A/N: Alrighty so um hi! I basically wrote this because I've had the idea for this for a long... LONG time and I figured it would be more helpful in every way possible if I just finally wrote it out. Having an organization 13 oc is reallyyyy weeby but it's also pretty fun! I'm just going to have fun with this, however I'm going to be clearly putting a lot of work into it to make it a cool story that's at least written moderately well, cause I think it would give me practice writing and it would also be interesting for someone out there. So for that person, hi!

There is a gradual build of techno music for dramatic effect, then suddenly…


"Ugh…" The girl woke up with a start, rubbing her eyes as she blindly hit her phone on her nightstand, trying to shut off her stupid alarm. Eventually, she somehow managed to hit snooze. Why does it have to be so loud… she thought to herself.

She drowsily stood up, and fumbled in the direction of her door. She stumbled and strategically walked through her room, avoiding tripping on the articles of clothing, perfume bottles, and books scattered haphazardly on her floor in, despite her being half asleep.

The girl luckily ended up in her hallway unscathed, stumbled straight to her bathroom with her eyes closed, and magically managed to not bump into the flower-covered walls.

She sleepily opened the bathroom door and flicked on the light switch. The bulbs above the mirror flickered on, showcasing the petite, and rather nice smelling bathroom in all its hygienic glory.

The girl walked to stand in front of her sink and rubbed her eyes open to reveal their baggy, deep brown hue back at her. She noted that her mahogany hair was disheveled and sticking up in all the wrong places, and needed to be brushed immediately. But her teeth were much more important than her hair at the moment, however, so she brushed her teeth to rid herself of her terrible breath. She then washed her face, leaving her olive skin feeling properly cleaned.

Once her routine was complete, she walked right back into her room and flopped back on her bed once more, not really caring if she messed up her hair or not. She was still dead tired, but while that was not unusual for this particular girl, she really didn't want to get up just yet, so she curled up on her side and intended to stay there. She then grabbed her phone off the nightstand and pulled it close to her chest as she opened up her messenger app and read a few messages in her group chat from earlier that morning…

OpalFyre261: hey Seli, ai, are you up guys up yet?

OpalFyre261: ?

SelenaWhite: I'm awake c:

OpalFyre261: morning then! :D

SelenaWhite: Good morning!

OpalFyre261: so, are you guys hyped that we have an excuse to hang out today or what?!

SelenaWhite: Yea, I am pretty excited, but not just to hang out! We're going on this trip to learn about all of the bio tech instruments and the other things the museum has to offer! :/

OpalFyre261: you might be going there cause you care about all that school stuff but i just wanna go to have some fun with you two!

SelenaWhite: Well you should care about all this 'school stuff' Opal! There's almost two weeks left until we go back :c

OpalFyre261: i know i know, don't remind me…

OpaFyre261: and anyways that just prove my point, i mean weve barely seen each other all summer!

SelenaWhite: We just saw each other yesterday.

OpalFyre261: we gotta make the best out of a bad situation right? ayumi back me up here

OpalFyre261: ?

OpalFyre261: ayumi?

SelenaWhite: She's probably asleep.

OpalFyre261: as usual :P lmao

Ayumi felt her stomach drop, she had almost forgotten about the field trip!

She let out a groan, dropping her phone on the covers and rolling over to face away from the device. She sighed, and curled in closer upon herself. Her chest tightening, as if her heart was trying to squeeze its way out of her body to avoid the anxiety building up in there. She really didn't feel like doing anything today, let alone go to some bio tech museum. She didn't even want to go into a science field… or even have to think about school and going to college and her future. Everything was just really stressing her out, and she would rather not think about it right now.

Ayumi decided to just deal with it in a little bit…! Shit, wait her phone vibrated.

OpalFyre261: fuck *proves

She really had to start getting ready… she had to at least try! She begrudgingly, with a determined look, got up and headed downstairs to make a quick breakfast.

She was still really tired, so she didn't feel like making anything too complicated like she usually did, she just fried a couple of eggs and made some toast. Once again, her multitude of cookbooks were left unread. She glanced at the digital clock on the oven, it read 10:25, her friends would be there to pick her up in about an hour, and she had just enough time to collect herself. She can get dressed in like a half an hour, and then chill out until they arrive.

And so she did. She put on a summery little dress, wore white leggings, and these really cute sandals. Summer was just starting to say goodbye, but it was late August so there was still a drop left! Especially with her living on a boardwalk, people will still be visiting the beach as usual even if she's in school, and it at least makes her feel like school's not a thing.

