Summary: Looking for something to stay connected to the skating world during quarantine, Kurt decided to enter an Instagram contest. Sebastian agrees to help, because he would do anything for his boyfriend ... until they come across something that almost turns out to be a hard no.

Notes: Combining the anon prompts 'The boys during quarantine' (which will be more than just this one one-shot', 'Sebastian hates glitter. That has to come up during figure skating, right?' and 'Blaine's crush on Kurt is showing'. I did the best I could. I hope you like it :)

"Have I told you how much I appreciate you doing this?" Kurt asks stiffly, trying not to move too much and chance smearing the teal liquid liner he's applying to his boyfriend's right eyelid.

"You may have mentioned it once or twice," Sebastian replies, supremely uncomfortable in his current rigid sitting position, his wooden desk chair unforgiving against his numb behind. Still, he glows beneath his boyfriend's praise.

"As much as I enjoy getting dolled up, I'm entering seven looks in this ISI performance makeup contest! The wear and tear on my face would have been substantial!"

"Can't have that, can we?"

"No we can't. The last thing I need during a frickin' pandemic is to start developing wrinkles before I hit my twenties. As it is, I'm getting some serious dry patches on my cheeks." Kurt caps his eyeliner and puts it with the rest of his supplies. Biting his lower lip, he stares at his army of palettes, lipsticks, compacts, and brushes laid out on Sebastian's comforter, deciding on the next product to apply to his face. "Thank you, by the way," he says in a softer tone, "for not thinking this is stupid."

Sebastian tilts his head carefully. Kurt put a considerable amount of highlighter on his cheek over a heavy dusting of blush. He doesn't want to accidentally smear it onto his bare shoulder, force Kurt to start all over again. Though the thought of another hour spent with Kurt hovering over him, the two of them shirtless, Kurt's lips kissing distance from his as he stares deep into his eyes has Sebastian seriously contemplating scrubbing his hands down his face and making a mess of Kurt's masterpiece.

"Why would I think it's stupid? And even if it was stupid, I've done far stupider things … mainly during the holidays," Sebastian says, hinting at a vague reference to the fact that he's let Kurt talk him into dressing up as an inflatable snowman for their ice rink's annual Christmas show … twice.

"I don't know." Kurt picks up a spoolie and starts tidying Sebastian's eyebrows. "We've been quarantined for so long. We've been good about keeping up our training, staying occupied. We're lucky. We have your rink to practice in but …" He shrugs "… I miss hanging out with our friends. They've canceled Regionals, Nationals, and Worlds, so all those people we only see three times a year? We won't get to see them. These silly Instagram contests ISI puts on … I feel like they're one of the only things keeping our skating community together."

"I get ya." Sebastian reaches for his boyfriend's hips, massages with firm fingertips. "On my end, I'd do anything for you. I just want you to be happy."

Kurt grins. "Well, it's nice having a sexy male model to play with."

"Is that why you asked Blaine to join us?" Sebastian asks sarcastically.

"Good Lord! Can we please go back to the part where you want me to be happy?"

"Absolutely," Sebastian agrees with an easy smile, acting more casual than he feels. He's not the biggest fan of makeup. He's worn it before. It's a hazard of participating in a performance sport. But he wouldn't choose to wear it otherwise. No hate to guys who do, he just doesn't like putting things on his skin. The eyeshadow alone is driving him to hysterics! But he loves Kurt.

Besides, after he found out Kurt had also asked Blaine for help and Blaine didn't hesitate before saying yes, Sebastian couldn't say no.

"All right-y then," Kurt says, the smile growing on his lips as he contemplates his work. "You're almost done."

"Almost? What else could you possibly fit on my face?"

"Just a teeny bit of glitter …"

"Uh … glitter?" Sebastian backs his chair away with a tight laugh. "You … you didn't mention glitter."

"I didn't mention it because I thought it would be obvious."

"How? How is it obvious?"

Kurt looks pointedly down at his own bare chest coated in a generous layer of the stuff, then back at Sebastian with an eyebrow raised. "Don't be such a baby. It's not like it's going to hurt."

"Isn't glitter considered the STD of art supplies?" Sebastian says, scooting to the left and dodging Kurt's glitter shaker.

Kurt pulls a face. "That's disgusting!"

"Point made."

"Come on, Bas! It's made of seaweed. Like the stuff Lush uses. It's eco-friendly."

"Glad to hear it but that wasn't really my concern."

Kurt puts his hands on his hips, highly offended on glitter's behalf. "Why don't you like glitter?"

"Because it's so … it's so … sparkly! And it's like sand. It gets everywhere."

"Okay, Obi-Wan."

Sebastian frowns. "You're thinking of Anakin. Not Obi-Wan."

"Anakin killed Natalie Portman. I refuse to acknowledge his existence."

Sebastian stares at his boyfriend, at this stranger he thought he knew so well, but decides to drop this tangential argument and continue with the matter at hand. "Anyway, it's impossible to get off."

