Comments that I can't respond to:

1. Oblivion chapter 14 . Oct 3

I. Need. More. Please I am enjoying it so much and I look forward to every update. You are awesome. Xx

ME: First of all I am working on it I know I am late and shit, but if you're reading this I have written at least something. Thank you so much ^^ you can't imagine how you made my day.

2. Guest chapter 14 . Oct 4

that is one hell of a confession. I love it!

ME: thank you so much

3. SarahLuzie chapter 14 . Oct 12

Hey Rasa,
I totally love this chapter but hope those two didn't forget the Warding-Lady as it seems like it's getting really really late at Hogwarts. And she demanded them to come back and bring a Sandwich in the evening and not night xD

BTW I hope I'm able to write you an email this week to tell you why I am absent since May. And resume my work for you

ME: hey you,

Thank you. To be honest, they probably did. Their bill will probably reflect just how she feels about that.
I look forward to that, it's all right either way :)


Chapter 15: nobody said that shit out loud if they had any little bit of common sense


The sound of someone coughing woke Harry with a start.

"What!" He looked around wildly before focusing on Draco who was standing with his arms crossed and straightening his glasses. "Oh, hi…."

The paper that was stuck to his face unstuck itself and landed on the floor.

"Either your co-workers couldn't wake you or they didn't want sprouts coming out of their arses for weeks."

"I've never made anything like that happen."

"You had grass in your ears this morning."

Harry was quick to put away the paperwork that he had finished before passing out and shoved Draco.

"I told you that was from playing Quidditch yesterday."

"I still can't believe I slept in one bed with a troll."

Harry frowned and pushed Draco against one of the empty tables.

"Take that back."

"Comb your hair once in a while and maybe that won't be the first impression," Draco tried to sound as snarky as ever, but Harry was satisfied to see that his eyes were glued to Harry's lips.

"I'd rather die." Harry shook his head proudly and stepped back. "Oh, wait I did."

"Shut up."

Draco frowned unsatisfied and followed Harry out of the empty Auror headquarters. They passed the receptionist, who wished them a merry Christmas, spent a while in the elevator because Harry kept pressing the wrong buttons, but finally reached the Atrium.

"Good night, Mr Potter," called a bearded man from the night guard's booth.

"Good night, Anton," Harry called.

"At least he didn't wish us a merry Christmas," Draco said in a low voice as they walked across the hall to the few lit fireplaces.

"It's November, it's a good thing that Margaret's wife destroys any Christmas decorations she sees before December otherwise the whole headquarters would be buried in tinsel and shit."

"That's vile," Draco said, motioning for Harry to go first. Harry smiled and kissed Draco's cheek.

"Grimmauld place," he said and clenched his teeth to keep his stomach in place. His hand scraped a chimney and he pressed them closer to his body, finally he was spat out on the kitchen's floor. "Ugh…"

Draco stepped out of the fireplace gracefully and looked at Harry with slight disgust.

"Honestly, Potter…"

"Shut up and help me up." Harry extended an expectant hand.

"And stain my pristine cloak? You would want that, wouldn't you?" Draco stepped to the side out of Harry's reach.

"Draco! Come on."

"You look like a… what are you doing?"

Harry pulled the hand out of his cloak's pocket. At that moment Bird crashed into the room and saved Draco from a week old, dusty pair of socks that were in Harry's pocket. Harry put them away for later.

"Hi, birdy, how are you…"

Bird growled and nuzzled Harry's chin.

"Disgusting…" Draco quieted met by two pairs of unimpressed eyes. He managed a half step back before Bird landed on his head. Harry jumped to his legs, wiggled out of his cloak and grabbed Draco around the middle. "POTTER! Merlin… Potter!" Draco tried to hit his untameable boyfriend on the head, but Harry lifted him from the ground and started to walk somewhere.

"HARRY POTTER LET me go this instant AHG," Draco grabbed Harry's shirt when he readjusted his grip. "DON'T YOU dare DROP ME."

Harry laughed and bird screeched making Draco groan.

"This is highly un… MERLIN'S BEARD watch the doors!"

Draco finally spat out what was making him stare at his tea like it was trying to hang a piece of dung on his nose.

"Do you want to see my history essay?" he made it sound more like a statement.

"Ermmm… not- Oh, alright."

Harry took the scroll deciding to skim it and change the subject as soon as possible.

First there was the title in Draco's over the top fancy handwriting, but the essay itself consisted of a single sentence – they all died and never discovered the necessity of shampoo. Harry was so surprised the laugh almost knocked him off the chair. Draco shifted smiling a small smug smile.

