AN: Playing the JK Rowling house of fun, mixing and matching characters to suit my daily needs.

No Triggers that I can think of in this chapter. Unless UST is a trigger for some people...

Chapter Notes: I love King Richard the 3rd - Professor Snape seems to be entirely based on him. The thing to remember about Richard is, to forget the play that Shakespeare wrote... THAT was propaganda to suit Henry Tudor's tempremental red-headed Queen agenda, and to keep Will's head on his neck where he probably liked it best.

Thank you, Vino Amore, for looking this over and even giving me some notes to think about for forwarding the plot. Also, thank you for the reviews, most appreciated, this story may be considered a slow burn for me but I wanted to try something a little different. Though, some plot guesses/ideas/theories are always welcome. Who knows, they might even get used.


Love's First Flame

Ginny looked at Hermione over the dinner table. Molly hadn't cooked any dinner because she spent the entire afternoon looking for her watch. The matriarch was confused. She was sure she had it strapped on tight this morning. How could it have disappeared? So, Hermione and Ginny undertook the hefty task of cooking for about fifteen people, whilst Molly went about ransacking the house for the instrument.

Hermione looked across the table at Kingsley and he noticed her smiling at him. The handsome man wished that she would be a little more discreet. No one knew that they had stolen a secret, passionate kiss apart from Molly. He picked up his fork and twirled it in the pie.

He smiled, as he tasted the tenderest piece of beef he ever ate. "This is beautiful," he said.

"Thank you," Hermione said shyly.

The twins dropped their forks and turned to Hermione as one. "Marry us!" they said. "We don't mind sharing!"

Hermione laughed, Molly scowled, and Kingsley looked down on his plate.

"No Gred and Forge," she said warmly. "I don't think I'd want to be shared."

"Shame, this is a lovely pie," they said.

"Shut up!" Ron exclaimed.

He looked slightly embarrassed by his brother's behaviour. Hermione picked up a piece of meat and placed it in her mouth and ate it. Kingsley watched her mouth close around the cube of beef and he squirmed in his seat. Didn't the girl realise that she was sitting at a table practically full of males?

"What was work like today?" Molly asked her husband, oblivious to Kingsley's discomfort.

"It was busy, and there have been sightings of a certain man."

They never mentioned Snape's name around Harry in case he hexed the person who said it. The boy was volatile enough as it was.

"Really?" Kingsley asked.

Arthur took a sip of wine, studied the Auror and nodded as if he had measured what he was about to say. "He was seen somewhere in Yorkshire."

Hermione's fork clattered on her plate. "Sorry, Mr Weasley," she coughed and sheepishly looked at her plate flushing slightly. "Where?" she asked eventually in a quiet voice.

"On the Moors," Arthur replied. "Actually, near a ramshackle Castle!"

"I knew it!" Hermione exclaimed. "He's of Yorkshire birth. It spoke to me when I first met him." Harry looked up and narrowed his eyes at his female friend. "He's of Yorkshire descent; as am I!" She said in a tone of voice that seemed to them as if she had said it all along.

"How do you know that?" Kingsley asked in his warm, calm voice.

"His surname is indicative of either Yorkshire or Norfolk patronage. His first name clinched the deal," this was when Hermione shone, when she had facts to share. "There was a Roman Emperor who went to Yorkshire to put down a rebellion against the Empire. In fact that's how my family came to England, so I was told; because we were related to the Emperor."

Kingsley blinked. "Anything else?"

Hermione blushed slightly when she realised that everyone at the table was listening to her with rapt attention, including Harry. She picked up a bit of pie with her fork and shrugged her shoulders before she continued.

"He also reminds me of a Yorkshire King who existed five hundred years ago. He was called Richard. Apparently not the best looking of men but clever, cunning, a strategist, and a politician," she took a deep breath before taking a glug of water. "He had a high respect for women, and he gave people jobs if they had the brains to do it and not because the Barons paid him to take their sons on, which is why the Barons and Lords despised him;" now fully into her subject, Hermione was trying not to bounce up and down with excitement. "He was above bribery. He was fairly forward thinking for his time, unbeknownst in the Middle Ages."

