The past Lydia will be called Lydia and the future Lydia will be called Lydia.

Chapter 2

It was nearly 3 am by the time everyone came, everyone except Derek. He was sedated and sleeping in the Animal Clinic. When Lydia walked in with Deaton and saw a woman looking so much like her she nearly fainted on the living room couch of the Stilinskis'.

Deaton looked at the future Lydia, "Extraordinary. How come you are here?"

"The Sacred Nine Witches." Was all that Lydia replied and Deaton nodded, he himself has never had a run in with them but has heard about them before.

After Melissa checked Lydia and gave her some medicines, she decided it was time to tell them about what happened to her.

Everyone started to become comfortable and took a seat. There was not enough room on the couch so Scott and Stiles sat on the floor along with Malia.

"Could one of you bring the brown chair from the study room?" Lydia asked Scott and Stiles.

When she asked this Lydia and Deaton both looked at her inquisitively.

"What? That chair is comfortable and my back is killing me." Lydia explained.

Scott went and brought it for her.

"So if any of you has some questions ask now, don't interrupt me when I talk." Lydia said.

Lydia couldn't help but notice the rings on her fingers.

"You are engaged?" Lydia asked, well apparently herself from the future.

"Yes, married actually."

Everyone went quiet after hearing this.

Scott was the first one to recover, "You are married?! But you are only from like 5 years in the future."

"I am. I am 22 and I got married 6 months ago."

Lydia asked next, " So do we know him? What does he do? Does he know about all the supernatural? Is he hot?"

There was a round of laughter at the last question.

"Breathe Lydia. Yes you know him. He is an FBI agent, just completed his training. He knows all about the supernatural and yes he is VERY hot."

Stiles heard all this. That is definitely not me.

Then he said, " I can't believe you married so early."

"Neither can I. But sometimes you are so irrevocably in love that staying apart seems impossible." This time Lydia stared at Stiles longer than necessary, it was making him uncomfortable.

"So what do I do? And Stiles?" Scott asked excitedly.

"Don't give anymore information about the future. What if we change it?" Lydia told.

"No, nothing is going to happen to the future." Deaton explained.

"Why don't you tell us the story about how you got here." He continued.

Lydia started her story.

"The pack is bigger in our time than it is now. There is us and then Liam, Hayden, Mason, Corey and Theo. Derek left town at the end of our junior year at High School but still keeps in touch. So when we all came to Beacon Hills to celebrate Christmas, we came to know about his coven of witches who call themselves 'The Sacred Nine'. There is nine of them and they are scary. They don't just do magic, they are shapeshifters as well not like a werewolf or anything. Their bodies become one, all nine of them or at times each of their bodies cut into halves. When they came to Beacon Hills to meet with our pack, we were not sure what to do. They said that they want to see how powerful we are together. We did not understand them what they meant by,' We will test you. You might fail or you might pass. But if you give up you will lose everything.' When we went to the clinic to research about them we got to know that they can tamper with time. I went to bed as usual but when I woke up I was here, in the past. They just want to see our power together. The best part is when I go back you will all forget this ever happened."

Hearing all this was very overwhelming for everyone.

Kira said, " So, apparently witches are real."

Lydia nodded. " Anything else you people want to know?"

"Yes. As you know, we will forget about everything. So telling us about the future should not be a problem." Scott said.

Lydia smiled, "You are studying to become a veterinarian, Malia is completing her final year at dance school, Kira has just completed her degree in English and Stiles just came out of Quantico."

"Cool. I am an FBI agent!" Stiles exclaimed and high fived Scott. Both of them grinning like idiots.

"I just told you were one 20 minutes ago." Lydia said.

"No you did not." Malia replied.

"Yes I did. Remember my husband is an FBI agent." Lydia waved her hand to show her wedding band, which was the same one Claudia Stilinski wore.

" Holy shit! Stiles and Lydia are married!" Scott exclaimed loudly.

Here is the next chapter. I could not proof read it but I hope you like it.

Please do review!