I do not own

Being immortal can be long and lonely at times but luckily Kagome had her friends to share it with. But there are times that she wish that she had someone to share this life with and start a family of her own. She had many suitors that had ask for her hand in marriage, both humans and demons, but her heart always told her that they were the wrong ones. Years had gone by since the jewel was destroyed she was curse with immortally. Now she was in the country side of France with little Rin, with Sesshomaru's blessing he gifted her with immortally. It was night time and Kagome was reading Rin a bed time story. Tonight it was Beauty and the Beast.

"Beauty begins to feel guilty about breaking her promise to the Beast and uses the mirror to see him back at the castle. She is horrified to discover that the Beast is lying half-dead from heartbreak near the rose bushes her father had stolen from and she immediately uses the ring to return to the Beast. Beauty weeps over the Beast, saying that she loves him, when he tears strike him, the Beast is transformed into the handsome prince from Beauty's dream. The Prince informs her that long ago a fairy turned him into a hideous beast after he refused to let her in from the rain and that only by finding true love, despite his ugliness, could the curse be broken. He and Beauty are married and they live happily ever after together. The End." Kagome read

"So she really did love him even though he was a beast." Rin said

"That's right. Time for bed sweetie we have a long journey ahead of us tomorrow." Kagome smiled

She kissed Rin's forehead and tucked her in bed.

"Mama, would you have loved the beast even if he was hideous?" Rin asked

"Maybe not at first, but if I got to know him better and see if he is kind and gentle on the inside then yes, I think would have." Kagome said "Good night darling."

"Goodnight mama." Rin said

Once Kagome blew out the candles and shut the door Rin got up and looked out the window. She looked up at the sky and saw the North Star that was shining brightly as ever. Rin held on to the story book and close her eyes silently saying a prayer.

'I wish mama can find her true love, just like in the story book, so she could finally be happy.' She wished

Rin knew her mother was still heartbroken after Inuyasha broke up with her years ago. Since then she has been afraid to ever love anyone again.

Once she finished her wish she went back to bed and went to sleep. Unknown to her that her wish is about to be grated.

The next day Kagome and Rin had left their small cottage and was about to head to the city. But that changed when a strange snow storm appeared and they got lost in the woods. When they got deeper they started to hear wolves howling in the decedent. Rin held on to Kagome tightly as she still had a fear of wolves after all those years. Before the wolves could reach them they appeared before a large gate. Kagome dismounted her horse, opened the gate so she could bring the horse through and shut it quickly when the wolves got close. They growled for a minute, trying to get through, before they stop and backed away whimpering as if they were afraid of something. When they were safe she turned around and saw a large dark castle. They walked up towards the door and she knocked, hoping the owners or someone would let them stay for the night till the storm dies down. When no one answered Kagome tried to open it but the door wouldn't budge so they tried to go around to find some sort of shelter. When they reached the back of the castle they were at awed when they saw the garden. Even in snow it was so beautiful. Then Rin smiled and ran over towards a large rose bush. She wanted to pick one but Kagome stopped her as she sensed something near.

"Rin, you can't pick these. This is not Sesshomaru's garden. It would be rude of us to pick them without asking." She explained

"Sorry mama." Rin said

Then Kagome stood up and held on tight to the sheath of her sword when she sensed someone behind her. She turned her head and saw a man in dark clothes standing a few feet behind her as if he's been there the whole time. He was tall, had olive tan skin, black hair and had beautiful grey green eyes. He was a handsome man but judging by his aura he wasn't human at all.

"What are you doing here?" He asked

"We got trapped in the snow storm and got lost. If you do not mind me asking if we can stay for the night. Just until the storm dies down." She said

There was something about him that drew her to him. It wasn't his unnatural charmed, she had learned to not be affected by that stuff many years ago. It was something else about him that she didn't understand.

"Can they father?" A boy voice said

Kagome looked behind him and saw a little boy, maybe about the same age as Rin, had dirty blonde hair, light skin and blue eyes. The man looked back at them with an untrusted look in his eyes before nodding his head.

"You may. Just for the night." He said

He called out for a servant to take their horse to the stables and showed them inside their castle.

"My name Kagome Hirgaushi and this is my daughter Rin." Kagome said with a little head bow

Vlad nod his head in respect.

"Vlad. And this is my son Ingera." He said

Kagome smiled at the young boy and Ingera couldn't help but smile back. He took her hand and went to show her and Rin where they would be staying the night. Vlad was surprise to see Ingera take in someone new so quickly. Normally he's shy and cautions about outsiders and if they were women he would hate them because they would more interested in his father's unnatural charm.

Vlad had to admit he was taken in by Kagome's beauty and for the first time in three hundred years his inner demons was rising up. It wanted Kagome. It was telling him that she was meant to be theirs but he wasn't sure if he was ready for that yet. He has been looking for his wife for many years and was beginning to lose faith that he'll find her.

After Vlad and Ingera showed Kagome and Rin their room they took them downstairs for dinner. It was kind of acquired at first as neither of the adults knew what to say. Luckily the children knew how to break the ice as they asked questions.

