
Summary: "A true hero is not measured by the size of his strength, but by the strength of his heart." Zeus, Hercules (1997). FemHarry.

Beta: CeresNamikaze (No one is perfect, so maybe you can find an error here and there!)

Just a warning: FemHarry, AU, Language, Clichés

Just so you know (Name): The name Scheherazade means 'world-freer'. Scheherazade is a legendary Arabic queen immortalized as the narrator of all one thousand stories in the "One Thousand and One Nights". Her story is even more remarkable than the tales she tells though.

I don't own Boku no Hero Academia or Harry Potter!

Chapter 1. Yuuei Academy!

"You can be a hero!"

He had been waiting to hear those words for years now. And although it had only been yesterday when his Hero proclaimed those precious five little words, Izuku still had difficulty to believe it.

After he accepted – and of course he accepted – to inherit All Might's power, the hero gave him his address, asking Izuku to come for dinner so they could talk about his training and so All Might could introduce someone to him.

"T-This is it." Izuku declared.

He licked his now dry lips, staring in awe at the big western style house in front of him. He could barely contain his excitement. Izuku couldn't believe in this. He closed his eyes, grinning widely and holding the small piece of paper in his hands as if it was his last lifeline.

He, Midoriya Izuku, had been invited by All Might to have dinner in his house!

The green eyed boy squealed.

This was a dream come true. It was almost better than being giving the opportunity to be a hero!

"Wow," someone snickered from behind him. "you truly are a fanboy. I thought he had been exaggerating."

A – A fanboy? Had he said all that out loud?

Izuku whimpered in mortification and embarrassment as he turned around, trying to think about something to say. Maybe an excuse or try to explain his actions. But the moment he turned around, the green eyed boy froze.

There was a – A g-girl standing there.

A raven brow raised in amusement and the girl smiled, cupping her cheek with her right hand, which wasn't holding any grocery bag, and turned around as if looking for something.

"Really? Where? Where is the girl?" She asked with mock surprise, her heavy accented voice sounding more amused than anything.

Izuku felt like crying or at least apologizing over and over again and the burying his face in the ground like an ostrich. Before he could decide, though, the girl snickered once more.

"You're cute." She smirked with mischief written all over her face.

"I-I'm not!"

She nodded. "So cute. Like a uke."

He sputtered, his face burning. Before he could be teased further, a figure appeared beside them.

Izuku almost hugged the man.

"I'M HERE!" All Might smiled down at them in all his glory.

The green haired boy could have broken down in relief in that moment.

His hero had come to save him!

The girl wasn't even fazed at the hero's presence. She merely looked at him and smiled fondly. It was then that Izuku noticed that she was foreign.

He couldn't see the color of her eyes, which were hidden behind red tinted sunglasses, but it was clear that she was really beautiful – exotic even. Her short and curly raven black hair was cut short in a stylish way and he could see a beauty mark under her right eye

She was wearing a white tank top under what looked like a red and gold football jacket and black shorts as well as black thigh high socks. He noticed that there was a burn mark around her right hand and arm; it almost looked like a tattoo, he just couldn't recognize what type of bird it looked like.

"Your little heir is cute." The girl pointed out.

Izuku buried his face into his hands when All Might threw his head back and laughed.

"Indeed! Now, Hari-hime," He raised his head a little at the name. It was really unique for a girl. Maybe it was a nickname? All Might made a motion to the girl as he held her up, sitting her down in one of his muscular shoulders. "meet Midoriya Izuku!"

He smiled a little nervously, wondering if this girl was the person All Might wanted to introduce to him. The girl waved back lazily that mischievous smirk of hers was back. For a moment, Izuku was almost afraid to learn why.

"Midoriya, this is my daughter Hari!"

He sputtered, trying to understand what he had just heard.

"Hi ya, Izu-chan. Let's be friends."

Finally, he snapped out of his stupor.



Sometimes, it scared her how used she already was to this life.

Sometimes… It terrified her how, aside from a few nightmares, she barely thought of Hogwarts and the Wizarding World anymore.

But still… Harry wanted to be a little selfish for once, she wanted to hold into that Slytherin side of hers and not let go for a long time.

Harry first woke up in this world on June 6, one year and two months ago. She wasn't all that surprised in having survived what everyone simply translated as instantaneous death. Especially not when she was known as the Girl-Who-Lived. She had been twelve, almost thirteen, at the time. Twelve and certainly tired of the world around her.

At first, Harry had been a little panicked when she came to the conclusion that this wasn't her home world. From the moment she was eight, Harry had responsibilities and expectations shoved at her. How could she do what she had to do if she wasn't even in the right world?

But then, there was her hero.

And she was talking about the sickly and scrawny Toshinori, not his Americanized hero stereotype persona that the people of this world seemed to venerate.

