There wasn't many people that could claim they had been arrested as a suspected terrorist (when the said person really just had natural bad luck). But there also wasn't many people who just so happened to be demigods and could accurately claim they survived literal hell. Also, no one was able to piss off every god, goddess, primordial, and monster known... and still walk away with their pride and soul intact. On a show of one hand, he could tell you just how many people had walked away from a battle with the Lord of Time himself. But Percy Jackson had accepted a long time ago, when he was twelve and naive, that his life isn't normal; and most likely, never would be. It was just a fact of life. It only seemed natural that the Fates through whatever obstacle they could think of at his face as hard as they could.

That's probably why he took to being arrested by mortals so easily. He thought he would be held at the police station (if you count being held there for a month while the cops fumbled to contact some dude), but was horribly proven wrong when he was handed off to a man in a bat-themed suit; not the most terrible thing that could have happened. After all, he had experienced worse. Percy didn't try to protect his innocence by talking his way out of situation. He was never a good liar, so that was out of the question. It may have seemed weird to the cops and the masked dude that all Percy really did was smile, and make half-witted jokes that successfully got a few younger agents to smirk in amusement. He wasn't particularly worried for his situation.

He had been cleared by Olympus three years ago to be free to roam as long as he checked in with Zeus or his father every few weeks. A little manipulation of the mist, a gold drachma, and boom!... Contact success! Or sometimes it worked that way. Other times he got too lazy to form a mist, or was in public around mortals, so he just sent a letter through Hermes. Which reminded him that it had been quite a while since he had reported in to anyone... oh, well.

"Are you always this serious? You need to take one of those muscle relaxers that everyone keeps going on about." Percy watched as the man's lips twitched, but his scowl stayed in place.

"I suppose you would be able to supply me, wouldn't you?"

Intimidation wasn't Batman's strongest suit, not to Percy. Uncle Z and his father could pull it off quite well, though. Zeus had a adequate act that scared most of the minor gods, goddesses, demigods, nymphs, and satyrs; But he wasn't the best. Most people wouldn't know this, only a handful of gods and goddesses on the Olympus Council knew who was really the top-dog; and that was Poseidon. The god of the oceans had a good cap on his temper, it took a lot for him to show his anger. Percy, just like any other child with their parent, held a fear for the god but also respect. Poseidon was one of the best gods he could ask for as a parent.

He shifted as his handcuffs rubbed against his reddened wrists once again. His wrists wouldn't have been so red if he hadn't been digging his nails into the sensitive flesh in annoyance due to the cold tight metal circles. He knew he should stop picking at them but he couldn't stop, it was involuntary, though. The man-bat had placed him in a living room like area after a long journey with a cloth over his eyes. He couldn't see any windows within the large area, the walls bare of pictures, and no tv was within sight. Percy's old friend ADHD started to come to play as he wiggled his hands around, debating if he should remove his cuffs himself. He really wanted to, but he found that it would probably be better to wait to see what the emo-bat had in store for him.

"Do I look like a drug-dealer to you?" The question was rhetorical, but it seemed Batman was answering it in his head. Percy rolled his eyes in exasperation. The guy was annoyingly silent and had been turning Percy's questions against him like knives; he had experienced being kidnapped and talking with enemies, but at least the bad guys had a conversation of some type that didn't consist of only questions and grunts... only horrible speeches about taking over the world and revenge.

"Six years ago, Saint Helens was blown up and witnesses report you were the only one to enter and exit." It was said as a statement, so Percy wasn't exactly positive on what to say back. Saint Helens had been a moment of survival instincts kicking in to save him once again; it was almost a daily occurrence. He watched as Batman shifted his stance as his arms stayed crossed in a horrid attempt of intimidation.

"I'm not sure what you're wanting from me, emo-bat. You wanting a confession, intervention, or something else?" He really wasn't meaning to come off like he was being sarcastic, but he was being honest. His mom said that honesty was the best policy, right?

Whatever was going to be said by Batman was cut off as the doors opened up behind Percy. A chance at escaping boredom made Percy quick to turn his head in a odd position to view what new friend had joined the duo in their ever so boring... whatever this was. Luckily, it was a whole group of cosplay-looking people that looked a little worse for wear with ripped clothes and faintly smelling of smoke. It really looks like they had fun.

"Who's your weeaboo friends, emo-bat? It looks like you should have been helping them, instead of slacking off."

