Harry Potter The College of Winterhold

Chapter 1

"Come Now boy the minister has spoken it's Azkaban for you" a gruff auror spoke as he near dragged a 12 year old Boy from the boat onto the island.

The guard smirked "I knew the stories weren't real Don't worry you murdering scum we'll throw you in with The Dark Lords insider Black and let him finish you"

Harry was dragged inside the prison where he was hurled into a cell.

As he opened his eyes a man stood over him

"Harry… Why'd they throw you in here?"

Harry looked at the man a vague image rushed to his mind of a younger version of this same man smiling laughing but not a cruel smile a friendly smile

"You remember me then Pup?, your Godfather Sirius Black, Now tell me what the Hell are you doing here?"

Harry explained how after the basilisk battle

Harry had been lying in his hospital wing when Ministry officials turned up and arrested him, the charges being that of endangering the wizarding world, Sirius laughed at that for a good minute before apologising and explaining how his own farce of an arrest had been handled.

Meanwhile in another world far away

Arch Mages Chamber

College of Winterhold


a man sat up from his Meditation

As his former classmates walked in

The dark Elf Brelyna, the Khajiit J'Zargo and Teacher Tolfdir all three of the mages looked to the arch mage

"Did you feel that?" The Arch Mage Alexandre Said

"J'Zargo felt and saw the raw power in that cage" The tall cat man replied

"I must admit I too saw the vision" Brelyna added

"What do we do about it though?, Tolfdir what would Master Aren have done?"

The old mage looked pensive for a moment

"Savos was a kind and pragmatic Leader, He may have intervened The younger man in the vision did appear to be a child, However as you are archmage it is ultimately your decision what we do"

Alexandre hummed "Come we should use the ritual circle We've no idea what resistance we may meet, Brelyna, J'zargo please go and get the other magic school heads, Tolfdir and I will meet you on the roof"

"It will be done Sir" Brelyna replied

"I've told you about calling me that…"

"And you know i do it because it annoys you' the Dunmer said with a smirk as the two mages took their leave

"If i may ask archmage, what is your plan?"

"I haven't a clue, I was thinking using a Dremora to open a portal" Alexandre replied

Meanwhile in Azkaban

In the cell Harry and Sirius were locked in

The young boy shivered

"I'm sorry Harry i wish i could protect you the dementors feed on happiness try and concentrate on my voice"

Sirius said tears rolling down his face at his inability to help his godson.

A loud pop sounded and Sirius looked around The Wall of the Cell had turned into a deep purple Portal

He looked at it curiously

"Quick Grab The boy and come through those undead creatures will detect the portal"

"Who are you"

"A better option than you are currently living in hurry" the voice spoke

"Come on Harry Let's get you out of here son" Sirius said carrying Harry through the portal Sirius felt like his body was going through a drain pipe his vision returned to him and he was stood atop a medieval castle like building A Tall man in Fluffy Robes and a heavy Mask was pointing a staff at the portal the portal closing.

A woman Approached and bowed down to assess harry sirius moved between them the woman put her hands up

"I promise i only mean to help the boy please" She said

"Colette means him no harm" The masked man said Sirius eyed him suspiciously an old man approached

"Forgive the archmages appearance he dresses like that as it aids his magical powers

"My Name is Tolfdir, You are at the college of winterhold in Skyrim, we detected you and your young friend's trauma and we decided to save you"

"My name is Sirius Black and that is my godson Harry Potter, We were thrown in Azkaban Prison for crimes we didn't commit in England, Thank you for helping us"

"The boy is unharmed but very malnourished I will need to work on his in the hall of countenance Arch Mage" Colette called out

"May we help your godson Mr Black?" Tolfdir asked

"I want to stay with him" Sirius commented

"Tolfdir, Brelyna Help me levitate the child" Colette Asked the Old man moving to Harry's side but was stopped by the masked man who put two hands out and a beam of light touched Harry gently raising him into the Air a dark skinned girl imitated the move and gave extra lift to Harry.

Colette led the way Harry floating along behind her Tolfdir led Sirius into the tower

"I assure you the child will be safe, Take rest and some clean robes" the head wizard offered handing Sirius some fresh robes.

Sirius pulled the robes on feeling a strange massaging feeling inside as he wore them

His magic felt stronger somehow,

Whoever these people were they seemed to want to help him and Harry the old wizard Tolfdir reappeared

"Colette is still helping your godson his magic whilst powerful seems to have been limited" Tolfdir said

"Can i see him?"

"He will need to rest when they have finished Colette is the best Restoration Mage in the college and No One has the powers of our current Archmage he is the province's most powerful Magic user, He helped the Great Dragonborn Fight and kill the eater of worlds"

"So Tolfdir, Tell me where am I?"

" you have crossed dimensions your world exists parallel to this one"

"These robes they make me feel stronger?"

"Those are robes imbued with Magicka they increase your magical pool, try a basic spell if you wish" The Mage offered

"I've not hot my wand it was taken upon my arrest" Sirius admitted

"Ah your world uses foci Ours doesn't require foci, Try your spell using your hands"

"Lumos" Sirius said pushing his hand forward a ball of light emerged from his hand sticking to his skin

"Amazing I never could do that before"

"You see In this world Foci are a choice I don't use them myself whereas the Archmage chooses to use them from time to time, come we shall check on your godson"

the two men walked into the room where Colette was pouring healing magic into Harry

She looked up

"Ah Master Wizard, The boy is sleeping something strange exists within him i've never seen anything like it before I'd like Sergius the Archmage to look him over it's dark and it looks like a soul fragment, but for the time being i think we allow him to rest"

"I'll sit with him if that's ok If he wakes he'll want to see a familiar face"

Tolfdir smiled and left with colette

"Well Harry" Sirius said quietly running his hand over harry's hair

"Looks like both our lives just changed"


If you would like to see this continued let me know in reviews it's an idea that I had around Christmas last year and found it in my Google Drive and decided to finish the first chapter got a few ideas nothing long term anyway hope you guys enjoyed and thanks for reading