Toshinori was the first real father figure she ever had. Uncle Vernon would be more than happy to see her drown (And he had tried before), Professor Dumbledore may have been fond of her but his desire to control her overcome any affection he may have had for her, she barely knew Remus Lupin and Sirius, her godfather – Well, she may have saved him from the veil and she may love him, but the man was more like a fun uncle than a father.

Toshinori found and took care of her without asking anything in return. He didn't demand explanations about why or how she had been falling from the sky when they met, he comforted her when she had nightmares and above everything, he showed her that she was more than a pawn or a sacrificial lamb that the Wizarding World more or less raised her to be.

Harry learned to love Toshinori as the father she never had in the little time they had known each other.

He was the reason why she was so comfortable in this situation. Honestly, she had no idea of what would have happened if he hadn't found her and taken her to his home.

She had yet to explain everything to him. But Toshinori knew the basics and was more than happy to create a background story (Telling everyone that she was actually his daughter and that her mother sent her to live with him for a while) for her and enroll her at school.

Not thinking or caring all that much about the Wizarding World didn't mean, however, that she hadn't been using and training her magic. Oh no, she actually used any and all free time she had to do just that.

Hermione (and that the gods bless her bushy haired friend's soul) had created, after their second year, a Grimoire with every and all spells, charms, curses and potions that she thought to be useful. Harry, much like her friend, added a few things along the time (Like Ancient Runes, creation and use of charms, alternative potions which made use of only muggle ingredients, household charms, etc). The Grimoire had been a life saver since she had to relearn several things because her wand somehow burned in her hand when she arrived in this world, leaving only the burn mark of a Phoenix around her hand and arm.

Toshinori had also helped her with her magic by just being there. Harry felt so useless and incompetent when she noticed what happened to her precious wand. She doubted she would have tried to use wandless magic if it hadn't been for his constant presence and encouragement.

In return, Harry learned as much as she could to help him.

All she did, for now at least, was find a way to help him hold his hero form for ten hours instead of three. But she wasn't satisfied with this. Harry knew she could do more and she wasn't going to give up until she found out what.

"T-This is delicious!"

Harry blinked, turning to look at the green eyed boy sitting across her. Beside her, Toshinori (In his real form) smirked at the expression of pure delight the boy was doing.

"Hari-hime's cooking is the best." He proclaimed proudly.

Harry smiled a little. And if she was puffing her chest out like a peacock, no one said anything.

"Thank you, I like cooking." She said, waving a hand dismissively.

And she truly did, at least when she wasn't doing so because her relatives said she needed to earn her keep.

Izuku paused for a moment, staring at her and Toshinori for what seemed to be the hundredth time, before he turned his attention back to his food.

She shared an amused look with Toshinori.

The blonde tilted his head, silently asking what she thought of the boy.

Harry merely shrugged.

She didn't trust the boy yet (Especially not with Toshinori's power and legacy) but he was way too cute for his own good and he couldn't be that bad if Toshinori chose him after years of looking.

She would wait and see.

If he did anything wrong, she could always find a way to transfer Toshinori's power (One for All) back to him and then erase the boy's memories.

It was simple like that.

"– and Hari-hime will be helping."

She blinked her eyes. Ops. She hadn't been paying attention.

"Helping with what?" She asked.

Toshinorii pointed a thumb at Izuku, a smirk in his face as he did so;

"With his training."

This time, she was the one who smirked. They turned to look at Izuku who gulped fearfully.

"This is going to be fun." Harry looked like the cat who caught the canary.

Izuku tried to disappear in his seat.

Poor boy, he had no idea of what he had signed for. The next months would be hell on earth for him.


The day after, it was possible to find the trio at the seaside park. It was a little past six in the morning and while Harry was floating in the air above the beach, humming as she looked at the Grimoire in her lap, Izuku was being tortured – I mean, trained by Toshinori in his All Might persona.

"Hey, hey, hey! This fridge makes for a fine seat!" She turned her head, snorting a little when she saw All Might siting over a fridge which Izuku was trying to move. The green eyed boy had ropes around him to try and budge the fridge but even after one hour of work, it had only move a millimeter.

Well, it was better than nothing, especially for someone so skinny.

"I'm sure glad you haven't been able to budge it." All Might made a nice guy pose. "I'm awfully comfy here, hahaha!"

Harry snorted.

That wasn't exactly true, but ok.

Finally, Izuku fell to the ground, the sand muffling his voice, "C-C'mon All Might, don't you weight 274 kilos!?"

Harry couldn't resist, "Aren't you a fanboy, Izu-chan? Shouldn't you know that he has lost weight?"

The boy looked up at her with disbelief and just a little bit tearfully.

"Indeed!" All Might started showing off his muscles. "I'm only weighting 255 kilos now!"

"Only?" Izuku cried out, sputtering a little. He shook his head and tried to sit down, supporting his weight with trembling limbs. "B-By the way All Might, what are we doing at the seaside park? Hauling garbage?"

Her father figure started laughing. "Aren't you precious?"

Harry smirked in amusement. "It is because you're not a vessel yet, Izu-chan." She informed the boy who bust in tears.