The teen dressed in red form-fitting clothing gave out a tired laugh that made the room seem a little lighter. "I'm the speedster of awesome-ness!" He did a ridiculous pose before he fell back into the couch cushions beside Percy, causing the teen to bounce and nearly fall over. His feet automatically propped themselves up on the small coffee table as he reclined back.

"No, the Flash is the speedster; you're just speedster jr." A boy with a red-and-black-themed outfit snorted as he smacked off the other teens shoes with a look of annoyance.

Robin sent a small glance at his mentor before taking notice of the handcuffed boy beside Wally. The boy looked to be older than himself by a few years with the darkest of black hair and a deep tan. What was more striking, was the piercing vibrant green eyes that held a depth to them that made Robin feel like he was literally drowning. His curiosity only increased when he saw the tension in Batman's body, as well as the vexed look the tilting of his lips revealed. Had this stranger really worked up the stoic man that much? Not possible. Surely, there was another factor to the situation.

"Who are you? You joining the team?" Megan smiled as she removed her charred jacket to reveal small cuts across her bare arms. Wally watched intently as the teen merely shrugged, not at all bothered with the martian's green-tinted skin and bizarre orange-red hair. He gave a crooked smile showing his pearly white teeth that looked a little too sharp on the canines.

"I'm supposedly a terrorist, so I don't know; emo-bat seems to know about this whole situation more than I do." Percy didn't bother to notice how the newcomers all went tense and the room went back to way it was beforehand. He really hated the tension, he lived his life enough in it already; he didn't need more of the stuff.

Batman felt a various amount of emotions that was hard to decipher, but he could identify the satisfaction when everyone seem to become a little more guarded around the teen before him. When he found all eyes resting on him, the feeling faded. "He dumped his classmates into an shark tank in fourth grade, shot a cannon at a school bus in fifth grade, suspended from over ten different schools, somehow managed to blow up Saint Helens, kidnapped his mother, and the list goes on into a ten pages of various criminal activities. He has been wanted by the government for a little over ten years. But he always managed to disappear from everyone's radar when anyone followed him." Batman finished with a scolding glare that should have made anyone shudder, but Percy was too occupied on the fact that mortals actually believed he intentionally dropped his class in to the tank. How exactly is that a terrorist attack? But the one that made his nose scrunch in distaste was that they claimed he had kidnapped his own mother! How would that even benefit a terrorist to kidnap the person they live with and depend on?!

Well, it's not like they will believe a terrorist's words, would they? But that wouldn't stop him.

"Ok, I did accidently hit the lever to the boardwalk over the shark tank, and I'm not smart, but I highly doubt that counts as terrorism; I was there when Saint Helens blew up and I was the cause because I was cornered by some very bad dudes and a distraction plan went out of control; the cannon was another accident that happened when one of my classmates shoved me into the dam thing." Percy listed off as his eyes narrowed. "But I never kidnapped my mother. I guess it doesn't occur to you and your little friends, but we had a dangerous being after us. We ran, and she ended up getting caught by the meat-head; so I went after him. Try to get the whole story, emo-bat before you start throwing accusations. If I did that to you at first sight, I would have labeled you a lonely dude in a mid-life identity crisis that likes to invite little kids to play dress up in his secret hideout... but I didn't."

The room went deadly silent after Percy's rant. While most of the room was focused on the teens defensive speech on his lists of many criminal activities, Wally was stuck on the major burn that he had given the Dark Knight without a second thought. It was kinda scary, how accurate the guy was.

"Solid burn, bro!" Wally hit his shoulder with a laugh that filled the room up a bit.

"Wally! Now is hardly the time!" Robin did a whispered yell that was nearly comical as Percy could hear every word without trying. He smiled as the boy reminded him a lot of Leo. He really missed his friends. It had been a few years since the war with Gaea, and being one of the sole survivors of the Seven, Percy fell into depression. Hazel, Jason, Grover, Frank, and Piper were just a handful of the several demigods that were lost that day. It wasn't that long after the funerals had taken place, that he and Annabeth started growing apart at a astounding rate. In order to keep any symbiosis of friendship between the two, they decided it was best if they went their separate ways. Although Percy lost his most closest friends, he gained something he never would have seen coming. The Olympians seemed to have converged on a little plan at the same time; and it was kinda creepy how they all started flocking around him like seagulls. Suddenly, Zeus wasn't trying to kill him in paranoia, but was gripping onto his arm and arguing with everyone else that didn't want to share his 'precious nephew'. Percy knew he couldn't stay around when Ares declared that the 'punk' was only his and practically declared war on anyone that said otherwise. It really said something, though, when everyone was shoving blessings at him before he could blink; everyone of them trying to out-do the other... it was still undetermined who won on that little scrimmage.