"Where are you from?" Ingera asked

"Japan. It's an Island that's in the east." Kagome smiled

"What brings you to France?" Vlad asked after taking a sip of wine, "blood".

"My daughter and I like to travel. We wanted to see the world." She said

"And you're husband was okay with this?" Vlad asked, though his inner demon was growling if she was married

"No I'm not married." She said

He looked at her and then at Rin wondering if she was widow.

"Rin is my adopted daughter." She said

That seemed to calm his inner demon down.

"Mama saved me from these bandits that abducted me from Uncle Lord Sesshomaru." Rin said

"Well it wasn't just me. I did had a little from my friends as well." Kagome said

"Really how did it happened?" Ingera asked

That how Kagome told them about how she and her friends fought against the Band of Seven, with some minor details. She can tell by their eyes they were intrigue by her story.

"And you and Sango fought them as well, but you're women." Ingera said innocently

Vlad drink nearly choke on his drink when his son said that. He looked at his son and at Kagome wondering if she was going to be offended by that.

"Believe or not young man but you'll be surprise on how well women can fight. Sango village trained but both men and women how to fight. She was one of the strongest in our group…and feared as well. I learned most of my skills from her as well from my adopted brother Sesshomaru." Kagome said with a smirk

"Sorry. But what happened next?" Ingera asked with excitement

Vlad looked at Rin and saw her trying to hide her yawning and started rubbing her eyes.

"I think that story is for another time son. It's getting late and it looks like Rin is tired." Vlad smiled

"No, I'm…." Rin yawned "Not tired."

Kagome smiled and picked her up.

"Come on my little flower, it's time for bed." She said

She took her to their room that helped Rin into her nightgown and tucked her in the bed.

"Mama, can sing me a lullaby instead of a story tonight? Please." Rin asked while rubbing her tired eyes. Kagome smiled and kissed Rin's forehead.

"Of course darling." She said

She started to sing a song she remembered from when she was child and didn't realized that Ingera popped his head in the room.

'Dancing bears, painted wings

Things I almost remember

And a song someone sings,

Once upon a December

Someone holds me safe and warm

Horses prance through a silver storm

Figures dancing gracefully, Across my memory.'

Vlad was walking down the hallway when he saw his son standing in the ladies room with an awe expression. He too heard her angelic voice and it drew him to it. So he went stand behind his son and listen to her sing.

'Someone holds me safe and warm

Horses prance through a silver storm.

Figures dancing gracefully, Across my memory

Far away, long ago

Glowing dim as an ember

Things my heart used to know,

Things it yearns to remember.

And a song someone sings…

Once upon a Dece~em~ber'

Just as she finished Rin was fast asleep and Kagome kissed her forehead once more before standing up to change as well. That was until she notice her little audience. She blushed in embarrassment as well did they.

"You have an Angelic voice, milady." Vlad said

"Can you sing me too?" Ingera asked as he held her hands

Vlad was surprised to hear this.

"My mother used to sing to me when I was little." Ingera said with a hint of sadness

"I don't mind, but…" She said and looked at Rin

"No harm will ever come to her I promise." Vlad said as he understood what she was thinking

Kagome thanked him with a smile that made him feel his dead heart almost beat a little. Ingera led her to his room and lay down in the covers of his bed. Kagome sat down next to him on his bed and Vlad stood by the edge of the bed leaning his shoulder on the pillar post.

"Would you like to hear the same song or another?" She asked

"Another if you can." He said

Kagome smiled and thought about the one she used to sing to Shippo to help him sleep at night.

'Hush now, my baby

Be still now, don't cry

Sleep like you're rocked by the stream

Sleep and remember, my Lullaby

And I'll be with you when you dream

Drift on a river that flows through my arms

I see you smiling, so peaceful and calm

Holding you, I'm smiling too'

Vlad smiled as he saw his son eyes blinking tiredly trying to stay awake. Kagome brushed through his hair with her fingers just like his mother used to do.

'Here in my arms, safe from all harm

…holding you, I'm smiling too

Hush now my baby

Be still now, don't cry

Sleep like you're rocked by the stream

Sleep in remember this River Lullaby

And I'll be with you when you dream

Here in my arms, safe from all harm

Holding you, I'm smiling too

Sleep and remember this River Lullaby

And I'll be with you when you dream

Sleep and remember this River Lullaby

And I'll be with you when you dream

I'll be with you when you dream…'

Ingera was deep asleep and snuggle close to where Kagome was.

"Good night, Ingera. Sweet dreams." She whispers before getting up

"I haven't him this happy in a long time." Vlad said "Not since his mother was still alive."

"Well from what I've seen so far, you're doing great with him." She smiled "Good night, Vlad."

She was about to head back to her room but Vlad caught her hand. When he did a strange spark flowed through them. That never happened to her before with Inuyasha.

"Stay. Stay here for more than one night. My son needs a mother figure and it seems that he is taken by you and your daughter. He hasn't done that with anyone in years. Please, stay here with us?" He asked

She didn't know what to say as she barely knew him but part of her was telling her to stay with him. As if she belong by his side. When she looked into his grey green eyes she could only say "Yes."