Alex is shaking her head violently as she teeters on a bar stool. She nurses a beer, slightly buzzed but fully sobered by whatever Maggie just told her.

"That is... no, Maggie. No way ." She shakes her head comically again.

The cop shrugs and fights back a smile.

"It's pretty obvious, Danvers."

Alex puts her hand up in the universal sign for stop and, hanging her head, takes a gulping breath like she's gonna be sick. Hand still in the air she looks up at Maggie dramatically.

"My sweet, goofy sister is not into Lena Luthor." The name comes out in a harsh whisper. Maggie, fighting back a huge smirk, opens her mouth to speak only to be cut off by a string of no's from her girlfriend. "Kara isn't..." she leans forward and whispers the next part in the same harsh tone as before, "gay "

Maggie's brows arches in perplexed amusement.

"So she wants to make out with Lena Luthor in a straight way?"

Alex sputters and almost topples her beer.

"It's a phase - it has to be a phase."

Maggie raises one eyebrow. "Are you hearing yourself or are you one of those weird homophobic lesbians."

Alex grimaces, having the humility to look slightly ashamed. "I - uh that was terrible of me." Maggie shrugs in agreement. There's no malice, but maybe a tiny bit irked.

"You'd just rather her not be gay for Lena Luthor -"

"- exactly!" Alex cuts off her girlfriend's sentence.

"- even if it makes her happy."

"Oh." Her shoulders immediately slump and she drops her head into a hand.

Maggie takes a sip of her beer. "You're on a roll tonight."

Alex groans and tips her head into her hands, covering her eyes. "I'm a horrible lesbian and a horrible sister." A warm hand closes around her wrist and Maggie tugs gently until Alex peeks up.

"You're an amazing sister. Kind of a horrible lesbian, but an amazing sister." Maggie jokes before giving her a playful, but sincere smile and tightly squeezes Alex's hand.

"I just don't trust her. I know Kara's an adult -"

"- A super-powered adult," Maggie adds.

Rolling her eyes, Alex concedes. "A super-powered adult. But that doesn't mean she still can't get her heart broken."

Maggie's face twists into a knowing look and she sighs into a sip of beer. "Ain't that the truth."

"Maybe I can have Lena arrested and then we don't even have to go down this path!"

Maggie's about to reply when she notices Alex's eyes widen happily, seeing something behind her. The shorter woman turns slightly to find Kara walking through the doorway.

"Hey, little Danvers!"

The two do a warm half hug before Kara sits down.

"Vodka soda? Wine? Gin and juice?"

"Alien," Kara sighs.

Alex and Maggie exchange a look.

"Sure thing," the cop says tentatively, glancing over at Alex quickly. "First rounds on me. Maybe first two," she adds mostly to herself.

Hopping off of the stool, Maggie saunters to the bar leaving the sisters alone. Alex's eyes follow the woman, a small smile on her face before she remembers her company. Turning to face Kara, Alex gives her a sympathetic grimace.

"Bad Snapper day?"

"Always, but not particularly out of the ordinary."

Alex gives her a curious look and Kara tries to meet it with a smile, but she's a horrible liar and diverts her eyes when she realizes her sister isn't buying it.

"How many times will I have to ask until you tell me what's up?"

"N-nothing I-"

"Okay so at least two. What's up Kara? That's three by the way."

Maggie hangs back at the bar giving Kara some privacy. And selfishly she does not want to be around when The Lena Crush is confirmed.

Alex's eyes soften.

"C'mon Kara. You know you can tell me anything. Like that time you peed in the pool and the lifeguard swam through it."

The look she gets is murderous.

"I'm just saying... I'm here for you."

Kara looks down thoughtfully, studying her hands.

"I-I'm not ready to talk about it, okay?"

The redhead watches her compassionately, nodding as she figures out what she wants to say. She leans in a bit and uses a gentle voice, one she uses after pulling a kid out of the clutches of danger.

"Whatever it is I support you. Even if it's kinda crazy and maybe I don't love it - I support it. I love you."

Kara looks up and worries her lip.

"No matter what?"

She receives a grin in response.

"No matter what. You're stuck with me." The sound of approaching boots cuts the tension of the moment, Alex's eyes brightening as she fixes Maggie with an excitable smile. "More beer!"

"Against my better judgment." The wink makes Alex roll her eyes but she still gives her girlfriend a kiss on the cheek.