"ISN'T THAT THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT YOU TOLD ME BEFORE?" Izuku asked All Might who jumped from the fridge and landed next to the boy.

Having an idea of what had been said, Harry shook her head. Closing her book, she approached them, "Not exactly."

"It's your body," All Might informed him. "Think of One for All as the sum convergence of the peak strength of countless men. A body that is too weak would never be able to withstand such raw power."

"In other words, your body would go boom!" Harry made a wide gesture with her hands to emphasize her point while All Might nodded in agreement.

Izuku made a horrified face at the mental image, "NO, NOT MY BODY!" He was trembling for a while before he calmed a little bit. "So, right… In order to build up my body to that level… I'm… collecting trash?"

"Yes," All Might gave him a thumb up. "But that is not the whole story. I found this seaside park on the net yesterday. It was left to root for who knows how many years."

Izuku nodded slowly, "Ooh, so all this stuff floated in with the ocean currents and piled up here and we are going to ignore the illegal dumping to take advantage of it?"

Harry and All Might nodded. "Exactly."

The green eyed boy muttered something about no one going to the beach when All Might placed a hand over the fridge.

"The young crop of heroes these days are all obsessed with flashiness." Harry smiled sadly at the expression on the man's face, he looked so disappointed and sad. All Might looked back at Izuku, smashing the fridge as if it was nothing more than a soda can. "But the hero game ought be a labor of love!"

Harry looked at the sky, staring a little. She didn't know if she wanted to be a hero, so to her there was no love involved yet. All Harry had was a saving people thing and an ability that should be put to good use. Also, she wanted to be known and be thanked for something that she had truly done, not because she survived while her parents died.

"Call it "plain" all you like, but I won't let the fundamentals get fuzzy! Let's resuscitate this place's horizon!." All Might pointed at Izuku who stared with wide eyes. "Mark this day boy as your first step towards being a hero!"

Izuku hesitated a little. "My first step…! It's to clean up… All of this?!"

All Might folded his arms. "Midoriya, my boy. You're aiming to enroll at Yuuei no?"

Harry perked up at this. Although she would be doing the entrance exam in February, she had already been accepted at the school because of All Might's recommendation and the tests the Principal had given to her ( The talking rat had been completely fascinated and impressed by what she could do and he hadn't even seen everything).

Yuuei was nothing like Hogwarts or any other school that she knew of. The system of the school was really different.

Yuuei Academy (or U.A.) had four major departments.

Class I – K was the Department of Management, which focused on honing its students at basic and advanced techniques of selling heroes to the public, managing hero careers as well as doing damage control or taking care of any bad publicity. Harry thought it was a very smart idea. From what she had learned of this world, it was easier when a hero had a good manager to help them. They were heroes in their own way.

Class F – H was the Department of Support. The students of this department didn't graduate to be sidekicks as many thought. Although their aim was to provide necessary assistance to any hero and their quirks, they are closer to a Research and Development personnel as well as Logistics and even Criminology students. The students of the Department of Support weren't stuck in one job only and could give the so called heroes a run for their money.

Class C – E was the Department of General Education. This was the Department for students who to use their quirks in a non-heroic career. Also, many students could transfer from this Department to either Heroics or Support later on and vice-versa. They were greatly overlooked much like the students from the Department of Supports but that didn't mean that they weren't important or strong.

And finally, Class A – B was the Department of Heroics. The focus of this department is to produce the best heroes in every generation. Not everyone can enter this department, having to pass both written and physical exam (Or having a recommendation under their belt). When people thought of heroes, the first thing that came to their minds were the graduates of this academy. They were the best of the best.

At first, Harry wanted to go to the Department of Support. She hated attention and being a hero would give her just that. But she hadn't wanted to disappoint Toshinori so when asked, she said she wanted to go to the Department of Heroics.

Harry was brought out of her thoughts by Izuku,

"O-Oh yeah, since Yuuei is your Alma Mater and all…" Izuku smiled a little dreamy, "If I could learn Heroics anywhere… I'd be at Yuuei without a doubt." He shifted his weight from one feet to another, blushing a little. "Ah, if that's ok…"

"So you fixate over things like that without thinking any deeper?" Harry and All Might sweat dropped, "What a fanboy."

All Might sighed, placing his hands on his waist and turning around,

"I thought I'd made this clear but this ain't an occupation people without Quirks are cut out for. It may be a sad fact but a fact it remains."

Harry hummed in thought while Izuku looked a little heart broken.

This world wasn't all that different from hers. She smiled sadly.

All Might shook his head. "And on top of that you're adding the extreme of Yuuei's Department of Heroics."

Izuku looked down for a moment before his head snapped forward. Harry blinked in surprised when she saw the fire and determination in his eyes.

"There's only a few months left until the entrance exam… I need to be a "vessel" by then!"

All Might stared into his eyes for a moment before his trademark was back in his face at full force.

