There was to be a coronation, a wedding, some kind of honors banquet, the hosting of many dignitaries, and all kinds of events that required Steward Faramir's brainpower. So it was with a great rush that they bid him farewell and made a hasty retreat from the city of Minas Tirith. McCoy had said subtler goodbyes to Eomer, Eowyn, and his patients. They'd tried to avoid those with more questions in an effort to keep the Prime Directive more whole than it looked at this point.

And they almost made it out, too. Unfortunately, as they were passing through the gate on the third level, something took McCoy out at the knee. He and his overzealous attacker toppled to the floor, only to be joined by another body. It was Merry and… the other one. Pippin.

"How could you! Sneaking away without saying goodbye to me and good ol' Merry! I could have Lord Faramir arrest you, you know!" Pippin declared with the air of mock offense. McCoy sighed and rolled his eyes.

"We've got the Steward's blessing to go. I think. He did a lot of hand waving and paper throwing the last time we spoke."

"Sounds like him." Merry chimed in. "We're really just to stall you until-"

"Healer! Defeated by these two rascals? You really have no combat sense!"

Scotty stifled a snort as Gimli hurried up to them, followed by one of the elves. McCoy couldn't say he'd met this one, but they all kind of looked alike. Such was often the case encountering a new species, but he hadn't had the chance to observe their characteristics enough to begin to pick them apart.

He did roll his eyes at the comment. "Not very noble of you to sic 'em on me! What, come to beg us to stay? Got a papercut you can't live with anymore?"

While the elf looked perplexed at the remark, Gimli laughed. "Your wit remains twice as sharp as your fighting prowess. No, we came to wish you farewell. You have done much for our fight, Healer, and we are grateful."

Merry nodded. "You're more than welcome in the Shire anytime you come to visit. if your explorers make it up there, we're famous for our parties." Pippin nodded vigorously and McCoy couldn't help but laugh.

"Well, fellas, I make no promises, but if I'm ever in the neighborhood I'll give you a call, how's that sound?"

"D- Healer McCoy, we must be on our way." Spock said. "The Captain is expecting a full report."

"I guess it's curtains for me then." McCoy and the hobbits got back to their feet, and there were handshakes all around. "Keep safe now, y'hear? Watch out for uh… orcs or whatever."

That got a chuckle out of them. They made their last farewells and hurried to where Scotty had stashed the more incendiary medical equipment. With a crate each, they got the heck outta Dodge. Ignoring the odd looks and suspicious glances from the city guards, the trio made their way out of Minas Tirith, and into some kind of outcropping against the cliff. Spock had selected the beam out point ahead of time.

He flipped open his communicator the second they were out of sight. " Enterprise , we have located Doctor McCoy and request an immediate beam out."

It was a tense moment before McCoy felt the beginnings of the transport. While Spock and Scotty stayed facing the crates, McCoy took one last look over his shoulder at the rugged landscape.

And Gandalf the White.

"Aw sh- "


They solidified on the transporter platform with all three crates. McCoy looked around wildly, but Spock and Scotty didn't appear to have seen. Maybe that was a secret he'd be able to keep. Jim didn't notice one way or the other if he looked suspicious. He ran around the console and started firing off questions. An angry Captain he could deal with, piece of cake.


"What are you doing down here? Come to see them off as well?"

Gandalf approached the impromptu picnic party with a smile. He had worried this time, as he worried once before, for the safety of young hobbits on big adventures . But Merry and Pippin had made friends with more than just those present. Legolas and Gimli, too, had survived unscathed and made a bond that had seemed unlikely given their attitudes at the start. But, today was full of surprises.

Gandalf smiled at Pippin. "Oh yes. They've made their departure. But, I have come for something far more important." He drew himself up to his full height, holding his staff authoritatively.

"Are those raspberry scones?"