All mistakes are mine... enjoy! Let me know what you think- :0)

"What the fuck is your problem, Grey?" Ana storms up to me, pointing her finger at me.

This little thing is trying to act all mighty and tough and I can't help but laugh at her.

"I have no problem, nerd." I smirk.

"What have I ever done to you and your stupid little girlfriend?"

I just shrug trying to keep myself from laughing.

I have to say she's a little spit fire, she's cute and everything, but I won't admit to it.

She looks like her head is going to explode, I guess it didn't help that my girlfriend, Marie, tripped her in the lunchroom, causing her to fall to the ground and her landing face first in her food.

Like everyone else, I stood and laughed, as the little freshman ran off crying. I might have had everyone calling her a dweeb as she ran off. I didn't really mean it, but I have to keep with appearances. Everyone expects me to be the asshole.

I personally have nothing against the girl, but my girlfriend hates her. Reasons unknown, I don't listen to her bitching most of the time.

Before I can think clearly her hands are on my chest and pushing me hard into the locker.

She touched my chest. The last person to touch my chest ended up with a black eye and a bloody nose.

However, this time I don't experience unexplainable rage, that normally comes with people touching me. Most know by now, not to. I won't hit because, for one she's just a girl, but I also didn't feel anything.

I'm so worked up in the fact that her touch isn't affecting me, I don't even register the fact that she's still shoving at my chest and cursing at me like a sailor at me.

"I hate you, Christian Grey. You're nothing but a cold-hearted asshole. And by the way your girlfriend is sleeping with Mac Davis, my fucking step brother. Don't worry everyone knows about it now. I sent the video to everyone's phone. I guess there is one good thing about being a nerd." She shoves me again. "I never believed in Karma, but now I do. Enjoy while the whole school laughs at you." She pushes me one last time before she storms off.

I stand there, shell shocked by just what occurred. One, I kind of knew Marie was cheating on me, I just didn't know who. I guess that kind of explains her dislike for Ana. Two, she touched me, and instead of burning pain, I think I actually liked it. And three, Ana is hot when she's pissed and I'm quite turned on by it. I've never had anyone stand up to me before.

I can't even finish all my thoughts, when Marie comes up to me. "Babe, don't believe anything. It's all a bunch of lies."

I scoff, "The only liar I see is you. Just get the fuck away from me. We're through." I sneer and start to walk away. I want to catch up with Ana. I think I want to say I'm sorry. I think.

You would think Marie would catch the hint and leave me alone, she doesn't, and keeps following me.

"What did you expect, Christian? You never let me fucking touch you and we don't have sex. I have fucking needs."

I know the only reason she was really with me was because I was one of the popular guys, I looked good on her arm, and it helped built her status as queen bee around here.

"Fine. I don't fucking care, Marie. It's over and you're free to fuck whoever you want. It doesn't hurt my feelings." I start to walk and she still follows me. I turn back to her and yell. "Just get the fuck away from me." I then charge off to my car, and remember I have no clue where Ana lives, and figure I'll deal with it tomorrow.

She sparked something inside of me and I want to know what it was.

The following day, Ana is nowhere to be found. I run into one of her little friends that she hangs out with, Kate Kavanagh, and ask where she is.

She looks at me more shocked that I'm even talking to her. I mean on a normal day I wouldn't be found dead talking to her, or anyone of her nerdy friends. However, I think all that will change, once I figure out where Ana is, and figure out how she can touch me. I want her to do it again.

I mean I had a freaking had a wet dream about Ana last night. I have no idea what is happening to me. I haven't had one of those since I was fourteen.

Kate is still staring at me, her mouth still opening and closing with no words coming out.

"Where is Ana?" I ask again.

Come on I don't have all day.

"Um-well- she left town. Her um-" She says mumbling, trying her best to look at anyone but me. "I don't know if I should tell you."

"Please. I feel awful for what happened. I just want to tell her."

I want to see if her touch was just a fluke. I need to know if it was just a fluke.

"She went back to her step dad's in Montesano." Kate finally spits out.

I thought I was going to have to start pulling teeth to get it out of her

"What why?"

"I really can't tell you anymore. She just needed to leave."

"Will she be back?" I implore.

Kate shakes her head, "No. I hope not."

"Why in the world would you say that?" I snap, I thought these two were friends.

"She's safer, not being here anymore. I need to go." Kate spins around, walking away. Leaving me wonder what in the hell made Ana run off.

Seven Years Later:

I just graduated from Harvard and have a degree in Business. I've been dying to try and start my own company, but I can get the backing to do it. My dad doesn't think I'm ready yet, and won't loan me the money.

I fucking graduated from Harvard and he doesn't think I'm ready yet? How much more do I have to do?

He claims that my business proposal is lacking and it's not ready to come off the ground yet.

So, I need something to do while I work on it, so now I'm sitting in a job interview for a new up and coming telecommunications company; Steele Enterprises. I have a applied for the job as the COO. Now, I'm just waiting to interview with the CEO. All the information I could find on google was about the company, how it started six months ago, and hit the ground running. Its revenue is already in the millions. There's very little information on the CEO, all I know is it's a woman, Anastasia Steele.