"Well, good thing I have you covered then!" He made a motion to her. "Hari-hime!"

Harry nodded and took a file from her pocket. She snickered in amusement when Izuku gaped in disbelief. She couldn't really blame him, she had done something similar when she first saw an object with an Expansion Charm. Hermione's bag had been a real piece of work.

She opened the file and handed it to All Might who in turn gave it to Izuku.

"This is the plan I have drafted!" All Might announced dramatically. "It is called The Aim To Pass! American Dream Plan!"

Harry clapped with enthusiasm as he laughed. All Might pointed at Izuku,

"So never mind that it's trash disposal! Focus on how to clear this training! I'm gonna have you follow those instructions to the letter every second of your life!"

Izuku started reading the file, his hands trembling as he muttered to himself.

"Do you or do you not want to be a hero?" He looked at her. "Do you really think this will be easy?"

Do you really think that being All Might's legacy will be easy? She thought.

Izuku gulped and nodded with determination, that fire of his was back into those dark green eyes.

"I-I will do everything that I have to! I will be a hero!" He said, holding the file against his chest.

Maybe you will, she thought, looking at All Might for a moment. He chose you for a reason after all.

All Might laughed and patted the boy's back, accidentally throwing him in the ground. "That's the spirit! Now, Hari-hime," She looked at All Might who smiled. "I want you to work on your timing. You have some good control of your spells as you call them, but I have noticed that depending on what you are trying to do, it will take a while for your powers to work."

She truly used spells and she had magic not powers, but Harry wasn't ready to tell him that yet. She would have to explain about Hogwarts and her life if she did so. Harry really wanted to wait a little more before opening that can of worms in particular.

"Yes, sir!" She saluted.

"Midoriya will help you. He will be your moving target."


"I would start running my boy."


Harry grinned, conjuring more and more birds (You gotta love Avis) to attack and follow after the boy while All Might laughed at them.

Truly, this training was going to be fun.


Harry whistled as she pressed the button of the timer in her hand. It was February 26 now and there were only three hours for the entrance exam of Yuuei.

She raised her head to look at Izuku. He had changed in the last few months, having developed muscles and gained some stamina. She only wondered if it would be good enough to help him be accepted in Department of Heroics.

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never believe he did all that." Harry said, looking the now clean beach.

"A-All Might, H-Hari-chan… I-I… I d-did… I did i-it!" Izuku said. The boy was trembling and looked like he was barely keeping himself standing.

All Might took his cellphone from one of the pockets of his coat. "And you did an astonishing job of it too! Especially for a teenager! Here, have a look at this." He showed his cell to the boy, it had a picture of a crying Izuki in his first day of training. It truly looked like a pathetic scene.


"This was you months ago." All Might grinned at the boy's expression. "You did really, really good. We've only now reached the finest mirage of the path that lies ahead of you. But you're a bona fide vessel now!"

Izuku looked at his hands. "I feel… I feel like I cheated somehow… I…" He sobbed, tears streaming from his eyes, "You two went so far for me… I… I feel so blessed…!"

Harry's eyes softened as she shared a look with All Might.

This kid…

"Quit being such a crybaby." All Might placed a hand over the boy's shoulder. "No it's time for your reward, Midoriya Izuku!"

"Y-Yes, sir!"

"You know what they say, right? There is a difference between something you were born with out of pure luck and something you won after busting your ass for it! Now puff out your chest and be proud! This is the power you won fair and square!" All Might held out a strand of his hair to Izuku who merely stared.


"He wants you to eat it." Harry said, helpfully.

"W-What? Come again?"

"How do you think you would get his power?" She raised an eyebrow.



Harry took a deep breath, staring at the building of Yuuei Academy. She relaxed, feeling the comforting weight of Toshinorii's hand over her head. Izuku was nowhere to be seen, but he had been sent home after they forced him to eat the hair and would likely appear later. She doubted he would miss this exam.

"Are you ready, Hari-hime?" She raised her head a little to look into Toshinori's blue eyes.

Ever since she found a way for him to hold his All Might form for a longer period of time, she had seen him far less than she would have liked. But he loved his job and now there was nothing stopping him from doing it.

Her eyes landed to the place in his chest were she had drawn the runes to help him with his power. After he had finally transferred One for All to Izuku, she had added more runes to her original design.

Toshinorii had used this power for years, so there was no doubt in her mind that at least a fragment of it was permanently integrated in his body.

What she did was give a boost to whatever part of the power that had been left behind the transfer and then mix it with the part of the power Toshinori had already absorbed. Now, he would never need to fear losing his powers because it was just that, his. He would, however, have to train to retain his old power level. He only had access to 75% of it at the moment.


She blinked, a smile forming in her face, "I am ready. Don't worry."

Toshinori stared for a second before smiling back. "Do you have everything? Clothes for the physical exam?"

She patted her bag, which she was using to keep her gym clothes. "Here."


"Got it. No. 1 and No. 2."

