Matthew Williams, a Canadian teenage boy, was sleeping soundly. His twin brother, Alfred Jones, was still snoring away in the next room. Fluffy, soft fur brushed against his neck, followed by a cold nose. He squirmed a little, trying to get away from it. The whatever-it-was had been, ever-so-softly, nuzzling it's face into his neck. Finally, he opened his eyes to see a medium/small-sized, fluffy, cream colored dog.

"Kuma... stop it..." he groaned. Matthew's eyes closed again. Suddenly, they shot open again as the dog, 'Kuma', nuzzled harder, getting a giggle from the boy. "Okay, fine, Kumapillow... I mean, Kumajirou... I'm up."

He sat up, his faithful pup sitting next to him as he reached towards the nightstand for his glasses. Once he found them, he let go of the stuffed bear he'd been sleeping with (yes, he still slept with a stuffed animal... IT HAD WHITE FUR AND IT'S NAME WAS MAPLE) and brought the glasses to his face.

He yawned and stretched. When Matthew looked down at his dog, it made the cutest face- cocking it's head to the side as if it was saying 'what?' or 'who?', or possibly, 'will you feed me?'

Matthew smiled and got out of bed, checking the alarm clock that he didn't use for the alarm, just the time, on his way out of his room.


Kuma jumped off the bed to follow him. Should he wake up Alfred?... Probably, since the bus would usually come at around 7:20, giving him about fifty minutes to get ready. He knocked on Alfred's door, something silly, since the other boy would still be sleeping. Matthew headed inside. "Hey, Al." he said. Alfred didn't even stir.

His Golden Retriever, Max, was laying on the foot of the bed, seeming to still be asleep. He had a bandana with the US flag design wrapped around his neck, unlike Kuma who had a normal (gray) collar.

Matthew frowned. "Alfred, you gotta get up." the violet-eyed boy chided, sitting down on his brothers bed. Alfred groaned. He was awake. "But Mattie-" he started. "-I don't wanna get up..." he whined.

Matthew was silent for a moment. "I'll make pancakes." he said. Alfred opened his eyes. "Fine... I'll get up."

The Canadian couldn't help a smile. Even though Alfred had blue eyes and Matthew had violet eyes- which shouldn't be possible, but he did have naturally violet eyes- there was something that they both shared. No, it wasn't blonde hair. Besides, Matthew had that weird little curl that would always hang in his face while Alfred didn't. NO, it wasn't the need for glasses, though they needed different prescriptions. It was a love (or very strong liking of) of pancakes.

"Looovvviiiiii!" A brown-haired boy whined as he shook his twin. "Five more minutes, Feli..." 'Lovi' mumbled. His full name was Lovino Vargas, in case you wanted to know.

'Feli' pouted. "But Lovi, if you stay in bed for five more minutes, you'll miss the bus!" Lovino's eyes shot open. "What?! Feliciano, why didn't you get me up sooner?!" He checked his alarm clock. Sure enough, he only had a few minutes to get ready.

Looking over his twin brother, Lovino realized Feliciano had already gotten himself ready- dressed, hair combed, odd-hair-curl-that-they-both-had curled.

"Ugh! I can't believe you! Now I only have-" he glanced at the clock- "Five minutes!" "But you kept saying, 'Five more minutes' and I was just doing what you asked me to!"

"Just get out! I have to change!" Lovino shoved his brother by the shoulders out of his room and slammed the door so hard it was a mystery as to why the door didn't shatter the wall.

"...Idiota." Lovino muttered, before frantically heading to his dresser for something to wear. He checked his phone, and apparently the first day of school was going to be a bit cold- about 60 degrees Fahrenheit. He grabbed a red T-shirt, beige jacket, and blue jeans quickly and attempted to get dressed as fast as possible.

The jacket had fluff around the edges of the hood. That fluff resembled the Italian tsundere boy's bedhead. Quick! Ah... where's a comb...

He burst out of his room and dashed into the bathroom, spotting a brush on the counter. He frantically ran it through his hair as he dashed downstairs. Feliciano was waiting downstairs for his brother, holding both of their backpacks- his blue one and Lovino's tan one.

Just before he was about to step out the door, he realized he still only had socks on his feet. With barely anytime to spare, he slipped his feet into a pair of tennis shoes.

Feliciano and Lovino made it to the bus stop just as the bus pulled up.