"I thought he killed his nephews?" Remus asked eyes twinkling with mirth, trying to raise her ire. "His wife too!"

"I suppose a Welsh Lancastrian like you would say that!" Hermione said to him with a naughty sparkle in her eyes. "Richard had nothing to gain by murdering those Nephews of his. Recent studies has shown that the children weren't entitled to the throne due to the fact that their father was a bastard born of an extra marital incident involving the Queen and a Lord. Richard was actually the rightful King of England. Henry Tudor had more reason than Richard to see those nephews six feet under," tilting her head to the side, Hermione seemed to be contemplating another name for the debate. "Hmm, perhaps Lord Stanley, Richard's traitorous friend and Henry Tudor's step father."

"Ancient history," Remus said grinning.

Hermione felt a little taken aback at that. "So is the hatred between Slytherin and Gryffindor," she replied coldly. "Yet it was alright for your friend to nearly kill a boy in his year because he was in Slytherin." With that Hermione drew her seat back and stormed out of the room.

"What's the matter with her?" Ron asked.

"I still can't believe that she's still defending him," Ginny replied, she was the only one who knew about Hermione's ill-fated crush on the saturnine teacher.

"I can," Kingsley murmured. "Hermione has the sweetest heart that any one soul can possess. She feels that everyone should be given a chance."

Remus narrowed his eyes at his friend and shifted in his seat as he realised there was more to Kingsley's statement than the Auror's attitude let on. The Witch did have a point, thought the Werewolf shamefully, the truth was that ancient history always seemed to unashamedly pop up. A cheery grin and a hand yielding a knife to cut open deep festered scars of hate. Reigniting what should have been doused out long ago.

"How do you know?" Harry asked. "It is not like you and Hermione talk a lot is it?"

Kingsley sighed. Not talked no, he conceded mentally, but kissed; oh definitely. He had tasted her that's how he knew. Her mouth was sweet. Her skin soft. She had a heart melting way about her that only a man that loved her could say what he said.

"I know because that's the way she comports herself," he replied silently.

With that the enigmatic Wizard excused himself from the dining hall and tried to find her. Stealthily he crept, ears attuned to the sounds of soft sobbing. Finding the girl painted with the twilight sky as she was stood next to the window in the Breakfast Room. Rather as if she was trying to rebel against the day, cutting a forlorn and lonely figure. Kingsley's heart broke over her subdued posture. Her arms were wrapped around her waist as she was trying to stop herself from crying.

"Hermione?" he asked stepping tentatively towards her. She turned on her heel so fast her hair followed through and it took his breath from his body. Such a beauty even in her travesty. "What's the matter?" he asked gently, cautiously approaching her, stopping at a respectful distance. Leaving it up to her to make the choice of coming closer. "I am sure Remus meant nothing by what he said."

"I just can't believe Severus Snape is as evil as everyone else thinks he is," she snuffled and looked at the wooden floor. "We barely know him at all and I think it is unfair to judge a man on so little – we do not even know his side of the story."

Kingsley sighed. He looked at her sad pretty face gazing upon the dark wood. "Hermione," he said. This needs caution and tact, he thought. I do not wish to alienate her when I have finally admitted my feelings for her. "I can't quite believe it either."

"What?" she asked. Tilting her head up, eyes lit up with hope that the Wizard she admired above all else was not regretting his earlier decision. "You... m-mean that? Truly?"

"I don't want to believe it any more than you do," he sighed. "He came to Hogwarts when I was almost finished. He was a lonely little boy. I felt sorry for him."

