Rose sprinted, swirling through the trees like a small tornado. With strong, uncanny legs, she was able to push so far ahead that Gabe couldn't catch up. Good. She thought. I don't need him here right now. She leapt over a pond, a fallen tree, and a juniper bush on her way over to Tom's. She took a moment to appreciate the crystal-like dirt as it crunched beneath her feet- a bit of granite, if she was correct- before hopping the white picket fence into the Peligros' yard.

Tom was there, waiting for her. His sharp teeth smiled as he ran to join her, meeting her halfway within an eighth of a second and squeezing her close to him. She smiled as he held her tight in an embrace. He pulled away.

"How… are… you?" Rose asked tentatively. He grimaced.

"Just dandy."

"I'm so sorry-"

"Not your fault."

"I wish Gabe could tell truth from lie and back me up that I have reason to apologize."

Tom's smile was strained now. "How is Gabe?"

"Just fine. Should be here in a couple of seconds-"

Rose was cut off by the almost silent blur of Gabe wrenching her away from Tom with mighty force. He turned back to the boy, livid.

"Don't hurt her!"

Tom smiled. "You must be mistaken- we were embracing. Is that too much for you?"

Gabe snarled. "Why was she scowling?"

"We were talking about you, Psycho."

Rose bound Gabe's hands behind his back with her own before he could lunge; still, it was a considerable effort to restrain him. Muscles bulging, he gave Tom a death glare.

"What the hell is going on around here?" Rose asked, letting go of Gabe to slap him right across the face. She shook her head, mind confused, and almost felt tears prickle her eyes- even though it couldn't happen.

"Rose-" They chorused, Gabe pleading, Tom irritated. But Rose was gone, racing through the trees. Paying no attention to direction, she curved towards the house… and ran right into Gabe.

"Rose." He hissed.



"What, Gabe?" She snarled, glaring at him. "What excuse do you have now for attacking my best friend?" Gabe blinked for a moment, then sighed and released her.

"It seems like I have an explanation in order." Rose snarled.

"You know that I can read minds, obviously. Recently, I've been reading Tom's mind a bit too much for my comfort. He seems to... pleasure in your company a bit… too much. Losing Claire, for him, seems to convince him to find a more permanent mate. One that could follow him… an immortal. A vampire. Specifically… Rose, he's taking a bit too much interest in you." He pursed his lips. "It bugs me."

Rose started laughing. Really, she couldn't help herself. Grinning, she pulled him to her and hugged him, hard skin against her.

"That's all?" She asked. Not waiting for an answer, she crushed her lips to his.

His response was instantaneous, automatic- his hand reached for her hair, pulled her closer. Surprised by his force, Rose fell back onto a sycamore. It was a show of strength that it didn't break. In the moment, though she knew she could snap Gabe in half, Rose felt as weak as… as a human.

The moment passed, and in a second, it had finished. But of course it had changed everything. Gabe lightly touched Rose's lips, and her mind went haywire. He smiled as he read it.

Gabe touch respond? don't know Gabe touch touch kiss Gabe Tom Gabe Tom Lumen confused Callie Claire Tom Tom Tom Gabe Gabe touch kiss kiss kiss touch fire touch kiss back lips face Gabe Gabe Gabe…

Rose frowned and pulled her mind together. Gazing upward, she met Gabe's eyes. They smoldered, and his skin faintly glowed. In that moment, she was awestruck by his beauty.

"You should see yourself, then." He murmured. His deliciously bright eyes closed. And Rose knew why. Wanting to read her mind, crystalize and perfect this memory. Though, of course, he had perfect recall.

"No." He mumbled, soft frustrated.

"Are you okay?" Remaining in careful contact with his arm, Rose pulled away and stood straight up. She examined him worriedly, but saw nothing.

"Tom." He growled, and Rose stiffened impossibly more. "No, he's fine. It's just- his talent- and he's so far out- just checking. Hmm." His voice was relaxed now, speculative. "Interesting."

"What?" Rose asked impatiently.

"He wasn't looking for it, and he's pretty far, so it took a few seconds…" Gabe paused, as if concentrating. "Our relationship… changed."

"Describe it." She prompted softly.

"Well, you must understand, there are no words for his feelings. Sometimes they're clear cut. We were clear cut. But now, because he hasn't focused on us… wait, no, there. He's noticed… he sees-" Suddenly he jumped, snarling, and turned. Instinctively, Rose followed, crouching low to the ground. Gabe was muttering to himself, barely loud enough to be audible.

"Trees… trees… no, it's okay." A bit louder now. "He doesn't know where we are. But some trees are going to pay."
"What did he see? Earlier?"

"Tentative. That was it. Oh- now it changed. Funny." All of a sudden, Rose was in his strong arms again. His lips pressed against her jawline.

"What does he see know?" Rose asked, right hand on his back and left hand holding his neck.
