Hello readers!

To balance out the recent trend of not-so-happy stories that I've been doing lately, I'm going to be using THIS story to have fluffy, happy, one shots.

I solemnly swear I will not include another one shot of their deaths, there are at least 20 on my page.

Harry rolled over, grabbing desperately for the phone. His hand slammed around on his nightstand for far too long before he realised the phone had been on Ginny's side.

"Hello?" Her voice asked, and Harry sighed, instead feeling for his glasses and shoving them on his face. "I'm sorry, you said you were a police officer?"

Harry sat up, turning on the bedside lamp. Ginny was frowning deeply, her red hair slightly tousled from sleep.

"Yes, he's right here." She finally said, and handed the phone to Harry.

"Hello?" Harry asked.

"Hello, is this Harry Potter?"


"I'm Officer Jenkins with the City of London Police. We picked up a young man, and he says he's your nephew and gave us your number. Do you know an Edward Lupin?"

"Yes, he is my nephew." Harry said, frowning. It was common for Teddy to call himself Harry's nephew, and Harry never minded that he did so. "Did something happen?"

"We were called to a disturbance outside a pub in North London. Your nephew was creating quite a disturbance."

"What was he doing?" Harry asked. Teddy wasn't the type to cause disturbances, he was normally a very well mannered person. Harry's eyes wandered to the window, where he could see the very full moon. Harry sighed. Of course. Teddy had a habit of unpredictable moods on the nights of full moons.

"When we arrived, he was calmly sitting on a bench, but apparently he got into a physical altercation with an older man. Now, because he is under the age of majority, we do need a guardian to come and pick him up. You are his guardian, correct?"

"Why would he need someone to come get him? He's not underage-" Harry began and then broke off, mentally slapping himself. "No, of course, he hasn't turned 18 yet. I'll come and get him, I share guardianship with his grandmother."

When Harry finally reached the Muggle building, it was nearly 4am. He entered the building, and was surprised to see Teddy and an officer sitting in the reception area.

Teddy had a swollen eye that would no doubt bruise, a split lip and blood on and around his nose. He looked up at Harry with grey eyes, and Harry was almost completely sure that Teddy would be smirking if he didn't look so tired.

Teddy and Harry didn't speak the entire time they were walking to the car, and the silence continued for a few minutes longer once they were in the car. They sat in silence, Harry making no move to start the car.

Finally, Harry had to ask. "Who was it and what happened?"

"I don't know who I fought." Teddy responded. "I went for a walk, I couldn't sleep. Gran doesn't care, as long as I'm not gone all night."

Harry nodded. It was true, Teddy didn't sleep much on full moons, and Andromeda had managed to work through her constant need to keep Teddy under constant supervision(she had developed a fear that if Teddy left alone, he wouldn't come back- and Harry didn't blame her), allowing him to take long walks when he couldn't sleep. "So where did you go tonight?"

"I just walked." Teddy said. "I was outside a pub, and there was this wizard- he couldn't have been more obvious- who was drunk. He was shouting at some other wizard, they looked like they were about to fight."

"You stopped a duel?" Harry asked.

"No, the first wizard dropped his wand."


Teddy ran a hand through his brown hair, sighing. "I told them to calm down, there were Muggles near and that'd be breaking a law, right?"

"Right." Harry said. "So how did everything else happen?"

"It was Cornelius Fudge." Teddy said, and Harry exhaled slowly. He could guess what was coming next. "He called me the werewolf's son, and the second wizard-"

"Said something bad about werewolves, I imagine." Harry said. Since the war, Cornelius Fudge had been a constant issue with the Ministry. Obliviators were constantly tracking him, because when he drank, he liked to talk- sometimes not caring if there were Muggles near. He also had a habit of simply greeting Teddy as "the werewolf's son", and Harry wouldn't be surprised if one day Teddy and Fudge had a brawl. "And so you-"

"Punched him. Fudge took off, I bet it was him that called the police." Teddy growled, his hands in tight fists. "Bloody arsehole."

"Teddy, calm down." Harry said calmly, turning to face his now-red-haired godson. "You can come spend a couple nights with us, I'll call Andromeda in the morning and say you came to see us. We'll heal your face, she won't have to know. But you can't keep doing this."

"This is the only time I've been arrested-"

"And it might not be the last." Harry said. "Teddy, if this happens again, I will tell your grandmother."

Teddy's hair faded to brown and he finally looked at Harry. "You wouldn't."

"I would. I have no obligation to keep the event of tonight a secret, either. I could call her and tell her-"

"Please don't."

"I won't, but if I get a call in the middle of the night again, Teddy-"

"You won't."

"And I won't get a letter from Hogwarts this year, will I?" Harry asked. "It's your last year of school, can you avoid a fight for a year?"

"Can you?" Teddy asked, smirking slightly.

Harry simply shook his head. "I'm just saying, Teddy. The Hufflepuff Headboy can't be getting detention monthly because he's punched another student. Plus with Jamie going to school, I figure you'll be busy teaching him all the Marauder secrets, right?"

"Ginny asked me not to." Teddy said.

"She doesn't have to know." Harry said, reaching over and opening the glove compartment, pulling out his Invisibility Cloak and handing it to Teddy. "You can use it for your final year, if it'll keep you out of detention."

Teddy stared at the cloak and then looked at Harry. "Shouldn't this go to your sons?"

"And naturally, it'll go to my oldest first, won't it?"