A Time to Heal


Long time no hear from, huh? Life has imploded…in a good way. I am a supervisor of a whole office now. Pretty cool, right? However, in awaiting HR to hire individuals, my whole life became about work since I'm doing the work of three people with three caseloads. I agreed to all of this so I'm not complaining, but it isn't fair to you all. Here is the rest of my story in it's entirety. I have tried to restart the chapters, but any state HR takes for-freaking-ever. I hope you like this Holiday gift and please let me know what you think.



I own nothing. Nothing.

Chapter Seventeen and Beyond….

"And you know this how?" Frost asked, stooping to gaze sternly at his brother.

"I ordered Creek to take a bit of my energy so I could try to feel the caster in Creek's mind," Branch admitted as his brother and sister choked, "Not to fight him, Frost. I wanted to see if I could get a feeling or image of his whereabouts since I'm more familiar with these lands. I got a clear image of the hidden village."

"That could have been so dangerous," Crystal hissed, placing her hand to Branch's forehead, "Be still so I can see if you brought the spell within yourself, Foolish One."

Frost looked tense and Branch sighed as even Poppy looked angrily at him. Stuff the lot of them. Creek was in danger and he wasn't going to do nothing when he could possibly find the being responsible for this quickly.

"Clean," Crystal breathed as Frost sighed in relief, "Never do that again!"

"Don't tell me not to help my family when you two would do anything to help Creek or I too!" Branch bit back as his siblings raised their brows at him in surprise, "He's hurting. Creek is hurting and I feel it and I'm not going to allow this to go on any longer than necessary when I can help. The caster is in the old village. There is shelter and food nearby there so it makes sense. Think about it, close enough to reach out to Creek, but far enough away that your dis dust worked when Creek was pulled under. I have no magic like you two do, but my connection to Creek is ten times stronger than yours and I knew there might be a chance that I could get a glimpse into his mind. I am not sorry for trying to help one of my brothers."

"But Branch, you can't help Creek if you get sucked into the spell too," Poppy pointed out as her lad grumbled softly, "Everyone is just terribly worried for you both. Now is not the time to be stubborn."

"Now is the exact time to be stubborn, Pop!" Branch snapped back, "This spell is destroying Creek and I can't just stand back and allow that to happen! It's not about my survival either. It's about Creek's!"

"Okay, calm down," Frost tried, grabbing his brother by an arm and leading him to the couch to sit with Poppy as Crystal followed, "You called Crystal and I here for a reason, Baby Brother. You knew that this was more than what you and your tribe can handle since this is magic that you've never seen before. The honor guard is tracking the caster now. Kiv knows what he is doing and is sensitive to magic tracking. I'll get word to him about this village you told us of, but you need to remain calm for your ice to not flare and to keep Creek calm. He can't fight this if he is worried for you."

"Understood, Brother," Branch nodded out as his siblings looked relieved, "I promised Creek to be rational and I will be, but what now?"

"Frost is going to get word to Kiv while I cast a sensor spell on Creek," Crystal began as Branch exchanged a look with Poppy, "That type of spell will make it so that Frost and I can always know Creek's whereabouts. He moves and we know."

"So, you'll be able to follow if the caster causes another sleepwalking episode!" Branch exclaimed, nodding his understanding as Poppy smiled in understanding, "Can I sense it too?"

"I'll include you in the spell, but you are needed here, Little One," Crystal insisted as Branch listened, "You are the only one that Creek completely listens to since his whole being is basically focused on your needs. There might come a time that your voice is the only thing that can snap Creek back into reality so you must stay with him at all times."

"Okay. I understand," Branch agreed, "This is just so hard. Hard to not be able to do more. I'm used to figuring out things and handling problems. I want to be able to do something for Creek. I hate that he's hurting and suffering like this. To stand on the sidelines is not something I'm used to doing."

"A good ruler knows when to ask for help and you've done that," Frost soothed as Branch sighed while Poppy hugged him tight, "You knew to reach out when your abilities reached their limits of helping Creek. You are so clever, Branch. Wish I had been as smart at the same age. It might have saved me a lot of problems when I first took the mantle of king."

"This is also nothing that you can deal with, Little Brother, no matter how much you might want to help," Crystal interjected, "The caster is clever and knows his craft well. Frost and I will handle him and he will know ice troll vengeance. We promise you, Branch, Creek will get the justice he deserves. We'll not allow him to suffer any longer. Let us do what is necessary, okay?"

"Right," Branch answered, making his siblings nod at him before Frost left while Crystal stepped into the room that housed Creek, "I hate this, Pop."

"I know you do," Poppy sighed, cuddling Branch's arm against her, "You are a protector. It is in your nature to want to help and you hate feeling helpless, but the ice twins are right. You did the best thing for Creek when you reached out to get him the help he needed. I wish there was more we could do, but our people don't know complicated spell magic."

"Oh!" Branch gasped suddenly as Poppy looked at him in alarm, "It's okay, Pop. My sister just finished the spell and it took me by surprise to suddenly literally feel Creek within my mind. I can feel his presence. It's an odd feeling."

"Can you read his mind or something?" Poppy asked in curiosity as Branch flashed her an amused smile.

"Not quite," Branch denied, "I feel where he is and know that he is well at the moment, but not a full link to his mind or anything. It makes me feel better that I can sense him like this. Know where Creek is. I so wish there was more I could do, but my place is here to watch over Creek until he is well again. He'd do the same for me."

"He certainly would," Poppy chortled softly as Branch glanced to her, "He's part of your family. I'm so glad. I think Creek needed family again as much as you did, Love. You two are almost like a set of twins now. You understand and rely on one another well. It is not a wonder you call him a brother."

Branch smiled softly with a nod before watching as his sister stepped from the room.

"Poppy, I need you to show me about your kingdom," Crystal advised as the smaller queen stood, eager to help, "I'm going to investigate and see if I can detect any type of a magic trail. The caster had to be close at times for this spell to continue to grow to such strength. Branch, I see that face you're making. I promise that Frost and I will keep you in the loop. Your brother and I know that you are no child and we will never again treat you as if you cannot make your own decisions, but you need to remain here and help Bhen. Little Brother, the caster is going to get desperate and I fear we'll see Creek get worse. Be strong for him, okay?"

"Okay," Branch agreed as he watched his sister and soulmate leave before he sighed and walked to where Creek resided as the healer glanced up at him, "Bhen, how is he?"

"Sleeping for right now, my prince" Bhen answered as Branch took a chair beside the bed to watch Creek sleep, "He's a strong one to handle a spell of this strength for so long. I've seen stronger trolls crumple at possession spells eating at them."

"Creek, is a yogi and uses meditation to calm himself," Branch reminded, "I think he's been hindering this caster to a point by fighting the negativity being fed to him, but the spell has finally gotten strong enough that Creek realized something wasn't right and now…"

"Now he's fighting hard to overcome what is being done to him," Bhen voiced as the prince looked at him after having trailed off, "Creek's still fighting so keep yourself calm."

"I'm trying to, but look at him," Branch fussed, as the two trolls turned to glance at Creek, "I knew he was looking more and more worn as I waited for my siblings to arrive, but it can't be denied that Creek looks ill. Bhen, what is walking possession?"

"When the caster tempts the cursed to do something that he or she doesn't really want to do," Bhen explained as Branch closed his eyes in anger, "You see Creek do something like that, Prince Branch? I believe that was mentioned to me earlier."

"Creek nearly ran right off the Troll Tree at a level that he'd not survive a fall from without his knowledge of what was happening to him," Branch supplied, rubbing a hand down his face as Bhen flinched before growling, "Barely got my hair wrapped around him in time to pull him back. It was then that Creek discovered that something wasn't right and I contacted my siblings. This is all such a mess. Why is this happening? Creek was finally settling in and finding a place again. He was healing! I could just…I wish I could…Bhen, I don't know what I want to do to this troll, but I wish this wasn't happening. He's hurting my Creek. Creek's mine. He's family."

"Oh, child," Bhen breathed, shaking his head before stooping next to Branch, "My prince, ice trolls live a very long time. Even your brother and sister are still babes to one such as I, but I have never seen a family so devoted to one another as what I see between you, the twins, and this little guard. Creek is going to be okay because his family is working so hard to save him. Your tribe is here, my prince. Trust in us."

"Is it silly to wish I could do more?" Branch sighed.

"You'd be a terrible prince and family member if you didn't want to fix things when a loved one hurts," Bhen snorted as Branch glanced to the amused healer in surprise, "I, as a healer, wish I could do more when one of my patients are suffering. A parent wants to save their child any pain. A friend wants to help no matter what. Unfortunately, pain and suffering happen in life. Ice trolls survive. Creek is ice troll now. He's part of our tribe. He'll survive because we'll make sure of it."

Branch breathed in deeply as he nodded. It felt good to have family and others to rely on again. Or he had always had a tribe to rely on, but he'd lost his trust to be able to open up. Thank everything holy for Poppy, his siblings, and his Creek.

"I'll stay calm, but it is hard when I know someone wants to hurt someone I care about," Branch allowed with a grimace, "I just want my loved ones safe."

"As do we all. Come, my prince," Bhen decided, pulling Branch up to lead him from the room, "Creek is sleeping and there is no way he can get past us in the living room. Let's go wait for the king and queen and talk so you can remain calm, my prince. We need no flare ups right now. Creek cannot fight the spell if he's worried for you."

Branch felt it hard to relax, but eventually settled as Bhen began telling him stories of his siblings when they were children. Eventually, Crystal showed back up as Branch sat up eagerly.

"Anything?" Branch demanded.

"Clear signs of a magic user in hidden spots," Crystal admitted as Branch scowled, "The little queen has gone to King Gristle to see if any of the Bergens have noticed anything suspicious. It does look like the caster is truly an ice troll since I found clear boot marks."

"So, we know for sure now that the troll cannot be a part of this tribe or using the hidden tunnels to our old village," Branch hummed, deep in thought, "The tunnels would be way too small for an ice troll, Sister. I am furious that this troll was so close and causing so much harm without me knowing it."

