My first ever story on this site.I don't own Teen Wolf or any of the characters. This story is for entertainment purposes. Starts at the beginning of Season 4.

Chapter 1

It is NOT normal to come in your room in the middle of the night and find a girl sleeping in your bed, snuggled deep in your blanket. Well not normal for other people but for Stiles Stilinski it is a whole new different story.

The pack had just brought Derek back from Mexico. Albeit he is not the same Derek well not in mind and body anyway, they still just brought him back. He was with Deaton and Lydia at the Animal Clinic.

But when Stiles came back home after a really adventurous and tiring day he found that a beautiful angel is sleeping in his bed.

When he went to get a closer look he found that it was Lydia Martin. How could she be here Scott and I just left her at the animal clinic? She kind of looked a little different. For starters her hair was longer and she looked as if she was in pain. What is happening? How did her hair grow in literally 20 minutes? Could Lydia have a cousin or a sister? If so then who was this woman in his bed?

Stiles quickly dialed Scott and asked him to come.

"Stiles I just came home and Dad is not very happy with me for skipping dinner."

"Just come and bring your Mom, Kira and Malia with you. Trust me you want to see this." Stiles replied.

He thought of waking the woman up but then decided against it and waited for his pack to get here.

When Scott and the others came in his room along with the Sheriff who was comparitively new to all this, they were all shocked.

Scott asked in a hushed voice, " Is that Lydia?"

"I don't know." Stiles replied.

"We should probably wake her up." Melissa suggested.

She went close to the woman and touched her hand.

"Excuse me will you please wake up."

The woman on the bed stirred and murmured, "Hmmmm Stiles 2 more minutes."

Everyone's eyes were on Stiles after this.

" I have no idea who this woman is or how she knows me."

Melissa turned back to the woman and tried again. "Stiles! Please just come back to bed."

Now everyone was just too surprised to say anything. Why would Stiles go back to bed with her when he does not even know her?

But after a minute the woman on the bed rubbed her eyes and opened them. The first person she noticed was Scott.

"Scott what are you doing here? I thought we all agreeed to meet at Derek's place in the evening?"

"We did? I don't think so. Tell us who you are."

After hearing Scott say this the woman became very confused. She saw that Kira, Malia, Melissa and Stiles Dad were all standing there surrounding her. But when her eyes landed on Stiles, she bolted from the bed and hugged him tightly.

"Thank God you are here Stiles."

But for some reason Stiles was not hugging her back. She looked up at his face to ask what happened but before she could Stiles pushed her away from him.

"Look woman who ever you are I do not know you and you look like an imposter of our friend. So why don't you start talking before my friend over there," he pointed to Scott," makes you talk."

That is when everything came crashing back to Lydia. The vacation in Beacon Hills. The Sacred Nine Witches.

"What is the date today?"

Kira replied, " 23rd March 2012. Why?"

"Because for me it is 20th December 2017"

There was a collective gasp in the room.

"Call Deaton, Lydia and Derek. There is something you all need to know." The woman explained.

"But who are you?" Malia asked.

"Hello its Lydia. Lydia Sti...Martin. I am Lydia Martin."

This is the end of Chapter 1. I hope you all liked it. I will try to keep this story short. Please do review.