My name is called by the blonde receptionist, who leads me to the double doors of the CEO's office. As I enter I see a woman staring out the large pane windows, that look over Seattle. Her back is to me, and I can already tell she's young and has a banging body. Her chestnut hair falls around her shoulders, and her curves look amazing in the skirt and blouse she's wearing.

The door closes which grabs her attention and she spins around to look at me.

When I see her face, I think my jaw drops to the floor.

"Ana?" I mumble out. "Ana Lambert?" I ask in shock. I haven't seen her since the day she pushed me into those lockers.

"Well, if it isn't Christian Grey." She says my name like it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. "I would say it's great to see you, but it would be a lie."


She holds up her hand and stops me. "Miss Steele." She hisses. "Sit, let's get this interview over with-" She points to a chair in front of her desk.

"Listen, Miss Steele, I know how you feel about me, but I hope you can give me fair chance. I've changed a lot since high school."

She sits down at her desk lifting a few papers and looks them over, not replying to me.

"I tried to find you…." She slams down the papers and eyes me, it reminds me of the look in her eyes the last day I saw her.

"Let me stop you. You are not here to take a trip down memory lane. I'm more then willing to give you a fair chance. I'm going to give you the same chance all the other applicants will get today. So, do yourself a favor and stop bringing up what happened. If you can't the door is behind you and you can see yourself out."

Damn, she's still a little spit fire. And it's still as hot as it was seven years ago.

I heed her word and shut up, knowing I need this job.

"Yes, ma'am. I understand." I tell her.

"Good." She picks up the papers and starts reading through them again and I'm guessing it's my resume.

"I see you have a degree from Harvard, worked part time at your father's firm, a couple of internships, but nothing really substantial." She tells me.

"I focused more on my studies while I was in college. It was my dream to kind of start my own company, but I couldn't get any business capita for it. I saw your ad for COO's and looked at your info structure and thought it was impressive." I tell her. "I think that we have a lot of the same ideas and beliefs when it comes to business that I think I could be a great help to you."

"But basically, you want something of your own one day. What, steal my ideas and then use them off as yours?"

"No." I state firmly. "I don't know what and if my own idea will come to life. I would be more than willing to sign whatever, to prove that I wouldn't use what you tell me or do against you. I just would like a chance. Maybe in the end we could become great partners and I wouldn't need my own." I smile, trying to lay it on thick. "But, everyone needs to start somewhere. I have great ideas and would be happy to share them with you too. I would like to see you succeed and I would like to be the one to help you."

She stares at me skeptically. "My only problem is, I don't trust you."

"I understand that. However, I have grown a lot in seven years. I think you would be pleasantly surprised. All I ask is for a chance. I even brought a couple of my proposals with me." I dig into my leather bag and hand her my proposals that I worked on the last couple of months. I hope they will show her how passionate I am.

She takes the papers from me and looks over them silently. She takes her time reading through each one before placing it back down on her desk.

"I will be honest and say that these impress me. And trust me I'm not easily impressed. So, I will think it over and get back to you, Mr. Grey."

"Thank you, Miss Steele. If you choose me, I promise I won't let you down. I'm ready to work hard, the long hours, whatever I have to do." I stand up and reach over the desk and put my hand out to shake it. She stares at it for a minute, like if she touches it, she'll catch some disease.

She finally takes my hand and shakes it, but soon quickly back away.

"I'll be in touch, Mr. Grey." she replies and looks back at the papers in front of her. And just like that she's dismissing me.

I walk out of the interview and not sure if it went well or if I blew it.

I really want this job, mostly because I need one and it would be a great learning experience. Not to mention to be close to the only person that has touched me and has always been in the back of my mind for the last seven years.

I never did find out what happened to her. Nobody seemed to know. However, I did learn her mom died mysterious about a year after she left. I only knew it because it was in the papers. I even tried talking to her step brother Mac and all I got was a good riddance to bad rubbish.

I hated that fuck face. I have no idea what Marie found in that douche bag, but I guess it was something because by the time we graduated she was pregnant and I think someone told me they got married in Vegas.

I'm walking past the front desk when I hear my name being called. I turn around and come face to face with Kate Kavanagh. I haven't seen her since I graduated and it seems like she too has come out of her shell.

"Hey, Kate." I greet.

"Wow, you actually remember me." She says in disbelief.

"Why wouldn't I? How you been?"

"Good. Great actually. I ran into Ana after I graduated, and would you believe she skipped a couple of grades and was already studying at WSU. She says she got into ivy league, but didn't want to go to be away from her dad, anyways, so shortly after she started all this." Kate waves her hands around the vast lobby and she keeps rambling "and she hired me as her head of PR, well I was her PA first. Can you believe this? "She finally stops long enough to ask me.

"Yeah, it's pretty amazing." I agree. I have a say I'm in awe of what she has been able to accomplish.

"So, why are you here?"

"I interviewed for the COO position. Although, I think she still hates my guts, so I think my chances are slim."