"We already told you that possession spells are sneaky and quiet until clear signs start showing once the cursed is almost too far gone," Bhen began before grunting as his queen slapped his arm hard, "Ow! By the great ice wall, why'd you…oh."

Branch did not miss that Crystal had gestured towards him with her eyes. What? Then the words sank in.

"Too far gone?" Branch hissed as Bhen and Crystal grimaced, "Are you saying that Creek…"

"No! Bhen is a blunt idiot who needs to rethink his words at times," Crystal interrupted as the healer ducked his head with a blush, "Possession spells are rare because they are very difficult and illegal among our tribe, Little One. Usually the cursed is too far gone by the time it was discovered what was happening, but Creek's case is different. His ability to meditate and control his mind has slowed the spell and caused little damage as of yet. Frost and I are working hard to find this traitor. We'll get him, Branch. Do not fret."

"Easier said than done," Branch crabbed before nodding at his sister, "I hope Frost and Kiv has found the caster already so Creek doesn't suffer any more than he already has."

No sooner did the prince get out those words than screams echoed from Frost's bedroom. Familiar screams that cut off as quickly as they had begun.

"Creek!" Branch yelled, tearing into the room to see his guard sitting up in bed panting, "What is it? What's wrong?"

Creek glanced up as Branch crawled onto the bed before grabbing the prince's face and forcing him to look only at his own face while Crystal and Bhen crowded inside.

"Don't look," Creek gasped as Branch gaped at him, "Don't look, my prince. Don't look."

"Look at what?" Branch demanded as he tried to pull away from Creek.

"Frosted hell!" Bhen spat, swooping in as Branch finally noticed the bits of red staining the sheets around his guard, "Crystal, get your brother out of here!"

"Don't touch me," Branch hissed out as his sister pulled at him while Creek whimpered as Bhen began to prod his back even as the guard still held his prince's face in his hands, "Let me go, Creek."

"Can't look. You'll flare," Creek denied as Branch yanked his face from his guard's hands and scrambled to evade his sister and Bhen to look at Creek's back, "Don't!"

Branch stared in horror. Bloody welts crisscrossed Creek's back as if he'd been whipped. This wasn't something that Creek could have done to himself. Branch tensed as rage filled him before he pushed it all deep down. Creek was hurt. Flaring was going to upset his guard. Breathe.

"Go," Creek whispered before arching as Bhen began prodding at his wounds again, "Go, my prince."

"I'm not leaving you, Creek," Branch snapped, turning on Crystal, "He needs me, Sister. He needs you too so stop trying to shield me. Bhen, help him, please. Help him."

"Move," Bhen ordered, lifting Creek as he whimpered, "It's okay, Lad. We need to get you cleaned up now. Branch, bring my bag to the bathroom. Hurry. Queen Crystal, go to the other bathroom since the one in here only has a shower. Fill the tub half way up with some warm water. Move!"

Crystal dashed from the room as Branch scrambled from the bed to grab the healer's bag. Creek was placed into the half-filled tub, regardless of the fact that he still had his pants on. Bhen pushed the smaller troll forward so he could clean up Creek's back. The injured troll shook as he tried to remain upright.

"Hold onto me," Branch insisted as Creek gratefully hugged his prince around the neck to rest his chin on the blue troll's shoulder, "That's it. Just hold tight."

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," Creek whispered, grunting occasionally when Bhen touched a tender area, "He was too strong. I tried, my prince."

"Shh," Branch soothed, placing a hand to pull Creek's head to lay against his shoulder more, "There is nothing to apologize for, but tell me what happened. I'm calm, Creek. We all need to hear how this happened, Brother. No worrying for me, okay?"

Creek nodded before whimpering softly as Bhen rubbed a washcloth over his back. Branch tightened his hold as his guard arched slightly in pain.

"Look at me, Creek," Crystal instructed as the guard glanced to his queen, "Breathe deeply. That's my lad. Concentrate on something else. How is Branch's ice?"

"That doesn't matter!"

"Hush, Baby Brother," Crystal fussed, looking back to Creek as Branch scowled, "How does Branch's ice look to you?"

"Irritable," Creek mumbled, pulling away from Branch a bit to scan him, "Not flaring, but his tea would be a good idea soon, my queen."

"Right. As soon as we get you cleaned up," Crystal nodded out, stroking one of Creek's arms that was wrapped around Branch, "Then we can talk about what happened once you are settled again."

Branch finally figured out what his sister was doing as she continued talking gently to Creek. She was distracting the guard from his pain. Cold filled the air suddenly as Frost stepped up to the doorway. The troll was enraged.

"What in all the icy tundra is going on?" Frost bit out, eyeing the red of the bathwater in horror before stilling as Crystal glared at him as the king nodded and got his ice back under control, "Crystal, go talk with Kiv. He's got a lot to report. I'll see to our lads."

Crystal nodded once as Frost stooped to help support Creek. Branch adored his sister, but he felt so much safer when the king was around. The prince thought it had more to do with how similar he and Frost were in spirit.

"I'm sorry, my king," Creek offered as Frost grimaced when he got a look at the small troll's wounds, "I'm trying to be brave, but it hurts so badly. I hurt."

"Anyone would hurt with these whether ice troll or warm climate troll," Frost soothed, reaching to lift Creek from the tub so Bhen could drain the water and rinse the lad off, "No apologizing to me. It's fine, Wart."

"It's not," Creek whispered, hugging Frost tight as he buried his head against the king's neck, "Hatred is so much stronger now. I'm scared. He'll hurt my prince. He can't hurt Prince Branch. He can't!"

"And he won't," Frost assured, "Branch, go get some fresh pants for Creek. His are soaked. Be quick."

Branch hurried to Creek's room and grabbed the softest pants he knew Creek owned and raced back to the bathroom to see Bhen rinsing Creek down gently before the guard was lifted so he could slip out of his wet pants and dry off. Creek was helped into his fresh pants and gritted his teeth as Bhen tried to be a careful as possible to use a salve on the troll's back and wrap the guard's torso in soft bandages. It was agony for Branch to watch and he couldn't even fathom what Creek was feeling now.

"Okay," Frost urged, lifting Creek up as Branch and Bhen followed, "I can hear Crystal puttering around in the kitchen. Even I know that Branch needs his tea and I'm sure Bhen needs to get some medicine in you, Creek."

"Don't make me sleep," Creek begged, turning stricken eyes on the healer before glancing in pleading at Branch, "I don't want to sleep, my prince. Don't let them put me to sleep."

"I won't," Branch soothed, sitting on the couch with Frost as the large troll settled Creek to lean against him on his side so he'd not put pressure on his back while Crystal hurried over with two cups of tea, "I'm going to drink my tea and it smells like Crystal has a nice cup of rhodiola tea for you. Rhodiola won't make you sleepy, but will help you calm some, Creek. Let Frost help you with the cup, okay?"

Creek nodded and refused anything until he watched Branch gulp his tea down and then he started sipping at the cup held to his lips. Minute trembles shook him, but he began to calm once Branch finished his tea and reached to hold his guard's trembling hands. Bhen, Frost, and Crystal were tense, but remained as passive as possible to help Creek settle.

"I was sleeping," Creek suddenly began as he reached and leaned against Branch for comfort, "I was warm and I felt really tired, but safe. Then it got cold in my dream. I knew it was a dream. It was so cold and Hatred showed up. He still looks just like me, but ice was forming all over him and his eyes were white. He started shrieking at me. I could barely understand his words sometimes, he was so angry."

"What did he say?" Frost pushed as Creek snuggled against Branch.

"He...he said that everything was fine until I showed up," Creek continued as Branch glanced down at him, "Said that I'd ruined everything with the…the worthless prince of mine. I got angry and yelled back at him to watch his mouth about my prince and he leapt at me while these icy vines started forming. He acted like a wild animal and started screaming that I'd brought everything on myself. I was able to keep him from hitting me, but the vines…the vines ripped at me like whips and I remembering screaming in pain. Next, I knew, I was awake and there was blood and my back hurt so bad and I knew my prince was going to get upset, causing a flare of his ice, so I made myself stop screaming. I tried to protect Prince Branch, but I hurt so badly. I still hurt."

"I need you to drink this, Little Guard," Bhen spoke up, handing Branch a small bottle to assist Creek, "Two good gulps. This is numbing medicine that you aren't allergic to. Your pain will ease and you won't get sleepy. Prince Branch will help you. That's a lad. Good, Creek."

Branch handed Bhen back the bottle after his guard had finished. His anger simmered, but he stayed calm so that Creek could calm some more.

"How is this possible?" Branch demanded as his siblings looked to him, "How did Hatred literally cause Creek actual injuries from a dream?"

"May I?"

Frost nodded as Branch glanced to his doorway to see Kiv entering with two other guards. All three bowed deeply to the royal family. It had been Kiv that had spoken.

"I remember you two," Creek said as the two guards waved at him, "Jak and Erick, right? You became honor guards a couple of months before me."

"Yep. I'm Jak and this is Erick," the powdery blue troll began as he gestured to the silvery troll beside him, "How do you feel?"

"Ripped," Creek sniffed, holding tighter to Branch as his prince stroked his hair, "Kiv? What happened to me?"

"This was another type of attack that can be used with a possession spell," Kiv growled, shaking in his anger, "The caster pulled you into his mind so that he could cause physical harm to your corporal body."

"I think this happened because we got too close," Frost snapped out, fisting his hands into balled up fists, "I was able to catch up with Kiv's patrol, but it was Jak and Erick that ferreted out the caster. Never got a look at him, but his magic trail was strong. He took off towards that village you spoke of, Branch."

"You two found the troll doing this?" Branch gasped as the guards bowed again to their prince.

"He was holed up in a cave," Erick explained, "We heard him take off running and we gave chase. There was a back entrance way and the troll disappeared using a small brook to disguise his tracks, but using magic leaves trails. Then King Frost discovered that there is more than one troll."

"What?" Branch hissed as Creek tugged at him, "I'm calm, Creek. Don't worry for me, but explain, Frost. More than one?"