"Incredible," Harry laughed and looked at Draco. "Incredible…"

He leaned forward wanting to saviour Draco's flushed cheeks forever, next thing he knew they were kissing. Neither of them were super experienced in the field, Draco compensated by being a prude in public and Harry by having a 'don't give a single fraction of a shit' attitude. Every kiss was the best thing in the history of all the things.

His fear didn't matter, their past didn't matter.

The… the… cases… don't…

Don't ruin it… the cases, the dead people…

Harry pulled back and buried his face in Draco's neck.

"Did I do something wrong?" Draco asked worry seeping in his tone.

"Of course not, I…" Harry bit his tongue.

"Thinking about work?"

"I can't…"

Draco pushed Harry's head up and pressed another kiss on his lips. Then he gave Harry a grin and bit his lower lip. Harry almost slapped the plates off the table and practically jumped onto Draco's lap. Draco was flushed and Harry felt his own face burn hot.

The water for pasta started boiling, then going over the edges, but only when the stove made a loud noise Harry groaned and pulled Draco to the other side of the kitchen. Somehow in between making out they managed to finish preparing diner.

"How do you expect me to eat if you're practically laying on my lap?" Harry asked exasperatedly.

Draco's response was showing his fork with over-salted salad in Harry's mouth. Harry winced and made the food go down.

"If you're full just say so," Harry managed to say before another forkful was pushed in his mouth. Harry was pretty much holding Draco from falling under the table and he wondered whether Draco realised it. Harry, of course, was a patient man, but another salt ridden forkful and… yep, bye.

"Ow! Potter!" Draco shouted after landing on the floor.

"Want something, babe?"

Sounded like Draco choked on his answer Harry pushed his chair back concerned.

"I am sorry! Was that weird? Draco?"

Draco was looking at him wide eyed. Then he smiled and buried his face in his hands.

"Draco? What does that mean? Draco? Can I call you babe? Or…" Harry was interrupted by the chair being yanked from underneath him. He collapsed next to Draco and tried to pull away the hand that was still covering his face. "Draco?"

"Shut up," Draco growled and pushed Harry down on his back. Harry was pleased to see that Draco was red and holding back a smile. Then he had to concentrate on kissing because Draco was not fucking around.

"Are you staying the night?"

Draco was already asleep on the couch, so that was a moronic question, but then when had his boyfriend…

"Boyfriend…" he murmured happily.

"Yeah, alright."

Then he felt a blanket cover him and drifted off once again.

Draco opened his eyes only to glare at whoever was responsible for it being freezing, but his complaints died when he realised where he was. The room he'd been avoiding all year, but still visiting most nights. The room of requirement.

He scrambled to his feet hearing the fire just around the corner, in the body of a sharp-toothed toad it rounded the corner. The scorching wind turned the noise up by a million and almost knocked Draco off his feet. He felt the blazing flames on his heels and then didn't think much of anything until his panic induced run was interrupted by Harry's voice.

Before he could crush the instinct, Draco looked up with a spark of hope in his heart. Their eyes met.

Draco felt the time stop giving him a perfect opportunity to see Harry on his broom, flushed cheeks and determination on his face. And also the flames behind him. A gigantic dragon with open jaws was a second away from swallowing Draco's last hope. The hot air didn't even let Draco's scream as everything disappeared in the darkness of smoke.

The fire was so loud Draco didn't register that he had stopped moving, he just felt the flames at his ankles and the smoke in his lungs. The shelfs dug into his back and even though he looked away from the place, where Harry had perished, it felt like his eyes were bleeding hot sand.

After what felt like hours of staring at monsters with green flame eyes, while his skin burned off his bones, Draco woke up. He sat up and looked around the dark room confused. Then he fell back into the couch and rubbed his face. Everything felt sore.

For a moment he let the anger at the illogical nightmares simmer. It made him want to cry. Somehow the fiery dreams made him feel the cold fear that he had enough of while Voldemort had been around. Then he took a couple of deep breaths and got up. Walking sometimes helped with not wanting to sleep ever again.

This house even though similar to the Manor in its pureblood heritage was very different. Draco supposed it shouldn't come as a surprise comparing his mother and her sister. While Malfoys carried being pureblood effortlessly and elegantly, Blacks seemed to have chosen their decorum depending on how dark-snake-esque it was.

Then Draco reached the attic which's door stood out like a doxy on a wedding cake.