"Ana might be one to hold a grudge, but she is still fair. If you're the most qualified one, she'll choice you."

"Thanks, but I think I have better chances of landing on the moon then getting this job." I give a half laugh.

"Never know." Kate shrugs "Well, I need to get back to work. Wouldn't want to upset the big boss. It was nice talking to you Christian."

"You too, Kate."


There's a knock on my door and I tell whoever is on the other side to come in.

I just finished interview six candidates for the position of my COO. Two were ignorant assholes, and thought working with a woman was beneath them, even if they didn't say it, you could tell. Three were either just dumb as rocks, did no research on my company, and had no idea what they were talking about, then the last one was Christian fucking Grey. I had really hoped to never see his face again. In fact, aside from Kate, I hoped to never see anyone I ever went to Seattle Prep with.

When I saw his name on the list of applicants I really hope some miracle there would be another Christian Grey in the Seattle area. However, I knew I couldn't be that lucky. When he came into my office, it was like freshman year all over again. I remember the way he would laugh when his girlfriend would shove me into a locker, how he would pass me in the hallways and call me a nerd. His friends use to always point out how ugly I was, the cheerleaders would 'moo' at me, even though I was skinny as a rail. Put that on top of my home life, well 9th grade was hell, and I'm thankful everyday when I moved back with Ray.

"Ana, guess who I just ran into." I look up from my stack of papers and notice Kate in front of me.

"I think I already know who. I don't want to talk about it." I grunt.

"Ok, so did you decide who you were going to pick?"

"I think I need to hold more interviews." I state.

"Hmm…" she says thoughtfully, "I think Christian could be a good opinion."

I roll my eyes, "and how pray tell would you even think that. You have no idea how he interviewed."

"No, call it instinct. I bet he was the best one you had."

"He was, but it wasn't saying much." I cross my arms stubbornly. I really don't want to work side by side with Christian Grey.

"You need someone now. Why don't you give him a chance…."

"Why are you singing his praises? You do remember what he was like. I don't trust him. He even said that he wanted to start his own business. Maybe he's here just to spy and in turn steal everything I worked hard for."

"Ana." She simply states. "After you left, I think he felt guilty for what happened. He would ask everyone what happened to you. I never told him, mind you." She defends, I'm sure after seeing the look on my face. "He even protected me a couple times from a group of girls. He was still a bit of an asshole, but I think he's just made that way. And plus, you kind of need someone that can be an asshole. I think enough years have gone by where you can give the man a chance."

I really want to stomp my foot and throw a tantrum.

"I'll think about it." I say pointly. I'm just not going to make this easy for him. He's going to have to work hard and earn my trust.

And that is not an easy thing to do.

"Well, think about it really hard. You need help, ever since Tim left you need someone to help you. You're going to dig yourself into an early grave. I also promised Ray that you would find someone so you can leave this office. I mean you've been sleeping here."

"Work doesn't sleep. Plus, I have six new contacts to work on…"

"Which means you need help. Just give it a trial run. God knows you could use some sleep, in your own bed, in your own house."

"Alright, I get it." I say trying to brush her off.

"Good. I know you want too, but you can't do everything on your own."

"I told you Kate, I get it. Can you please stop with being a mother hen."

"Just be glad I'm not calling your father." She wiggles her finger at me.

"Just go…" I dismiss her, pointing to the door.

I lay in bed, it's after midnight, and I can't sleep. My mind is plagued with memories of Christian Grey. Is this someone I really want to work with? One of the few people that made my life a living hell my freshman year. I remember the time I found out Marie was having an affair with my ex-step brother. Just the thought of that weasel sends shivers down my spine. I shake it off and try to close my eyes.

I'm walking down the hallway with my textbooks in my arms, as I keep my eyes to the ground to avoid looking at anyone.

From my left, I'm getting shoved into a locker and my books fall to the ground.

"Opps." I look over and see Marie laughing at me, her boyfriend Christian, also laughing.

When I first saw Christian, I have to say, I thought he was insanely hot. I guess I had a little crush on him. I mean who doesn't?

He's the popular guy, the rowing star, the all-American boy.

But all that doesn't matter, because he's an A class jerk. Him and Marie deserve each other.

"Hey dweeb, you dropped something." Christian says to me. He bends down and picks up my book to hand it to me. However, when I reach for it, he drops it again.

There's a crowd around us now. My cheeks are a flamed knowing everyone is looking at me. This is embarrassing and I don't understand why they can't leave me alone.

"Awe is the little girl going to cry?" Marie jeers at me.

I shake my head and bend down to pick up my stuff. One of them kicks my stuff further down the hall.

"Hey tubby, get a mooo on." one of the on looking cheerleaders calls out to me.

How very original.

When I look up again, I notice Christian with his arm around Marie, smirking at me.

I can't wait to knock the little king and queen off their pedestals. I'll get even with them once and for all. Then get the hell out of fucking Seattle.

I shot up in bed and make my decision. I'll hire Christian Grey. But, in no way am I going to make it easy for him.

I do not have an update schedule. I'll do my best to make it regular but I can't make any promises at this moment... It basically depends how well the words flow out of me.