Ayumi had a good half an hour before she'd getting picked up, so she had to choose what to do with her time. Would she read that book she's been putting off for like a week, or would she continue trying to beat the Saix data battle.

Fuck it. That asshole's going down.

She went in the living room, grabbed her ps3 controller, turned on the system and tv, then plopped down her couch. She could get in a good few battles before her friends arrived, and she damn well needed them. Somehow, she defeated every data battle with relative ease, yet, for some strange reason, but she could not beat Siax's. I mean, Saix's data battle is supposed to be like the easiest one what the fuck? She was great at Kingdom Hearts games? Why this?

Donald and Goofy were useless and she honestly had no idea why she suspected any different, they died the second the battle started out, and would die again the second they got up. That wasn't important though, what mattered was that she got a couple of hits in when she could. Saix would deal a couple attacks, he would be vulnerable, she'd strike back. Didn't take long for him to be all glowy, which was not a good sign.

"Moon, shine down." FUCKFUCKFUCKGOTTa SLIde AWAaaYyaaaaannndddd he got her. Dammit. Now she could move cause he hit her and then he just gets to hit her more and aaAAUGHhhhhh! She lost.

But she's not giving up!

She has to do this.

A couple of fights in, she almost pinned him. She got a hold of his stupid claymore at one point and brought down a good chunk of his health. Now she was just trading blows with him while he wasn't in his berserk mode. She almost had him, he had just one sliver of health left… she just needed to get one more-FUCK




Ayumi let out a groan of defeat… okay more like a yell. Goddamit like that was her 100th death probably. And she got really close that time.


If Ayumi's heart wasn't racing before, it was now, her mom was running the shop who the fuck is-

"You're still stuck on Saix?! How do you manage girl…"

She immediately let out a sigh of relief. Oh. It's Opal. She made an un-sigh of relief. Her friends got here so soon. Had it been that long already?

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuggggghhhhhhhhhhhh…. I was sooo cloooosee…" Ayumi dropped her head onto the back of the couch and playfully whined in annoyance.

"Your mom let us in by the way," Selena said thoughtfully, giving a concerned look to her defeated friend.

"I figured,"Ayumi replied.

"Come on dude, I'm sure you'll be able to beat'm eventually," Opal said with a smirk as she head locked her friend and gave her a gentle not really noogie.

"Opal… heheh… quit it!" Ayumi giggled.

"And if you're still feelin' down you can battle Zexion again for the like billionth time and you could smooch'm a bunch. He issss your favvvve? Huh? Huh?" Opal continued as she started shaking around Ayumi playfully, like a snot nosed kid with ragdoll.

"Stoooopppppppp!" Ayumi comically whined while elbowing her in retaliation, trying to hide her smile but ultimately failing, letting a couple more giggles escape.

"See, I knew that I of all people could cheer you up!"

The three were all laughing at this point with the comfort of their familiar friendship. As their mirth died down, however, Ayumi was suddenly curious…

"How long were you two watching me anyway?"

"We just walked in during that last fight."

"The whole thing?!"

"Yes. Sorry, we didn't let you know we were here… We didn't want to distract you…"

Ayumi smiled thankfully at Selena. "Heheh, thanks dude!" She was just the sweetest thing, honestly.

"Okay, well, we should head out now huh?"

"Yea… sorry for keeping you waiting…" Ayumi said guiltily. The three made their way downstairs, the sweet smelling flowers of her mother's shop saying farewell to them as Ayumi said goodbye to her mother. They all headed out the door together.

"No problem."

The ride to The Museum is surprisingly… quiet? Usually, none of them shut up and they talk and talk and talk about the stupidest things.

But… Not on this ride.

This time it was strangely quiet…

Here comes the stress-induced chest pain again.

The beach rolled by, a swarm of multicolored umbrellas and towels covered the sand, children ran around carelessly as the adults chatted idly by and cruised in the water. tourists basked in the last weeks of warmth and sunshine, making the most of their draining time. Ayumi looked out at the scene longingly.

The beach was soon replaced with wood and concrete, as they pass by buildings and buildings, then long stretches of roads.

It seemed to take ages to get there, and the silence was starting to get to her. When she looked towards her friends in an attempt to start some idle conversation, they were both just gazing out the windows.

That's funny, usually Ayumi's the one who watches the world roll by and just chills out on long car rides in favor of talking, not the other way around.

It was strange to not hear a peep from the two of them… but honestly, she can't blame them.

