(first off sorry for the last chapter being in third person. it will be in first person from now on.)
anyways :on woth the story!!!
"Hawke's mama go ahead and stop here. this'll be a good place to restock." I heard the confirming noise coming from Hawk's mama and then she settled into the ground...soon after that I heard Elizabeth fall from her bed.
It took all the energy I could muster to not laugh when I saw how messy her hair was. she walked up to me in her two piece pajama, rubbing her eyes, "Sir meliodas did we just...land somewhere?"
"Yes we did Elizabeth. We are stopping by a nearby town to restock and to just have some fun."
"Oh, that sounds fun! Let me go get dressed!"
I watched as she rushed up the stairs back to her room. "Always one for adventure arent you?"
"who is?" I turned to see Hawk looking up at me with questioning eyes.
"Um...I was just talking to myself."
"you liar you were talking about Elizabeth werent you?"
"Oh look, were having pork chops tomorrow..."
"Eek! fine talk your yourself all you want you crazy person!" I laughed as Hawke went to my room.
Elizabeth finally came down and her hair was up in a pony tail, i decided to ask, "Elizabeth is there any particular reason you're wearing a pony tail today?"
"No I just like too. I remember that one of the guards that was especially assigned to me would put my hair in pony tails sometimes if father was busy." she smiled at me and then took me by the arm. "so, sir Meliodas...are you gonna show me around?"
Even though it caught me by surprise, "Y-Yes...Lets go."
we left the boar hat and put a closed sign on the door. Also I dont think anyone would come in seeing that there is a giant guarding the bar. I asked her where she wanted to go first and she said she wanted to go to a restaurant. I took her to one I knew of. If you could think up the food they would make it, and afterwards you could get a cupcake or chocolates.
'If I know Elizabeth as well as I believe O do, then she would like a cupcake with sprinkles. I'll buy it for her after she eats and take it to the boar hat as a surprise.' I thought to myself.
Eventually we ordered and ate. The bill wasnt mych considering the owner owed me a favor for fixing his roof when lightning struck it. I only had to pay for Elizabeths food and something for Diane...oh...and the cupcake.
after ordering four meals that would eventually fill up Diane I ordered the small cupcake with sprinkles on top.
when we finally got back I gave Diane her food and she was way more excited than she should've been...but i guess its because I baught it for her. I brought Elizabeth upstairs to my room by taking her hand and telling her I had a surprise for her. 'I dont even know if i want this to work...but here goes nothing.'
"Whats wrong Sir Meliodas?"
"Nothing, I um...baught you a cupcake. I know how much you like them."
"How did you know how much I like cupcakes?"
"I um...I just do." I brought out the cupcake and hand it to her, remembering that I had asked the owner to put in one of his super secret special ingrediamts into this cupcake...a memory potion.
She was so happy to recieve the cupcake she gave me a hug that almost choked me. The first bite she took and ate...left me in suspense. Then i saw her crying. 'What have a done!?' "Meliodas...I remember. I remember who my guard was when I was little."
"Are you okay? I'm so sorry."
"For what?"
"For abandoning you..."
"You didnt abandon me you were forced to leave those are completely different things!"
"You grew up a lot...when you fell into my bar...I didnt know what to do and then ypu surprised me by saying you were looking for the seven deadly sins. I took the oppertunity to tell you who i was. I understand if you dont want to stay..."
"Question...did you really find me all by myself?"
"Where did you hear that?"
"I overheard My father and my sister talking about it one day...I dont think they knew I was there..."
"Yes its true...I lost control one day...my wrath got out of hand and destroyed and entire village in a matter of seconds. Everyday i have to live woth that guilt...but somehow you lived through it. You were calm and happy in my arms. you even smiled at me and held out your hands to me. I felt like i was going to fall to my knees and cry. Somehow this precious baby survived and she was smiling at me...I thought I didnt deserve such a smile. Then i heard horses and thats when King Bartrand showed up. Later that day or perhaps a day later i asked to be your personal body guard for the rest of my life and he granted my request understanding the situation."
"What was the situation?"
"He knew i was the only one capable of causing that much destruction...yet you survived...I told them all to back off and not lay a hand on you. I was willing to fight the King if I had to...I cant really explain it...but somehow you saved me that day." I realized i was clutching my hands extremely tight. So i released them and lleaned my head forward facing the floor. "I fell in love with you...and I dont think there is anything I can do about it. Please forgive me."
She turned my head and smiled at me, it felt like all of my hearts had stopped. "I love you too."
The End :3
(sorry i know its a bit rused but please tell me what you think!)