The sun's rays dyed the classroom red.

Crap, I must have dozed off... I placed the pocket book that I was reading back in my bag. I got absorbed in reading that I forgot about the time. By now, I'm the only one inside the classroom. As usual, no one bothered to walk home with them, not that I expected them to.

Well, no matter. It's not like someone's waiting for me

I left the empty classroom and walked in the silent hallway. For anyone, it must feel weird to walk alone in a place that was usually busting with students, but it's different for me. I've already accustomed myself to this atmosphere.

Huh, I wonder what I'll eat for tonight... maybe some cup ramen.

My parents are gonna be home late at night as per normal. I don't have any idea what my sister's doing, not like I care. Some would say that going in an empty home everyday would be sad. Well, those people can screw themselves. I particularly like the part where no one would nag me whether I go home at night or skip school.

Ah, the pleasures of being alone... truly, nothing can beat the feeling of solitude.

"Hey look guys, it's Hikki-germa!"

...and there goes the feeling.

I ignored the voice and walked at my own pace. II was already at the main gate of the school. It seems like some wanna be delinquents were hanging out, practicing their future as thugs. Go thuglife!

"Oi! Don't ignore me when I'm speaking, Hikki-froggy!"

A hand was placed on my shoulder and violently pulled back, making my body turn. I glared at the person and recognized him as my classmate. Ryouta Something-gani. An aspiring idiot who has jail and death penalty for his future. The obese boy wearing tight shirt made avert my eyes from his disgusting form.

"Gehehe, show him who's boss, Ryouta!" "You touched him, you're now infected with Hiki-germa!"

Oh, it looks like this fatass has his two lackeys as usual. Don't you guys have to clean your room by now or something?

"What the heck is up with your eyes? They look like fish eyes!"

Oh, insulting someone based on their physical appearance? Congratulations, Ryouta, you just made my comically low opinion of you even lower. I didn't think it was possible. Way to go, fatass.

The two lackeys laughed at their leader's taunts. Ah, so you two are planning to be grunts? 'Cuz that's what they do and you already got the idiot part ingrained in your minds. Keep it up!

Unfortunately, I don't really want to spend my time with you three any longer.

"If you're done throwing insults and mocking a fellow classmate, can I go now?"

I shrugged the fat hand from my shoulder and walked away from them. I lost my appetite for ramen, seeing Ryouta's oily face. Maybe I can go to Saize...

I made it past the school gate and it took another few seconds before I was violently pulled again by the same fat hand.

"Oi, who said you can walk away from me, Hiki-loser?!"

If you were not a fatass idiot, I would praise you for being somewhat creative on the nicknames. Too bad you're an obese idiot with oily face and bad smell. I sighed from the effects of childhood idiocy and wondered if this lout can survive to adulthood.

"Hehehe, teach him a lesson Ryouta!" "Hiki-loser, Hiki-loser!"

Hey, can the two of you shut up? If you don't have anything valuable to say, just be silent. It would make you more intimidating than loudmouthed idiots.

"Yeah, how 'bout I teach ya' a lesson in being polite, Hiki-froggy?"

It seems like Ryouta was succumbing to peer pressure. That's why you shouldn't hang out with idiots, especially when you're an idiot yourself. You get to do stupid things because of them. The moral is, don't hang out with anyone.

Don't worry, as your better, I Hachiman, shall teach your about politeness instead.

"You giving me a lesson? That's funny, didn't you scored zero in spelling today?"

Considering that you failed to spell the word 'house' I'm sure that your parents would be worried for your future.

A vicious grin appeared on my face.

"Is that why you're emulating a discarded trash? You don't want to go home and tell them about how you failed to spell a word even a kindergarter could do?"

Based from his expression, I think I hit the correct spot.

"Y-you bastard! How dare you speak to me like that when you're just a loser!"

Ryouta's ugly face morphed in anger, making him even uglier than earlier. Having been in this situation several times, I watched calmly as his clenched his hands into fists. The two idiots were egging him on in an action that he would always regret. Remember, never hang out with anyone stupid... or anyone at all!

"Oh? I certainly remember this loser being number one in class. What about you, Ryouta-kun~? Oh, isn't the teacher calling your parents because you zeroed the math test again?"

The redness of his face has nothing to do with the sunset anymore. Oh, will you punch me now Ryouta-kun? Haven't you learned anything from our time together? It seems like I'm the only one who learned something from this bullying sessions after all.

"Oh, how disappointed your parents must be, Ryouta-kun. I thought I remember your mother promising to get you a home tutor from that private school? Oh my, what would your father do when he learns about this?"