"You would save everyone a lot of valuable time if you would admit to your crimes." Batman narrowed his eyes at the teen. He knew that the man was trying to guilt trip him, and it wasn't going to work. "When I was thirteen, I accidentally shot my cousin with an arrow at summer camp when my teacher tried to teach me archery. I also may have sparred with an older cousin of mine and embarrassed him, unintentionally, in front of most my older family members. But it's cool now, he actually is pretty cool to hang out with once you get use to his quirks." And his crazed obsession with war, he added absentmindedly.

Robin rolled his eyes at the reply. He figured the, clearly older, teen would have a more mature outlook, but apparently, not everyone matures as fast as others. Batman gave the slightest twitch of his fingers, that Percy involuntarily noticed, before speaking. "There was no mention of you attending a summer camp."

Naturally, demigods would go into a slight panic at the mention of the camp possibly being found out; but Percy spent the entirety of his teenage-years protecting the camp and the ones within it. The mist protected the camp quite well from mortals view, just like Atlantis was protected. The only chance that anyone could enter the camp border, was if someone was a descendant of a demigod or god; or they were a legacy or blessed buy a god or goddess. He couldn't sense anything from the people within the room, except for one; but Percy already knew he was safe to trust... Even if the boy was looking at him like he possessed three heads. Granted, Percy didn't know him personally, but had made trips with Tyson to check on the marine life around the world. It was fun to spend time with his half-brother, especially after how long they had to spend apart during the duration of the war. Anyways, he had heard a few things on his trip and after aiding his father with any reports or paperwork on his desk; even though most reports were boring, and sometimes concerning, he still filed away information that could prove to be useful; that included all the minor water folk that served under his father to look after small civilizations. After all, even Poseidon couldn't look after the entirety of the sea and it's people without taking away his time that he spent with his large family. Triton had made it clear lately that he did not wish to take the throne after Poseidon stepped down, so he was adamant in providing every reason that his younger half-brother Percy should receive the crown... along with all the taxing responsibilities.

Kaldur kept his distance from the couch, feeling chills wave up his spine; he could only accredited them to Percy. Something put him on edge, he wasn't sure what it was exactly, but he didn't like it. He crossed his arms, feeling a little more exposed than when he first came to the city from the ocean. No one seemed to notice him in the back of the room, and he was perfectly fine with that; he wanted to observe, not be observed. If the man was considered a terrorist by the best criminal detective in.. well, the world, then the black-haired man couldn't be trusted; at least, that's what he wanted to believe. The man seemed a little too familiar for a person Kaldur has never met before in his life.

"A friend of my Dad and Uncle's runs the camp himself, it's mostly designed for any descendants of our family that may appear." He wanted to pat himself on the back at how well he answered the question; it wasn't a lie either. Of course, it may sound bizarre that someone would design a camp for any relatives they possessed; but then again, it wasn't like mortals would understand the dangers of being a demigod.

Connor frowned, he realized he didn't know everything; but after the past year, he thought he had learned the basics of what families did. But that didn't include camps meant for one family. "Why would your friend build a camp that's only meant for your family? Why not live in the city like other families?"

Percy could answer this one, he knew it. "It's actually a long story, like over a few thousand years, but i'll try to summarize for ya. In the beginning, my ancestral grandfather was a major bad dude, a murder or something along those lines. His three sons attempted to kill him to stop him from all his bad little plans, but it was a fail. Grandfather got angry and sent... people after them to make sure it didn't happen again. Well, let's just say the reason to being hunted by those people hired turned into a game; because now anyone that bares my family's blood, will be tortured and found dead somewhere... no matter how old they are." Percy felt he deserved a blue cookie and coke for all this, Annabeth would be proud of him. He kind of wish she was here right now to witness this. "So now Chiron, my dad's friend, runs the camp for everyone to stay safe. That's where I disappear to when the police lost me. Me and my Mom were kidnapped by those hunters when I was twelve. I couldn't go to the police for help because the hunters are everywhere in the city, even in the police department." Percy tried not to puff out his chest in pride that he could come up with something that explained the situation so well without giving away his bloodline. Besides, it was obvious the grandfather was Kronos, the three sons were the Big Three, and the hunters were monsters... Self-explanatory.