The brunette turns to Kara, taking a seat.

"I'm glad you've started joining us here again. It's been awhile. I almost missed you."

Adjusting her glasses, Kara shrugs.

"Well, after the whole thing with Mon-El I didn't really want to run into him."

Alex asks if they patched things up, but she doesn't sound like she particularly cares one way or another.

"Uh, kinda? I mean I saw him once and it was really awkward, but I'm hoping that we can... just not talk about it again. Or to each other again."

That Alex's raises her glass for.

"Here, here."

Kara laughs, more at Alex than what she meant.

"It's just easier to get along since he and Winn became such good friends, so I might as well not stir the pot."

The agent snorts and nudges Maggie, "now if only they were the other gay ones."

Kara's head snaps up at that and Maggie slowly closes her eyes in a mental facepalm over her girlfriend's drunken lack of foresight.

Catching the uncomfortable reaction, Alex's eyes go wide. She brings her glass up to her mouth, whispering the words out sheepishly into her beer.

"The other gay ones. As in me and Maggie. Just us. The gays."

Half of her drink is gone by the time she sets it down again.

On a Tuesday night, the bar is slow and way too quiet to get pretend to get lost in the surrounding action.

Alex, feeling the panic of practically outing her sister, brings the beer back to her mouth but starts rambling before she takes a sip.

Maggie snaps the redheads name out through tight lips and tips the glass back so Alex is forced to drink and shut her mouth.

Processing the implications of what Alex said a few minutes ago is already overwhelming. There's no way she wants to hash the details out with a drunk Alex. Kara finds an excuse to leave within the next 15 minutes.

Lena requests that Jess picks up CatCo's next issue. She's not concerned that her recent dilemma with Kara would affect the reporter - Kara has too much integrity for that - but, flipping through the magazine anxiously, Lena hopes the other woman's words will reveal something, will pacify the thudding in her chest and pain in her heart.

They don't, not really.

The article is truly superb. Kara captured the complexity of the issue and the hope of the conference beautifully, the two sides juxtaposed to present a subtle tension throughout the piece. Lena sighs and closes the magazine. What was she expecting? "I love Lena Luthor" in place of the feature photo?

Her cheeks flush uncharacteristically and Lena opens her laptop to send the writer a thank you. The story really was very well done. Lena's proud of Kara but she doesn't say that in the email. Instead she keeps it cool and professional, though at the back of her mind she thinks that no CEO would personally thank a reporter for doing their job.

Kara hunches over her computer screen, pushing up the bridge of her glasses as they slide down when a ping alerts her of an incoming message.

1 new message.

It's from Lena.

Kara glances around. There's no chance anyone could see her screen but she's feeling particularly jittery. She probably looks like she's found a dirty photo or something with how conspicuous she's behaving but the nerves are too much to control.

A sharp "click" and the email is open.

Kara frowns. She rereads it. Her frown deepens.

It's three lines, very professional. Lena even kept her signature at the bottom.

Disappointed, Kara dips back from the screen and slumps into the chair. She shouldn't have expected more, especially in their current situation, but she thought there'd at least be a smiley face. I mean, is a declaration of love too much to ask?

She's pouting miserably, contemplating if she should reply. In the end, Kara just closes her laptop. Why bother replying when Lena didn't even seem to care in the first place, she surmises, pout turning into genuine sadness.

This rain cloud has really been following her around lately, growing only more dreary since hanging out with Alex and Maggie last night. Remembering their almost-conversation makes Kara's stomach flop. She's not really to dissect that whole situation. In fact, she even turned down Alex's offer for a movie night just to avoid anymore awkwardness for the time being.

With a sigh, she sinks lower into the wobbly chair.

Kara knew life as Supergirl would be lonely, but she didn't expect life as Kara Danvers to be a bummer too.

The self-pity has been at an all-time high since Lena's rejection - if that's the right word and Lara thinks it's unfairly not - but after weeks of this, she knows she has to make a choice. Either she and Lena are just professional contacts or she's not-so-secretly in love with the most stubborn, angsty, beautiful woman in the world. What she should do is pretty obvious, but Kara still forces herself to think through both options.