With his reassurance, Hermione slowly closed the gap between them, hips gently swaying with every light step she took. She was still emotionally charged from their first kiss. Once close up, she stretched out her arm and tentatively stroked his face, assured this was desired by him as well, Hermione wrapped her arms around his neck. Immediately, she felt two strong arms wrap around her waist pulling her close to his warm, spice scented, body. Seeking comfort, she nuzzled her face in the crook of his neck, as he tightened the hug.

"I want to continue what we started in the Library," she whispered. Her cool breath made him shudder with delight. She pressed her soft lips on his skin. He grabbed onto her tightly. She pushed her stomach against his causing him to groan. "Kingsley," she sighed softly drawing out his name in his ear.

Eager hands stroked up her spine, exploring her as chastely as possible. When he felt her stiff muscles, he gently but firmly circled his fingers around, easing her tensed shoulder blades. Contentedly, Hermione whispered his name when he found a spot she particularly liked being rubbed. Shortly after, his hands were in her hair. Tangling her golden strands within his long fingers. She smiled a little before placing her tongue on his neck licking a small portion of flesh. He hissed and drew her head closer to his body quivering with desire. Shivering from shame.

"No, Hermione."

"But I want this," she sighed into his chest. "Please, Kingsley, I can't get that kiss out of my head."

"Listen," he said placing his hands on her upper arms and pulling her away from him so he could look into her wide eyed stare. "Hermione," he sighed. Someone had to be responsible, and while it was all he ever wanted, they had only come to an understanding this morning. "Kissing is different to the actual act you know."

"I know," she said rolling her eyes. Did he think she was a virgin?

"I want to be certain it's something you want before I can do it," he replied.

"I do want it," she said.

"How do you know?" he asked.

Rolling her eyes Hermione sighed. "I've liked you longer than today, you know."

He smiled. She looked at him, tilted her head regarding her beau, then tiptoed up to gently brush her lips on his, heart thumping loudly in her chest as she did so. Tightly, Kingsley held her against his body, gripping onto the thin fabric of her dress, resisting the urge to rip it off her body. To see her gloriously naked body. Not being able to contain herself, Hermione whimpered against his firm lips as they controlled hers with confidence of experience. Together they parted mouths, gasping for breath but unwilling to stop their exploration of each other, they urged their tongues forward into each other's mouth. Kingsley couldn't believe that this was happening. He was damn lucky to have this woman wrapping her tongue around his mouth. The giddiness he felt as his blood rushed down to his crotch, dictating his next move. Growling like a wolf, with the same animalistic intentions, Kingsley gruffly grabbed her by the hips and lifted her up. The suddenness of this move broke their passionate kiss. Their eyes darkened with desire as they puffed warm air into each other's face. Her face was shining with joy at being seduced by this charismatic Wizard. His glowing with happiness that this young, pure Witch allowed him to touch her. Nervously, her shaking fingers flew to the clasp of his cloak, but he stopped her from undoing it.

"I want our first time to be special, Hermione, we can't rush into it like fools," he kissed her forehead and then her fingers and placed her feet on the ground.

Confusion etched into her features as she looked at her hand. "Yes, Kingsley," she sighed. Whatever you say, she thought to herself, I will go along with it for now but tonight you're mine, Mr Auror!

With his passion a little sated, and his word on the matter finally settled, Kingsley smiled and walked out of the room. She followed minutes after but wasn't hungry. Not for food in any case, though she fancied something dark, chocolate voiced and about 6 foot tall, Hermione decided she needed a bath. An ice cold bath! She had just started to draw it when she heard two voices outside the door. One was her prospective lover's and the other was Remus.

"Remus," Kingsley said. Hermione wished she could see what his expressions were. "I have to tell you something," then he sighed deeply. "I think I've fallen in love."

"Wow, that's great!" The Werewolf exclaimed joyfully. "Who is the lucky Witch?"

"It's Hermione," Kingsley said in a low voice.

"What?" Remus yelped. Frowning, Hermione was slightly hurt by Remus shock. What was wrong with her? "She's beautiful and intelligent," he said hurriedly, clearly Kingsley did not like the tone either. "I thought that she was going to become Mrs Ronald Weasley."