"Multiple tracks are here and there," Frost admitted as Crystal narrowed her eyes, "I think there are three to four ice trolls working together, but who they are, I can't hazard a guess."

Branch glanced down to Creek as the two blinked at one another. There was something…something on the edge of Branch's mind.

"Creek, you said that Hatred blames you and I for something, right?" Branch began as his guard nodded, "Hatred said everything was fine until we came so somehow our arrival bothered this troll. I don't remember anyone being rude to us except…that one time. That's it! Jhon!"

Creek gasped as he sat up to stare at his ward. Of course.

"Jhon, Vik, and Mhen," Frost snarled as he snapped a fist into his other hand as Crystal sat up stiffly, "That's got to be it! Sister, the honor guards that dishonored themselves by attacking Creek when he was still injured and insulting our baby brother. I stripped the three of their rank."

"And then we banished them," Crystal finished, leaning back looking livid, "Sounds like the three are blaming our lads for their own crimes. Jhon and Mhen were strong magic users. I could see those two doing something like this, but Vik was not particularly cunning with magic. So, the three want revenge?"

"Just two."

Branch looked up and went to launch himself at Vik, who stood in the open doorway. Creek caught his arm and then cried out at the pull of his injuries so Branch stopped and pulled his guard against him as Frost's ice wrapped neatly around the ragged-looking troll before them. Vik toppled over with a grunt since his whole person was held tight with ice.

"You!" Crystal roared, surprising everyone as she smacked Vik across his face with nails bared, "How dare you show yourself in my brother's home, Traitor!"

"I understand your anger, my queen," Vik admitted as he remained limp in the ice that had taken him to the ground while red scratch marks began to form on his cheek, "But I came to turn myself over to the crown. Jhon and Mhen have gone too far."

"Too far?" Frost bit out as Vik cringed while his former king stood over him, "Too far was going anywhere near Crystal's and my lads. Now you've allowed those two moron friends of yours to draw Creek's blood after their murder attempt failed. His death would have meant the death of my Branch. This is a declaration of war for the ice tribe."

"I wasn't told anything about actually hurting anyone," Vik denied as Frost glared down at him, "They said we were coming to get revenge on Creek and the prince. I was told to just cause some mischief, but then the two came up with the idea of using a possession spell. The ice opal protected the prince's mind, but Jhon discovered that Creek was breach-able and he was chosen as the victim. I wanted revenge, but not by killing. I've always looked up to those two, but they've gone nuts and I'll have no more to do with it. Not after knowing how far in they've gone to tear Creek apart."

Everyone froze as Creek leapt at Vik out of the blue to pound angrily on any part of the ice troll he could hit that wasn't coated in ice.

"You three tried to curse my prince?!" Creek snarled, swinging harder as Branch finally moved to try and pull him back, "You jerk! You knew Prince Branch's health is delicate! How dare you even try to do something like that to my prince…my brother! Kill you!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Bhen chuckled, reaching to lift the smaller guard as Creek hissed and kicked at Vik once airborne, "Calm down before you make your back bleed again."

"Rat Poop! Rump-licker! Creep! Yellow-snow Eater" Creek yelled before quieting as Branch grabbed at his hand with a warning growl.

"Be still before you harm yourself," Branch ordered as his guard calmed immediately, "Bhen, put him down. Creek, get over here and let Frost and Crystal deal with Vik. I don't want you near him."

"Ooh, Creek's feisty! I like him," Erick crowed as Creek gazed at the guard in surprise before grunting softly as Frost and Crystal folded him into a quick hug before plopping him back on the couch, "Good bodyguard too. Better than you!"

Vik grunted as Erick kicked him in the side as he walked calmly over to sit by Creek and the wary prince. Jak and Kiv snorted softly while Branch pulled Creek a little closer.

"Sorry, but I've had enough of strangers for a while," Branch apologized as Erick nodded his understanding, "Just…forgive my bad mood. I don't want strangers around Creek right now."

"I don't want him around you," Creek fussed, pointing angrily at Vik while Branch smiled at his irate guard.

"Well, Frost and I don't want him around either of you," Crystal insisted as Frost nodded in anger, "Creek, keep still with your back the way it is and let us deal with the traitor. Keep calm and listen to Branch."

"Yes, my queen," Creek agreed, sighing softly as the pain from his back flared up, reminding him of why he might should have remained still before leaning to whisper in Branch's ear, "I'm not sorry, my prince. My job is to protect you and he was helping his two friends try to harm you. I hope I did some damage."

"Settle yourself," Branch sighed, glancing to Vik while he cowered away from Frost and Kiv as the two continued to interrogate the banished troll, "I understand your feelings since I am just as angry that he'd help the other two harm you, but I can't believe you just did that with your injuries. How is your back?"

"A giant ow, Mate," Creek groaned, "My fault, but I don't regret it."

"Honor guard mentality," Erick added to the conversation as Creek offered him a quick smile, "Seriously, that was pretty amazing for a tiny fellow like you, Kid."

"Not a kid," Branch reminded as Erick leaned back, "Both Creek and I are fully grown trolls here. Don't count us out due to our size. Creek and I are not children."

"Certainly, my prince," Erick easily agreed with twinkling eyes, "Jak and I were the youngest honor guards until Creek. It is kind of tradition to call the youngest 'kid.' No disrespect meant for your guard-brother here or you, Prince Branch."

"I see," Branch hummed, relaxing a bit around the easy-going troll, "Again, I apologize for my mood. All of this has been…disconcerting to deal with. I never thought anybody would ever purposely hurt anyone else. That is not in the nature of my father's people."

"Not in the nature of your mother's either," Erick denied quickly, "Ice trolls are not blood thirsty. We survive. We've had to battle snow beasts and have certainly had some inner tribe squabbling in the earliest of our history, but then the first king took charge. That same blood that runs in your veins, my prince, came from a strong troll warrior that loved his people and set up order. The royal family has always been highly respect for each member has ever looked out for their people. Jhon and his minions are not typical of our people."

"I wonder if the earlier history of the ice trolls is where my previous tribe got their old legends," Creek spoke up as Branch looked thoughtful, "Maybe the idea of angry, surly ice trolls was a misconception or throw back to older times."


The three trolls on the couch all jumped at Frost's incensed roar. Frost was being held back by Kiv and Jak as Crystal looked ready to spring on Vik, herself. Bhen stood close as if he was going to catch the queen before she pounced.

"Guys!" was called from the doorway as Poppy skidded in before she froze at the sight that greeted her eyes, "What is this? Who is that?"

"Over here," Crystal spat, snatching a shocked Poppy up and plopping her down beside Branch, "You Son of a Rotten Ice Witch, repeat what you just said again. Slowly."

"Jhon and Mhen plan on starting the final phase of the possession spell," Vik repeated as Frost turned wide eyes on Crystal, "That is why I turned tail and ran, my queen. I'll have nothing to do with that."

"Final phase?" Branch echoed, rising to hurry to his siblings, "What is he talking about, Brother? What is this phase? Sister?"

Branch glanced between his siblings and began to panic when they averted their eyes for a moment.

"Tell me!"

"The final phase of a possession spell rips the cursed's soul from their body and casts the victim into a hell of sorts that they can never escape from," Vik answered as Branch turned to stare in horror at the troll, "Creek would die at once."

"No!" Branch gasped as Crystal hissed angrily.

"The spell cannot be completed unless they literally have Creek there beneath a moonlit sky," Crystal spat, glaring at Vik in anger, "Creek is fine. Your brother and I will not allow Jhon or Mhen to get their hands on Creek, Little One."

It happened too fast to react to. One minute Vik was subdued with ice and the next the ice shattered and Vik had a wicked looking blade held to Branch's throat. The prince gasped as he was hauled back as the dagger pushed into the tender flesh of his skin in warning.

"Branch!" Poppy shrieked as Erick grabbed the scared queen before she could rush forward.

"Unhand him," Frost hissed as he had to grab at Creek, who had rushed over to try and help, "I will…"

"You will be silent or you will have a dead, half-breed prince on your hands," Vik interrupted with an evil smirk as Frost growled, "If I feel any ice forming from anyone here or see warm-climate hair move to intercept me, this one gets his neck sliced open. Hello, Creek. Miss me?"

"No," Creek snapped, shaking in anger as Vik grinned, "Let my prince go now!"

"No," Vik chuckled out as he pulled Branch closer as the blue troll tried to push the other's hands away, "You will come here and follow me wherever I lead you or this one dies, Creek. Get over here now or watch your worthless prince die."

"Don't you dare," Branch whispered as Creek stepped forward before the blue troll grunted as the dagger bit into his neck harder, "Don't."

"Good boy," Vik sniffed as Creek stopped before him, "I'm going to enjoy seeing you die, Creek, especially after that pounding you gave me. Everything was just as it should have been before you showed up to ruin my life by hauling this scum half-breed into the kingdom. You never should have been made an honor guard. You are nothing. You've always been nothing and you will die as nothing."

"Not true!" Crystal exclaimed, literally holding Poppy back from doing something rash since the queen had bitten and escaped from Erick, "You are who you are for a reason, Creek. Remember that. Hold on to that."

Creek glanced to his queen in question. It was like she was trying to tell him something, but then his eyes focused back on his prince. Branch's eyes locked with his as he tried to shake his head.

"Remain still or I'll slaughter your guard here and now," Vik ordered as Branch's eyes rolled up to glare at him, "Okay, Trolls. This has been real nice. Loved the hospitality, but it's time for me and my two guests here to leave. See you never again, or better of me to say, if we are followed…well, I'll just kill these two as painfully as possible. Stay here, leave us alone, and you'll get the prince back, at least once Jhon and Mhen deals with Creek."

"But without Creek my Branch will die!" Poppy cried out as Vik snorted.

"Not my problem," Vik laughed out, beginning to back to the door as he dragged Branch with him, "Let's go, Creek."

Creek remained passive as he followed Vik to the door. He looked over his shoulder once and narrowed his eyes at the others before walking outside without another look back.

"I can't believe this," Frost hissed angrily as he strode to peek out the door, "How in the ice caps did Vik break my ice?"

