Elvis was upstairs in the lounge. He couldn't believe that Kora was finally gone. Something didn't seem right about this victory though. It was almost like she could still reek havoc on them in the near future but for now, she needed time to regain her powers. Elvis sighed looking out the window. PontyPandy was at peace for now. However, little did they know that their fight with Kora had just begun, "Hey, Elvis!" Elvis turned and saw Penny who was coming up to the lounge, "You ready? Everyone will be here soon." , "Yes...Where's Sam?" Elvis asked, but all he got was a giggle, "Sam said he wanted his entrance to be a surprise, so I can't tell you." Elvis only rolled his eyes. He sat down at the couch. He leaned against it gently. He really wanted to be in Sam's arms again. He closed his eyes trying to get some rest. He hadn't really had a chance to sleep since the whole fight happened.

Meanwhile downstairs, Finley and Anika were welcoming the guest. Charlie went up to them and whispered, "Is Elvis upstairs?" Anika nodded, "Yes, may I ask why you are asking?" , "Because the surprise for him will be here at any moment," , "Well everyone is already here, what time should the surprise start?" Charlie looked at his watch, "Right about...Now! Go upstairs and bring Elvis down here! Quickly!" Finley went inside to get Elvis. Anika looked behind Charlie and laughed, "Samuel Jones, you've got to be kidding me. Are you seriously going to do what I think you are going to do?" Boy, was Elvis going to get the surprise of his life.

Elvis followed Finley downstairs. He paused seeing Charlie and everyone else inside the station. He scanned the crowd for the familiar red hair of his lover. At first he couldn't see him, when suddenly Charlie called out, "Listen up everyone!" Charlie waited until everyone was quiet, "My brother Sam, has a very special surprise for a certain someone who is very important to him. Please step forward, Elvis Criddlington." Elvis stepped forward. His body shook in anticipation. He knew it was nothing bad but he couldn't help but feel dreadful. His heart thudded out of his chest. Everyone cleared out of his way as Elvis kept walking forward until suddenly, right in front of him was Sam who was dressed more formally than the others were, "S-Sam, what-" But before Elvis could speak, Sam had silenced him, "Before you say anything, let me talk first." Elvis nodded. He cracked a weak grin. His heart missed crucial beats. He waited to hear what his lover had to say. Sam smiled kneeling down in front of him. "I'm more of a man of action. I'm not very good with words or how to express them." he whispered. He kept his gaze locked with his mate's. "Elvis, there's something important that I want to tell you." Elvis nodded, showing that he was listening. Sam cleared his throat, "Before we even became friends, I was scared. I was worried my hunters blood would get in the way. I was relieved when you actually decided to be friends with me, I was happy. As the years went by I started getting more worried because the blood moon was approaching and I didn't want you or Penny to see my true nature. But when it did show, you never left me. That's when I realized I had fallen in love with you. I loved you so much that even me in beast mode made sure nothing happened to you. When Buck and Kora kidnapped you I was angry, furious even. I was worried Buck would hurt you. When we finally managed to escape I was relieved. You are very important to me and I would do anything not to lose you. That why I wanted to ask you a question." Elvis nodded, face already going red. "will you marry me?" Asked Sam. He held a ring to show Elvis. Elvis cried. " yes." He tossed his arms around his mate's neck. He sobbed into his neck happily. Sam held Elvis close. The world around them changed. Sam stood in front of Elvis as his tiefling form. The ring was made of the same bone that was in Sam. "are you not afraid of me?" He asked. Elvis could only laugh, "After all we've been through you still ask me that? I would never be afraid of the person I love. Even if they managed to change form they are still the same at heart. That's why I'm not afraid of you."Sam held him close. " I want you to know that this ring stands as a symbol of my power. My want to serve under you. I am only as strong as the will you have for me." Elvis closed his eyes as he savored the moments, this new life ahead of them may start out as bumpy. Even dangerous with Kora still in mind. But not matter what challenge is thrown. They will get through it, together.