Okay, this chapter is DEFINITELY longer.

Final chapter too.

I do not own Danganronpa


The first to wake up was Teruteru Hanamura. He was closely followed by the Super High-School Level Impostor. Both were in far better condition than anyone had expected. It only took about a week before the two of them were up and moving around without wheelchairs or crutches. Mikan still asked them to stay in the hospital on the third island for a little while, just to make sure they were safe and not in any danger of collapsing or having a violently bad reaction to their time in the pods. Neither of them did.

The next to wake up was Mahiru. Her body was far weaker than any of the others who had woken up before her. Nekomaru had to carry her directly to the hospital after she woke up. Mikan and Ibuki were panicking about losing Mahiru again while Nagito tried to reassure them them that Mahiru's hope would shine through.

Mahiru's awakening brought Peko a great deal of hope. Fuyuhiko had died right after Mahiru. It was logical that he would be the next to wake up. Even if Teruteru and Impostor (as they were now calling him) had woken up in the wrong order.

On the other hand, the pattern she was seeing made Ibuki upset. Hajime had been the last to die. That meant he would likely be one of the last to wake up.

After her initial awakening, it took almost a full week before Mahiru was fully conscious again. And, even then, she still couldn't walk. Mikan confined her to the hospital with the excuse that Mahiru's condition was too unstable, and leaving could make her far worse. Mahiru had no objections, and didn't mind sharing the hospital with Nagito after Mikan asked him to stay there as well after he had another seizure.

Contrary to what everyone predicted, the next person to wake up, almost two and a half weeks after Mahiru, was Kazuichi. Kazuichi was in far better shape than they had anticipated. He was out of the wheelchair and tinkering with his own empty pod in less than a week. He even convinced Nagito to let him mess with the prosthetic arm. Kazuichi made some improvements to the jack in an attempt to make the arm more comfortable. Nagito said that he succeeded.

A week after Kazuichi, Sonia was next. She was in fairly poor condition, though no where near as bad as Mahiru. Sonia argued when Mikan told her to stay in the hospital. She shouted that a princess' job was to be out and leading, not holed up in a hospital. The eventual compromise was that Sonia could leave the hospital, but she had to spend the nights in the hospital and when she was out she had to be with someone at all times so they could get Mikan in case of emergency.

A few days after Sonia woke up, Mikan deemed Mahiru's condition stable enough to walk without crutches and to leave the hospital during the day. Nagito was still required to stay in the hospital as Mikan was too afraid that he would collapse again or have another seizure. The first think Mahiru did was find a camera in the store-room of the old building and take as many pictures of the island and her classmates as she could, to replace the ones that had only existed in the simulation, and had thus been erased.

There was a three-week stretch with no new awakenings. Kazuichi and Sonia had a talk. She apologized for her actions while under the influence of the despair disease.

Kazuichi said he forgave her with ease, though he still seemed wary of Sonia after that.

The next to wake up was Fuyuhiko.

He woke up in the pod and almost immediately went back into unconsciousness.

Fuyuhiko woke up for real two days later. Peko hadn't left his hospital room once.

Peko cried a great deal when he woke up and proved to be okay. It was the first time she had ever cried legitimate tears of joy. It was her first legitimate smile in years.

Fuyuhiko's first request, immediately after waking up, was that Peko stop calling him 'Young Master.'

There was a long conversation between the two. Much of it was Peko scolding Fuyuhiko for not allowing her to kill Mahiru for him.

He tried to explain himself. It had been his problem, not hers. And he refused to allow her to die for something as stupid as his revenge.

The conversation ended with both crying and holding each other, as if one would disappear if the other let go.

Fuyuhiko loudly declared that he loved Peko, that he had since they were little. Peko quickly and easily reciprocated.

She never left his side after that.

The next to wake up was Gundham.

He woke up in good condition. He was able to walk with just crutches immediately without needing a wheelchair. Ibuki spent almost two full hours yelling at Gundham for what he had done to Hajime during the simulation. She demanded that he apologize to Hajime when he woke up.

Gundham agreed, not that Ibuki left him much of a choice.

His hamsters were larger than they had been in the simulation, and even more clingy with Gundham's scarf than they had been.

The next to wake up was Hiyoko.

Hiyoko was in the worst condition of any of them.

After she woke up, she almost immediately had a serious seizure and couldn't even be moved from the pod out of Mikan's fear that moving Hiyoko may even kill her. Instead, Mikan asked Nekomaru to bring medical equipment from the hospital to the pod room to keep Hiyoko's condition as stable as possible.

Mahiru spent more and more time in the pod room. She would bring in one of the wheelchairs and read to Hiyoko while she was sleeping. She asked Mikan if she could bring Hiyoko candies, though Mikan said no, Mahiru promised Hiyoko as many candies as she wanted once Mikan allowed it.

Hiyoko wasn't conscious for more than 20 minutes at a time, and spent most of that time asking Mahiru when the pain would go away, and when she'd be able to dance again.

As days and days passed, Hiyoko gradually managed to stay awake for more and more time each day.