"Vik must have had an ice-eating tonic on his clothing," Kiv groaned, "He and his friends must have planned this all out after we discovered their whereabouts."

"Let's follow!" Poppy pushed before being dragged back by her hair, "Stop it, Queen Crystal."

"Look," Crystal insisted as she led Poppy to where Creek just stood as she pointed out a slash on the wall, "Creek, did this with his hair. He was sending us a message that he is going to leave a trail. We burst out after Vik now, Branch and Creek will be lost to us. Frost and I cannot risk having Vik harm our lads in rash actions. We have to plan this right and you need to stay calm, Poppy"

"Well, what are we waiting on? Plan something! Save my Branch and his Creek!" Poppy urged, looking frightened, "Do something…please, do something."

"We will," Frost bit out, turning to the pink troll, "We have limited time to wait, but we must allow Vik to feel like he's got the upper hand so Creek can leave his trail."

"But what if that spell thingy is cast and Creek dies?" Poppy questioned, wringing her hands anxiously.

"Queen Poppy, that final phase of the spell cannot be cast until the moon rises," Bhen said as he glared out the door with his arms crossed in anger across his chest, "Never have I seen anything so cowardly. To hide behind the little prince like that!"

"They will pay dearly," Frost gritted out as his sister nodded, "Poppy, you need to stay here in case Branch or Creek escapes. We're going to save them, Lassie. Nothing is going to touch my lads. Be patient and wait here."

"But I can help," Poppy fussed, looking frantically at the twin rulers, "I know these lands better than any of you."

"But you are not a warrior, Little Queen," Frost began, frowning as Poppy hissed at him, "I know you fear for Branch…for your soulmate. It pains me too. Two of my most precious people are in enemy hands, but Crystal and I cannot save them with an untrained troll by our side. Please, Poppy. Let me bring both Branch and Creek home to you."

"Fine!" Poppy grumbled, crossing her arms in anger while Crystal kneeled and hugged the smaller troll tight, "Bring them home, please."

"We will," Crystal nodded out, pulling back so she could stand, "Bhen, come with us in case of injuries. The rest of you, let's go. Prepare for battle."


"Don't try anything with that hair of yours," Vik warned Creek as he practically bent Branch backwards as they left the bunker while the guard raised his hands with a nod in surrender, "I will not hesitate to kill this one if you even twitch funny, Creek."

"I'll do as you say as long as you don't harm my prince," Creek promised as Vik scoffed.


The purple troll gasped at the call and turned to see Cedar and his friends watching from a limb on the Troll Tree.

"Stay back," Creek hissed while Vik made Branch gasp as the dagger nearly cut tender skin, "He's got Prince Branch captive. Just stay there and don't do anything to endanger my prince."

"Got…what?" Cedar nearly squawked as he scrambled up to watch Vik warily, "But he's an ice troll. Isn't Branch his prince?"

"Not mine," Vik growled, "No more dawdling, Creek. Get over here and hope no one follows or I kill Blue Boy here. Get ahead of me and move!"

Creek gave a warning glance to his fellow trolls before trotting ahead of Vik.

"Breathe, my prince," Creek urged, seeing Branch's ice bubbling, "He needs his medicine, Vik."

"He needs nothing," Vik spat as Branch locked eyes with his guard as Creek gazed over his shoulder at him in panic, "He'd better get himself under control because we ain't stopping for no tea parties. Walk straight ahead until I tell you any different. Move!"

"I'm okay," Branch called as Creek began walking, "I'm breathing properly to get calm, Creek. I'll be okay."

Creek nodded tensely as his mind tried to come up with some options. Nothing. If he so much as turned his prince would be harmed. Vik was missing the subtle swishing of his hair that was scoring as many surfaces as he could reach without being noticed so the royal twins could follow, but he needed to get Branch to safety now.

"Ah!" Creek cried as Vik suddenly kicked him in his injured back without warning while Branch tried to reach for him when he dropped to his knees far from the Troll Tree and Bergen Town, "Be still, my prince."

"Yes, be still," Vik chuckled out as Branch growled in anger as Creek remained hunched while his back rippled in pain, "Do listen, Half-breed."

"Shut up, Vik," a voice snarled as Creek felt someone fist his hair and yank him to his feet to see Mhen, "You are a moron when it comes to magic. Creek's got a sensing spell on him, Idiot! The king and queen can follow easily."

Creek and Branch both grimaced when Mhen counteracted the spell. Both had had hoped that the twins would be able to use the tracking spell to follow, but now that avenue had ended.

"Stupid," Mhen accused as Vik growled at him, "Come on. Jhon is waiting and time is ticking. The sun is already setting. You know the plan and you are wasting time while the Royal Rats are plotting a rescue."

"They'd not dare even if they could still track us through that spell," Vik snorted, pressing the dagger tight to Branch's neck as Creek fought the hold on his hair to try and help his prince, "We'd kill Branch without hesitation at the first step in our direction."

"Don't you dare," Creek hissed as Mhen kicked at his weaker leg, but the smaller troll twisted to avoid the hit, "Stop! You'll draw blood if you push that blade any harder against my prince's skin!"

"Be still, Creek," Branch ordered his guard before gritting his teeth at the feel of the blade against his skin

"Oh, shut up the lot of you," Vik snapped, flinging Branch at Creek as the guard was allowed his freedom to catch his prince, "March or the two of you die, starting with the half-breed."

Branch growled angrily as Creek helped him stand on his own. The two shared a look and sighed as their hands were bound behind their backs before the two were pushed forward. The march was long, but not too uncomfortable except for the pull at their bound wrists. Creek gnashed his teeth in anger as he desperately continued to try to come up with some plan of action. Anything. Nothing! He couldn't figure out anyway out of this and keep his prince safe.

"Oh, how nice to see you again," a voice called as the two, smaller trolls were led into a little clearing that had a large stump in the middle with a figure standing on top. Jhon.

"What in all of trolls' hair did you do to yourself?" Creek gasped, staring at Jhon's haggard features before grunting as he was shoved from behind, "Ow!"

"Do to myself?" Jhon snapped, leaping down from the stump to stomp up to Creek, "You and your half-breed prince made us outcasts to our tribe. Dishonored us with your presence. The king and queen were poisoned by your vile words and turned against us, but Mhen, Vik, and I plotted to set things right. Rid the world of both of your presences as painfully as possible."

"By possessing Creek and leading to his death so that I die once my ice flares," Branch stated as Jhon grinned proudly, "This spell…it's forbidden. Why? Because it is evil to do to the victim or because it also destroys the caster? You don't look well, Jhon."

"Shut up," Jhon hissed as Creek blinked in wonder at his prince's intelligence, "Why does that matter?"

"Because you are fraying at the seams and Mhen and Vik aren't," Branch snorted as Jhon drew himself up angrily, "Stop all of this, if only to stop destroying yourself. Creek and I don't deserve your anger. We did nothing wrong."

"You got us thrown out of our tribe!" Jhon roared, ducking into Branch's face.

"You got yourselves thrown out of the tribe by attacking Creek when he was vulnerable and unable to defend himself well with his hip injury and then offered the royal family insult when you verbally attacked me," Branch snapped back, "Why? Why do you hate Creek and I so much? We've done nothing to cause you three harm. You did it all to yourselves!"

Jhon drew back to slap Branch and ended up hitting Creek instead as the guard butted in to protect his prince. Both Branch and Creek went down together as the prince tried to catch his adopted brother with no success without freed arms.

"Look at me. Let me see the damage," Branch whispered as he and Creek untangled a bit, "Darn his hide. He hit you hard."

"Better me than you," Creek whispered back as Branch huffed in anger, "Control your emotions. Don't get worked up or your ice will flare, Prince Branch. No more antagonizing him."

"Not trying to," Branch sniffed, "Trying to buy us some more time."

"Um…Jhon?" Vik called as the livid troll turned on him, "Hate these two as much as you do, but the half-breed has a point. You've been looking bad since we had to step up our plans once the royal twins arrived. Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine," Jhon snapped out, looking anything but fine, "The sun is setting. Bind Creek to the stump. As soon as the moon rises we'll complete the final phase and his soul will be in forever torment."

"No!" Branch denied, trying to press Creek against the large tree they'd fallen against while hands reached to grab for the guard, "Don't touch him! Stop it!"

"My prince, stop," Creek ordered, seeing Branch's ice simmering, "Calm down."

"No," Branch hissed, biting at Vik's and Mhen's hands.

"Brother, stop," Creek tried as Branch stilled and glanced over his shoulder in desperation at his guard, "There is no other choices. Be still, my prince."

Branch took in a shuddering breath as he felt Creek snatched away from him. Never had the blue troll ever though Creek, of all the tribe, would mean as much to him as his Poppy and his siblings, but Creek did mean that much because Creek was family. He couldn't lose family again. The prince couldn't.

"Leave him alone!" Branch roared, trying to use his mane to grab at his adopted brother before grunting as he was struck hard enough to fling the smaller troll against the tree he'd tried to push Creek against.

"My prince!" Creek yelled, struggling to reach for Branch who'd slid down the tree and remained still, "Let me go. I said…"

Vik screamed in pain as Creek chomped his teeth hard into the ice trolls hand and pulled away to run to his prince. Branch's aura said stunned and unconscious, but Creek was panicked at the blue troll's stillness.

"I'll kill you!" Vik growled, stalking over with dagger drawn before straightening abruptly as Mhen stepped in front of him.

"Shouldn't have shown such weakness," Mhen spat, grabbing Creek and hauling his struggling figure over his shoulder, "You knew the two would fight back to save one another. Maggots always have other maggots' back."

"Shut up!" Creek growled, looking desperately back to the still form of Branch, "Do something for him. Prince Branch is hurt."

"We don't care," Mhen sniffed as Creek continued to try and struggle until he was thrown hard to the top of the stump, knocking the breath from his lungs while his back flared enough to see stars, "Help me, Vik."