It had been poorly covered in a layer of white paint and the Weasley clan had then drawn on it with something that was definitely not meant for it. Possibly nail polish. He presumed it was them as the main focus of the 'painting' was on a lopsided building that had 'the Burrow' scribbled above it and a horde of red-headed trolls running around it. There were also a couple of dragons and a hippogriff in the background.

Draco peeked into the room, but it was empty save for a heap of hay. He furrowed his brows and closed the door.


He kept exploring the house, noticing more and more signs that it had been lived in by Weasleys. A booby-trapped closet was a telling one, but also colourful pillows on dark couches, knitted blankets.

What once had been the noble Black family's house was no longer. One door had a heart shaped hole in it.

Draco was sneaking out of the room that Harry was sleeping in. It was Sirius' old room all obnoxious and Gryffindor, which Draco only tolerated because Harry had told him about in a way that made him feel a lot of… empathy feelings. He would burn the velvet drapes soon though. That aside, he was also bad at sneaking.

"GHyGh!" said Harry pointing his wand at Draco, who slowly turned around and looked at the sleepy man growling at him. What a lovely moron.

"That's not the wand I want you to be pointing at me," Draco said and felt his cheeks go red instantly. Thank Salazar for night time.

"Draco. Merlin, Dracoo…" Harry complained catching his breath and rubbing his face. "What the hell are you doing?"

"I was getting paper to write down my notes."

"In the middle of the night?" Harry asked incredulously and feel back into his bed.

"We have to get up in three hours, that's barely any time to sleep."

"You are so wrong," Harry said and grunted pulling his covers up to his nose. After a moment he murmured something incomprehensible.


"You could still come to bed," Harry repeated sticking his face up in the air for a second.

All Draco managed was a soft, "Oh."

He'd never thought that he could go to somebody after having a nightmare. Not since turning eight. He shouldn't need a reassurance that nightmares are just dreams. It wasn't even like Harry knew that Draco was just staying awake to avoid more nightmares, but…

He quickly got out of his clothes and into the bed. Harry lifted the blanket like a wing and Draco shuffled under his arm.

"Argh!" Harry exclaimed when cold fingers touched his chest. "Good grief, Draco, how long did you wander around?"

Instead of answering Draco tangled his even colder feet with Harry's. In retaliation Harry moved his arm letting the cold air get under the blanket on Draco's side.

"No! Potter stop!" Draco pressed closer, took over the control of the blanket and bit Harry's shoulder.

"That's literally the opposite of unpleasant," Harry said and presumably tried to kiss Draco's lips.

"That's my cheek, Potter," Draco complained. "Are you asleep?

Harry didn't answer, but soon Draco calmed his heartbeat and managed to keep his eyes closed long enough to fall asleep. Harry smelled like safety and Draco was tired.

Draco was shaken out of the slumber by his own enraged shout, "Potter!" The goose bumps made him even more awake as the cold air washed over him. "I will Murder you!"

"Good morning," Harry said innocently leaning against the door frame. His eyes were shining and the blanket that he had yanked from Draco was hanging on his shoulder.

Draco punched the mattress in irritation and jumped out of the bed to get a hold of Harry who was already halfway down the stairs when Draco reached the doors. On his way down Draco almost ran into a wall and when Harry was finally almost in the range of his arms, the git stepped aside and Draco crashed into the couch with a muffled curse word.

"Good morning, love," Harry said and threw the blanket on his head.

Draco buried his head in it deeper and said something unintelligible.

Pansy's hair had been braided, tea made and she was submerged in a blanket to her nose. Draco felt like he had done a good job, she was smiling. He was sitting next to her on the couch and trying to inconspicuously snatch the last cookie from the tray. He was successful only because his friend was busy looking around the room. Again.

"Are you…"

"Potter would love to be here to confirm for the tenth time that, yes, you can and are very welcome in our… his house," Draco turned up his nose when Pansy grinned at him. "I…"

"It's just weird being in this house, ok? And you don't have to play it down around me," Pansy laughed. "Blaise and I have been listening to you for years, besides I haven't seen you this embarrassingly beaming since…" she frowned thinking, "since Blaise ate one of Weasleys' unfinished treats."

Draco grinned at the memory of the dark-skinned, otherwise stoic guy running around the common room screaming that he's having a period from his nose.

"I think I might be going crazy though," Draco said looking down.

"That train has long since departed, my boy," Pansy said seriously, "You're dating Harry Potter."