Shut up, Remus, Hermione thought. Ron and I are ancient history.

"Well, it appears she likes me too," Kingsley said a little stiffly. "I'm wondering, should I tell her that...?"

"Tell her, oh, um! no you shouldn't," Remus said. Hey, Hermione frowned, I am not some commitment phobe. Surely, I am allowed to decide for myself if it is something I am ready for. "If you have gained her affections wait a while for them to grow. You don't want her to hate you just as soon as she's started liking you." Hate Kingsley? Remus, shut up. All due respect, but Shut. The. Hell. Up!

Kingsley closed his eyes and sighed. "She's a beautiful woman, and I don't want to let go of that."

"She is a beautiful woman," Remus agreed. Hermione preened a little. Poor Dora had to work damned hard to get her Wizard. It seems Hermione would have to work twice as hard. Good thing she loved a challenge. "But my paws are full with Dora at the moment." Hmm, she filed that piece of information later. Perhaps... well, no. She could not do that to Dora, her friend. "Though I am never left unsatisfied. Neither is she!"

Strangely enough this just made Hermione want to ask Dora questions. A small part of her had always felt a little more than friends with Remus. Definitely not familial either.

"I heard she lives up to her name all right," Kingsley said. "A little goer?" they were back to friendly banter and Hermione sighed with relief.

"Oh, and Kingsley, I did not mean to hurt Hermione earlier," Remus said. "I forgot that she has her reasons for respecting Snape. In so many ways she reminds me of Lily."

"With one exception, Remus," Kingsley sighed. "Hermione has no limits on forgiveness."

What was that about? Still, it must have been something no one was ready for yet, as Remus said nothing. Hermione heard no more than the shuffling of feet as they walked away. She skipped back to the bath and checked the temperature. This should cool her body heat down even if it didn't cool down her curiosity on both the Werewolf and the Auror. Kingsley obviously had a secret. What could the sweetest, calmest man in England be hiding that would possibly turn her away from him?

Harry was sitting on a bed holding a small black box. He kept flicking it open, and then he closed it only to flick it open once more. He was so nervous come Ginny's seventeenth birthday he didn't know what to do. This was her present. He had brought it against his better judgement because, he reasoned, if she did die he knew she'd rather die Mrs Potter than Miss Weasley.

He looked at his watch. Her birthday was tomorrow and no one knew of his plans for the next day. He was about to close it when Ron walked into the room. He saw Harry holding the square box and his eyes widened.

"What's that for?" he asked.

Harry blushed. Ron was the last person Harry wanted to catch him holding this important trinket. He knew Ron was sometimes more protective than he should be over Ginny. Ron could definitely could get the wrong idea.

"It's for Ginny," Harry said.

"Oh yeah," Ron said interestedly. Harry sighed. He turned the box around and Ron's eyes widened. "Bloody hell, Harry! I know you like her a lot but isn't that just a bit expensive for a basic birthday present? She'll only lose it you know!"

Harry's blush crept further down his neck. "It's my ring," he said. "I'm going to ask her to marry me tomorrow." Ron's expression turned incredulous, he scoffed, and then burst out laughing. "What's so funny?"

"Are you serious, Harry?"

"Deadly," Harry said in such a fierce cool voice it stopped Ron's laughter immediately. "It's about time you stopped being such a prat, Ron, I thought you had learnt your lesson with Hermione."

Harry got up off the bed and pocketed the ring. He walked out of the room. He needed somewhere alone where he could breathe. He walked down the stairs and into his study. Quickly, Harry warded the room with spells that Kingsley, Mad-Eye and Remus had taught him, so that no one could enter there whilst he was rehearsing his proposal.