Creek didn't struggle as his hands were untied and he found himself chained by his wrists and ankles to the stump. He realized the three ex-guards were using the stump like a type of alter. Grimacing, Creek pulled at the chains as he again tried to come up with a plan even as he saw Branch stir and slowly sit up to stare in horror at what was occurring. Nothing. Nothing until something rustled and climbed atop a nearby flower to see what the commotion was about. A bug…wait. Not just any bug, Namaste. Of course.

"Namaste," Creek reached out and called through his mind as he connected with his old friend while hope flared within him, "Help."

"Buzz, buzz…fly from bad, big things?"

Creek smiled internally. Namaste had always been able to pick up on his thoughts quickly whenever they connected minds.

"Not me, Mate. Namaste, get Prince Branch. Take him to Poppy as fast as you can fly. Don't let the three trolls get you. They can use ice to freeze you up."

"Buzz, buzz…fly to pink thing with blue thing. Go fast. Do. Not ice me. No, no…buzz."

"I'll tell you when to go," Creek called as he watched Namaste still and wait.

Beetles thoughts were simple, but Namaste understood as she watched without the ice trolls knowing what was occurring right under their noses as they were scuttling about to set up for the spell. Stupid trolls. Did they really think that the only magic in the world was their ice and a few spells?

"Now!" Creek yelled in his mind as Namaste took off and dove to grab a startled Branch up by his hair, "Go! Fly as fast as you can!"

Namaste soared away as Creek bit his lip to keep from smiling. However, Namaste's actions did not go unnoticed.

"No!" Jhon roared, trying to fling his ice as Namaste raced away with her precious burden, missing by a mile, "Mhen, Vik, get the stupid bug! The thing has the half-breed!"

The other two trolls tore after Namaste, but Creek's beetle friend was smart and had gone higher than the two trolls seemed to be able to reach with their ice. None of them seemed to have the ice powers of Frost and Crystal.

"Creek!" Branch hollered as the still bound troll twisted to look one last time at his relieved guard, "Creek, no!"

Then the prince was gone from sight as Creek allowed a small smile to grace his face. Hopefully, Namaste could get Branch to safety.

"Son of a troll's butt!" Jhon swore, slapping Creek hard as the smaller troll yelped in surprise at the attack, "You did this."

"I did," Creek grinned out even as he felt the trickle of blood from his busted lip run down his cheek, "I did my job. My prince is safe. You won't lay one hand on Prince Branch, you coward. No matter how hard you tried to destroy me and shake my faith in myself, I did my duties. I might die today, but I die a true, honor guard."

"We shall see," Jhon smirked out, looking up at the rising moon, "Let's see how brave we are when my spell tears your spirit out of you. I'll see you screaming like the tiny, pathetic troll you really are, Loser."

"Pathetic?" Creek snorted as Jhon's grin fell from his face, "I remember a guard whose ice went a lot further than yours did just now. Seems to me that you you're losing your edge. You sure you want to do that final spell? It would be pretty pathetic to see an ice troll with no ice since he used a spell to destroy someone, only to destroy himself."

"Then we die together," Jhon spat as Creek flinched at the mad glint in the taller troll's eyes, "And then the half-breed dies without his wittle guard being there to catch a nasty flare. My plan still ends with triumph. Prepare yourself, Creek. You will know only torment from here on."


"Let me go!" Branch called to the flying beetle as the thing raced away with him, "You've got to go back! Creek is still in danger!"

The beetle continued flying without stopping. Branch hissed angrily. Vik and Mhen had long since fallen behind, but the strangely familiar bug seemed to be flying with a purpose. This had to be set up by Creek, but how? How did he get a bug to….

"Namaste," Branch gasped as the insect buzzed warmly down at him, "You're Namaste. Creek called you to do this, didn't he? Darn his purple hide! Namaste, put me down. I have to go back. Creek is in danger. Please, Namaste! Oof!"

Branch grunted as a hard body suddenly wrapped around his and yanked him from Namaste's grip. He had no time to make another sound as the being used ice to slow their descent enough to land as lightly as possible from such a long drop. The landing was still a bit of a bump.

"Branch, are you okay?" Frost fretted, placing his brother gently on the ground as Branch glanced up at his older brother in shock, "Are you hurt?"

"Uh, no," Branch denied before startling at running footsteps.

"Frost!" Crystal yelled as she skidded up to the two and dropped to her knees to wrap Branch in a hug, "Oh, thank the great ice wall. You got him from that bug thing. Are you hurt, Little One?"

"No and the bug thing is Namaste," Branch began as Frost used a dagger to slice the ropes on his wrists while Kiv and other honor guard surrounded the royals, "An old friend of Creek's. Somehow Creek was able to get the beetle to grab me and fly me to safety."

"Good bug," Frost complimented, stroking Namaste as she landed beside him while she buzzed warmly at the attention, "Creek?"

"They've got him tied to a stump and were working to begin the spell," Branch fretted, rising to run away before being caught and held back by his siblings, "Let me go! They're going to hurt our Creek."

"No, they aren't," Crystal bit out, placing her hands on each of Branch's shoulders, "I have a plan and I need you to stay here with Bhen. You are still not a trained warrior yet, Little One. The fight is going to be brutal and the only way your brother and I can save our Creek is if you stay out of the way. I know you want to help. I know that Creek is as much a part of our family as your Poppy, Frost, and I so you are desperate to do something, but you cannot be around an ice battle. Let your brother and I handle this, Little One. We will not fail."

"I hate this," Branch grumbled, shaking as all the horribleness he'd been put through caught up to him, "I am not a child. I hate my condition! I hate my weakness!"

"You are not weak," Frost snarled, pulling Branch into a tight hug as murmurs of agreement rang out among the guards, "Remember that your condition is the accidental doings of your sister and I. This isn't your fault, Little Brother. What has been happening to you and Creek is not your fault either. Crystal and I are going to deal with the three traitors. It has just been slow going to follow Creek's trail he left for us to find as best as he could."

"Namaste can take you to Creek," Branch gasped, turning to the beetle as she crawled over to him, "At least I hope so. Can you, Namaste? Do you understand what I'm saying? Take my brother and sister to Creek. Help us find Creek to help your friend."

Namaste buzzed and flew to a nearby log as Branch wilted in disappointment before he noticed the beetle crawling around a graze on the log before flying over to a recently ripped leaf.

"Creek's trail," Crystal whispered, looking to Branch excitedly, "Namaste understands you, Little One. The bug is showing us that it understands. Stay here and listen to Bhen. We'll bring back our Creek. I swear it."

"Enough talk," Bhen snapped, handing Branch a mug of his special tea, "Drink that, my prince. I'm not Creek, but your emotions are surely causing a flare."

"And you heated that, how?" Kiv asked, looking around for a fire.

"Heating stones are marvelous things," Bhen cackled, pointing to one he'd placed on a nearby boulder, "Given to me by Dr. Plum of the sunny trolls' tribe. Good healer and thinks ahead too. Well? Go get my patient. Creek should be in bed resting with his back in the shape it's in. Bring him home and freeze those three just for me, my king and queen."

"For me too," Branch sighed, sipping at his tea, "Be safe and bring Creek home just as safe. Oh! Something is up with Jhon. The spell seems to be pulling him apart. He looks awful."

"We know," Crystal agreed, standing and accepting her spear from Jak, "That spell is as hard on the caster as the victim. We'll use that to our advantage, Little One. Listen to Bhen and we'll be back soon. Frost."

"Coming," Frost growled, leaning to hug Branch one last time, "We've got this, Baby Brother. Drink your tea. I'll bring Creek home to you. Come here, Bug."

Branch blinked as Frost snatched Namaste from the leaf so he could look the beetle in the face.

"Take us to Creek," Frost ordered as the insect's legs wiggled about, "Quietly. Creek's life depends on us catching the others off guard. Wiggle just one foot if you understand me, Bug."

Branch grinned with his sister as Namaste did as asked.

"Good. Get with you," Frost insisted as he tossed Namaste gently so she could take flight, "Bhen, watch my brother carefully. We don't have Creek here to see his ice."

"Aye, my king," Bhen agreed as Frost took the lead, "Battle with honor."

Branch grimaced softly, but accepted Bhen's urging to have a seat nearby. As much as the prince wanted to help Creek, he knew that his guard's best chances lay in his siblings' hands.

"Bring me back my Creek," Branch prayed aloud as he pulled inward, "Fight with honor, but fight dirty if you have to. I don't care as long as Creek is safe."

"Battles are like that," Bhen stated as Branch glanced to him, "Battles are dirty things and not something to be taken lightly. The traitors are not playing fair with taking hostages. Sometimes fighting fairly is not an option. Your siblings are not savages, but few have seen them truly fight full out. Jhon, Mhen, and Vik won't see what hit them until it is too late. Just trust in them. They'll protect Creek because they love him as much as they love you, my prince."

Branch could only hope that the healer was right as he settled to wait anxiously before jumping at a rustling noise. Bhen pulled a dagger out before beginning to creep towards the sounds.

"Just me," Poppy called, peeking out from some tall grass as Bhen relaxed as Branch leapt up to run to his soul match, "Branch, I'm so glad to see you. Where is Creek?"

"They've got my Creek," Branch whimpered, hugging Poppy tight as the queen gasped, "You're not going to believe…that fluff head got Namaste to fly me to safety while he was left in such danger. Namaste is even now leading my siblings to where those jerks are holding Creek. He's being self-sacrificing again."

"No, he's being an honor guard," Poppy denied, pulling back to look up into Branch's forlorn face, "His duties are to protect you at all costs. Creek did what was necessary to keep his vows. As much as all of this stinks, Creek did the best he could in a bad situation. So, I guess you are waiting here while the rescue attempt happens like I was asked to stay home?"

"Yes, but it doesn't look like you stayed home," Branch pointed out as Poppy blushed, "Pop, that could have been dangerous if one of those three idiots had caught you snooping about."

"You are mine," Poppy sighed, looking down, "I couldn't just hang around waiting to hear if my lad was okay. I couldn't."

