Mage Hunter

Summary: Stop laughing at me. You can't become a hero you can't even use magic! The villains will always lose to the good guys. Predicable and boring. If I can't become a hero then I guess I'll just become a villain, the strongest of them all, the one who refuses to lose!

AN: This story is inspired the One Punch Man manga.

Chapter 1

"HA! HA! AH! HAN!" The sound repeated across the courtyard as fifty young men stood perfectly lined up and threw a punch into the air followed by another one, the sun had just begun rising and the dojo had begun it's early morning training for its students.

They all stood in knee length shorts, while showing off their naked muscular torso. In the midst of the men partaking in the training with his fellow students were a young man with shoulder long golden hair and ocean blue eyes. This man was of course named Naruto Uzumaki.

"HARH!" Naruto roared as he once again hit the empty air, however this time he slowly lowered his hands. "Hmm? Young Naruto is something wrong? Morning practice doesn't end in at least another hour." A big bulky man besides Naruto spoke, the man was at least twice Naruto's size.

"I'm done, there is nothing more that this dojo can teach me." Naruto spoke in a monotone while he observed his own palm while slowly closing it into a fist. "Tell me do you care to help me test out my skills?" Naruto spoke in a sweet tone as he turned towards his fellow student. The bulky man, barely even registered his words before a fist came flying towards his face.

What happened next could only be described as a one sided massacre as Naruto beat up all his fellow students along with the dojo masters, he didn't kill any of them, just knocked them unconscious. He had nothing against them, but they were necessary stepping stones on his path. Naruto swiped some of the blood on his chin away with his thumb before he headed inside the temple to grab his belongings.

He supposed he was strong enough now. Naruto had traveled from dojo to dojo, becoming an apprentice for a brief while before he destroyed it. It was a test of strength nothing more, he couldn't become a hero because he couldn't use magic, so instead he decided to become a villain, though admittedly he wasn't really sure how to become one. He was good at fighting so he supposed that he just needed to beat up good guys.

Naruto got dressed in his tight black shirt and his white loose fitting pants, before he began to head down the mountain the dojo stood on. When Naruto reached the base of the mountain he took out a small paper in his pocket called: "Famous dojos and where to find them" Naruto had been on quite the world tour, but this was his last stop, there were no more left.

He had nowhere to go, neither did he have anyone to talk to, neither did he have any money, though if he wanted to be a villain, then surely he could steal some. That would count as a villainous act. Naruto released a small sigh as he began to walk towards a nearby forest. He really wasn't cut out for this. Heroes had it so much easier take a request and beat a monster, that's it. Villains had to be cunning and smart, traits he didn't really possess, he was good at learning martial arts, but that's about it.

Well every great villain had to start at some point, guess this was his.

A small day later

Naruto was currently sleeping on a bench as he had arrived at a city late last night, however his nice sleep was cut short. "Hehe you think they are real?" Naruto slowly opened his eyes only to see three small kids poking him with a stick, to be more specific they were poking his whiskers. "Enough!" Naruto snapped as he grabbed the stick out of the little boy's hands. They almost tripped over their own legs as they ran away.

Raising himself from the bench he stretched his body, before he placed his hands in his pockets and began leaving the park, today was the day he would begin leaving his mark on the world, but he should probably figure out where he was first, Hargeon was a surprisingly big town.

With that thought Naruto happily began to wonder around town.

The town was beautiful, but boring Naruto realized as he stood a top a brigde with a view of the ocean, but so far he hasn't met a single mage. "Isn't that!" Naruto could hear a female voice talk on the walkway beneath the brigde. "Black steel Gajeel, here in Hargeon?" A woman spoke.

"Where?" Naruto asked as he jumped down from the bridge in front of the two young women who released a quick yelp at his sudden appearance. "This Gajeel fellow where can I find him?" Naruto questioned them with an eager tone, finally someone he could fight, hell if he had a nick name like black steel he had to be worth something.

"He is handing out autographs near the fountain, just down the street and then continue left." One of them women answered as she pointed the way. "I see thank you." Naruto grinned as he took off running.