Hiyoko was still pod-ridden when Akane woke up.

Akane immediately climbed out of her pod and tried to stand on her own.

She was lucky that Nekomaru walked in right at that moment so he could catch her when she collapsed.

She muttered a greeting to him, and he muttered one back.

Despite her initial weakness, Akane was back on her feet and attacking Nekomaru at random in no time. He was still in better condition than she was, so he won all of their fights with ease.

Hajime was the only one not awake yet.

Hiyoko's condition continued to grow more stable as time continued to pass.

The survivors of the 78th Class came for what they described as a 'brief stay.' They brought with them another few months worth of rations and medical supplies.

Mikan did her best in explaining everyone's conditions and delivered the news that Hajime was the only one who had yet to wake up.

Meanwhile, Akane said the words that Nekomaru had been unable to before he could even work up the courage. And his athlete's courage gave him courage to say the words back. And they finally had their true reunion.

But Ibuki was still alone.

She wasn't alone alone. But she was lonely. Even among her friends, she was still lonely. Weeks had gone by since Akane woke up, but Hajime still hadn't. Hajime was still missing.

And Ibuki was scared.

She was really scared.

She was scared that it meant that Hajime wouldn't wake up.

She was scared that the Hajime that did wake up wouldn't be the Hajime from the simulation.

More time passed. Mikan finally had Nekomaru move Hiyoko to the hospital. Mahiru and Sonia were allowed to sleep in their own cabins at the hotel, and Nagito was allowed to leave the hospital during the day.

But Hajime stayed sleeping.

And Ibuki stayed waiting.

They reached the one year anniversary of the day the initial survivors woke up, a few months after Akane had woken up. And Hajime was still asleep.

Some of the others had begun to give up. Some even proposed taking Hajime off the pod's life support. He hadn't woken up yet, so it was more than likely that he wouldn't at all.

Ibuki screamed at them louder than she had ever screamed in her life. She screamed that she would bust the eardrums of anyone who tried to hurt Hajime. She cried some too.

Luckily the 78th Class was on her side, as were most of her own classmates.

Ibuki spent more and more time in the pod room. More and more time passed. Hajime still wasn't awake.

Makoto suggested that maybe Hajime wasn't awake yet because he was still fighting with Izuru for control of his body. That made sense. Ibuki could accept that as an explanation. Then she just had to hope that Hajime would win.

A year and three months after the first five woke up, Hajime finally joined them.

His hair was brown again when he woke up, and when he opened his eyes they were the same green Ibuki remembered.

Ibuki tackle-hugged Hajime, crying about how she was worried that he wasn't going to wake up at all.

He laughed. He laughed and returned the hug before muttering that he had been worried too.

After he first woke up, everyone except Mikan and Makoto were asked to stay out of the pod room until Hajime's recovery was complete, and until Makoto could confirm that Hajime really wasn't Izuru anymore.

That week was near unbearable for Ibuki. Instead of worrying about what was happening in the pod room, Ibuki tried to focus on writing a song for when Hajime could finally leave the pod room. She decided against her usual heavy-metal style. Something like that probably wasn't the best for someone who had just woken up from a year and three-month long coma.

Once her lyrics were finished, Ibuki took control of her music venue and spent the next few days holed up inside practicing.

Ibuki convinced Mikan to push the wheelchair-bound Hajime into the music venue. Mikan then left Hajime alone as Ibuki made her way onto the stage.

"Ibuki-chan promised Hajime-chan a performance when he woke up."

She held up her guitar and began to play her introduction. Hajime smiled at her.

I continue with my life

Everyone says I'm a loud person

I love playing my guitar

I love singing with my friends

But when I start to daydream

My mind turns straight to Hajime

Sometimes I look at myself

I notice the way I think about Hajime with a smile

Curved lips I just can't disguise

And I think it's Hajime making my life worthwhile

I love to sing

I love to talk about my music

But when I stop talking

My mind turns straight to Hajime

Sometimes I look at myself

I notice the way I think about Hajime with a smile

Curved lips I just can't disguise

And I think it's Hajime making my life worthwhile

I love to perform for my friends

But when I'm left alone

My mind turns straight to Hajime

Sometimes I look at myself

I notice the way I think about Hajime with a smile

Curved lips I just can't disguise

And I think it's Hajime making my life worthwhile

I have my memories of despair

But when I start to feel down

I just think back to Hajime

And I'm happy once again

Ibuki sucked in her breath.

"Ibuki-chan loves you Hajime-chan!"

She waved at him. Waiting for the smile to drop off his face and him to immediately reject her.

Hajime raised his hands to his face and cupped them around his mouth.

"Hajime-chan loves Ibuki-chan too!"

Ibuki took a second to let his words sink in.

She teared up.

She put the guitar down on the stage.

She ran and jumped off the stage.

She wrapped her arms around him.

He returned the hug.

"Ibuki-chan missed Hajime-chan!"

She cried.

He chuckled slightly.

"I missed you too."

I think that was a good ending!