"You should have, Little Queen. Do not get the same idea to follow your siblings, my prince," Bhen warned, leading the two, smaller trolls back over to sit down, "Queen Poppy, you are no warrior. What if you had been captured? Your actions were unrealistic and dangerous. Those traitors would have used you to get Prince Branch and Creek to cooperate even more with their vile plans."

"I'm sorry," Poppy offered, looking contrite as Branch sighed and cuddled closer to her in need of comfort, "I guess all we can do is wait now."

"You two can help me prepare for any injuries," Bhen began, pulling his bag from his shoulder as Branch and Poppy stood again, looking eager to help, "That way we are prepared for what may come."


Creek hissed as his hair was held tightly wrapped in Vik's fist. He'd tried to escape from his captors once using his mane, but Jhon had been prepared and belted the smaller troll across the face once again right as Mhen and Vik arrived.

"Let's just kill him and forget the stupid spell," Vik spat pulling Creek's hair hard as the guard held in any sounds of pain, "Now that the half-breed has escaped, we know the king and queen will show up any time seeking Creek and revenge, Jhon."

"We will stick to the plan!" Jhon fussed as he continued drawing strange symbols on the stump that Creek lay on, "We wouldn't have to worry about anything if you and Mhen had done your jobs."

"Unfair, Jhon," Mhen spat from his positions as look out, "That damn beetle flew higher than even our ice could reach. Vik and I did the best we could. Warm weather lands are trickier to navigate with these blasted plants and roots getting in the way."

"Agreed," Jhon groaned, kicking at some tufts of weeds nearby, "Give me snow and ice any day. The moon is high and we are in luck that it is a full moon. The spell will be easier to weave. You die now, Creek, and with your death your little prince dies too."

"You've been trying to convince me that I am a loser, but the losers are you three, Mates," Creek bit out as Vik twisted his hair harder, "To attack ones weaker than you is the act of bullies. Everyone knows that bullies are cowards. You have no honor to harm me when you know that this act will harm the prince and hurt the king and queen. You have no right to call yourselves ice trolls. You three disgust me."

"You are not even an ice troll!" Jhon roared slamming his hands on each side of Creek's head as the two stared one another down, "You have no right to be a part of my tribe…of the honor guard! Weak, frail, useless losers like you should be disposed of. In fact, the whole of the warm climate tribe should be destroyed for giving all trolls a bad name."

"Which would be another act of cowardice, Traitor," Creek challenged right back, "My former tribe are peace keepers which is nothing to be ashamed of. My king and queen recognized my right to be a part of their tribe even before Prince Branch's ice acted up. King Frost and Queen Crystal protect their people and their lands with all their might. Are you trying to say that their judgement is not sound?"

"I'm saying that you manipulated them, just like you manipulate everyone you've ever dealt with," Jhon snorted as Creek flinched, "You react and do whatever you need to in order to survive. You betrayed your tribe, left them to die which shows that you can murder others without a thought in the world, kidnapped the half-breed, left a young child alone in the forest, and all of this to get what you wanted. Vik, Mhen, and I are doing a service to the whole world by getting rid of you. Face the facts, Kid, you don't deserve to be a part of any tribe. You are nothing, but a bad seed who hurts others."

"I…I'm not," Creek whispered even as the words bit into him painfully, "I made mistakes…a lot of mistakes, but I'm making up for them. I'm not nothing!"

"You are nothing," Mhen spoke up as he came up to stand opposite of Jhon, "Nothing, but trouble to all that you are near. Vik, go guard. It's time to end this. Hear me, Creek? It's time to die. Once I add my strength to Jhon's spell, you will be nothing."

Creek trembled where he lay as Jhon and Mhen began softly chanting. Vik released his hair as the markings around the stump began glowing a pale white. Creek realized that now he couldn't move a muscle as he stared up at the full moon above him before gasping as he saw Hatred materialize before his eyes.

"You have no right to be around anyone," Hatred spat as Creek gasped at the spiteful feelings of cruelty pouring from the mirror image of himself, "You are a destroyer. A disease that molds trolls around him to get what you want."

"No," Creek moaned as he saw dark, grasping shadows begin emerging inch by inch from behind the moon as Hatred grinned while Jhon's and Mhen's chanting grew in pitch. Pain filled his whole being in agonizing waves as he felt pure darkness hook into his very soul. Creek screamed as the pain made him arch against the stump he laid upon.

"Betrayer, traitor, loser," Hatred continued as Creek whimpered as his self-doubts rose painfully from within him even as he felt his trapped soul shudder as a tugging began, "You are nothing. You deserve nothing, but torment for your crimes. You know that you deserve to die. You know, Creek. Just let go."

"No," Creek whispered, feeling as the shadows from behind Hatred beckoned at him while the tugging took his breath away, "I don't…no."

"Matters not because you belong to the darkness!" Hatred cried with Jhon speaking the same words simultaneously as the shadows erupted and lunged at Creek.

"Not on my watch!"

Hatred shimmered out of existence as Creek grunted out of the trance he'd been in while a pale, blue light shone and flooded the clearing. Frost surged forward with other honor guard to take on Vik yelling clear war cries of rage. Mhen let out a curse as he pulled his own sword out to turn on Kiv while Crystal remained stone still as her braided mane twisted and moved around her in undulating waves. The voice that had called out and the light was coming from the queen. The light was banishing the pull of the darkness and the pain was lessening as Crystal stared Jhon down.

"Do not interfere," Jhon spoke as Creek gaped at hearing Hatred's voice coming from the ice troll, "His spirit is mine to curse."

"As there is darkness, there is light," Crystal spoke as she raised one hand above her, "Where there are mistakes, there is forgiveness. Where there is hatred, there is love. Where there is Creek, there is Branch. Where there is I, there is a shield for my loved ones. We outnumber you, Jhon, and I am more powerful than you when it comes to magic. Don't make me do what you know I can do."

Creek strained his eyes sideways to watch as the blue light began to form a ball of energy within Crystal's raised palm. Frost roared as he took out Vik with a blunt blow to the troll's head before turning and using ice to shield his sister from Mhen's dagger throw.

"I'm going to pull you apart limb from limb," Frost snarled, pointing his sward at Mhen as the ice troll backed a bit away from the larger troll while the king's ice formed around him in deadly spikes, "I'm going to rip off your fingers one by one for daring to touch my baby brothers and then Crystal is going to get a hold of you. She is just as deadly with a blade as I am, Filth."

Mhen gaped as Kiv led the other honor guard to flank their king before turning tail and running into the woods like the coward he really was.

"Kiv!" Frost barked as the captain nodded and took off after the retreating troll with the other guards following, "Hello, Jhon."

"One word and the shadows have this one's soul," Jhon growled as Creek glanced up and shivered at the hungry, black eyes of evil that swarmed above him, "Look. He sees it. His death is near."

"I think not," Crystal hummed as the light grew brighter within her hand, "Give up, Jhon."

"Are you mad, my queen?" Jhon laughed out shaking his head, "One word and this one dies. You've lost. Creek is doomed along with the half-breed creature you claim as a brother. It was madness to open the door to allow two, weak, sniveling beings like this one here into our tribe. We are warriors! Not nursemaids!"

"You have no tribe," Frost scoffed, edging a bit forward before pausing as Jhon placed a dagger to Creek's throat, "Ice-sucking coward! Let the lad go now!"

"Gladly," Jhon sniffed, glancing to Creek, "Die, Scum!"

Creek stilled as he watched in slow motion as Jhon looked up at the spirits and opened his mouth to say the final word of the spell. He jumped as a blue, glowing spear lodged itself into Jhon's throat before one sound was uttered as the ice troll choked. The spear seemed to dissipate directly into the ice troll as Jhon finally roared in what sounded like agony as his eyes and mouth glowed the same icy blue that the spear had glowed. The light caused the dark shadows to twist in pain as they retreated back behind the moon.

"Grah!" Jhon screamed a guttural deniance, shaking in pain before turning and running blindly as Frost took chase.

"Get Creek," Frost ordered as his sister ran to the stump, "I'll get the traitor."

Creek blinked as Crystal used ice to freeze one of the chains on his wrist before using a sword to break the binding.

"Are you okay?" Crystal gasped as she continued working.

"I…y-your brother? Prince Branch?" Creek stuttered out as the final chain was broken and he found himself pulled into Crystal's arms."

"Safe with Bhen. You protected him well, Creek," Crystal whispered as the smaller troll melted into the embrace as he shook from the shock of everything, "You were so brave. Good job, Little Brother."

Creek simply buried his head against Crystal's neck as she rocked him. He hurt. His back hurt. His head hurt. His body hurt, but more than anything else…his heart hurt.

Creek glanced up with Crystal as Kiv helped drag an unconscious Mhen into the clearing. The honor guards threw Mhen beside Vik and worked to bind the two so they couldn't escape this time as Kiv hurried over.

"Creek?" Kiv spoke as the smaller troll looked to him before startling as the captain reached to touch his face, "He's hurt, my queen."

"I know," Crystal sighed as she bent to glance into Creek's face, "More than you know, Kiv. Creek, I need you to listen to me, okay?"

Creek nodded as his queen and adoptive sister looked at him earnestly.

"I know that you are hurting here," Crystal began, touching Creek's chest above his heart as the smaller troll whimpered, "The pain is from the spell. I need Jhon back so I can break the link he has with you. Frost won't fail to bring that one back, but we need to get you to Branch. Branch cannot manipulate magic like Frost and I can, but he's got an innate shielding ability that I figured out has been slowing Jhon's spell. Kiv, carry Creek carefully. Jak, leave a clear trail for Frost to follow us. The rest of you carry those traitors and you don't have to be careful with them. Namaste!"

Creek half smiled as he saw his little friend fly straight to the queen and land before her.

"Take us back to Branch, Dear One," Crystal ordered as Namaste took flight, "Move out, Guards. Kiv, careful."

"Yes, your majesty," Kiv agreed, gently lifting Creek as the smaller troll bit his lip as pain rippled through him, "Oh, Creek. Just hold on tight. I've got you."

