(Hello Guys, this is my first fanfic, so if you could give me some ideas for future chapters, that would be awesome. I call it Saiyandimension Neptunia. Now, this story will be going at its own pace, whenever I feel like the next chapter is good enough, I will upload it. The story will also be with its own story. Well, it seems I got to go, see ya!)

Zack was your normal average everyday teenager. He went to school, missing some days because of his depression. He had been diagnosed with it since he was born. The thing was he felt like something was missing in his life. Like a piece to a puzzle, there was something missing from his memories that he couldn't remember.

"Well no time to dwell on the past, besides who cares." What Zack meant by who cares, is because nobody ever cared about him, except his parents who were never around since they worked overseas. Other kids bullied him because of his look, which was weird to say the least. There was nothing wrong with the way he looked, but he guessed since the girls at his school would literally faint when they saw him, that the boys would try to bully him. Figures. He has no friends, otherwise he pushes others away, so he wouldn't involve them.

Zack went into the bathroom, taking a glance at what he looked like now. He had spiky black hair, and same for eyes. They were somewhat familiar, but that he didn't mind at all right now. He wanted to focus on one of the things that calmed him down the most. Going for a walk outside…

At first, Zack refused to do this because he thought that there would be people out to kill him and beat him up. But after the first time with no incidents, he started to do it regularly.

Zack went outside, and before he left. He locked all of the doors and windows, so no-one could get into his house that his parents gave him and paid for. He casually walked towards the park, with his hands in his pockets. He wore a black shirt, with some plain old blue jeans. He didn't really care what he wore.


That was weird. He could have sworn his name was being called, but he didn't see anyone around. It must have just been the wind. Great another section of his life where it's overly paranoid, and filled with hallucinations.


He heard it again, but this time it was more clear. He could make out that it was a feminine voice. Zack kept hearing his name being called in the park, where he was alone in the dark. In the distance he saw a blinking blue light. Pulling out his flashlight, he ran over to the blue light. It wasn't just a blue light though, it was a stone that had a blue glowing usb symbol.

"What the hell is this?" The young man asked, himself when that same unfamiliar feminine voice answered him. But this time, it was like she was right next to him.

"It's the memory stone." Zack looked over to see a girl his height, floating on a book of some sort. She wore a purple and white dress, with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"The what?" Hold up, it's called the memory stone? Why?

"My name is Histoire, and what you are holding is a memory stone. It is said to give people their memories back and also give them a chance at a new life."

Zack was going to be honest for once, his life wasn't all sugar, spice and everything nice. There were some good moments and a lot of bad moments in the life he had here. But the majority ruled out to be, bad moments. Even when he is staying at home, he is lonely as a puppy with no-one to take care of him. Things turned serious, as Zack looked at Histoire with a glare.

"Histoire… What do I need to do to get this stone to work?" The tome was surprised at the tone of the young man. He seemed very serious.

"For it to work, you must push that button. I will be seeing you soon!" Histoire said, disappearing into thin air in front of the teen's eyes. He didn't know what she meant by 'I will be seeing you soon'. Whatever that meant. He looked back at the weird glowing stone.

'So all I need to do is press this button and all of the memories I am missing will come back to me. And to top it all off, a new life. Well YOLO!' Zack pressed the button, as a wave of flashbacks and memories flooded into his head from past events. Before Zack knew it, he passed out.

The adventures of Zack begins in Gamindustri…

So what did you guys think? Should I make changes to it? Or is the prologue good enough? Now I know this chapter was short, but every prologue in my opinion should be short and to the point. At least so everyone gets an idea what's happening. As I said before, you guys can give me ideas to continue this story, then I will probably make a sequel to it if it is good enough. See you all in the next chapter: Awakening.