Chapter 6: The days of our Complex Lives

"HEY! Leave him alone you ass wipe!"

Carl breathes a sigh of relief and turns around to come face to face with his best friend and person that always come through. Enid.

"Where the hell were you?" asks Enid. He could tell she was pissed.

"Well, I got held back." by this asshole. Was what Carl wanted to say, but held back for his sake.

"Well, we've been wait-" Enid was interrupted.

"You think you can just waltz in here-"

"Of course, I just did didn't I? You know what, we have somewhere to be and we don't have time for this." And with that. Enid grabs Carl by the arm and proceeds to march him away from the thick-skulled ditz. Carl peeks behind him to see Russell glowering at them and he smirks. He knows he can't do anything to them because of a certain incident that happened a while back. But, that's a story for another episode.

Sitting in their original spot, an isolated corner no one but them ever uses, Enid sits and turns towards Carl.

"Spill. Now Bitch."

"Spill what exactly?"

"The tea, I want the tea hoe!"

"Don't play dumb now Carl," says Sophia, smoothing her hands over her straightened hair.

Perplexed, Carl felt trapped. He didn't know whether or not to say something sarcastic or outright lie to her.

"We all know you shut that bitch Ciara down and I want to know why."

"But, that was like ages ago. You already knew that.. Why ask now?" He knew that event took place just last night, he did not feel like talking about it.


Fresh out of the shower, Carl made his way into his room to read the latest comics Noah had recently let him borrow. He pulled on his basketball shorts and then climbed into bed. Grabbing his phone from the nightstand, he plugs in his beats, blasts the music, and grabs the comics displayed out in front of him. Mid-read, he gets a call from an unknown number.

"Grimes. Not as in Mr. G-"

"Carl," he hears a twinkling voice on the other end, "Hi." the mysterious call says timidly. He knows that voice anywhere. Soft with a hint of honey.

"Ciara?" He'd liked that girl since grade school. He asked her out once, but she left him with his request pending so he never bothered to ask again.

"Yeah, hey, my friends dared me to do something a little...daring." His eyebrows rise up, Carl clears his throat and politely responds, "Oh?"

"Yeah," she laughs and then there's an awkward pause on the other end as she clears her throat, "So, I wanted to ask if-" Ciara starts, before she is rudely cut off.

"Wait, how did you get my number?" Is she a stalker? No, not Ciara. She never even looked his way when he had the most obvious crush on her. It might as well have been written on his forehead because everyone knew about it.

"Oh, um, your friend, Enid I think? I asked her and she gave it to me,"


"Yeah," She clears her throat on the other end, "Well, I Uh, wanted to know if that offer was still open?"

"Offer? What offer?" He smirks, he knew exactly what she was asking, he just wanted to hear her squirm a little. Running his fingers through his hair, he waits for Ciara to respond. 'Why's she asking me this now of all times?'

"Well, ya know, when you had that major crush on me and I left your request pending. I've had time to.. Think," She pauses, "I'm sorry for making fun of you,"

And there it is. The moment he's been waiting for. He actually used to count down the days until she said yes. He's had a crush on her since elementary school. Again, why now?

"Ciara, I just think it's funny how it takes you six years of bullying and a recent breakup with your rival to finally say what I've been waiting to hear since, uhh, 3 years ago," There's silence on the the other end until he finally hears her say, "So, you're saying no? To me? A girl you've had a crush on for ages," She chuckles derisively, "Well, okay then. No skin off of my nose, It was just a stupid ass dare anyways,"

"Keyword - Had. You lost me at no. And if it was so stupid, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now, would we?" He smiles with triumph as he hears her huff and then growl out, "You know, you better be luck-"

"Goodnight Ciara," End Call.


End of Flashback

"Okay, well apparently I took part in this by telling her you still had a crush on her. Evidently not, who's the mystery girl?"

"Mystery girl? There is no mystery girl," Carl says, picking at his breakfast that Noah had sat in front of him, "And if there was one I wouldn't tell you."

"Lies. Now," Enid steals a sausage from his plate, "I am happy you did the right thing. You were miserable for days after the bullying began. I mean, you seriously wore your heart on your sleeve for that bitch, only for her to stomp all over it," Noah and Sophia nods in agreement, "Remember that hoe used to always shame you, calling you names because you liked her, like bitch, show some respect," she flips her hair and rolls her eyes, "See, you did the right thing, I never did see what was to like about her anyways," Carl sighs.

"Everything," Carl mumbles, "Except her attitude made her ugly," He sighs, pulling his phone from his pocket to check the time, "We have ten more minutes before the bell rings, let's use it wisely," Carl lays his head down and closes his eyes, happy to have at least a few more minutes of peace. It's only a few seconds later before his eyes pop back open to Enid's insistent throat clearing. He growls, "What is it now?" He sits up his head to look at his friends who blinks back innocently at him.

"Care to share with the class on how the phone call went down?" Sophia questions, sitting primly. He groans, "Bother Noah, It was a pointless phone call anyways. Why are you so quiet anyways Noah?"

"I have strep throat," he rasps, "And a terrible headache," he coughs, making an god awful sound in the back of his throat.

