and here we are. i planned and wrote this entire thing in two days. ho-ly shit. i literally dont know what to say except wow

From the Personal Journal of Dr. Henry Jekyll, October 31, 18-

It has been some time since the whole debacle with Hyde has ended, and I am still quite sure the events were all a dream. Yet unlike a dream, where the moments get foggier as time passes, I remember the incident as clear as it were yesterday, only clearer with time.

You see, I awoke the day after I banished Hyde to the farthest reaches of Hell, and it was as if nothing had happened! I awoke in my bed, in clean and fixed clothes, in a room where nothing was out of its place, in a city that looked as dingy and disgusting as it did before. I walked into the main house, and Poole, whom I had seen as pale as death not the day before, greeted me and asked my preference for breakfast. Nothing looked remiss, so for the first part of the day, I thought I had dreamt the whole thing up.

Until I went into my lab, that is. Unlike the rest of the world it seemed, that was put back together after Hyde's raging tore it apart, the lab was just as much of a mess as we had left it. Scorch marks littered the floor, smashed beakers and spilled chemicals drying where they fell. I stood in stunned silence a moment, before immediately going about tidying up the dangerous mixes.

It was during this that I found the remnants of the chemical that started this, the one that split Hyde from my entirely and gave him his god-like powers, the one that gave me my powers as well after that. It sat, innocently enough, on the dimmed burner I had set the leftovers on before downing what I needed and tossing the rest. There wasn't much left, but what was there was the spitting image of what I had made.

It was too great a coincidence. Something had happened, and something else had wiped it from reality.

I still have yet to figure it out, but the closest conclusion that I can make is that something happened when I wiped Hyde from existence, that consequently wiped away all evidence of said existence. I am pleased, nonetheless, that London is once again in order, if a little smellier than I remember. It saves on cleanup, and the sudden return of my friends and colleagues is one I am eternally thankful for.

It is most curious, all the same.

Not too long after my sudden and unexpected awakening into a world set back to rights, I cleared up all my old experiments. No longer shall I work on separating one's good and evil side. Those two sides are required in every man to make one whole; without one or the other, he is but a shell with no purpose, empty, or worse. He is his own Hyde. And that is a horror I shall inherit to never push on this world again. So I have burned all my old notes, save a few, and scrapped every bit of the vile concoction that started this mess, all those long months ago. There is none left, and I have erased all trace of its existence, as I did to Hyde.

He is no more, and never will be again.

Life has mostly returned to normal. It was lovely seeing Mr. Utterson alive and well, after that gruesome sight I was beholden to during the catastrophe. He was none the wiser, but it was good all the same. Mr. Lanyon and I have returned as friends, and he is most glad I have abandoned my previous work and returned to the hospital, as am I.

Yes, life is as it was before this whole mess I started, and I am glad. Hopefully, I will be able to live my life without much more drama; I am getting old, and ready to rest for the rest of my years.

Though cantering around London as Hyde was fun before things turned sour, I shall bid him this last farewell before I forget. He is still a part of me, even if not separate anymore (thank God!).

Farewell, old friend. May you rot in Hell.


One of the servants found a most curious inscription on the wall behind my mirror in the cabinet. I had ordered it taken back to my room, as its usefulness there had dried up, but when she went to do so, she found something concerning. Writing, a simple sentence, but in some strange code none of us could figure out. I sent for a translator, thinking it might be some other language I could scarce identify, but it reads more an encrypted code than that, one I cannot decipher.

All it said, was as follows: "L ZLOO EH EDFN"

It still haunts me, though I am sure it means nothing. Perhaps Hyde left it before the mess of last month started. Perhaps a child ran through here with some paints, bored while I dined with the parents. I don't know, and frankly, I don't think I'll ever find out.

Oh well. It is not my business.