Beauty and the Beast: The Tale Continues
Author's Note: Walt Disney Pictures is the rightful owner of "Beauty and the Beast", while I just own this story.
I loved the new live-action remake, and it was well worth the wait. It paid tribute to the animated film very well, and it also showed that it can be its own, unique thing.
Now then, this will be an attempt at trying to create a written continuation of the new live action one. I'm not sure if Disney will actually want to do a sequel, but if they did, I would be all for it... even though I'm pretty sure Luke Evans wouldn't be able to come back XD.
With that being said, please be my guest, and enjoy this story.
Chapter 1 - Prologue
As the Beast felt his life slipping away, thanks to the trio of rifle-shots he had recieved from Gaston, he tried holding on long enough to talk to Belle. "You came back..."
The young woman nodded her head, and she softly tightened her grip on the Beast's own paw. "Of course I came back. I'll never leave you again."
He saw that Belle was trying to hold back her own tears, and he desperately wished that he could make them go away, but the Beast knew that his time was almost up. "I'm afraid it's my time to leave."
Please don't let this happen, thought Belle, and she continued to try being optimistic. "We're together now... everything's going to be fine."
But neither of them fully believed that what she said was the actual truth, and as the Beast took one more final look into Belle's eyes, he said, "At least I got to see you one last time."
Then, to Belle's horror, she felt his grip loosen, and his clear-blue eyes lost their beauty as he became completely lifeless.
"No... no, please," gasped Belle, with tears finally falling down her face. "Come back..."
A few feet away stood the glass vase that covered the enchanted rose, with its final petal slowly falling down to join the rest, as well as shriveling up into a black-colored petal.
Meanwhile, in front of the enchanted castle, all of the villagers were quickly getting themselves away from the servants-turned-objects as fast as possible.
"We did it, Plumette," cried an excited Lumiere, who wasn't aware just yet that the curse was about to go into full effect. "Victory is ours!"
"Oh..." Plumette brought her feathery hand to his face, but before she could say anything else, her body became still and was no longer full of life.
"Plumette?" He said, his feelings of happiness now turning into sadness as he watched her feathers blend into her body, and he gently lowered her down to the ground. "Oh, my darling Plumette..."
While Cogsworth began making his way over to his friend, Garderobe and Cadenza were saying their final words to each other.
"Oh, Maestro, you were so brave," said Graderobe, referring to him fighting against the intruders. "Good-bye, my love."
Then, her front doors closed, and she folded her arms together, laying them against the doors before permantly turning into an antique.
"Amore, don't leave me!" cried Cadenza, and he tried to continue playing musical notes, but it was too late, for he, as well, lost all signs of life, with the flames on his small candles being extinguished.
"Bark, bark, bark!"
Froufrou ran towards his owners, letting out a sad whimper as he realized that they weren't alive anymore, and he also found himself falling backwards, fully turning into a piano stool once he hit the ground.
To make matters worse, when Mrs. Potts arrived, she was frantically calling out for her son. "Chip! Has anyone seen Chip? He's wandered off!"
Cogsworth and Lumiere looked at each other, not knowing how to respond to her, and Mrs. Potts cried, "Where is my little boy?"
Then, she found herself closing her eyes, with her paint-like face vanishing into thin air, and both the candelabra and mantel clock hung their heads in sadness.
They looked up, and saw a flying Chip make his way towards his mother, but it didn't look like he would reach her.
"Oh, no," said Cogsworth, fearing that the worst was about to happen.
Chip's little saucer hit the ground first, breaking into several tiny pieces, and it looked like Chip was going to suffer the same fate... but then, he was saved by the arms of the coatrack, who placed the now-inanimate teacup next to his mother before he, too, became a regular household object.
The curse had now taken almost everyone except for Lumiere and Cogsworth, and as the majordomo felt his face being turned into that of a regular clock, he said, "Lumiere, I... I can't speak..."
The candelabra sighed, knowing that his friend was next, and he replied, "It's alright, Cogsworth."
"I can't... Lumiere... my friend..." gasped Cogsworth, as the time hands on his face began moving around. "It... was an honor to serve with you."
Cogsworth was now turned into a regular mantel clock, and Lumiere replied, "The honor was mine..."
Then, he found himself twirling around a few times, and when he stopped, he was turned into a non-living candelabra, with his flames also being extinguished.
Back in the West Wing, on the balcony, a teary-eyed Belle was still holding the Beast in her arms, desperately wanting him to stay alive.
"Please, come back," begged Belle, who also noticed that his body was still warm, and not yet as cold as ice.
Unbeknownst to the young woman, Agathe had made her way into the West Wing, and she was currently standing by the decorative bell jar that held what was left of the enchanted rose, watching Belle continue to sob over the loss of the Beast, who had given her what she'd always asked for since coming to the village - something more.
"Please... don't leave me," cried Belle, and then, she told him the words that she'd wanted to tell him, but hadn't realized it until it was too late.
