Disclaimer: Honda Civic is not a sponsor of this or any of my other chapters in any other stories.
Second Disclaimer: I'm pretty sure that this is the only Tire AU out there, so if there already is one, I have not stolen the idea.
Being the third wheel is not fun. My sisters are always like, "Oh, this car is two-wheel drive!" and then they forget about me. And the fourth wheel, but the fourth wheel doesn't talk much.
You see, living on the bottom of a Honda Civic isn't fun. Angelica and Eliza always get to be the wheels in the front. They experience things before I do, they get the thrill of being able to live life.
"Oh my god, Eliza!" Angelica joyfully screeched, "We get to ride over another speed bump!"
"Yay!" Eliza cheered, "I love those, they always itch the scratches I get on the back of my tire!"
I mentally groaned. You see? They always spoil everything good for me, but if there's something bad, I get no warning.
For example, that one time when Eliza and Angelica saw a trash bag in the middle of the street, they were able to brace themselves for the impact, but I had no idea of what was happening and almost got suffocated from the bag! Luckily, I was able to roll it off, but it was stuck on me for a good ten seconds and I literally saw my life flash before my eyes. I got pretty dizzy when I saw that.
But one day, Angelica and Eliza actually talked to me!
"Peggy, you're awfully quiet!"
"I know, I'm just busy thinking about life."
"Oh yeah?" That was Angelica's voice, "What about life?"
I hesitated before truthfully responding, "I'm thinking about puns."
Oh, I forgot to mention, I was way ahead of my time. I was the only wheel who understood that we were tires on a road in a car and all of that stuff. Angelica, Eliza, and the Fourth Wheel all don't exactly know what's happening. We live in the early 1800's, but I have a mind like I'm from 3013 or something!
"Oh, uh, just witty jokes."
"Ah," Eliza said, "I'm bad at thinking of those."
"Eliza, come on," I groaned, "You're being boring. The readers of this fanfiction are getting uninterested."
"Well, I'm sorry, but you need to get used to being the Third Wheel!"
"Oh, I love being the Third Wheel. It's so fun. This isn't sarcasm, no. Definitely not."
Angelica scoffed and Eliza stayed silent, signaling that the conversation was over.
I muttered, "If only things could actually be interesting for once."
I guess my wish came true.
"Actually, I think that I am qUITE interesting, if I say so myself," A mug voice, who I realized must've belonged to the Fourth Wheel. "Thomas Jefferson, not at your service. Boy, it sure is nice to finally be free from that awful curse!"
"Curse?" I asked, "What curse?"
"Oh? Don't you know?" Thomas asked. I shook my head. "Well, all of us Fourth Wheels have to sit and watch the other Wheels bicker, but when one of the wheels finally says something where the Fourth Wheel could be useful, we're finally able to talk again! It's annoying that we have to listen to you wheels for so long."
I decided that I didn't like Thomas. I strained my tire-muscles so that a bolt would slowly roll out of my tire. Just as it was about to escape me, I shook as much as I could and sent the bolt flying at Thomas, who didn't even have time to speak before the bolt hit him where it hurts and he lost all of his air. The Honda Civic slowly came to a stop as Thomas stopped moving, and he was never seen again.
I'm sorry that this was insanely boring! I had major writer's block and couldn't think of anything!