Wally whistled as his eyes widened comically. "Sounds like someone can definitely hold a grudge, even after their death."

Batman sighed, the story was a far-fetched one, but when you have met aliens whom shoot lasers out of their eyes, you have to be a little more open-minded. Besides, this was information that he didn't even know. The family records only extended to Percy's mother's side of the family, his father was a complete mystery with only the explanation that he was lost at sea when Percy was a baby. He would indulge in this a bit, see if the boy slipped out something valuable.

"Do these 'hunters' hurt anyone outside of your family?" The question was a important one, because maybe Batman could find one suspect and convince them to tell him all about Percy's family. He licked his lips at the idea, he did not trust that the sea-green eyed boy was innocent; something had to be off.

Percy shook his head. "Not really. I mean... if we get close to someone, the te-..hunters will use them to their advantage, but complete strangers they do not care for." The demigod winced at his slip up mentally, He knew that Batman would find it suspicious and think he was lying or something. It kinda reminded him of Mrs. Dodds all over again with the way Batman gained a perk to his ears.

"You didn't sound so sure there? Why not?"

Percy fought the urge to roll his eyes. He understood he was the one to decide to deal with the world without the help of Olympus, but he didn't think he would be forced to hold such a lengthy conversation on a delicate topic like his families identities. "In my family, we call hunters by a different name due to almost all of my family speak Greek. We call them τέρατα." It wasn't a lie. Percy felt good that he wasn't having to make up some fabricated story to cover up his family, he only had to be aware of names and speaking of any powers.

"I don't recall what that word means." Robin muttered when he tried to recall all those languages that Bruce had tried to force into his head. But it wasn't easy, especially when you added all the rules like sentence phrasing and verbs. He only got two or three languages that he could recall if he really thought about it. Bruce had been more than disappointed when he learned that Dick just struggled with memorizing some of the easiest languages to learn; within a few days and weeks, he would forget everything like he never even looked at his books to study. But Bruce watched the boy study hard every afternoon and sometimes in to the night.

"It means monsters." Percy provided helpfully as he shifted from his seat, fumbling absentmindedly with the handcuffs. They were really starting to get on his nerves, but they did provide something for hands to do while he held this boring conversation. He wondered how he was suppose to get out of a situation like this; usually, when he is being held up, its by a god or monster, not mortals. He really didn't want to harm any of them, as they looked like they were good people, just not very bright people. Besides, it looks like the group of teenagers already had beat themselves up enough. he knew if he waited long enough, Olympus would be sending out Artemis and her hunters to search for him, but he wasn't certain how long Zeus would be willing to wait out for a response from him. Not only that, Percy wanted to be able to respond before all that happened because he did not wish to see how well his man-hating female cousin got along with a room full of mortals that mostly consisted of men, except for the girl with green-tinted skin. He figured that he should contact his family as soon as he got the chance to be alone and without security cameras on him... or... Percy smiled. He hoped the old bat would allow it.

Batman wanted to smirk at the information he could squeeze out of these little details. "Can I call my old man? He's gonna flip if I don't contact him every week or two. And if I remember correctly, I haven't contacted him in the last month. The cops wasn't exactly trusting enough to allow me to be around anything."

Batman stayed silent for a moment, and Percy wondered if he should go ahead and take that as a firm 'no'. He watched the slightly twitch of the man's lips gave the only indication that the man had heard him. Batman placed a phone down on the table in front of him, "It's to be on speaker." Percy shrugged. He knew he was not about to call out any phone number in front of any of these people; the gods were picky about who had their number for the one cellphone they possessed on Olympus. With a twist of his thumbs, he slid the tight cuffs over his hands quickly, dropping them carelessly on to the table beside the phone. He grinned when he noticed Wally's jaw drop slightly in surprise and batman grind his teeth. Typing in the number was a little painful, due to his dyslexia, but he managed to get the whole thing in quickly. Pressing the speaker button, or what he could assume was the speaker button since he barely used assume phone throughout his life, he placed the phone back down on the table.

"Who is this? This is a private number." Percy rolled his eyes. Why would Apollo answer the phone? The better question: Who allowed him near the phone?

"Hey, Brightlight. Think you can get-" He didn't get to finish as he could her a intake of breath over the phone.

"Perce? Aw, man! Do you realize how bad you made everyone freak?!" Apollo exclaimed making the raven wince at his tone. He wasn't use to hearing that type of tone from the god's usual bright personality. It kinda made him feel guilty, to be the one to get that kind of reaction out of the sun god.