"He was actually kind of cute."

"Yeah, but a total weirdo."

Meanwhile a slimy middle aged man called Nikoras stood with a huge lewd smile on his face as he had his arms wrapped around two beautiful young women. "Bora was right all you needed was a bit of charm and in this case a simple illusion spell and the bimbos would come running. Now he just needed to get them unto the ship and then sell them off for some serious profit, but surely Bora wouldn't be mad if he had a bit of fun with them first, surely Bora was doing the same on the other side of town.

"Black steel Gajeel!" Naruto's voice caught everyone's attention. "You are my prey, now prepare yourself!" Naruto declared from as he was a few feet away from the man. "Huh prey, punk do you have any idea who-UGH!" Nikoras didn't even react to the quick movement as Naruto had slipped past his fan girls and struck his torso with his palm.

Nikoras could spat blood as he was blasted off and smashed through the fountain behind him and skipped along the ground until he hit a wall with a big thud. Naruto was confused as well, black steel didn't really suit him, when Naruto had hit his torso it had been rather soft. This had to be a joke right? Naruto wondered as he had knocked his opponent out in one quick move.

The girls also began snapping out of the charm magic. "He is a fake!" One man yelled out as the illusion had been lifted, he had been watching this fake in pure jealousy for the last ten minutes and was happy to see him getting his ass kicked and even happier to see he was a fake. This fake had been playing around with his and his friends girlfriends, they were afraid to do anything, because well S-class mage, but now he was fair game.

"Oi what is going on here?!" A rune knight yelled, he and his partner had been nearby when they had heard the fountain get destroyed. The men who were about to beat up the already unconscious Nikoras quickly broke up, when they realized that it was the authority. However everything became quiet when they saw Naruto in the air, both his knees planted in the two Rune knights' faces.

Naruto was pissed right now, he had just gotten his hopes up and then it was some fake loser. Naruto grumbled while not even noticing that his actions had the nearby people flee in fear as he had knocked out two rune knights.


"Sure is nice of you, to treat two strangers out of the blue." Natsu spoke as he walked down the street with his cat Happy sitting on his shoulder while they were following after a blonde woman.

"Please don't mention it. It's the least I can do after you saved me from almost falling victim to that creeps charm magic." Lucy spoke, she wanted to show the two her gratitude and when she heard their stomachs roar, she knew just how to repay them.

However something seemed to confuse the trio, as people began to flee towards them. "Oi Happy do you think that this might be?" Natsu questioned, top which Happy gave a quick nod. "Aye, this might be the Igneel we are looking for." Happy spoke, if someone could cause a panic like this, it must surely be a dragon. Without hesitation Natsu ran forward.

"W-wait hold up!" Lucy tried to catch up, but failed as the crowd of people who ran in the opposite direction cut her way off. "Igneel!" Natsu yelled as he came to the almost abandoned square, but there were no huge red dragon only four people and three of them were knocked out.

"Ah Natsu those two have rune knight uniforms." Happy pointed out. "You mean those guys who work for the council? Oi you what happened here?" Natsu asked the blond who stood in front of the bodies of the rune knights. His face however looked at happy in shock. "A flying talking blue cat, that's a new one."

"Yeah I knocked them out cause they caught me at a bad time, do you know em?" Naruto questioned, wondering if he pinky was going to attack him now.

Nope not at all." Natsu answered only for the blonde to quickly turn around and began walking away. "Hey where are you going?!" Natsu yelled as he couldn't just let him go if he had just committed a crime, besides the council had been at Fairy Tail's back for quite a while, helping taking down this blonde and deliver him to the council might make them back off for a while.

"Me? I'm bored… You wouldn't know where I can find some strong mage to fight?" Naruto questioned with a small yawn at the end. "Oh are you looking for a fight, for if you are then today is your lucky day pal!" Natsu yelled before he charged, he couldn't feel any magic surrounding the blonde, he was most likely just a street thug, he had to hold back so he wouldn't kill him.