"Your ID? Examinee ID?"

"Right here." She patted the pocket of her precious Quidditch jacket which had, thankfully, come to this world with her (She wouldn't have had her Grimoire with her if it wasn't for it – Ha! Take that Mione! It wasn't a stupid idea!).

"Do you know where you have to go for the writing exam?"

Harry snorted and rolled her eyes fondly. "Dad, I will be fine."

Both of them froze.

Although Toshinori had been telling people that she was his daughter and she did think of him as a father, Harry had never called him that before.

She looked away in embarrassment.

Toshinori smiled warmly, bringing her to a hug. Harry blinked before hugging him back just as strongly. "Have fun and keep an eye on our little friend, ok?"

"Ok…" She nodded, letting him go after a moment. "Don't worry."

He grinned, waving his hand as she walked away. Harry was almost inside when something seemed to hit him.


Harry sweat dropped and blushed a little; even inside the building she could hear him ranting about the evilness of boys and what would happen to them if they dared to touch her pure and innocent self.

Shaking her head and ignoring the looks she was receiving, Harry used one of the elevators to reach the fourth floor. She had visited Yuuei several times before with Toshinori so she was already familiar the campus as well as some members of its faculty (Like Principal Nedzu, Recovery Girl, Midnight, Snipe, Present Mic and No. 13). So, because of that, it wasn't difficult for her to find the exam room.

"Please, sign your name on the list and I will also need to see your ID."

Harry flashed a smile at the young brown haired woman who was typing in a computer, barely sparing a glance at her. She handed the ID to the woman and signed her name on the list that was laying forgotten on a corner of the table.

"Good luck with your exam, Miss Yagi." The woman nodded at her. Harry smiled a little at the surname. It was Toshinori's. "You may choose a seat. We will start in ten minutes."

Harry muttered her thanks before accepting her ID back and turning around to see where she would sit.

Making her decision, she moved to the back of the room, sitting next to a boy with blue hair and dark circles under his red eyes. He looked at her for a second and she smiled, waving her hand a little before noticing the school uniform he was using.

She knew that uniform. It was her Middle School's uniform.

She looked at the boy once more, a name finally coming to her mind.

"Ah… You're Shinsou Hitoshi right?" Harry whispered.

She couldn't believe she hadn't recognized him before. He had been in the same class as her from the moment Yagi decided to enroll him at school.

He had been an outsider there much like her. But while her classmates avoided her because she was a foreign and a freaky witch girl (Their words, not hers), Shinsou was avoided because of his Quirk.

She could remember talking to him a few times before.

"Yes, and you're Yagi Sheherazado-san." He nodded slowly and smiled a little when she wrinkled her nose.

Scheherazade. That was her name.

Harry really cursed Sirius for ever suggesting that name to her parents. And to make things worse, its pronounce in Japanese was simply dreadful.

Why hadn't she gotten a nice name like Hannah or Holly?

Curse you Sirius Orion Black III, curse you.

(In another dimension, Sirius Black slipped in a forgotten banana peel, falling with his face to the floor. The Weasley Twins, who were standing not too far from him cracked up at the scene while Remus Lupin shook his head at the man).

"Are you applying for the Department of Heroics?"

If she wasn't wrong, this was what he said at school. It was his dream to be a hero and save lives.

At her question, he looked away for a moment. "General Education actually."

She gave him an odd look, "I am sorry. I know that this has nothing to do with me, but do you know that your Quirk could be really useful in the Department of Heroics right? You would be a great hero if you wanted."

He looked at her with wide disbelieving eyes. Shinsou seemed be blushing but before he could say anything, the examiner stood up from her seat.

"Please, silence, we will be starting the exam now." Hearing the brown haired woman talk, Harry turned her head forward. She never noticed the look she was receiving from the red eyed boy.

The exam was very easy, although she had some problems with History. All forms of electronics were rendered useless by the brown haired woman who had a type of interference quirk, she also had a mind reading quirk so it was impossible to cheat.

She took her time with the exam, reviewing all her answers before nodding and standing up. The examiner accepted her papers with a nod and explained where she had to go next.

Harry bowed to her and walked out of the room, blinking when she noticed Shinsou waiting at the end of the corridor.


She waved a little. "Hi…?"

He rubbed the back of his neck a little awkwardly, staring at his shoes as he did so. "Do you really think I can do it?"

Harry's eyes softened. So that was the problem.

"Brainwashing can be a very scary and dangerous power." He avoided her eyes but she didn't stop. "However, it can be used to save lives. It depends on what you do with it."

She walked a little to stand next to him.

"My old Headmaster, before I moved to Japan, told me one time that It's our choices that shows what we truly are far more than our abilities. It is your choice to make. Will you be a hero or will you give up that dream because people told you that your ability is evil?" He looked at her with astonishment.

Honestly, she understood him.

That was why she was being so insistent on the matter.