"It comes off lickety-split in hot, soapy water. I'll help you take it off." Kurt flashes a suggestive grin, but Sebastian seems to miss it.

"Please, Kurt? I'd rather not."

"But … the look is called Summer Sparkle!" Kurt throws his hands up in frustration. "How did you not assume there'd be glitter?"

"Couldn't you transition this into another look? Something not so sparkly?"

"Like what?" Kurt asks, clipping the single syllables till they're razor sharp.

"I don't know. I'm not the creative genius here-ooo!" Sebastian comes up with an idea way too quickly. "How about something along the lines of Lone Wolf at Midnight?"

"So …" Kurt says, followed by a loud click of his tongue against the roof of his mouth "… you'd rather I glue fur to your face than glitter?"

Sebastian swallows hard. He hadn't considered that as a possibility. "Uh … you see … I'm trying to avoid gluing anything to my face."

"Ugh! Sometimes you're such a … a … a …!"

"An ass?"

"That's the word!"

"Kur-urt …" Sebastian whines.

"I thought you said you'd do anything for me?"

"And if I absolutely have to wear glitter, I will. I'm just asking if I absolutely have to."

Kurt sighs, his hands falling to his sides in defeat. "No, you don't. If you don't want to wear the glitter, you don't have to wear the glitter."

"Great!" Sebastian mimics wiping his forehead in relief. "Thank you. You are truly a kind and benevolent dictator."

"Yeah, whatever … Blaine! You ready for some glitter?"

A shirtless Blaine peeks in from the hallway outside Sebastian's room. "Ready as I'll ever be."

Going shirtless was a group decision. The focus of the photographs is supposed to be their faces, but they thought they'd take the opportunity to show off their rockin' 'made-in-quarantine' physiques. A little bragging never hurt nobody. It'll definitely help with the 'like' factor, which is how the contest will be judged. Besides, it's psychological warfare - showing the competition that nothing, not even being locked down for three months, was going to knock them off their game.

"Great!" Kurt says with unnecessary enthusiasm. "Thank you, Blaine!"

"You're … welcome?" Blaine replies, a little confused.

Kurt turns his jar of glitter over and gives it a shake, ready to add another layer to his own skin out of spite, but nothing comes out. He straightens, lifts the shaker to the light, and peers inside. "Oh no! It looks like I'm out of this one!"

"I think that's because you're wearing enough glitter for all of us." Blaine snorts. Kurt's nose scrunches when he does. He'd mentioned to Sebastian once that he thought it was cute when Blaine snorted.

Sebastian rolls his eyes.

Kurt taps a finger to his chin, thinking up a solution. One comes to him, lighting his eyes brighter than the glitter on his chest. "Wait a minute! That gives me an idea! Blaine, you're a genius!"

"I … I am?" Blaine stutters, more than a little concerned, especially since he can feel Sebastian glaring at him, hot enough to melt his foundation.

"Absolutely!" Kurt smiles and throws his arms open wide. "Come here and give me a hug!"

Blaine's face goes comically blank, but he rushes forward at the invitation anyway, never one to turn down a hug from Kurt. But Sebastian wastes no time blocking him, shooting to his feet and wrapping his arms around Kurt, pressing their bodies together.

"Uh … nope," "Sebastian says, waving Blaine off. "No, no, no, not necessary. I've go this one handled, thank you."

There's a lot Sebastian will put up with in regards to his boyfriend's relationship with Blaine.

Shirtless hugging isn't one of those.

After a full minute of awkwardly sandwiching their bodies together, Sebastian steps back to survey the outcome … and groans. "Look, now, see?" he comments dryly. "There's not enough glitter for you, Blaine. Sorry. You're going to have to get yours somewhere else."

Blaine chuckles at Sebastian's discomfort. "I can see that." He takes a seat on the end of the bed and waits patiently for Kurt to beat his mug. He realizes it will probably happen under the watchful scowl of Sebastian Smythe but it'll be worth it.

As awful as it sounds, Blaine enjoys getting under his skin every once in a while.

Blaine respects Kurt and Sebastian's relationship more than anything, even if he can't help harboring a crush on Kurt. Without the two of them, he doesn't know where he'd be right now. Honestly, he'd rather not think about that. But a great deal of his safety and security he attributes to Sebastian's generosity - a generosity that may only exist because of Sebastian's love for Kurt.

So Blaine's not about to step on any toes.

But Sebastian makes it too easy to get on his nerves. And the more Blaine does, the more fun it is.

Having Kurt's full attention, their faces kissing distance the way his was with Sebastian's? The next hour should be a hoot.

"See?" Kurt runs a light finger over the spattering of glitter covering Sebastian's skin. "Is that so painful?"

"Yes," Sebastian mutters, looking down in disgust at the iridescent specks starting to itch. He looks over at Blaine - shirtless, tanned, and muscular Blaine, sitting on the edge of the mattress, awaiting his turn. He'd been so quick to jump on the glitter grenade, which makes this coat Sebastian is wearing a casualty of war. "Yes, it is."