Naruto however wasn't impressed as he watched pinky charge towards him at low speed before throwing a slow punch. With a quick movement Naruto turned around Natsu's body and delivered a quick palm strike to his side "Nn!" Natsu grunted as he was sent a short distance flying, but he managed to quickly regain his footing.

"Oh you are still standing. Well at least you are better than this useless lot." Naruto spoke about the other three unconscious people. "Hehe don't get cocky now, just because you managed to land a lucky hit." Natsu grinned, he refused to show pain, but that strike did hurt him and there were a clear imprint of the palm on his skin.

"I stop being cocky, when I lose. Now do try and entertain me for more than a minute." Naruto spoke as he slowly raised one foot and with overwhelming strength brought it down to the ground sending powerful tremors through the earth putting Natsu off balance. When Naruto came charging forward Natsu managed to evade another palm strike by jumping into the air. "Fire Dragon's roar!"

"Oh that's warm." Naruto spoke as he jumped to the side, to evade the incoming fire blast. "Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" Natsu yelled as came flying down towards Naruto using his flames to control his direction. "Just another punch?" Naruto wondered the only thing different was that this time his fist was lit up by flames. When Natsu was close enough Naruto hadn't predicted the flames that would shoot from Natsu's elbow giving his fist an enormous speed boost and power.

Naruto managed to throw his head to the side just before it hit his nose. "Martial Art: Fourth step 16 palms!" Naruto spoke as he landed a small barrage of hits against Natsu who was blown back to his flying cat. "Well I suppose that settles that." Naruto spoke as he walked back to the three unconscious men intending to see if they had any jewels on them. Jewels were needed to buy ramen and Naruto fucking loved that shit.

"N-Natsu, don't." When Naruto heard a small voice he turned his head around, that brat was actually still standing up. "Well I'm impressed, you are the first person who I have met who could stand after taking that, but can you even still fight?" Naruto asked curiously maybe he had underestimated the brat a little.

"Don't worry Happy, I'm fine. Actually I'm getting all fired up." Natsu grinned as his entire body became surrounded by fire. "Still I have a bad feeling about this Natsu." Happy spoke as they both watched the blonde martial artist.

"You are overthinking it Happy! Fire Dragons Brilliant Flame!" Natsu yelled as he brought both hands over his head and created a gigantic fireball. Natsu then threw it right towards Naruto creating a big blast of fire in the middle of the city.

"You don't really care about property damage do you?" Naruto spoke causing Natsu to turn around to see Naruto hanging on the side of a building with his fingers pushed into the wall. "Fire Dragon's Roar!" Natsu attacked once again, he was getting more reckless as the battle continued to disfavor him. "Argh!" Natsu let out a silent scream as Naruto had appeared behind him and delivered a powerful downwards chop on his left shoulder.

"You done now?" Naruto asked once again as Natsu laid face first into the ground for the second time. "Mmmnbrumgn." Natsu grumled from the ground, causing Naruto to lean down so he could better hear him. "Hmm what did you say?"

"Crimson Lotus: Fire Dragon's Fist!" Natsu used his hands to shoot up from the ground, he hadn't even landed before he began sending a quick barrage of punches towards Naruto. "Predictable." Naruto spoke in a low voice while Natsu could only watch in shock as he repelled all his punches with on hand while pulled the other one back. "Martial Art: Lone Fist!" Naruto yelled before he buried his fist deep inside Natsu's gut and sent him flying across the streets through multiple buildings.

"Oi kitty cat." Naruto spoke to the flying blue cat who had taken a bit higher to the sky trying to get out of Naruto's reach. "A-aye?" Happy spoke nervously. He wanted to check on Natsu, but klnowing him he would walk a hit like that away in a day or two.

"Do you know where the strong mages are?" Naruto questioned, this one had been a bit of a bore, he had been able to take quite a beating, but there were no fun in beating up people who could barely fight back. He had done so in the dojos and now he wanted some serious competition.

When Happy just shook his head Naruto let out a small sigh before he turned around and walked away. Maybe he should try another city?

The End?

This is just an experiment, chances are there will be a future chapter, but that will relay mostly on the feedback that this story receives. Besides that there isn't much to say.