After learning of her ability to talk to snakes, the other students at Hogwarts had shunned her for an entire year because they thought the ability was evil so, of course, that made her evil too. They made this assumption merely because Voldemort had the same ability.

They didn't understand that there is more than just one side in a coin and that nothing is just black and white. Yes, her ability of talking to snakes could be dangerous but it was also an ability used by archeologists to explore old thumbs and she had even heard rumors of healers of the old using this ability to make miracles.

Brainwashing could be used for many things. Shinsou could end a conflict without having to use violence, he could stop someone from committing suicide and even use it as a form of interrogation. If he could use that power without abusing it, there was no doubt in her mind that he could be great.

"I… I will try." Harry looked at the taller boy. "I will try to make into the Department of Heroics."

Harry patted his head. "That's good enough. Now come on, we better go or we won't get a seat at the auditorium." She said, leading him to the exit.

"Thank you, Yagi-san."

"Nah, don't call me that. Yagi-san is my dad."

"Sheherazado-san then."

"That's even worse! It is Hari. Ha-ri."

Shinsou laughed and Harry grinned back. Well, it looked like she had made a friend.

She just didn't think Toshinori would be too pleased with this.

(Meanwhile, Yagi Toshinori, in his All Might form, punched a villain away, his eyes widening in horror as he felt a disturbance on the force.

His little Hari-hime was being corrupted by a boy! He had to save her – He turned around to see three more villains.


He would save her after dealing with them.


Harry sneezed.


The introduction to the practical exams was interesting to not say a little awkward. Not that it stopped her from responding to all of Present Mic's jigs and convincing others to the same along the time.

"I've got shivers down my spine too, listeners! All right, examinees," The spiky blonde haired man raised his hands up in the air, not even bothered at the amount (or lack off) of answers he got. "I'm gonna give you the low-down on how this'll go down. Are you ready?"

This time, Harry and Shinsou (who she always forced to stand up with her to answer Present Mic's questions and who looked greatly amused at her actions by now instead of annoyed) weren't the only ones who cheered. Several examinees could barely hold their excitement down.

"Now pay attention, listeners!" The man yelled with a grin, pointing towards a screen. "We'll be testing your mettle by running a ten minute practice run at our replica city district! You can take whatever you like! Everybody gather at the designated meeting area after the presentation, ya dig? Ok?"

He winked at her when she sent an affirmation, saluting him much like she did to Yagi. Harry ignored the looks she received from some of the others examinees.

She was only Yagi Hari in this world. Her Quirk was called Mystic Arts (According to Yagi, this was what was recorded in the paperwork) and her father was the unassuming teacher Yagi Toshinori.

Aside from Toshinori wanting her to try her best in everything, no one expected anything from her in this world and she finally had to be who she wanted and act like she wanted.

Harry could care less about what everyone there thought of her.

"We'll be sprinkling a large number of villains in the battlefield." Doddles of said villains appeared on the screen. "And they'll appear in three different varieties, with points value scaled according to difficulty. Use each of your individual Quirks and dispatch as many as you can. Your goal, listeners, is to rack up a high score! And don't even think of directly attacking any other competitors or any of that nasty anti-hero stuff, because it's against the rules, capiche?"

Harry nodded. Looking at Shinsou, she patted his shoulder in a comforting gesture.

"I am sure you will do well."

He tried to smile but could only clench his fists and look a little worried. "I can't use my Quirk on robots which is exactly what those villains are."

"Who said anything about using it on the robots?" Harry gave him a mischievous smirk. Noticing her look, the blue haired boy narrowed his eyes.

"Do you know something?"

"Maybe ~" She sang. Harry didn't need to be there, she had already been accepted at the Academy, so Yagi hadn't seen any problem in explaining how things worked.

He looked like he wanted to say something but was unable of doing so when a tall black haired boy with square shaped glasses stood up.

Harry touched one of the arms' of her red tinted sunglasses. Before coming to this world, she had used glasses similar to that boy's. But now she could see perfectly, although she used the sunglasses to hide her eyes which were no longer the same nor did she see like everyone else anymore.

"Excuse me, may I ask a question?"

Harry bit her tongue to stop herself from blurting out something like You already did but that's ok, you may make another one.

"There are clearly four types of villains listed," the boy said, thrusting his finger at the pamphlet they all had received upon entering into the auditorium. "Such an error would be the height of embarrassment for a top school like Yuuei. The reason why we are seated here today is because we seek guidance on the path to become model heroes."

Harry snorted.

It looked like she had found this world's Hermione. At least the one from first year.

"Moreover, what's with you? And you?" He pointed at Izuku, who she finally saw sitting a couple of seats away from her, and then pointed at her.

Present Mic narrowed his eyes. It was a small action, but she knew him well enough already to notice how his expression darkened.

Harry sighed. That was no good. All the teachers which she was closer to knew that she was All Might's "daughter" and they were very protective of her (What was it with adults and older teens and their misplaced need to keep protecting her from the world?). If the boy didn't mild his words to her then he would end in their black list, especially Yagi's.

