Part 1

The students of the 78th class of Hope's Peak Academy had planned for an evening to tell horror stories. It took a long time for everyone to agree but they eventually accepted and join the fun.

But none of them knew… That Naegi had planned for this for a long time now.

He didn't forget what they did to him. This 'Ultimate Horror Game' prank…

His turn to scare them!

When the evening came, everyone gathered in a shack in the schoolyard, for ambiance. The room had its light off and only some candles to illuminate them. Some students already told their spooky story, some were kinda spooky, some were ridiculous.

Then… It was Naegi's turn.

"Alright, Naegi! Your turn!" Junko grinned.

"Well, knowing him, it shouldn't be that scary." Celeste smiled.

"Probably a funny story then? I'm okay with that." Chihiro stated.

"Go ahead, Naegi-kun. The floor is yours!" Sayaka said with a smile.

The Luckster smiled sweetly as he stood up. Which actually made a few eyebrows lift. He walked towards one of the candles and took it.

"First of all… I want you guys to know that the story…" he walked towards another candle, "... Is true." he blew its flame, then walked towards another one, "...I lived it. It's an experience from my past." He blew this one too, "Secondly, let me tell you a little anecdote before getting to the story." He said as he blew another then more, walking around the circle of friends.

Once all but his candle were blown out, he walked back to his seat but remained standing. He looked down at his friends, with a smile, and most of them smiled back.

"Woow! Naegi prepared a good spooky ambiance!"

"I hope it's worth it!"

"Let's get ready for some spooks!"

"Alright… So maybe you don't know but when I was twelve, my family and I moved from our old house because of 'weird things'. You know, the classic stuff: objects not at their place, weird noises. But most importantly, my sister saying that each night there this black shadow staring at one member of the family at night when we sleep."

"Naegi-kun. You never told me that." Kirigiri cut him.

"Don't worry, it's time now for me to tell you this story… And why it's my fault we had to move out."


Baka's note: Yeah, very sorry for that very, veryyyyyyyyyyy short excuse of a chapter. This fic was originally supposed to be a big one shot or a two shot... But people kept bothering me for months for this fic. It was very annoying. And even when I asked them to stop. They kept doing it.

So now it's a 5 chapter story. a veeeeeeeeeryyyyyyy slow 5 chapters.

They were so annoying to the point of commenting something like this: 'meh, don't like it. What else do you have in store?'

That was insulting. I know they will recognize themselves.

Anyways, see you soon for the first chapter of Tanaka's Monsters of Despair