Eyes closed, breath slow, she tries to picture what it would be like to just be Lena's casual friend. Monday afternoon, walking in for an interview, Lena's polite but distant smile, hello 'Ms. Luthor,' 'Hello Ms. Danvers' - or would she still say 'Kara'? She tries it both ways but either option feels equally hollow. She imagines if Lena started dating - that makes her want to wretch - and how she would hear about it on some sleazy blog. Or she thinks about Lena winning an award and not being invited to the dinner. The knotting pain in her stomach makes Kara gasp; she didn't realize she was holding her breath that whole time.

Steadying herself, she allows her mind to ponder what could happen if she fought for Lena. This time when her stomach twists it's in a good way. They're holding hands, she's brushing hair out of Lena's eyes. Then they're at L-Corp. Kara is blushing as she interviews the CEO who is being much too flirtatious. Lena leans in like she's going to kiss her. Kara then lets herself picture them snuggling and watching movies and finally kissing and walking to lunch together and looking at the stars and having dates and fighting but always coming back to each other and all of a sudden Kara can't breathe and her heart is pounding and oh Rao, this is crystal clear.

Taking a deep breath, she straightens up and adjusts her button-down.

"Okay, no more moping," she quietly says to herself. "Game face." Eyes narrow, brow furrows - it's the kind of facade that would make Lena Luthor appear cold and intimidating, but Kara just looks like a slightly irked golden retriever. With too much force - the chair flies back - Kara stands up and nods to herself. She has a mission. One of the first missions Kara Danvers has had in a while.

She takes off for the exit, passing James, on the way out. Her game face fully intact, he just comically raises an eyebrow and says "hey Edgelord."

Kara feels kind of hardcore though so she ignores his comments. She considers getting a leather jacket maybe, but on second thought it might be hard to fit one over a cardigan.

When the blonde keeps breezing past him, James' curiosity intensifies. He leaves the manila folder on top of the filing cabinet he was leaning on and calls out her name.

"Hey! Kara hold up."

She spins around and tries fixing him with a steady look.

James crinkles his forward and stumbles back a bit at her inhumanly quick stop.

"What are - what are you doing with your face?"

"I-I'm trying to - to look stern and focused."

James runs a hand over his head and laughs.

"Okay, this is definitely a 'my office' talk." He turns to lead them to the spacious room when Kara's voice stops him.

"I can't." The facade drops a little, just hanging on by a thread. The words come out anxious and just a little bit scared.

He gives her a long look, his essential James Look, as if he can see right into her. It's a hard look, but warm and caring too.

"Hey, what's going on?"

A gentle hand lays on her shoulder, but Kara ducks her head, avoiding that his intense gaze.

Glancing around, he shuffled them into a corner for some minimal privacy.

"You've been off for weeks. Whatever it is you can tell me."

Looking up, she worries her lip, the crinkle in her forehead at full display. She remembers what it felt like to love him. He is so kind and loyal. He's a good man, a good friend...

"I messed up - with Lena." His eyes harden unconsciously at the name and Kara shrugs his hand off disappointed and surprised by his continued prejudice. "Forget it. I need to go."

"Hey, I'm sorry. Please? I'm sorry. I'll listen," he holds his hands up. "No judgment this time."

The pair holds each other's gaze for a full 10 seconds before she relents. The anger drops from her eyes and Kara is back to worrying her lip.

"I really..." She avoids eye contact at this. "care about her." When there's no response, Kara peeks up to see the realization confirmed in the slight widening of James' eyes.

"Oh... oh-kay..." The words come out shaky and a little disjointed but there's no malice. He runs his hand over his head again. Kara braces herself.

"Okay? Really? Because I know you and Alex and Maggie and Winn and J'onn don't trust her," Kara's voice picks up in frustration, "- or like her - but you don't even know-"

"Hey, hey," two solid hands come down on her shoulders. "I get it? Okay. We're a bunch of assholes. We weren't fair to her. But that doesn't mean we wouldn't... accept you." He shrugs, adding, "I mean it'd be pretty weird if Alex didn't," before his tone grows serious again," but that doesn't mean we wouldn't try. If we knew... if we understood what she meant to you? We'd try. I'd try."

Kara's voice is small when she finally responds," you'd - you'd try? You promise?"

He crosses his heart and says as much.

A monumental weight lifts off her and Kara takes in a sharp breath before his arms pull her into a tight hug.