Ayumi was nervous about going to this exhibit, due to her usual irrational anxiety of course; however… there was this strange, heavy sense of dread(?) that she never usually felt about these sort of things. It seemed to grow the closer they got to the museum.

Her heart started to beat faster the closer she got to the place, and she felt a chill run up her spine. There was a general sense of fogginess in her mind, as if something was trying to keep her from going there.

I mean yea sure that sounds crazy, Ayumi was never one to believe in spirits and ghosts and shit, but the only way she could describe this feeling was in the same way characters in horror novels would describe the presence of specters haunting their home. Maybe Opal and Selena can feel it too?

Either way, the rest of the ride remained oddly silent.

For some reason, field trips, college visits, and out-of-school-relatively-recreational-education-filled-activities usually take place on a day that it had rained just before. The setting is clear and common. The sky isn't too bright and warm in favor in a blanket of clouds giving off a grey glow. The grass leaning towards a cooler shade of green with dew drops hanging over it. The building the event takes place in is streaked with paint drips of water sliding down like an emo rainbow-paint windows XP background.

On any other day and in any other situation, Ayumi would love this aesthetic. She would lap up the smell of freshly fallen rain and the multitude of puddles to splash in, it's practically her natural habitat.

However… today was different, to say the least. That's mostly just because she gets really stressed though, as far as she knows nothing else is going to happen. Well I mean you're not dumb you probably read the description of this fic or if not you at least you're smart enough to guess that this is not just some random slice of life novel it's in the Kingdom Hearts tag for fuck's sake, you know shit is about to go down. Ayumi obviously, isn't aware of this, so she knows not of her soon to be hell of a day. While she does worry, it's over the generalities of the future, not over the fact that something may happen today. Anything out of the blue will probably surprise her enough to give her a heart attack or something along the lines of that, she couldn't handle it.

She read the chrome bold letters North Shore Institute of Biology on the building as they pulled into the parking lot, and she and her friends were off to find the section of building with "Exhibit Hall" on it in slightly smaller chrome letters.

"I thought you had a map!" Ayumi said as she stiffened with fear.

"I never said I did!" Opal said with a slight tilt to her tone, admitting her guilt although cheekily.

"Why wouldn't you have one?"

"I dunno, we don't need one right?! it'll be fine… right?!"

"It won't-"

"It probably will be, Ayumi. We can find it just fine on our own."

She sighed, trying to wash away her usual tension and this newfound spooky ass dread. "Thanks, Selena."

After what felt like an hour and a half but was actually 10 minutes, they found the Exhibition Hall! And right on time too, cause the large amount of other students waiting seems like just about the 30 that Selena remembered were supposed to be going, and their 3 might be the last few! It's bound to start riiiiiiight about now…

As Opal and Ayumi were sitting on a short cement wall watching something on Opal's phone, trying not to laugh at the dog walker across the street who was tripping over 2-15 Malteses, Selena got out her travel-sized notebook and planner then checked for anyone coming out the main door to greet them/be their guide.

No… she looks too angry for this… yea she walked by. Nah, he has a tray of something that looks important…. yup he took a right…. Oh! He has a clipboard and stu… wait no, damn not him either…. oh! Another person with a clipboard came into view, but she had a stack of small glossy pamphlets too. She wore a lab coat over a business-y pencil skirt and buttoned up blazer. She was pretty damn tall, even without wearing heels, had red glasses, and her dirty blonde hair in a neat bun. Yea, that's her! She opened the front door with a prideful click, causing the surrounding soon-to-be high school seniors to glance up from their phones and conversations.

"Good afternoon students!" The lady said as she clasped her hands together in a comforting gesture, "I'm Ms. Barrette and I'll be your guide today! Please, come this way!"

"Awe sweet! She rhymed! Three times!"

"Shush, Opal!"

The inside of the facility was just as one would expect from an exhibit hall, and resembled a science museum more than anything. What differed it from a museum, however, was the occasional walking by of someone in a lab coat looking at them strangely, and the cleanliness.

It almost smelt like a hospital.

The group walked through the halls at a brisk pace, not because the students wanted to, but because it wouldn't surprise anyone if Dr. Barrette was revealed to actually be Usain Bolt in a librarian costume.

"So, Ms. Barrette?" Selena asked.

"Huh? Yes?" Ms. Barrette quickened her stride, as if caught off guard.

"What is it that you do here?"

"Any reason to ask?" She retorted, raising her brow.