Having already seen his parents once, I've already made a conclusion about them. Ryouta's mother was the type of person to say things to impress others while his father was the type to be physical in his lessons. It's true what they say about bullies y'know, they grew up in harsh environments.

Ryouta was shaking from rage, oh did I say too much?

Smile at his furious expression. Ah, nothing like the feeling of enraging your local bully...

He did not say anything else as he picked up his hand and prepare for a punch. Behind him, I can see his two lackeys taking a step back. I on the other hand, stayed in place. I've been hit by that meaty hand several times, although it would leave a bruise, it's nothing to what I made him feel just now or how he will face the music back in his home.

Ah, but aren't you forgetting something, Ryou-ta-kun?

"Hey, what are you doing there?!"

Ryouta froze as he heard the large voice call to him. Oh, have you already forgotten that back then, I made sure to walk past the school gates before you confronted me again? It just happens that there's this certain police patrols at this time of the day.

"I'm asking you what you were about to do, young man."

The bearded officer asked the frozen elementary student who was posed to hit the smaller kid in front of him. Hey, officer-san are you perhaps enjoying intimidating this fatso? You're just another authority corrupt thug huh?

Still, you're at my side so that's forgiveable...

Seeing that Ryouta can't speak from fear, I decided to be a good friend and speak for him.

"H-he threatened to punch me if I don't do his homework... t-those two tried to stop him but..."

I put on a scared tone and told the officer a complete lie. Ryouta's eyes widened from my words and faced the officer... only that he can't tell that what I said was a lie. After all, you were caught in the position of trying to punch me. What are you gonna say, that it was just a friendly pat?

Seeing that he can't convince the adult otherwise, Ryouta turned to his two lackeys to gather reinforcement. It was a good move too. The words of three elementary students were more believeable than a lone elementary student. Majority and all...

Only that it doesn't change what you were trying to accomplish in the first place.

He turned to his lackeys only to see them a few steps away from him, their expressions fearful. After all, they were your accomplices. If you got in trouble, they will also go down with you.

Thus, the reason for my second lie.

Now that I have painted them in a good light towards the lone adult, the chances of them supporting you has decreased greatly. Now they have two options. Stand up for you or do whatever it takes to not get in trouble.

Even if it meant abandoning you to save their skins.

"W-we tried to stop Ryouta from bullying." "H-he said he was gonna hurt us too!"

Ryouta's face that was red from anger earlier was now completely pale. That's why you shouldn't hang out with anyone you know? You don't know whether they are real friends who would supports you...

"Does he do this often?"

" "Yes!" "

... or backstabbers who would abandon you for their convenience.

I watched in disgust as his two lackeys spouted lies to prove their innocence. This is the true face of society. Never taking care of you, using you as its shield and leaving you to die once its in a bad situation. These two prime examples of friends is they reason why I don't crave for them. I'm better living alone than spending time with people who will throw me once they've had their use.

"T-that's not true! Tell, him it's not true! Tell him Hiki-froggy-?!"

Oh, this one's not on me.

I resisted the urge to snicker as Ryouta bit his tongue in an effort to stop that nickname from escaping his mouth. It seems like your fondness of calling me names has backfired on you. Now, there's no escape here.

My heart pounded at the terrified expression of my long time bully.

"I've heard enough. Ryouta-kun, was it? Japan has laws against bullying. It's better to stop it now before you do something that can harm others."

The tears were now pooling from the corners of his eyes. Ahhhh, what is this feeling? The intense heat in my chest!

"Now I won't escort you to prison, but I will escort you to your house. If these two boys' words were true then I need to talk with your parents. It's better to stop this while you're still young."

I watched in silence as Ryouta followed the adult and answering with tears as he was asked for his address. I did not expect this kind of development when I walked past the school gates. I only planned that some adult would want to toy with him for a while before letting him go.

I just made his life more miserable than it already is. Strangely, I'm not feeling any kind of remorse for the bully.

So, this is what it feels like...

To utterly crush someone.

My heart pounded harshly in my chest. My breathe caught up in my throat as I closed my eyes in order to keep this feeling inside for as long as possible. Ah...

"Hah... haha...!"

I felt a strange expression appear in my face.

I know what it feels like to smile, but this is different. My lips curved upwards in a way my cheeks were straining in order to accommodate it. I don't think I have smiled as hard as this in my life.

Unknown to me, Ryouta's two lackeys were backing away with fear as they stared at my expression.

I want to feel this sensation again.