He could hear the phone buzz with static for a second before someone cried out a faint 'hey'.

"Percy! Where have you been?!"

He winced at the female voice, taking a moment to recognize the owner as Aunt Hera.

"Long story. Can you-"

"Is that seabrain? I wanna talk to him!"

"Back up punk, he is mine!"

"You got to talk to him last time!"

Percy could distinctly label those two as Nico and Ares, but a lot of voices suddenly joined the conversation until it was hard to identify who even held the phone. Percy sighed, rubbing a hand through his hair. He tried to ignore the raised eyebrow emo-bat was giving him and the muffled laughter of the group of teens. Normally, everyone hated answering the phone because it was usually advertisments that no one wanted to listen to; Iris loves to send the strangest amcalls about a new item she created.

"Is this how your phone calls usually go?" The green-tinted girl asked with a smile in her voice. Percy gave a half-hearted grin that didn't reach his eyes.

"Something like it." He mumbled as he turned his attention back to the black phone on the coffee table. He really couldn't tell how to get their attention. Maybe just being very direct would work a little bit to control the chaos on the other end of the line.

"I'm calling to let you all know I'm okay, and sorry for not checking in with you all beforehand. I kinda was arrested by the police for being a suspected terrorist." The line went silent all at once causing Connor to blink in surprise, he suspected them to be harder to quieten down.

"Perseus Achilles Jackson, what have you gotten yourself into this time?" The deep voice was enough to make chills go down everyone's spine. M'gann flinched as she backed up with Kaldur and Connor following closely. Wally was glued on his portion of the couch and he was quick to remove his feet from the coffee table beside the phone. All the six senses that came with being a hero, and saved their hides a lot, went haywire. Robin wrapped his arms around himself subconsciously as he shifted his weight. Batman only tensed his body like he has been splashed with cold water.

Percy ran a hand through his hair, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, all those years of doing Uncle Z's so called 'quests', the Tepata usually made things look very bad for me in the publics eyes."

He didn't like how difficult he was finding it to safely word everything. He could only hope that no one on the other end made some slip that he would have to create some excuse for. Hopefully, the phone call wouldn't take that long.

"Where are you now, Percy?" His father's voice tones down ever so slight to the more worried parent tone that the demigod was used to.

"Umm... Not quite sure. Highly doubt I would get a proper answer if I asked." Percy glanced over at the man in black, seeing him shake his head in a negative answer.

"I'll give you three days to get back home before I come and get you myself." Percy swallowed thickly. Why the heck is he acting like this? He never acts so overbearing before; he was the type of dad to be more laid-back. And how was he suppose to get back within three days?!

"I can't just walk out o-" He started to explain how you can't just walk out of police custody like you own the place; he wasn't a god, after all. And it's not like he could reveal the whole Greek and Roman world just to get back to Olympus. But, on the other hand, he couldn't allow his father to send anyone or come himself, because he just may slip up on their own identities.

"Three. days. Perseus." The way Poseidon bit out those words had him snapping his jaw back into place. "We cannot risk the-" Percy felt his chest constrict.

"-Tepata finding me. I know, Dad. You don't need to go through another lecture again." Percy rolled his eyes, mentally giving a sigh of relief. He needed to end this quickly, else more vital information may be given out by accident.

Everyone blinked in perfect sync; that's his Father? Batman suddenly felt a wave of pity for the younger guy. He only had a father for the first few years of his life, and he did not ever remember his dad sounding anything remotely similar.

The phone clicked once signaling the end of the call, and it only left Percy with a sense of dread for the next three upcoming days. He vaguely wondered if his family was trying to kill him with just stress alone, not including the stupid quests he has been sent across the world for.

M'gann frowned, twisting her fingers anxiously, "Your Dad sounds scary." She moved a few strands of her hair behind her ear, feeling the tension slightly ease down now that Percys father wasn't on the phone. Wally bobbed his head quickly in agreement as he eased back into the couch cushions, his sore muscles practically sighing in relief.

Percy rubbed the back of his neck, giving a light grin. "He's usually easy going and very calm, but a lot of bad things have happened this year that have had my family a little on edge. Typically, every time I am held up from returning to camp because someone has me in their custody, it's usually the tepata; believe me, nothing good ever happens at those times."

Barman sighed, running his nose. He really didn't understand how he keeps getting the criminals that have the most baggage of drama that only made the man-bay have the worst headaches.