"Oh, I didn't mean any offense Ms. Barrette, I just want to enter this field and I wanted to hear from someone working in it." Selena fumbled an apology with her usual sincerity.

"First of, never ask a lady her profession. However, since you must know, I'm working on a highly advanced and innovative project here with a couple other workers I've contracted. I'm running the program, actually." She smirked.

A couple of the touring students looked up from their dazes, and Selena let out a gasp. "Wow! That's amazing."

"Indeed. I was actually preparing to show you students what the project was all about at the end of the tour."

The students all gave quiet murmurs of approval, some made little quips of excitement, Opal and Ayumi groaned.

"It would be an honor!"

After going through about a 100 different hallways of weird stuff that Ayumi didn't even recognize from her textbooks, a lunch break that consisted of a sandwich wrap that actually wasn't half bad with some stale pretzels, and yet another 100 hallways of Things, the tour was over. Or, at least that's what Ayumi thought.

Ms. Barrette's tour was very linear, leading them farther and farther into the back of the facility until it eventually led to a small clearing in the hallway. It seemed like a spot to sit down where it was quiet. There were two benches, a small window on the far wall, and a water fountain. However, there was also the entranceway to another hallway there.

It wouldn't have been weird at all, if not for the fact that there were two dudes, just, guarding it? They were in pretty extra get up two, and their stupid outfits were familiar to the point where Ayumi was fidgeting around nervously. Opal seemed to have noticed as well, and she damn well looked like she was gonna deck the guys and ask them about it.

"Alright, now for the final stretch of the tour. Right this way." Ms. Barrette said as she lead them down the guarded hall. Opal never unlocked her eyes with the weird guards until they were out of sight and Ayumi pulled Selena close to the duo. She noticed something was wrong with the two of them and stayed huddled

The hall got darker as the group progressed through it, and there were minimal decorations and low light throughout its stretch. At the end of it was a large, spiraling staircase which did not forebode well. Ms. Barratte continued down, seemingly aware that a couple students were lagging behind (in fear) and slowed down her pace a bit for once.

Selena took in a breath to probably ask Miss where the fuck they were going and why, but Ayumi stopped short.

"What's up?" Opal said in a hush.

Selena shook her a bit in questioning.

"I think… I know what the uniforms are from?"

"You do?!" Opal blurted out, too shocked to keep her voice down.

Selena responded in a manufactured calm "Wait. What are they?"

Ayumi pushed her hair out of her face nervously, "What the fuck. It's so stupid. I never would have expecte-"

"What are they?!" Opal whisper-shouted.

Ayumi took in a long, shaken breath.

"The guard uniforms from Radiant Garden, the ones from BBS."

There was a long silence where the group just continued walking.

"Now that you mention it…. Yea. What the fuck. Holy shit. They were…They so were? What the fuck!? Security guards wouldn't fuckin cosplay!?" Opal started.

"Why though?" Selena rightfully asked to no one in particular. "Why would they even make those? Something is wrong here."


The entire tour group stopped and turned around to see the commotion. Ms. Barrette looked at them like she was a psycho murderer anime lady who was looking at her own reflection in the mirror and the glass cracked or something.

"Opal!" Selena berated.

"S-sorry!" She apologized, realizing she messed up big time.

Ms. Barrette turned all the way around and walked up the steps to where the trio was. "Does anyone here have any questions they'd like to ask?"

It was like she was spitting up venom.

No one said a word for a while, their collective nervous shaking was practically enough to cause an earthquake.

"Where are we going?" Ayumi sternly asked.

Ms. Barrette let out a premature ghost of a laugh, "To see the top secret experiments I do graciously let this group see." Ayumi's cold exterior was starting to crack under the pressure, her knees started to wobble. "Don't mess this up for your fellow students now, Miss Belweather." The tour guide turned around with a huff and continued walking.

Opal put herself between Ms. Barrette and Ayumi. No random lady uses her last name like that to scare her, that's for sure. Selena looked behind the group and noticed two more guards, dressed in the same uniforms as before, were following them. These guards also carted short batons. She didn't know whether to pick up the pace or not, and simply moved closer to her friends.

When they reached the bottom of the stairwell, Ms. Barrette continued, "Here were are conducting more… Controversial experiments. In my opinion, they are more than overdue," The group seemed rather torn with half being scared into silence and the other having hurried and hushed conversations, "And you should all be glad to know that you are all glad participants to our cause." She turned to her students with a completely calm and stable look on her face. As if, in fact, this was a normal thing, and not an insane thing.