Creek barely remembered the journey. He hurt. Everything hurt and he felt sick. Everything felt like it was swimming by as Kiv hurried after the queen. Sounds were coming from what felt like a great distance until…

"Creek! Sister, is he hurt? Creek, are you okay?!"

The purple troll glanced up and then eagerly reached for his prince as Branch raced over to Kiv.

"Thank the sacred Troll Tree," Branch spoked as he wrapped Creek into a hug that Poppy soon joined after Kiv had settled Creek onto the ground, "Are you hurt, Brother?"

"I…I don't know, my prince," Creek mumbled into Branch's shoulder as he shook while Poppy tried to help by stroking his arms as if trying to warm him up, "I hurt."

"It is the spell," Crystal voiced as Creek felt Branch stiffen, "Frost is getting that coward, Jhon. I need to break his connection to Creek. He hurts because Jhon is still working at his mind and trying to destroy his will to live."

"What?" Branch hissed as Creek looked up at him finally, "Creek, you hold onto me and don't let go. That is an order from your prince. You got me?"

"Okay," Creek agreed, gripping Branch's vest tight as his prince huffed angrily, "You…ice flare! You're…"

"I know. It's okay," Branch interrupted, looking over his shoulder to see Bhen on the move, "Bhen is making my tea now. I've already drank about five cups of that stuff. I'm trying to keep my emotions in check, but I'm finding it more than difficult tonight. Bergen poop! Look at these bruises."

Creek stilled as Branch examined his face before the prince snorted in disgust as he took the mug from Bhen.

"I'm going to have to pee a river after tonight," Branch groused as Creek cracked a small smile at his prince's grumpy face and seeing the other honor guards trying to keep from chuckling aloud.

"I'm so glad you are safe," Poppy sniffled as she wrapped Creek into a hug as Crystal stooped to check over both her younger brothers, "I've been so worried."

"That you disobeyed Frost and I," Crystal added as Poppy blushed.

"Well, I'm a queen too," Poppy huffed as Crystal smiled softly, "I can make my own decrees and I decreed to follow my lad…err…which might not have been a good idea after talking with Bhen. Sorry, Crystal."

Crystal began lecturing Poppy as Creek sighed and continued to hold tight to Branch. His prince's presence was so soothing. Always had been.

"Hurting still?" Branch asked Creek once he'd downed his tea as the guard nodded.

"I'm feeling a little better now that you are near," Creek began, feeling shaky and stiff, "But it still hurts inside. Like there is a hook in me or something."

"Darn that Jhon," Branch fussed, putting his arm around Creek to pull him closer, "I see that the other two were captured at least, but you are in so much trouble for doing that trick with Namaste. I see you, Bug."

Creek glanced to where his prince was looking and saw Namaste resting on a nearby leaf.

"I don't care if you are angry. My job is to protect you," Creek insisted as Branch frowned, "I saw an opportunity to get you to safety and took it. It would have been harder for your siblings to attempt a rescue if one of those traitors still had a blade to your throat."

"Truth, Little One," Crystal butted in as Branch turned to her, "Creek did the right thing by eliminating the risk of one of those pus boils using you as a means to hold Frost and I at bay. The element of surprise your brother and I had and being able to focus on only Creek made the rescue attempt successful."

"What I don't understand is why you haven't just broken the connection between Creek and Jhon sooner if you knew you could," Poppy spoke up as everyone turned to her, "What? It's a legit observation."

"It is," Crystal admitted, "There is no way I could have broken the spell without Jhon being present. The possession spell has a long history and is banned from use, but I know all about it. I was able to slow the spell after I realized what was happening between Creek and Branch."

"Wait, what?" Branch gasped, glancing to Creek, "What are you talking about, Sister?"

"Branch, you are a natural shielder," Crystal stated as Branch cocked his head at the queen in question, "You have innate magical tendencies from our mother's blood. I picked up on this a bit when Creek described to me in detail how he tried to break the memory suppression spell I had on you. He said you had sealed yourself completely within your mind to protect your true self. Not many can do that against a suppression spell."

"But what is it that is happening between Creek and I?" Branch demanded, looking perplexed, "We've become close like family, but how is that slowing a spell?"

"The slowing is due to the type of bond forming. It didn't completely dawn on me until recently that you were a shielder, but your naturally forming familial bond that has been growing between you and Creek led to your shields unconsciously reaching out in an attempt to protect him," Crystal continued as Branch and Creek gasped as they glanced to one another in surprise, "I started figuring it out when I realized that Creek reacts to your voice without hesitation. Like the two of you are in tune with one another just like how Frost and I are in tune from the twin bond we share. Also, no troll should be able to connect and share energies like you two do so easily. Little One, you and Creek are soul brothers."

"Whoa," Poppy breathed as Branch looked to Creek in shock, "Makes sense to me. I can see it. That's so cool, Branch. You went from being a loner to having not just a soulmate, but two brothers and a sister. Awesome!"

Branch blinked before offering a small smile to Creek as the two glanced at one another once again. Everyone jumped suddenly when a bloodied Jhon tore into the temporary camp as Frost tackled the troll to the ground.

"Stop struggling!" Frost ordered as Kiv leapt to help his king.

"Jump! " Jhon roared as Creek stiffened while something clicked within him, "Jump now from a high point! Go!"

Creek didn't know why, but he stood and ran as Branch cried out and took immediate chase. The purple troll needed to jump from a high place. There was a drop off nearby. Creek had to jump.

"No!" Branch yelled, running as fast as he could even as he heard others following him while Creek tore towards a deadly cliff edge, "Creek! Don't jump! Stop! Listen to me! Stop now!"

Creek skidded to a halt at the edge as he turned to Branch looking confused and clearly out of it. The prince stopped when he saw Creek take a step back. Branch wanted to curse since Creek was too far to grab him with his hair.

"Careful with the wart, Little Brother," Frost warned as Branch nodded, keeping his eyes locked on his guard, "Gentle. He's under the sway of the spell."

"Creek," Branch gasped as the purple troll noticed everyone else hovering behind the prince and edged a little closer to the drop off, "Don't jump. Come here."

Creek panted and glanced behind him as Branch took a step towards him. He had to jump.

"Creek, come here now," Branch tried again as the guard turned back to him, "Come here, Brother. Come on."

Creek blinked as his fuzzy mind tried to understand. He had to jump, but…but he needed to go to his prince. He needed…

"That's it," Branch eagerly called as Creek took a hesitant step towards him while the prince held out his arms to his guard, "Come on. Come here, Brother. Keep it up. Come to me, Creek. I need you to come here. Come on now, Brother. Right now. Come here."

Creek took another step forward before dashing to Branch as his prince wrapped him in a tight hug. Frost swept the two up in his arms and held them both tight as he marched back to a bound Jhon and kicked the downed troll hard in the side. Surprisingly, it was Poppy who had wrapped her hair around Jhon's mouth to keep him from speaking once the other guards had tied the traitor up.

"Good job, Little Queen," Crystal complimented as Poppy flashed a brief smile before returning to glaring at the captive, "There will be no more of the final phase of this spell. Magus tongue bind."

Jhon jerked as Crystal's spell hit him in a flash of silvery light.

"It's okay, Poppy," Crystal assured as the pink troll glanced to her, "A magus tongue bind keeps Jhon from speaking any spells. His influence over Creek through words is hindered too. You can ungag him."

Poppy retracted her hair and stepped over to Frost as he stooped to place Branch and Creek back on their feet. The large king held his tightest to Creek as Branch turned to glare angrily at Jhon.

"How dare you," Branch hissed, stepping towards the traitor before using his hair to belt Jhon across the face as the ice troll toppled over on his side, "I'm going to…"

"You're going to be still, Fiesty One," Crystal soothed as her brother spit angrily before Jhon before turning to hurry back to his dazed guard, "This is going to end, Traitor."

"It will never end," Jhon spat back as Vik and Mhen began to stir and groggily sit up, still tightly bound so they couldn't escape, "I might not be able to cast Creek's soul into darkness, but Hatred is a part of him. A part I breathed life into and gave an identity of it's own. Hatred will continue to hack at Creek's will to live and there is nothing you or your twin or your half-breed brother can do about it."

"Sister?" Branch gasped, turning from examining Creek's unresponsive face.

"It will be okay, Little One," Crystal insisted as Branch felt himself pulled against Frost beside of Creek, "Jhon, you and your minions thought you had it all figured out, but you forget that the royal family knows everything about our people and our lands which also includes all ice magic. This ends, tonight."

Crystal once again raised her hand high to the sky as Branch felt Poppy latch against his side. Frost squeezed all three gently as if reassuring them while his twin's hair again began moving as if blowing in wind. Branch gaped at seeing the pure power of his sister begin to shine around her as blue light began forming a sphere in her raised palm.

"Moonlight pour as shadows leave," Crystal chanted as Creek finally turned his head to watch his queen while awareness began to flood his face again, "With my words, spell unweave."

The ice queen threw the blue sphere and everyone watched as the sphere seemed to unfurl and wrap around Jhon before reaching towards Creek.

"What are you doing?" Branch growled, stepping before his guard as the magical ribbon halted, "Sister?"

"It's okay," Frost soothed, pulling Branch back as the ribbon beckoned to Creek, "Crystal knows what she is doing. Be still, Baby Brother."

Branch grimaced as Creek stepped forward and the ribbon magically draped itself around Creek's torso.

"What once was dark, now be light," Crystal chanted as Creek's eyes began glowing the same blue that was pouring out of Jhon's eyes, "Shadows and hate, lose thy might. What once was wrong, be set to right. Possession be gone this moonlit night."

Jhon flew backwards as a dark light left Creek and followed the path of the blue ribbon to shoot straight at his person. Branch gasped as the blue ribbon unwound from the ice troll and loosely circled Creek as the smaller troll was pulled several feet up in the air as his eyes went from blue to glowing white.

"One last battle ready to be," Crystal called out, "All will be decided when fought by he."

"What is going on?" Branch gasped, running forward, despite Poppy and Frost grabbing at him, to reach and touch one of Creek's feet above his head.