"Ha. Ha. No, listen. Every time I try to tell him how I feel I either end up snapping at him or saying a bunch of incoherent tosh." Draco paused looking at the empty tray on the table. "Harry does it so well – he just tells me I'm fantastic or something and then carries on with whatever the heck he is doing… like it's no big deal."

He even called me 'love'.

Draco's cheeks flushed at the memory.

Pansy was nodding like she was the old wise witch of feelings. Draco's leer made her bite back a smile and actually say something.

"Probably has something to do with our upbringing," Pansy said. She shifted to look at Draco without breaking her neck. "For example, if I was to say," she paused, "I love you."

"What the fuck, Pans," was Draco's instinctive reaction. Even when it was friend love, nobody said that shit out loud if they had any little bit of common sense.

"Exactly," Pansy shuddered, "We are different from those lovey-dovey Gryiff-puff people. We have class and finesse and other things they can only dream of. We convey feelings without acknowledging them. I think that if you want…"

Draco was already feeling that he wouldn't like what Pansy was about to say.

"You'll have to be more direct, because Harry, as we all well know, is as dim-witted as they come."

Draco snorted. He had to make a fool of himself even more than when he had screamed 'I like your dumb face' in that dumb face? Isn't the fact that he cares enough? He has to show it as well?

Pansy spent time gladly coming up with coherent sentences that Draco could throw at Harry without blabbering and Draco enjoyed making Pansy slightly jealous and grossed out from all the soppiness.

The clock chimed when Draco needed to leave and good thing too, otherwise Draco would have been late. He put on a clean shirt, grabbed his bag and ushered Pansy downstairs to the fireplace.

Draco hugged her goodbye and murmured in her ear, "I love you too."

Pansy smiled and rolled her eyes.

"I know," then she threw the Floo powder into the fire, "three broomsticks," she said and disappeared in the green flames.

Draco quickly made his way to the front door and disapparated to the shady backstreet that he wouldn't even associate with the Ministry if Harry hadn't shown him the way personally. Honestly did they have to use the dirtiest alleys to get to the Auror training facilities? Which Draco was quite sure was just the Ministry's basement. They had been advised not to use the main entrance.

Draco threw a quick glance around making sure there were no muggles around, but considering the extensive muggle repelling charms that was an unnecessary rule, which Draco only remembered because they had been listed to him the previous lesson and maybe also because he was used to obeying either all of the rules or none of them.

He entered the hallway where the other trainees were already waiting around for the lesson to start. Today was two hours theory and then two hours combat training. Draco still could feel all of the muscles from the previous combat lesson. The teacher was a beast.

"Hey." Harry waved when he entered the hallway from the other side. Of course he could walk through the main entrance as he pleased. But to be fair he had been actually working with the Aurors all day. Draco nodded in greeting.

Harry leaned on the wall next to him.

"How is Pansy?"


Harry sighed and Draco accidentally met the eyes of one of the trainees. She was glaring at him. Draco had to hold back a smirk.

"I think I really like that all your attention is on me, when the whole hallway wants a piece of you."

Harry threw a look back and the woman smiled waving. Harry snorted quietly and turned his back to them emphasising it even more.

"Oh, my, you're being rude," Draco said hushedly.

"I thought you liked that," Harry said teasingly.

"Didn't say I don't."

At that moment the teacher entered the hallway, also from the side where the elevator was. Harry rolled his eyes and pulled Draco to their seat in the back of the class. This wasn't much different from Hogwarts, just much more dangerous and practical. Not everything, but some of the things.

"I don't have a quill," Harry said looking at Draco with two green eyes.

Draco rolled his eyes and pulled a pen from his bag.

"You're lucky one of us has a head."

"I forgot it on my desk," Harry tried to excuse his unpreparedness. Not wanting the teacher to reprimand them Draco poked Harry with his knee.

Harry smiled and shifted his chair closer.



hope you enjoyed this lil chapter

i dunno when i will update again

but like maybe i will

Happy new year let it be better than the last two :)



Later EDit:

a chapter in my life when i was writing this fanfic has ended, i am taking antidepressants and i have made at least two new friends in the last two months. recently i was around the people which i was around at my worst and i felt slipping back into the black shit hole of depression. i do not think writing IDSNWHBA would make me feel worse, but i am sitting on a half finished new drarry fanfic and i can't get myself to writing another chapter for this.

I hope nobody's too disappointed.

This was a wild ride and i loved it, thank you all who read, will read and are reading :)