A couple of the kids started to cry, Ayumi's vision was growing blurry from tears. Opal balled her fists. "What are you talking about." She snarled harshly.

"Quite a temper with this one, I wonder if she'll be more powerful… hm…" She moved her notepad in front of her and jotted down a note.

"WHAT ARE YOU-" Opal suddenly choked as one of the guards grabbed her forcefully by the neck.

"Opal!" Ayumi cried out as Selena gasped, frozen in fear.

"You'll want to keep that to a minimum while you're still here, patients!"

"Patients…" Ayumi muttered.

"Of course! You all will be prime subjects in our experiments on the heart, we like to call it Project Destati-" -she made a broad gesture with her hands- "-but even I think that's a little too on the nose…" Barrette rambled.

"F-from kingdom hearts?" Ayumi's voice started to crack.

"Ah! So you must know what I'm talking about right? Finally, someone who'll get what's going on here!" Her demeanor became surprisingly less serious, as she held her hands together in glee. Selena gave a look to Ayumi, like she was too busy restraining herself from punching the guard's face in to talk, and then glanced at the currently thrashing about Opal, and Ayumi jumped a little.

She raised her hand, "Excuse me, Miss- ah, I-I mean, Ms. Barrette? Me, Selena here, and my friend Opal are all avid KH fans." She attempted to giggle.

"Really then! Well why didn't you say so, You can release her." She made a shooing motion at the guard who rolled his eyes at her and released Opal. She hit the ground and hacked and coughed her lungs out. Her friends rushed to her side, and brought her to her feet. "So, I'll keep the explanation brief then-"

There were a couple of sharp hacks before Opal muttered, "You can't be serious." Her voice was hoarse.

Ms. Barrette narrowed her eyes. "What."

"I said," there were a few more coughs, "you can't be serious."

Well she done fucked, Ms. Barrette loomed over them. "Elaborate."

"I got a D in biology and even I know that no doctor in their right mind would do anything serious regarding a video game, you've got to be fucking with us." Despite her gravelly voice, Opal still tried to sound menacing.

"Well, maybe I'm NOT a doctor, alright?! Look, I am basing this after scientific FACT I've discovered and correlated to the properties of the heart, no high school junior is going to question MY RESEARCH!" The whole group backed off, and Opal wiped the sweat off her brow and kept to herself.

She took in a long breath and forcefully let it out, putting a hand to her forehead, "If you even so much as care about the reason you are more than likely dying very soon, I recommend. Staying. Quiet." No one made a sound.

"I discovered a wavelength in the body that was very faint yet all throughout that grew in strength the more emotional select individuals got, and the closer someone was to death. I thought at first it might be what we call a Soul, but now I know it to be a Heart. Not the typical organ," She looked to the trio, "You know what I mean. I figured out a method of being able to view the wavelength more strongly, and I believe that I have made a device that will be able to store Hearts for further experimentation. I selected you, my students, as each of your recommendations your teachers sent in all mentioned you being strong willed. That will for certain make it easier to keep your Hearts around."

A student made a run for it. A guard quickly caught him, knocked him out with his baton, and slung him over his shoulder.

This seemed to make it all too real for the rest of the group. They all started crying, panicking, and demanding to be let go. More guards just came in and grabbed all of the students, incapacitating those who were too squirmy.

Unluckily, this meant Opal and Selena were knocked out within a few moments.

"Opal! Selena!" Ayumi couldn't hold back her tears anymore. She was crying as quietly as she could to try and avoid being knocked out. It couldn't end like this. Not now. She had to try and find a way out of here.

They were taken into a large room. One with many metal tables. They were all vertically slanted so that whoever was in it would be practically upright. They also had straps for the limbs and a rounded plate for the head. Above each of them was a device with a lot of wire and cylinders connecting to the ceiling. There was a long needle extruding from it. Something about it seemed… more corporeal somehow.

Each of the guards strapped the student they were holding onto the table, being very careful not to touch the needle. Some students were screaming and thrashing too much and were knocked out before being put in. The boy across from her was quietly reciting something in another language, something most likely religious.

The trio ended up being at the very back of the room, right next to a large window to some sort of observation room, Ms. Barrette was sitting next to a bunch of monitors. To Ayumi's right was Opal. To her left was Selena. She tried to talk to them, to get them to wake up. She couldn't.