"Well, if that was the case why not stay home?" Sophia asks, concerned for Noah's well- being.

"Remember, we have that Diagnostic test today, and I studied last night," cough, cough "Didn't want to miss it. Don't worry, i'm calling my mom as soon as I finish it."

"Balls! We do have that damn test today," Enid groans, rubbing the palms of her hand over her eyelids, "It's just to see where we're at anyways," she turns to Carl, "You are so lucky you don't have to switch classes for 2nd hour, for what reason, the world may never know."

"I never heard about a test," Carl starts, "And I do get to switch classes, I just don't have to,"

"Well, because Ms. Le Roux is new, you guys probably won't have to take it so soon," intervenes Sophia, "But, of course you'd still have to take it. It's required."

"Wait, did you just say Le Roux?" asks Noah.

"Um, yeah, Carl and I are in her class," Enid says, "Why?"

"As in Michonne Le Roux. Dude, that's the aunt I was helping move in," Carls eyes bulge, Enid smirks, and Sophia is scandalized, "Guys, is there something i'm missing?"

"Oh ho hoooo, So, that's who you were talking about. Well, the odds are in our favor this year guys because I am actually in love with her," Noah's eyebrows quirk in response, "But, of course you would already know that, tell us about her. Ya know, what's her story? Because all of the damn teachers here are as boring as they are ugly," Enid starts, but Sophia cuts her off before she even finishes, "Enid, don't start, not today."


'Thank you Jesus, the lord has answered my prayers!' Carl thinks with relief. He hurriedly tries to make and escape through the crowd of bodies, slipping away unnoticed until Enid catches him by his jacket's hood.

"I don't know where you thought you were going," says Enid in a stern tone, "But you need to check yourself the next time you think about leaving me behind," she huffs dodging bodies and guiding me through the hallway, "And oh, we're meeting up at Noah's today, he could barely get out 5 sentences today,"

"Yeah, yeah. I already told him I'd stop by later, if there are no casualties."

"Right. Are you still plotting on how to break up your dad and Jessie?" Carl smirks evilly, "Of course, but I don't think I need to try any harder. They seem more distant than usual," Enid stares at him, unamused, "What? It was gonna happen sooner rather than later. She's always putting her pointy ass nose where it doesn't belong," He grumbles.

Enid sighs as we continue down the seemingly endless hallway. They bodies have narrowed down some, so it's much easier making it to the classroom than it was before. Huh, I am seriously thinking about going to class and not skipping today.

Walking into the classroom, they are once again greeted with the buzzing chatter of their classmates. Heading straight towards the back of the class in their isolated corner, they begin to get situated before the teacher comes in. Looking around, Enid checks to see if there's anyone that could be listening in on their conversation. Satisfied to see everyone's minding their own business, she turns to Carl.

"So, you never put your plan into action yet," Her eyes dart to Mikey who seems to be sleeping, "We need something a little more creative, don' cha think?"

Noticing what she's subtly hinting at, he deflects the question, "So, when do you think the teachers will start to hand out assignments?" Enid narrows her eyes at the question but doesn't push any farther. "Soon maybe,"

"Yeah, they are about ready to murder us," Enid barks out a laugh, "I saw Mr. Brown writing a shit ton of math problems on his board, trying to be slick about it," Enid begins wheezing, "He thought I didn't notice his little jig after he was finished, he knows we don't like him."

"Mercy," Carl joins in on the laughter, "Carl, I'm not about to play with you,"

"You know it's true, he does that every year. How the hell you're a part time hall monitor, handing out lunch detentions left and right, and then a teacher? He wants a raise, you can tell he's desperate," Carl narrows his eyes, "Or maybe he just likes to see us wallow in our own misery," Enid's face is as read as a tomato now.

"Carl! Shut up!"

Michonne makes her way to the office to sign in, ready to begin the day. She texted Andrea and Maggie before she made it in, letting them know she was on her way. She had stopped by a small, quaint cafe to pick up some breakfast and then went to the school. 'At least I'm not late today.' Michonne smiles as the secretary, Margaret, waves at her, greeting her with a smile. After signing in, she heads down the hallway and towards the classroom. She sighs happily, glad that she had yet to run into any trouble along the way. Including Mr. Prim and Proper.

Opening the door to the classroom, the chatter ceases immediately. She smiles at their progress, and heads towards her desk to set her things down and get herself situated. She then grabs her coffee and goes to stand in front of the classroom, ready to proceed.

"Goodmorning Class," she starts.

"Goodmorning Ms. Le Roux," Michonne smiles brightly and nods her head, mentally making notes to get them a reward for their on point cooperation.

"Who's ready to start the day?" Ready for the collective groans, but surprised she doesn't get any, her grin widens. "Okay then, let's get started."

Okay, Okay, progress. I love it! This is your typical troubled teenager story. They are going through the motions of being young adults. Don't you just love Carl and Enid's friendship?

Coming Up: Most likely Jessie meeting her demise. No kidding. I have no intention of keeping her in my demension longer than I have to.

Thank you for reading! Now, let me know them thoughts.