His Lordship has agreed to beget an heir with Lord Ackfuros' daughter, the Lady Drusilla."

Astrid felt something cold and hard settle deep within her gut at Lord Beira's words.

Everything made sense.

Lady Drusilla's cryptic words… Hiccup's hesitancy to tell her the details of the contract… Eret and Heather's manner towards her…

She suddenly realized what the look in Heather's eyes this morning was.


It took all of Astrid's willpower not to sway, or give any indication that she was shocked beyond reaction. "Of course," Astrid said, inclining her head. "That is reason to celebrate. An heir will bring…peace and hope to the kingdom." She gazed at Beira coldly. "Good day, Lord Beira."

"Until the birthday celebration, then," Lord Beira said, bowing.

Astrid nodded, curtsied, and walked on beyond Beira, Eret following in her wake.

Astrid didn't know how to react. She had expected this—long ago, when she kept bearing babes that did not live, and even at the birth of Ky. But now? Now when Hiccup had so eagerly and resolutely insisted that he would never take a mistress…now that he said he loved her?

Her mouth trembled into a line of rage.

He loved her.

She wanted to scoff at those words now.

How could she have been so foolish as to believe him? To believe that he cared about her?

If only he had not…

She swayed slightly, and felt Eret's hands gently pressed into her arms, steadying her. "Are you alright, My Lady?" he asked.

"I'm fine," she spat, starting forward again, heading for her chambers.

Hiccup might be a fool—to think he could play with her heart like this.

But there was no greater fool than she—for trusting he was ever sincere.

To be continued…

Uh Oh…..

Thanks for reading!

Sorry for how long it's taken to post an update to this story! Let me know if any of y'all would be interested in reading more and I'll try to get the next chapter up soon!