Sometimes love isn't everything:

Summary: Padme and Anakin are two people who hate eachother who come from rich families. The Amidala give Padme to Anakin as his bride for alliance between their families. Padme finds herself being seduced by the one man whom she hates. What happens when they fall in love


Twelve year old Padme Amidala was very excited. Today was the day her future had been decided for her. Her Father had found a Husband for her. She was to meet him today. She couldn't wait. She just hoped her wasn't too young or too old. She hoped he wasn't ugly or conceited. Most of all she hoped he would be her prince charming.

It's amazing how the mind of a child works. They dream up their fantasies and expect it to become true. They believe they will get what they want and believe it will even come true. Then when it doesn't they throw a tantrum.

Padme was none of these. From the time she was young she had been raised to hold her head up high. She was told she was better than everyone else was. She was taught to rise above everyone else. Her Nana had raised her to believe she was prettier than everyone else was. And Padme was all of those things.

"This is the man who I will have to give myself to. This is the man I must submit to. I will meet him now, but I wont have to marry him until I'm Fifteen. During these years I will have to ready myself to be a Lady of the Household," said Padme into the mirror.

"I wonder what he will look like. Will he be handsome? Will he be kind to me? I never admit this to anyone but I'm scared. What if his family doesn't think I am good enough for him," said Padme to her Nana.

"I am not hearing this. You are better than any girl I know! If you are not good enough for him no one is. You are Padme Amidala and you are the prettiest girl," said Nana.

"You really think so? What if his parents don't like me and they choose my sister over me?"

"I have said this many times before but her beauty will never even come close to yours. I tell you this love, hold yourself highly but be gracious at the same time. Take all I have said into consideration. Do you understand me Padme? I hope you have listened to me all of the times I have told you anything. You are beautiful and smart. Use both of those things to your advantage," said Nana.

Padme nodded her head in full understanding. She had listened to everything her nana had ever said. She had paid attention. She had taken every lesson to heart. For once she would be able to play them all out. She would show that family that she most deffinitely was the one for their son.

Their son, whoever he may be would know it to. He may not love hr but he would respect her and admire her right from the beginning. That for sure must be a fact


Anakin was even more smug than Padme if that were even possible, which I have been assured it is. He was Fifteen and already older women were hitting on him. His Mother ofcourse was appalled at all of this and he ofcourse went along with her. Inside he loved it all. He loved how woman smiled when he had even so much as winked at them. It was enthralling to have so much power over a woman.

All of that was about to change though today. He was not in the least bit happy about it. Today was the day he would meet his future wife. He doubted he would actually end up married to her. There were three others he had met with.

His Parents had either deemed that the family fortune hadn't been enough or that the girls weren't good enough for their son. They had said that this time had been a sure deal, than again they had said that the last three times. His Parents always seemed so assured about everything that turned out to be wrong.

Anakin would play his part so that none of the blame would go to him. He would make the parents love him. It really didn't matter what the daughter thought of him. She really had no say, which was probably for the best.

Actually come to think of it he was looking forward to meeting the lady. She ofcourse would be younger than him. He really didn't care how young she was.

Anakin was known by his friends as a daredevil. He did things people would never expect someone of his status to do. He said things that people of his class would never approve of. Oh yes, in public he was the gentleman, the lady every man wanted. Outside of the eye of the public he was known in these ways.


Padme had just greeted Mr. and Mrs. Skywalker. So far everything had gone according to plan. Her Nana was right she could already see everything would go according to plan. They were already taken with her. All she had to do was meet their son, whom she could tell already was but a few years older than her. That made her happy.

She looked at the boy in the corner. He must have been about fifteen. He had blonde hair and crystal blue eyes that she felt like she could look in all day. Was that Anakin?

"Anakin! What are you doing over there? Come here at once and introduce yourself. I will not stand for this behavior. I hope I have made myself more than clear," said Mr. Skywalker strictly.

She watched, as Anakin never broke eye contact with her as he approached her. He let a slow smirk crawl up onto his face. Ofcourse none of the adults had seen.

She had hated that smirk right from the beginning. She had hated how he prowled to her as if he owned her. She deeply scowled at him. She was not property but a person.

He shook his head at her as he shook her hand.

"You must be Padme. I'm Anakin Skywalker. It's a pleasure to finally meet you," said Anakin.

"The pleasure is all mine," said Padme as she glared at him.


The two were now sitting by them selves in a full argument.

"I wouldn't expect someone of your stature to believe in the jedi. I assure you of one thing though. There is a higher power than either myself or you for that matter," said Padme with feeling.

"Too many things in the world happen for something good or something powerful to actually exist."

"Without pain and misery there would be no compassion."

"Tell that to those who have suffered," said Anakin.

"You are impossible. I hate you, but why do you hate me? I might have to marry you and you are doing nothing but make things impossible," said Padme.

"I don't have to be nice to you. You're just a little girl. I may have t marry you but I sure as hell don't like you. I can't stand you. You're annoying and crazy."

Padme felt as if she was about to cry. No, not in front of him. She was not going to cry in front of him. She had never cried in front of anyone besides Nana before and she was not gong to start now.

"I hate you because you are an evil git. You know nothing of love or anything. I hate you with a passion. I hope you nurn in hell because you deserve it."


Anakin layed in bed because he could not sleep at all. He couldn't get her off his mind. It was more than that she was strikingly pretty for such a young girl. It was more than her grace and poise.

It was her courage. It was the way she faced people without fear or rejection. She wasn't afraid to let people know what she thought. She was very bold and straightforward.

He hated all of that. Hell, he hated everything about her. Yet he was completely and utterly obsessed with her. They had everything in common and she was meant to be his. So, she would be.


Two Years later:

Padme was ready for the picnic. She couldn't go without a male escort but ofcourse Anakin was late as usual. When was he ever not. Padme knew he did it just to piss her off. Well, not this time. She wasn't going to let it get to her this time. She was going to resist it. It was a game the two of them had played for the last two years. The game was to see who could out do the other, who was smarter, who was braver. The list goes on. Padme vowed to win today.

The door suddenly opened to reveal Anakin Skywalker. Padme amediately scowled at him, which would look quite strange to the onlooker. Most women would be thrilled to be engaged to some as Anakin. He had handsome features. He was tall. He had blonde hair as well as blue eyes.

"What took you so long? I was about to leave without you. I ofcourse would have let you take the blame. You would have had to explain to our parents. They ofcourse would have once again seen just how incompetent you are," said Padme snidely.

"You never shut up now do you? You've known me for years and you know that I would have found a way around it. I always do, now don't I? You'll never win this game Padme. I'm faster than you and I have been playing a lot longer than you have," said Anakin.

"Are you so sure about that, Anakin? Even if I haven't been playing as long as you I'm a quick study. You of all people know that. I figured you out on day one," said Padme.

"Oh, I am so sure you did. Jesus Christ would you please get your coat. I really do not have the patience for you this day," said Anakin.

Padme went to get her coat, but she couldn't quite reach it. She felt someone behind her reaching up to get it. As Anakin reached up to get it he accidentally grinded his body into hers. They both ignored the electric feeling they both felt.