"I love you..."
As Belle gently kissed the Beast's forehead, and laid her own head against his chest, Agathe placed her hand in front of the bell jar, with the rose petals returning to their natural state, as well as starting to rise up into the air.
Then, the jar itself disappeared, and Agathe created a gold-like stream of magical energy, sending it (along with the petals) towards the Beast.
Belle was still crying into the Beast's chest, but then, she felt his body began to rise up, and Belle took a few steps back as she watched the golden energy, mixed with the rose petals, levitate the Beast in the air.
His paws were turning into regular hands, and his hairy feet were becoming those of a regular human being, as well as the rest of his body that was also rotating around.
As for Agathe, she brought her hood down, and after a few more seconds, she slowly backed out of the room, knowing that her presence was no longer needed.
Then, a bright light engulfed the entire room, with the transformation now complete, and as it went away, the Beast's body was lowered back down to the ground, standing on his own two feet.
He was facing away from Belle, who was speechless at the sight of the man that was now in front of her, wearing the same clothes the Beast had been in, and when he turned around, she saw the man's handsome yet somewhat familiar face.
Belle walked towards him, and softly placed her hand on his cheek, with the man giving her a hopeful expression, as if it was the Beast trying to say, "Belle, it's me!"
She looked into his beautiful blue eyes, and realized that they were the same ones that she'd gazed in when they had danced together in the ballroom earlier that evening.
And if that were the case, then this was the same "Beast" that Belle had fallen in love with ever since she started to see the kindness that he had deep down inside of himself... the same "Beast" who saved her life from the sinister wolves... and now, he was in human form.
Letting out a small cry of relief, Belle's smile began to widen even more, and her heart contined to beat a little faster as she brought herself closer to his face, with their lips eventually connecting to allow the two of them to share a kiss with each other.
With the curse now broken, the castle itself was restored back to its wonderful beauty, with the dark and cloudy skies becoming bright and sunny again, and all of the inanimate objects began to turn back into their human selves.
Now that he was back to a regular dog again, Froufrou happily ran in circles, and scurried over to the nearby coatrack, lifting up one of his hind legs to relieve himself.
Unfortunately, the coatrack was turned back into a valet, and once he saw what the small dog was doing, he quickly shooed him away.
"Oh, Madame!"
Nearby, a happily-reunited Garderobe and Cadenza were back to their human selves, now surrounded by a large variety of clothing fabrics and materials.
The same happened for Cogsworth, and as he brought his monocle to his eye, the head of the household smiled with joy as he saw his old friend transform back into his human self.
"Ah, Cogsworth, we beat the clock, ha-ha-ha!" said Lumiere, a wide grin on his face, and was about to embrace Cogsworth, but then, the two of them saw a feather pass by. "Plumette!"
The butler hurried over to the pile of white feathers, where an arm was sticking out, and Lumiere gently grabbed onto it, pulling up his beloved, who was no longer a feather duster.
They passionately shared a kiss, and after it was finished, the top of Lumiere's started smoking up, but Plumette quickly put it out.
As for Cogsworth, he noticed that the cart carrying Mrs. Potts and Chip was heading for the steps, but he was able to stop it with his cane, causing the cart to simply tip over, and sending them up into the air.
The tray landed on the top of the steps, as did a now-human Mrs. Potts and Chip, and they started sliding down the steps.
Once they reached the ground, Mrs. Potts happily wrapped her arms around Chip, and said, "You're a little boy again! Oh, what did I tell you, darling..."
And the transformations continued, with objects from feather dusters and dishes to the chairs and silverware becoming human again.
Plus, some of the villagers were returning to the castle, with their memories restored now that the curse had been broken, and were reuniting with loved ones that they had not seen in so long.
"Mrs. Potts! Oh, I do remember, I do," cried Monsieur Jean, as he happily embraced his wife and son.
While this was going on, Agathe - who had come down from the West Wing - smiled as she saw the love and joy around her, and after putting her hood back on, the disguised enchantress quietly walked away, knowing that her work was done.
Cogsworth's smile dropped from his face, and he realized who was speaking to him. "Oh, no..."
"Oh, Henry," sobbed Cogsworth's wife, walking over to her husband, and giving him a hug. "I've been so lonely!"
But Cogsworth did not seem that entirely thrilled to see her. "Turn back into a clock, turn back into a clock."
Suddenly, Plumette gasped in shock, and everyone turned their attention to the front of the castle, where they saw the young woman who had saved their lives, as well as their master, who was now a handsome prince again.
"My prince..." said Lumiere, taking a bow in front of his master, who gave him a smile.
"Hello, old friend," replied the Prince, and the two of them shared a hug.
As Plumette gave her thanks to Belle, Chip made his way over to her, and she happily gave him a hug.
This is such an amazing miracle, thought Belle, wondering how things could get any better.