"I'm guessing you're off to see her right now so I won't keep you, but I want you to talk to me after. Catch me up, okay? Because I do have my reservations but not because, you know. I just want you to be happy and safe."

He feels her nod against his chest and gives her one last squeeze before letting go.

Pulling away, Kara gives James a watery smile. "You're a great friend."

"My birthday's next month, remember it then." He winks and a playful grin spreads across his face. "Now get outta here," James says with a smack to her arm.

She thanks him again, speeding out of the office.

Kara decides to drop the tough demeanor for now. Lena can pull it off expertly, she thinks, but it's not her greatest asset.

You know who else can pull it off expertly?


Kara is stumbling over her words, trying to come up with an excuse to get into Lena's office but Jess is deflecting every word that Kara says as if it's a professional sport.

"As I said, Ms. Luthor is very busy," the response comes out through gritted teeth.

Kara nervously bounces from foot to foot. She looks like she has to pee.

"Yes, no I-I understand but, well this is really, really important."

Jess remains unphased.

"Lena would... want to know - I think."

"Email her."

Kara winces. "You see, uh, some conversations," she glances towards the door. Jess easily follows her eyeline and narrows her own eyes giving Kara a don't-you-dare look. "Just some co-conversations are best in person." She starts sliding forwards Lena's office.

"Kara." Jess's eyes are like angry slits. "Do. Not. Ev-"

Kara bolts.

"I'm so sorry! Please don't call security!"

The blonde makes it to the entrance before Jess can even finish cursing. The assistant knows Lena will be displeased, but she'd be furious at Jess if she called security on the Kara Danvers.

Lena's sitting in her chair, ears perked to the commotion outside before she sees Kara slipping into the office.

The voice of her secretary pops in over the office phone.

"I'm sorry - I tried to stop her but she's really fast. I can call security?" Jess sounds truly flustered.

Lena rolls her eyes before fixing them back on Kara. "That'll be unnecessary, thank you Jess." She doesn't bother the phone with a glance, opting to keep her eyes burning into the blonde.

Having infiltrated the office, Kara suddenly looks like she doesn't mean to be here at all. The reporter nervously fiddles with the cuff of her shirt, shifting her weight slightly from side to side.

"I, uh... wanted to talk to you."

Leaning back Lena crosses her arms. "Well, I figured you weren't here for the skyline view."

The snippy tone makes Kara duck her head. If that Supergirl confidence is going to show up, now would be the time.

Mouth twisted, Lena catches her gaze.

"As much as I enjoy our chats as of late - nothing is quite as relaxing in the afternoon as forced small talk - I have a meeting to prep for."

"Can we just -"

"Talk? No. I trusted you. I don't trust you now. There's your talk. I don't want your side of things."

The brunette starts to get up, collecting a few papers from her desk.

"You're just like everyone else Kara," Lena keeps her eyes down. Her voice is chilly, but Kara can hear something crack in it. "You're like everyone else I thought I could trust and I don't frankly care to go over this one more time." She meets Kara's eyes with a cold, green stare. "I am no longer your pet project. Enjoy your freedom."

"Lena Luthor, you stop right there and sit your butt down."

Lena's eyes are almost comically wide.

"Ex-excuse me?"

"Sit. Down. An-and just stop talking for once."

Lena's mouth drops open and she's shocked to find she's somehow sitting again.

"I want to fight -" Lena's raises an eyebrow."- for you! For you." Kara hastily finishes.

A bit of the mask seems to fall from Lena's face. This isn't what she was expecting- not of this was.

"I..." her face is a mess of perplexities.

Kara straightens up and cuts her off.

"You - you can s-say you don't want me to," she takes in a slow breath, clearing some of the nerves. Her face shifts, just slightly. It sets. "But I think you do. I think..." Kara walks closer to Lena's desk, slowly but sure-footed. "I think you've been waiting for someone to fight for you for a long time, Lena." The blonde stretches her arms out in offering. "I'm here and I'm not giving up. You always say that you're not like your family - well neither than I! I might have broken your trust but I am here to ask you how to fix it. I'd do... I'd do anything to fix it."

Kara walks around the desk, her bravado seeping out a little, shoulders slumping some. "You deserves better. From a lot of people, me included. But I'm not leaving. You can keep pushing but I care enough to stay."

She finally looks up from her feet and meets Lena's eyes. They're somewhere between green and grey right now, the brunette paler than usual.
