It's been an entire two weeks so far for Sans and his new master. No, that was the formalities. Papyrus was no master. He was much more like a friend. And Sans couldn't be happier. But now that they've been together for a week, things are starting to get into a routine. And Sans absolutely loved routine.

Sans and Papyrus wake up at the same time. They make breakfast together. Then Sans washes the dishes while Papyrus packs a lunch for Sans. Sans then wishes Papyrus a good day and Papyrus leaves for training. While Papyrus is away, Sans does as many chores as he can. Or that could be done. Sometimes he'll go off on a job he was called for.

Sans will stop to eat the lunch Papyrus packed for him. He'll clean up after himself of course. Then Sans will go to his sentry post and sit there for a while. Until Papyrus would come to check on him. Papyrus would check on his puzzles with Sans. Then they would walk together to Sans other sentry post. Papyrus would stay with him the entire time.

After one more sentry post, and the hot dog stand, which Papyrus would help out with, they would head back home. Once home, they would make dinner together. Then after putting it away, they would go over to Grillby's for Sans' shift there. Papyrus would stay of course, having milkshakes.

They would return late at night, Papyrus being all sleep drunk. Sans would make sure he's tucked into bed. Most times Papyrus would ask Sans to read to him. And Sans could never refuse a request from Papyrus. Being a servant or not, allowed to say no or not. He still does anything Pap says to.

Lastly Sans would go to his own bed. He still wouldn't sleep in the blankets though. On Papyrus's days off, things would be a little different. Of course Sans never had a day off. Being a servant monster was his job. And that was a 24/7 job. But still, they would do everything together that day. They would visit the library and the sparkling stones. It was great.

Sans was starting to relax around Papyrus. He was even starting to become dependent on him. Sans has found himself to be much more nervous when Papyrus wasn't around. He's found himself longing for Papyrus to come back when he leaves. Papyrus just made him feel so cared for and loved and strong. After a life time of monsters pushing him down, Pap was the first to raise him up.

So as the days passed, Sans and Papyrus's bond grew closer. Sans would smile and laugh pretty much daily now. He still didn't like using his magic, or be the one to tell the jokes. Or ask for something he wanted. But Papyrus understood that, and never forced him to do something. Pap also seemed to just know what Sans wanted. Papyrus's jokes were always funny and he seemed to be able to read Sans' mind at times. And of course Sans still had his stutter, but it was less now.

Papyrus has also been growing stronger with training. Now having a stat of 680. But one day, Papyrus was thinking about something he read about before. He seemed a little nervous about bringing it up though.

"Hey Sans. I've been thinking about something. I read about it in the library once. And you know I would never give up on you. I never want to be without you Sans. So... I was thinking. Would you, w-would you maybe like to... soul bond with me?" Papyrus asked.

Sans was a little shocked at this. "Papyrus. You-you would want to s-soul bond with m-me? I'm... I'm surprised at... at that. I would love to s-soul bond with you Papy. But, but I can't. I'm a s-servant monster. I'm not a-allowed to soul b-bond. It's... It's against the r-rules." He said sadly.

Sans has read all about soul bonding before. It's one of the biggest forms of connecting to beings together. A soul bond is said to be strong enough to last several lifetimes. And it's said to be the most blissful experience a monster could have. Servant monsters weren't allowed to soul bond though. Part because the go from master to master. And part because they're considered too weak to soul bond.

"Oh phooey! Servant monsters are not some lower life form! They're the same as any other monster! I'm so tired of all these rules against them! Normal I follow rules to the tee. But this time, I'm willing to break one! I want all of the underground to know that I care for you Sans. I want them all to know that I'm here to protect you! And what better way than the mark of a soul bond?" Papyrus said, holding Sans' hands in complete seriousness.

Sans couldn't stop the blush from spreading to his face. "Oh Papyrus. I-I... I just don't know right now. C-Can you give me time to th-think about it?" Sans asked. He really did want to. But the fear of breaking a rule had a strong grip on him. Papyrus of course recognized this. His face softened in understanding. He let go of Sans' hands.

"Of course Sans. Take as much time as you wish. I'm not going anywhere. I promise." Papyrus said. Sans nodded in response. Yeah, he wasn't going anywhere. And neither was Sans. So he could take his time on this. Right?

Lately Sans has been having nightmares. All he would remember was that it was something bad. Bad for Papyrus. He would wake at night with a startled scream. His magic eye would be glowing brightly involuntarily. Sans would make his way to Papyrus's bedroom, magic tears in his eye sockets. Papyrus would wake immediately when Sans entered.

Pap would hug him tightly, sooth him with gentle words. Sans would cry a bit, just so overwhelmed by the nightmare. His body would shake in Papyrus's arms. But soon he would calm down and fall back asleep. Papyrus would tuck him into his bed with him and they would sleep the rest of the night together. Papyrus wouldn't tell Sans about his own bad dreams he's been having.

But then Papyrus decided they would just sleep together from now on. Until the nightmares would end that is. Papyrus hoped these bad dreams about some child would end soon though.