And no one wants to be in All Might's bad side.

"Can't you sit still for a second?" The boy wiggled his finger at Izuku who slapped his hands over his mouth and looked down, blushing in embarrassment.

The poor boy must have been muttering to himself again. He really needed to do something about it.

The black haired boy continued. "You're distracting! If you think Yuuei is some pleasure jaunt, then leave this place at once!"

Harry pursued her lips.

Shinsou hissed. "That was a little harsh. The kid was just nervous."

She nodded in agreement.

The boy turned at her but the moment he opened his mouth to speak, she waved her hand. Present Mic snickered as the boy's lips turned into zippers and closed itself. He wasn't the only one staring at her in disbelief.

"You have no right to lecture anyone nor judge their worth to be here." She tilted her head, her eyes focusing on something about all those examinees that only she could see.

She smirked, satisfied.

"Sit down."

The boy did so and several others looked away. Harry snapped her fingers making the zipper disappear and Present Mic shook his head in amusement.

"Okay, okay," The blonde waved his hands, his eyes moving toward the black haired boy. "Thanks for the segue, much appreciated examinee 7111." He said with sarcasm, although she doubted that anyone else noticed it. "The fourth type of villain you will encounter is worth zero points! Let's call them arena traps! Have any of you played Super Mario Bros before?"

Harry frowned a little in thought wasn't that one of the games her cousin had? He played it on his Nintendo 64 or whatever it was called.

This time he didn't wait for answer,

"You remember those things that would go thwomp on you? There's a thing like that in each area! Their gimmick is that they rampage when crowded!"

Ok, Harry thought, and what is a gimmick?

She, of course, didn't get a answer.

"I see, it sounds like one of those stage hazards you just have to slip through and avoid." Someone said not too far from her. "This really seems to resemble a video game!"

Harry rolled her eyes.

"Now, let's move to the main event! Plus Ultra!" Present Mic yelled excitedly. "And may you all suffer gladly the trials to come!"

"Did he just say suffer gladly?" Shinsou asked.

Harry nodded. "Yep."

"Ah… Just checking."

Harry snorted and turned her attention to the paper in her hand. Confirming the block she had been assigned to and after asking Shinsou which was his, which was the same as hers, she walked to the lockers room. Quickly, she changed into hers red and gold gym clothes. She found her new friend soon enough and started chatting with Shinsou, who had been waiting for her to get ready.

She hadn't noticed this until now, but she had missed having a friend to talk.

"H-Hari-chan!" Harry turned away to wave at Izuku who rushed to her side with relief written all over his face.

He must have been looking for her.

"Hi ya, Izu-chan!"

He flushed, puffing like a little kitten.

She smirked. He was so cute.

Beside her, Shinsou raised an eyebrow and nodded as if he had just added a small piece to a puzzle.

"I see, you're one of them." She tilted her head. "A fujoshi. You are one of them." He wiggled a finger at her.

"Guilty as charged."

And it was Hermione's fault really. She was the one hiding Yaoi manga where everyone in the dorm could see.

Izuku looked at them, blinking his eyes. "Eh?"

Shinsou ignored him and examined the boy's face. "I can see why you like him then. A uke right? That's what you guys call people like him, no?"

She nodded with enthusiasm. At least she wasn't the only one that was able to see it,


Izuku sputtered.

Snickering at his expression, Harry looked around them. Aside from Shinsou and Izuku, there was no one else that she knew in their block. Well, that was if she didn't count the black haired boy from before.


Harry blinked at Present Mic who was standing on the roof of one of the buildings of the city district.

The man grinned down at all of them, enjoying their expressions.

"What's the matter?" He yelled. "There is no such thing as counting down in a real battle! Run! Ruuun! Consider the baton tossed!"

Harry smirked. "Well, I will be going then. Try to not get hurt Izu-chan!" She would have invited him to go with her but Yagi would have liked to see how the boy could deal with the challenge alone so she would let him be. That doesn't mean, however, that she wasn't going to keep an eye on him. "Come on, Shi-chan!"

Before any of the boys could process what was happening, Harry grabbed Shinsou's arm and disappeared with a loudly crack and reappearing on the roof of one of the buildings.

"W-What was that?" Shinsou looked sick.

Harry patted his back. "Apparition." She replied, looking around for a target.

Her eyes landed on two robots not too far from them.

Harry smirked.



Shinsou never spoke to Yagi Hari at school.

The foreign girl had turned up in the middle of the term one day and stayed alone mostly. Like him, she was the target of several rumors because of her Quirk, which was seemed to be something that had been taken straight from a fantasy novel.

At first, he was a little jealous. Although almost all of their classmates were terrified of what she could do with that Quirk, some of them still sought her out to ask for help (Most of them being girls who wanted the British born girl to read their future on their hands or in tarot cards – But still!). But him…? After learning what his Quirk did, he lost the few friends he had, he was avoided like the plague and even his teachers always kept an eye on him, not even bothering to hide the fact that they didn't trust him.