He stroked the ring and smiled a little, he knew she was going to love the ring, he just didn't know if she was going to say yes. He got up and picked up some Fire-whiskey and poured two fingers width for himself. Desperately, he chucked it down his throat and was about to pour another glass when it was suddenly knocked from his hand. The glass shattered.

Turning fast on his heel Harry was about to scold the person who had thwarted his attempt at getting rip-roaring drunk!

It was clear he had forgotten to ward ONE thing, and that was the fireplace.

For standing there, just two feet away from him, was the last person – Voldemort aside – he wanted to see!

Kingsley was pacing the Library. He wanted to go to her but he was too afraid she may have come to her senses. Imitating his Patronus, Kingsley kept pacing up and down the room. Tortured with thoughts of her pale golden flesh cavorting, and writhing, underneath his. Then he frowned as he remembered that. A leftover from a drunken rendezvous with a... well... about a year ago now. He was not sure if there were any consequences but only time could tell if it would come back to haunt him.

He sighed and closed his eyes. He wrapped his cloak about him as a sign of comfort rather than because it was chilly. To make himself easy, he walked out of the door and strode to the staircase. He took the stairs two at a time and knocked on her bedroom door. Perhaps he could be truthful to her about his concern, no matter how... impossible... it may be?

"Come in," she said.

He opened the door and strode into the room. She was lying on her bed reading a book. Upon seeing him, Hermione quickly put the book down. Watching his lithe limbs as they walked up to her with ever growing interest. He smiled showing his perfect white teeth and sat down on the bed. He stroked her stomach with his hand causing her to sigh.

"I wonder why you aren't married, Kingsley," she moaned.

"The right one never came along in my youth," he murmured. I am hoping that, that may change though, he thought.

She lay back, allowing his hand to stroke around her belly. Slowly, he inched his hand further up her body. He curved it around her ribcage before leaning down to kiss her breast through the cotton fabric of the light yellow night dress. She shut her eyes enjoying his gentle exploring of her body. Hmm, Hermione thought, this is more like it.

Encouraged by her gentle murmurs, Kingsley cupped her other breast with his large hand. Already she began writhing beneath his tentative touches. Then his fingers brushed against her nipple. Kingsley blushed at the thought of her gaining pleasure from his touch. She smiled at his shyness. He was about to lean down and kiss her when someone shouted out his name.

"You don't have to go," she sighed.

"It's Harry," he said. "He sounds like he really needs me."

Hermione groaned in frustration. Why can't people just leave them alone? She shook her head and smiled, though, at what was to come. She nodded.

"Of course," she said in an understanding tone of voice that belied what she truly was thinking.

Kingsley offered a wistful glance towards her and walked out of the room. He took the stairs slowly and hesitantly.

"Where were you?" Harry asked.

With a very beautiful young woman, Kingsley thought. "Here and there," was his mysterious response.

Harry nodded and walked towards his study, he looked behind him to see if the tall man was following him. Once they were in the study Harry sat down indicating the six foot tall problem at the other end of the study.

"Why did you summon me?" Kingsley asked.

He was worried that Lupin may have told Harry about him and Hermione.

"Turn around," Harry said in a cold, harsh voice that didn't suit him.

Kingsley did so in one fluid movement. His almond shaped eyes widened considerably.

"What the hell?" he gasped.

"Nice to see you to," a cold voice said.

Kingsley's heart plummeted. If anyone could ruin his chances of having a relationship with Hermione then this man definitely could.

"Why are you here?"

"I am here to tell all," the Wizard stepped out of the shadows. His hair was greasier than ever but that was not important to Kingsley. What did shock the usually stoic Auror was the other man's appearance. He looked like he hadn't eaten in months. "What's the matter, Shacklebolt, not seen an emaciated man before?"

"Snape," he said. "What's happened to you?"

"Things that normally happen to a man that's been on the run and can't get a decent meal."

Kingsley shook his head. Severus Snape was just a skeleton with a thin covering of skin. His cheeks were completely hollow; his eyes were sunk deep into their sockets and held little to no warmth. Kingsley felt an enormous swell of pity for this man. No one deserved this! He waved his wand on the desk and some sandwiches appeared on the desk.

