Date: September 1988

Daisy skipped excitedly over to the Hufflepuff table as the entire hall clapped politely. This was all so exciting! The blonde could hardly believe that she was in a castle for the next seven years to learn how to be a witch!

She and her parents had only officially discovered this hidden world four months ago, when Professor McGonagall showed up at their doorstep. Her appearance wasn't all that surprising: Daisy had been causing trinkets to float and change colors when she was happy for years already.

She sat down at the end of the table, where the others who had just been sorted were sitting. A brunet boy smiled kindly at her and slid down a bit so she could sit between him and an older student. "Thanks," she whispered with a grin.

"Of course!" The boy replied. The two briefly fell silent and applauded as a student was sorted into another house. "I'm Liam," he said, holding out his hand to shake hers.

"Daisy." They were interrupted as their table began to cheer loudly and the final first year raced over to slide in at the end of their row.

"Do we get to eat yet?" The girl sitting across from them (Daisy was sure her name was Julia) asked in a hushed voice, drawing some chuckles from the second years to their right.

"Headmaster Dumbledore is going to speak first," one offered as an answer.

Daisy turned towards the front of the hall to see that the older, white-bearded man who had been sitting at the middle of the table was now standing at the eagle-adorned lectern towards the front of the elevated area. Even though he was talking, Daisy didn't hear a single word he said; she was too in shock because he looked exactly like a character from one of her favorite books.

"Is that Gandalf?" She said aloud in wonder once everyone had begun to eat, causing the second year girl next to her to choke on her drink.

Liam and most of the other first years appeared incredibly confused by her comment. "Uh, Daisy… that's Albus Dumbledore, remember?"

She laughed slightly at their reaction. "I know, silly. But don't you agree that he looks like Gandalf?" She was met with 8 blank stares but an agreeing nod from Julia.

The second years quieted down as the one next to Daisy addressed her. "You two are muggleborns, aren't you?"

Julia frowned. "'Muggleborns?'"

Liam tried to clarify it for her. "Are your parents wizards?"

Her blue eyes widened in understanding. "Oh! Then yes, I'm a muggleborn."

"Just checking." The student shrugged. "It's rare for a magic-raised kid to know about Lord of the Rings." She smiled kindly. "Name's Fern Patricks; I'm a half-blood, but I have all of Tolkien's books in my trunk if you ever want to borrow them." Fern chuckled. "Haven't heard anyone call Dumbledore 'Gandalf' before, but that was a good one."

"I hope I don't accidentally call him 'Gandalf' now…" someone said from the end of the table, starting off a chain of laughter.

"That wouldn't be great," Fern agreed.

That's the moment Daisy remembered when she ran into the Headmaster three weeks later- and by ran, it meant running at full speed to try and get to potions on time.

"Sorry, Gandalf!" She called over her shoulder as she righted herself and dashed off, not really aware of what had just occurred until she was seated at her potions table in the dungeons. "Oh my god…"

Liam glanced at her curiously from where he was reading over his potions textbook. "What's wrong?"

"I just called the headmaster 'Gandalf!'"

Hey guys! So these come from a series of tumblr posts I stumbled across on Pinterest, but if anyone has any ideas, feel free to comment or PM me!