The only reason he even chose Yuuei Academy as his high school was because, at the end of his last year as a middle schooler, Hari noticed that he was indecisive at where to go next and said; "Why don't you go to Yuuei?".

He doubted she remembered that and he had no idea why he even did so, but here he was.

Maybe it was because the normally isolated and silent Modern Witch suggested that school because her father was a teacher there or maybe he had wanted to prove something – Not that he could do much on the Department he had been planning to go originally.

And then, when he was certain that doing the entrance exam to Yuuei wasn't a horrible decision, she appeared again.

And this time she said more than a few words – She…


He never heard, not even from his parents, that his Quirk could be used for good. No one ever showed so much confidence when talking about his Brainwashing Quirk.

It wasn't really surprising that he followed her words one more time.

It was even less surprising, at least to him, for Shinsou to take a liking to the black haired girl in no little time. She was the type to be the best friend one may need and he really wanted that for himself. He wanted to have someone to trust.

After the practical exam started, Hari transformed a piece of steel of one of the buildings around them into a staff. She stayed with him for a while, giving him a few tips here and there, lazily destroying her own targets with a snap of her finger.

Her help was welcomed and it gave him enough confidence to go hunting for his own targets alone. He still needed a good amount of points to pass the exams.

Shinsou sighed as he destroyed another robot. He was ready to turn around when an explosion happened. With wide eyes, his head snapped to the side to see the Gimmick robot – as he decided to call it – bear a destroyed building. There was a wounded girl crawling away from the debris and frozen in shock not too far from her was the green eyed boy Hari was friends with.

The moment he saw the robot move toward the girl, he started moving before he knew what was happening. He was already in front of it when the green eyed boy too started moving.

Shinsou didn't know why, especially since his Quirk never worked on a non living being before, but he started yelling;


The giant feet stopped only a few centimeters away from his face. Shinsou trembled as he stared at it in disbelief. He winced when his head started pounding as if someone was hitting it with a hammer over and over again.

Suddenly, the green eyed boy appeared, punching the robot away from them. Shinsou noticed, though, that the boy's hand was bleeding, the skin having been burned. He winced, his bones also looked broken and it had clearly hurt.

The robot started moving.

The three of them stared at it with apprehension.


Shinsou gaped along the other two as the robot exploded in little pieces.

"Alright there, Izu-chan, Shi-chan?" They looked up to see a smirking Hari waving lazily, standing in the air.

"Hari-chan!" the green eyed boy sighed in relief as she landed beside him, clicking her tongue as she checked his arm.

"Thank you for the rescue, Hari-chan." Shinsou smiled a little, feeling weak and keeping himself standing with the help of the staff. Hari shot him a worried look which he pointedly ignored to think about what happened.

He had never felt like that after using his Quirk, but then again, he had never taken control of a robot.

Hari sighed when she noticed that he wasn't going to say anything and shook her head, muttering something to herself.

"Hm - Hari-chan?" She turned to look at her green haired friend. The small boy shifted his weight from one foot to another. "Do think there is still time for me to get some points?"

Shinsou stared at the green eyed boy in disbelief while Hari pointed at him with a similar expression.

"Please tell me you got at least one point."

His look was enough to say that no, he didn't.

Hari facepalmed before turning to say something. She was interrupted, however, when Present Mic's voice rang throughout the whole city.


The green eyed boy made a sound similar to a dying animal.


"A secret rule?" Shinsou blinked.

Harry nodded with a grin. "Yeah. Examinees that help or save others also gain points. The staff decides how much though."

His shoulders lost any tension they had before. Harry smiled at that. Shinsou had been worried for not having got the necessary 79 points to pass the exam. His points, counting with both sides of the entrance exam, would have only reached 63 points. So as they walked out of Yuuei, having taken both the girl and Izuku to the nurse office, she decided to tell him about the secret part of the exam.

"So I passed?"

She patted his head. "I have no doubt."

Shinsou grinned.

"I AM HERE!" They jumped at the booming voice, a few birds flying from a tree beside them at the volume.

Harry blinked in confusion as she stared at All Might. Her father figure stood in front of them, his hands on his hips as he stared down at them, a dangerous glint in his eyes.

"YOU!" He pointed at Shinsou.

The boy jumped, wide eyes staring at the No 1 Hero and backing away from the man who looked like he was ready to rip him apart.


Shinsou sputtered and paled at the glare he was receiving while Harry blinked in confusion at what was going on.

What was the problem?

Chapter 1. Yuuei Academy!

I am back people!

Life is less erratic now and I can finally sit down and write. I will be only updating my other stories after I publish the other plot-bunny that has been tormenting my mind for a while now (Danm you plot-bunnies! *shakes a hand in the air*).

Anyway, I hope you liked it. I have been obsessed with Boku no Hero Academia lately so I had to do a Crossover XD.

Please, don't forget to:

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