"Eat," Kingsley said kindly.

Severus rolled his eyes and shook his head. He had always found Kingsley to be too kind a man for his own good. He walked up to the desk but staggered. His hands grabbed the back of the chair but they slipped and he fainted on the floor taking the chair with him. Kingsley bent down and felt Snape's neck for a pulse.

"Is he dead?" Harry asked in an almost gleeful voice.

"That's beneath you, Harry," Kingsley said quietly.

Kingsley quickly stripped Snape of his robes leaving his underwear on and gasped. Harry wondered what had made Kingsley turn pale. So he got up and walked around the desk.

Right over Snape's heart was a black scorch mark so bad it went right down to the bone. It scarred his otherwise porcelain chest so badly that even Harry was uncomfortable at his previous thoughts of wanting him dead.

"How did he get that?" he asked.

Kingsley shook his head. "There is only one person that can help him through this."


"Hermione," Kingsley said calmly.

"No, she's like a sister to me," Harry hissed.

Severus groaned and rolled his head. He opened his eyes and he tried to get up but he couldn't.

"Miss Granger is the only one that has a modicum of sense," Snape groaned. "I would rather her try this than either of you!"

How could he construct sentences after that? Harry thought. He shook his head. Even he knew that it was best, this time around at least, to let Snape have his own way.

Hermione came out of Snape's room half an hour after she went in. Kingsley looked worried.

"Is he okay?" Harry asked.

Hermione sighed. "He's been touched by extremely Dark Magic, Harry, I mean darker than usual. He will need time to heal. He will also need to be left alone."

"Did he threaten or hurt you in any way?" Kingsley asked.

Hermione sighed, and smiled. She looked up at him and shook her head. "He wouldn't do that I don't think. He kept me out of the fight the night he killed Dumbledore because he didn't want me hurt. He told me so himself and I believe him. He has no reason to lie now."

Kingsley sighed and closed his eyes. He wanted to hug her but as Harry hadn't known that they had even shared a kiss yet it would be inappropriate and she might not like being presumed upon. She sighed and walked up to Kingsley and wrapped her arms around him. She needed his calmness and strength to soothe her, that burn horrified her. She didn't know how Snape could have survived something as tortuous as that.

Harry looked at this and tilted his head to one side. Something was going on. He hadn't seen Hermione hug anyone like this before. He furrowed his brow and was about to ask them what that was all about when Hermione broke the hug. She stepped back and looked into Kingsley's eyes. She forgot that Harry was still there as she tiptoed up to brush her lips on his.

"Er?" Harry said coughing to bring her attention to him.

Hermione looked at him and shrugged her shoulders. Harry was normally good at making two and two add five. Let him think what he wants to think. She brushed Kingsley's cheek with her hand before walking away.

"Wow," Harry coughed. "Can you tell me what that was all about?"

"I'm beginning to think you're the know-it-all, Harry, not her!"

Harry shook his head. He walked away to go back in his study, he now had two extra problems to mull over: One was Snape; Harry was left a little shaken at his former Potions Master's appearance, he supposed that the last thing Snape wanted was sympathy, and that was the last thing Harry was going to give him. Still, it shook him rather.

The other problem was of his lifetime friend and, what he considered, as a fairly recent acquaintance. Hermione and Kingsley were acting fairly strangely around each other. He had nothing against the Auror; he just thought that the fact that Kingsley was old enough to be Hermione's father was … well … Perverted to say the least. He had enough bridges to cross before confronting that one. Besides he couldn't help but think he might have read more into it than actually was. He'd been wrong too many times before and now he was finally prepared to take a step back and let time decide.

AN: I wonder just what Kingsley's secret could be? Something that Professor Snape probably also knows. What do you think could threaten Hermione's budding heart to shatter if she found out...