Once everyone was in place, the guards left the testing room in an orderly fashion. The second the last one was out the door, Ayumi started struggling, trying to break loose of the straps. It was no use. Barrette was saying something, she couldn't hear what it was. The monitors in the room lit up and some kind of mechanical whirring was heard close by. The machines started to light up, and the needles started to get closer and closer to the students. Ayumi never stopped her struggle, she tried to pull her hands through the straps, she kicked her feet to try and break free. They never budged. She was crying, what could she do.

"I'm sorry, Opal. Selena." She sobbed. "I couldn't save us."

The needle pierced her directly where her heart would be. it felted as though she was being simultaneously being ripped apart and lifted off the ground. Everything went black.

Suddenly, she was falling down. Ayumi didn't know how, but she was falling. She didn't know where she was, how she was, and barely who she was, she was simply falling.

The air felt heavy, almost as if it wasn't air at all. It whizzed past her face and left a nice, cooling feeling. She tried to open her eyes, and once she did she was left with a sea of blackness. She gasped, opening her eyes wide and looking around her, although, she really wasn't as shocked as she should be, or at least, she didn't think she was. She noticed her perpetual state of motion, and her lack of gravity, and tried to turn and face the direction she was falling. She managed to turn around, and squinted her eyes through the air(?) and put her hand above her eyes in an attempt to see anything in the distance.

Almost as if the space she was in knew Ayumi had turned around, something pink sparkled in the horizon(?). As she neared it, she could make out a figure, not on the platform, but printed upon it, it was a large circular platform of stained glass. She was now close enough to notice, that that figure was her. She took in a breath and, was almost near enough to land on it, she tried to position herself to land, but once she made contact she stumbled, almost falling in the glass. She steadied herself in a very careful manner as if the glass were to shatter if she stepped on it the wrong way. She didn't realize why she thought it would.

She gazed upon the piece of art beneath her, and was stunned. The portrait, although being stained glass, almost had a watercolor feel to it despite the thick lines. She was perfectly depicted, they even got her thick eyelashes right. It looked as if the girl depicted was in a deep slumber; although she wasn't peaceful. It also did not feel like the girl in front of her was her. She did not know why.

She(?) was wearing the outfit she had put on today, and behind her was a collection of pink and white flowers, carnations and chamomile, her two favorites. Around her were a collection of circles. she walked around the edge to get a good look at them. There was a cluster of pink carnations, then a cluster of chamomile, an open book with its text illegible, a bar of ice cream, some more flowers, and in the center, perfume bottles?

Ayumi(?) then noticed the collection of circles above her form. There was a portrait of Opal, one of Selena, her mother, and then two indiscernible silhouetted faces. She stared at one of the blacked out figures for quite a while swearing she knew who it was, then focused her attention on her two friends. She did not know why, but looking at them brought her anxiety and sorrow, or at least she knew that it should.

Suddenly, she realized why. She jumped back with a start. "Opal… Selena…" She said to no one in particular. They were experimented on… with some stupid kingdom hearts thing… by a crazy lady? And we're fucking killed.

It didn't phase her as much as she figured it would that her two closest friends were dead, what she really wondered was… "How did I get here."

With another thought, she remembered. "This is a… a station of awakening? The stained glass from some of the KH games… Is this… mine?"

She didn't have time to realize that this place was her heart because the platform started getting cloudy with a black, inky substance.

"W-wha?!" She backed away from the edge, which had clouds of darkness creeping its way towards her. She looked behind her and the dark clouds were around the entire edge of the circles. She stopped trying to get away when she reached the center.

She heard a noise behind her, something small and minute, almost as if something was scratching a silky fabric. She turned to the source of the sound to see a little, black, ant-like creature melting up from the darkness. It's antennae twitched and it looked at her with its black beady eyes with what looked like… perhaps, curiosity? "Shadow." She said in a whisper.

More and more of the creatures started to materialize around her, they began to attempt to attack her. Something was in her hands now, she didn't know what they were but they felt as if they were meant to fit there.

She didn't know what she was doing, in an almost animalistic rage she started slashing and stabbing the heartless, they clawed at her, leaving a mark on her arm. She continued on, she never had fought anything before and yet it felt as if she was made to do this. She managed to kill a good number of them, but more and more started to spawn.

She let out a loud half groan/half scream at the realization that she had made no progress in keeping the shadows at bay. "What is going ON!?"

The darkness expanded twofold, curling and wafting into the air above the platform, leaving the odd trails of purple in its wake. It ensnared her feet and started to engulf her. The shadows took the opportunity to pounce, scratching and clawing and doing their best to harm her.

There was nothing left of the platform, and nothing left of her

She didn't cry.