Chapter 4 Adventure Bay Team

Hi guys. This chapter will be small because In this days I have some blocks. But I hope you like it.

Everest: Perfect, now I need another teammate ... but who?

Everest was immersed in his thoughts when he suddenly heard the Ryder ATV horn. The husky came out and saw the Paw Patrol along with the snowboarding president.

Everest: Hi guys. Are you Mr Baranov, right?

Daniil: in person

Everest: We were waiting for her, Jake is in the cabin

Daniil came into the cabin to talk to Jake. Meanwhile Everest asked the puppies if they were interested in participating in the race.

Everest: Well, guys, I think you already know what's going on here

Ryder: already

Everest: Daniil asked me if we are interested in participating, Drake is already in the team but I still have a free seat. Are any of you interested in participating?

Rubble without thinking of it was offered immediately.

Rubble: me! me! me! Choose me, pleeeeeeeease

Everest: * chuckles * okay

Marshall: um ... Everest

Everest: What's Marshall?

Marshall: I'm interested to participate too

Everest: No problem Marshall, you're in the team too

Jenny touched Everest's shoulder to catch her attention.

Everest: What's Jenny?

Jenny: * whispering * but Everest, you just have to be three to form a team

Everest: * whispering * I know, but I can't say no to Marshall

Meanwhile in Jake's cabin ...

Daniil was showing Jake and Drake a movie about the latest international snowboarding and how the Swedish team beat the Australian team without difficulty, thus becoming the current world champions.

Daniil: Irvan, Zeus and Haxel form the Swedish team. Together they won the fifth consecutive title without ever being beaten

Drake: They are the current champions, right?

Daniil: Exactly. Needless to say they participate in this race too

The young wolf watched them for a few seconds on the screen. Of course they were very good, but Drake thought he was doing better.

Drake: I know how to do better, I'm sure we will beat them in the race without any problems

Daniil: You're a very determined pup

Jake: but Drake. They are professionals and you've just learned to use snowboard; You will probably overcome the eliminations but I do not think you will be able to beat the champions in office

Drake: Oh, come on Jake. I can do everything if I believe. And I think our team can win

Jake: * sigh * you have a lot of determination, I like it. Now I must bring Mr. Baranov to see the path

Jake and Daniil came out of the cabin and went to see a long 11km.

The track was closed to the public because that route was used for competitions. In spite of everything, it was not such a challenging journey that there was only a few jumps and some narrow curves but nothing to do with it.

Daniil thought that the path was perfect for qualifying. After observing the whole track, he made a decision.

Jake: This is the path we usually use for racing

Daniil: hmm ... I like it. It's not as challenging as international track racing, but I think it can go well for qualifying

Jake: Fantastic!

Meanwhile with Drake ...

Drake walked out of Jake's cabin and reached for his friends

Everest: ah there you are Drake. We finally have our team

Drake: fine, who are our next teammates?

Everest: Rubble and Marshall

Meanwhile, Rocky introduced the team's new snowboard uniforms for the race. It was a red uniform with white waves.

Rocky: Here are your uniforms for the race. Obviously made with recycled material

Marshall: Rocky wow, they're great

Drake: Yes you did a great job

Everest: Can we wear them?

Rocky: sure

When the rest of the pups saw the team with the new uniforms they were astonished.

Skye: wow guys, red looks you nice

Rocky: Yeah, you're great

After a few minutes Jake returned with Daniil to give the great news

Daniil: After checking the track, I would say that I finally made a decision ... the qualifications of the new international race will be held here at Adventure Bay

All the pups howled of happiness

Daniil: So qualifications will start in two weeks. I'll say that you are already enrolled with twenty other nations. Now I only need your names and you will be okay

Everest: Everest

Drake: I'm Drake

Rubble: My name is Rubble

Marshall: And I am Marshall

Daniil: I'm sorry little pup. Only three members can participate

Marshall: * whimper *

Daniil: But for you I can break a rule

Marshall: really?

Daniil: Yeah, you seem to be a good guy. Then welcome to the Adventure Bay Team

Marshall: Yay !

To be continued...

So this is all for now. But I have a thing to say: if you want you can lend me your oc for this story, but I need some informations. ( only 3 oc to form a national team)



fur color:




T.F is out, see you soon