Disclaimer: I don't own anything Marvel. Just Jamie.
Chapter 1
"Normal" didn't take long to get back to. Once Jamie moved her things into her room at the Tower, she slowly started to get back into a routine. Seeing as she didn't have much to begin with, it didn't take long to move back in, and the room had already been decorated the way she had liked it, seeing as it was her room, after all.
Things with Steve started to get better too. Once they had talked about it, things were better between them, and things started to get even better than they had been before the whole fight happened. It seemed distance really did make the heart grow fonder. At least, in their case it did. She knew arguments were normal in relationships, and that working through issues could make them strong. And she vowed to never run again from Steve.
Movie nights occurred almost every night. Jamie would make dinner, and sometimes Steve would help out, though he wasn't much of a cook. They'd eat together, almost cuddle (almost being Jamie just sat extremely close to him, wanting to but her head on his shoulder and Steve has his arm on the back of the couch, though really he just wanted to put it over her shoulders), and watch the movie, laughing, or crying (on Jamie's part) depending on the film they had chosen.
Training started back up once her injuries were healed, and those didn't take long at all. Emotionally though, Jamie still wasn't 100%. Getting over Gerard was the hardest thing Jamie had ever had to do. She didn't believe she'd ever truly get over it. Gerard would always hold a place in her heart, and every time she remembered him would remind her of why she fights. But Steve had a point. Jamie was only one person. She had incredible power, but she was still only one person, and she was human. There was so much she could do, and she shouldn't torture herself with what she couldn't.
One oddity though was the weird dreams that had come back. Those dreams of those alien looking planets with those strange lights that always ended up attacking her were back, and it confused her beyond belief. What were they? Why were they attacking her? What was it representing in her dreams? A dream analyzer would have a field day…
But her friends and building mates were a perfect distraction to pull her away from those dreams. It wasn't just them though. Jamie had gone out to lunch and dinner (never breakfast because he never got up early enough for that) with Johnny Storm now that she was back in New York. That was always an adventure in and of itself. Johnny was doing well. He had been dating someone new, and it was going well. He pretty into her, whomever she was.
She had also met up with Matt and Foggy once for drinks at Josie's. They were doing okay. Not so great, but okay. One of their only real cases they had done was Jamie's, and the large amount of money paid to them sustained them for a little while, as a majority of their customers were paying in other forms of payment other than cash. Jamie offered to loan them some money, but they both outwardly refused to take it. They were polite about it, and Jamie didn't blame them for not wanting to accept, but at least they knew she was there for them if they ever truly needed it.
James Roberts, her old army pal that had moved upstate with his family: his wife Martha, his oldest son Kyle and his younger son Casey, were doing wonderfully as well. They had spoken on the phone several times. The move did wonders for his marriage, and fixing that, and their family dynamics after everything they had been through was their primary focus, so it was all a success. Kyle got over the move, and was doing great on his high school hockey team.
Overall, everybody was doing very well.
Well, everybody except Anthony "Tony" Stark.
From Jamie's experience with all the men that had been in her life (Father, Brother, boyfriends, etc), they were the worst when they got sick. But nobody could beat just how annoying and irritating Tony Stark was when he caught the common cold. He refused to move off the main area couch, which meant anybody that ventured into that area of the tower was vulnerable to be ambushed and ordered to do or get something for the billionaire.
Jamie found that the easiest thing to do was to just stay either in her room or Steve's, so that they could keep each other company, and far away from the infected the genius. Steve, however, had a craving for orange juice, which neither of them had, so that meant he had to go get it from the fridge at the bar.
A little while later, while Jamie was relaxing on Steve's couch in his room, watching the main menu of the movie they were planning to watch. He came back, his face red, and the expression on his face very clearly stating that he was not in a good mood. That was a drastic contrast to how Steve had been not ten minutes before.
Jamie chuckled, clutching the pillow to her chest, and shook her head. "Tony still sick?"
"You'd think he was dying!" Steve grumbled.
The brunette nodded. "Mhm, that's how a lot of men are when they get sick. It's a pain."
"That's one thing I don't miss. I was sick enough for twenty lifetimes when I was younger, before the serum. Upside is that I don't get sick anymore."
"It is. Which also means I don't have to worry about getting sick from you."
"It is. Do you get sick?" Steve asked.
"No, not really. I think it's the same kind of thing with you. I haven't really been sick since the whole Cerberus crap."
"Well, I'm glad you don't have to suffer through that anymore."
"Did Tony send you on a mission or something?"
"Yeah, he sent me down to the lab to tell Bruce to make him something to make him better.
"It's just a cold. I mean, thank heavens he didn't catch the flu."
"I know," Steve grumbled, running a hand through his hair.
Jamie just chuckled. "Steve, sweetheart?"
"Where's your orange juice?"
"...You've got to be kidding me."
Yes, sorry the first chapter is so short. I just wanted to start off slow for the first chapter: give an update on what's been going on after the last chapter, and now. I wanted to show that Jamie and Steve are getting alone again, and things are the same, if not better, than they used to be with them. It's a chill chapter to start off with before we get into Age of Ultron in the next chapter. I'll definitely be making up for the length of this chapter with that arc. Hope you guys liked it. Please leave a review and let me know what you think!
Reviews for the sneak peak (if any) and this chapter will be in the next chapter.