It's short, but it's the last one.

Chapter 10

1 year later

It was her wedding day. She and Jay had been engaged for one year. Harper was now two and was excited to be able to throw flowers today.

Erin looked beautiful. Her hair was curled and her makeup was perfect. The dress hugged her every curve.

Hank walked her down the aisle behind Harper who tossed plenty of flowers for them. She'd run to Jay her curls bouncing. Jay hadn't been able to take his eyes off Erin. She was beyond beautiful and he couldn't get enough of her.

They said their vows, exchanged the rings, and then finally were able to kiss. Harper giggled at them as Jay dipped Erin back and kissed her hard and deep.

They had a reception with their friends at the venue. Nothing fancy just food and cake to celebrate them.

Jay surprised Erin with a honeymoon to the Caribbean. Hank was going to keep Harper for them while they enjoyed a week away.

They went back to the apartment and got changed. Jay already had their bags packed and Hank already had all of Harper's things. After changing, they headed off to the airport.

After a week of sun and relaxation, they were ready to be back with their little girl. They'd missed her like crazy but enjoyed their vacation as well. Hank met them at the airport and Harper was just as happy to see them as they were to see her.

1 year later

A year after their marriage, Erin surprised Jay with a gift. Inside was positive pregnancy test. She'd taken it just a few days before and held on to it to surprise him on their anniversary.

Nine months later, Mason Benjamin Halstead joined the family of three at five thirty in the morning. He weighed seven pounds fourteen ounces and was nineteen inches long. He was a spitting image of Jay and Erin was in love.

The first time Harper met him would forever be engrained in Erin's mind. It was the sweetest moment and Harper loved her little brother.

Erin couldn't be happier with her life. Her choices had ended up working out for the best. She had an amazing husband, a beautiful wonderful daughter, and now a perfect little boy to complete their family. It's funny how their choices could turn out for the best when you let them.