Branch gasped as he saw what Creek was seeing. Hatred. Black light poured from the eye sockets of Creek's lookalike as the two faced one another.

"You are nothing and you will die one way or another," Hatred bit out as Creek remained passive within Crystal's spell, "You are mine to play with."

"Creek is mine," Branch hissed as he felt light pouring from himself before he realized that this was his shield that his sister had spoke of so he manipulated the light to wrap around his guard, "He is my brother. Family. You will never hurt him again."

"You can't block me. I'll go through him to get to you," Hatred snarled out before stopping as Creek's hand shot out and shoved him back, "What?"

"You will not touch my prince…my soul brother," Creek denied as Branch snapped his shield firmly shut around the both of them, "It is you that is nothing. You are Jhon's unjustified anger. You are not me. I will not listen to your poison any longer. You have no hold on me. Not anymore."

"I am the mirror of what you really are!" Hatred shrieked before grunting as white light grew brighter as the twisted visage of Creek shuddered away in pain.

"You are nothing, but twisted, misplaced hate," Creek continued, "Some of mine and most of Jhon's. I made mistakes. I paid for them and have to live with the consequences. I do hate what I allowed myself to become, but I am not that troll any longer. I am Creek of the ice troll tribe, formerly warm climate tribe. I am honor guard. I protect the royal family, but more importantly, I protect my soul brother. My prince. I am proud to do my duties and like the troll that my adoptive family and friends are helping me to become. You have no control over me anymore. I banish you from my mind. Leave, Hatred."

Hatred clawed angrily at Creek and gasped in anger as he hit Branch's shield.

"He said leave," Branch snapped as his shield and Creek began shining even brighter while Hatred seemed to slowly be falling apart bit by bit before their eyes, "Creek, look at him. He is nothing. Nothing, but empty emotions that are meaningless when you have family and friends that love you. It is time to forgive yourself. No more self-hatred."

"No!" Hatred howled as Branch was magically raised to float beside Creek.

"I…I forgive myself for my past mistakes," Creek spoke as Branch smiled at him, "I own my past actions and promise to learn from those mistakes. I will always, always serve you faithfully, Brother. I swear that I will never cause you pain again, but I am also not perfect. I know that it would be wise for me to continue to see Dr. Plum for counseling. Though painful, I am learning to rebuild myself and I am so glad that I have family and friends to help me, my prince. I don't need Hatred anymore. I sever his link."

"No," Hatred whispered as Branch and Creek turned to see him almost gone, but holding on as hard as he was able, "You are mine, Creek."

"No, he is not," Branch growled, whipping his hair out to break Hatred's last grip on Creek, "He is family and me and my family do not take it well when others try to harm one of us. Begone!"

Hatred disappeared like glitter in the wind as Creek and Branch watched before the two turned to smile at one another. It was over. Finally over and then it was like the two were waking from a dream as they both floated to the ground and the blue ribbon that had been whirling around them disappeared in a puff of smoke. Branch's grin faded when he saw Creek toppling, but then he felt himself falling and all he could see was his siblings' and Poppy's panicked faces as he lost consciousness.

'Wha?" Branch breathed as he sat up suddenly and saw Frost and Poppy jump from beside the bed, "Where?"

"Home. We brought you home nearly two days ago," Poppy gasped, leaping on the bed to hug/strangle Branch, "You and Creek just fell over after you two landed from flying in the air and both of your eyes were glowing white. It was amazing and terrifying to see. Are you okay?"

"Toppled over? Creek? Creek!" Branch gasped, ignoring the question while pulling away from Poppy only to have Frost tap him and point to another bed that Creek slept in with Crystal sitting on the edge, "Oh."

The guard's back was to the prince and Branch immediately recognized that Creek's back was sporting new bandages from what he could see peeking above the covers. Branch then noticed the room finally. They were in Creek's room where there was another bed that the prince had added when he feared his guard would sleepwalk again.

"You have no idea how scared everyone has been," Frost bit out, pulling Branch into a tight hug, "What in the iced caps of the windy mountains happened, Sister? You said you would explain once Branch woke. Well, he is up. Start talking."

"Hush, Grumpy-pants," Crystal sighed, coming to hug Branch when Frost finally let go, "I was so worried, Little One. You shouldn't have touched Creek like you did."

"I knew I needed to, Crystal," Branch explained as his sister nodded her understanding, "I'm sorry that I scared everyone, but what happened? How was I able to see Hatred with Creek?"

"You saw him?" Poppy and Frost blurted together before grinning for a moment at one another as Branch nodded, looking amused.

"You touched Creek and was pulled into the spell," Crystal began as Branch looked to his sister again, "Creek's last obstacle was to overcome his self-hatred even if that emotion had been tampered with by Jhon. Branch, you couldn't have entered Creek's mind unless you were a part of Creek in some way. Poppy is your soulmate and Frost and I are your older siblings, but Creek has become a brother too in all, but blood. That bond made it possible for you to shield your brother from Jhon's last bit of influence and made it so Creek could rid himself of Hatred. It's over. Creek's been freed."

"Oh, thank the Troll Tree," Branch said, looking to his guard, "How is he?"

"His back is healing, but he's still completely out," Crystal admitted, glancing to the still troll, "Creek was pretty exhausted before the kidnapping and then the last possession attempt just drained him. On top of all that, the little bratling pulled another Creek moment by pouring his last bit of energy straight into you as the two of you collapsed. Bhen picked up on the fact and was able to get an energy elixir into Creek before his heart stopped. He needs lots of rest, but he will recover. Creek tried to protect you until the very end."

"And now I'm going to kill him as soon as he wakes," Branch crabbed, glaring over to Creek as his siblings snorted softly, "The traitors?"

"Have been sealed within a prison that eliminates using ice or magic in any way shape or form by our resident expert here," Frost explained, pointing to his twin as Poppy clapped for a blushing Crystal, making Branch smile affectionately at his sister, "They will be taken back to the ice palace and kept under lock and key until the end of their years. Never has our tribe seen such cruel violence before. We are warriors, not murderers. They came here to…I go into rages just thinking of what they were planning for both my little brothers and…hey, what are you doing?"

"I need to see that Creek's okay for myself," Branch insisted, wriggling from Poppy's arms to crawl from the bed as Frost held his arm to steady him, "I'm fine. Well, I'm a bit grizzly feeling, but I'm fine, Brother."

"What does 'grizzly' feeling mean?" Frost snorted as he followed Branch to Creek's bed.

"It's a Branch feeling," Poppy chirped, looking better now that her lad was up and about.

"Hush, Pop," Branch sighed as his lass grinned at him.

"Truly, how do you feel, Little One? Are you sure you should be out of bed so soon?" Crystal pushed as her younger brother looked to her.

"I'm okay, Sister. I just feel a bit fuzzy and all grumpy inside. Kind of like I'm a little out of sorts," Branch explained before hissing softly as he finally got a good look at Creek's face once he'd circled the bed, "Look at these bruises and it looks like they split his upper lip open, judging by the swelling and scab. Geez!"

Branch hissed in again as he examined Creek's face closer. His friend looked worn to the bone and the bruises were livid against the natural purple of his skin as Creek remained unresponsive and completely limp.

"Creek took some decent hits, my prince," Bhen spoke up from the doorway as Branch glanced to the healer, "From what I can tell, it looks like he was struck in the face at least twice with enough force to rattle his teeth. I also found a decent bump on the back of your head, Prince Branch."

"I was flung into a tree which knocked me out for a couple of minutes," Branch sniffed before snorting as Frost began pawing through his hair, "I'm fine now, Brother."

"A head injury isn't fine," Frost fussed as he found the bump, "Hm. Not too bad at least. Want to break those traitors' necks even more than before."

"He is fine, your majesty," Bhen chuckled as Branch pulled away from his brother with a scowl, "Prince Branch just needs a day or two to rest, but Creek's injuries are going to take more time. His back will heal without much scarring as long as he remains still, but he is drained to the point of nearly being in a coma. He'll sleep for days."

"Which might not be a bad idea so he remains still," Branch hummed, reaching to pull Creek's covers over him more, "It would also be good for his bruises to get better before he wakes too so he is not so reminded of what those three did to him."

"You have a pretty decent bruise here too," Poppy pointed out as Branch flinched at where she touched him on one shoulder, "Branch, what happened when those jerks had you and Creek?"

"I'll only tell all of you if Frost agrees to remain calm," Branch began as everyone turned to the king.

"He can't promise that, Little One," Crystal said as Frost looked to his sister in relief, "Frost is passionate about the ones he loves, Branch. Our brother tries hard, but he leads our armies for a reason. He gets the job done when it is necessary and is wise enough to temper his actions when needed. That wisdom goes out the door when it comes to his siblings which also includes our Creek."

"I promise to try my best, Baby Brother," Frost offered, taking a seat before grinning as Branch hopped into his lap, "Thought you were fully grown."

"I am, but you won't jump up to do anything to those jerks if I'm right here. Plus, your lap is comfy," Branch pointed out, leaning into his older brother as the twins chuckled at him, "Win-win situation, Brother."

"Sneaky," Poppy teased as Branch grinned at her before the pink troll sobered, "Tell us, Branch. I want to know what you and Creek were put through. We didn't talk much when we were helping Bhen that night."

So, Branch settled against Frost and began the tale bit by bit. There were many times that Frost had to physically restrain himself. To hear of each time a dagger nearly bit into his little brother's neck and all that Creek went through to try to do his duties was hard to listen to without wanting to tear three, ice trolls into pieces.

"Then Namaste took off with me," Branch sighed, coming to an end, "I have no idea what happened to Creek after that, but I remember that he seemed relieved when I got my last glimpse of him. Brat, jerk…I guess my other older brother too, huh?"

"True enough," Crystal agreed, patting her twin's back as Frost hugged Branch to him like a teddy bear, "Frost, how old are you?"

"Not too old to need comfort, but old enough to rip three trolls apart for touching my youngest siblings," Frost crabbed as Branch allowed the cuddling since he felt the need of his brother, "It is still hard sometimes, Branch. Forgive me. I know that you and Creek are grown, but when you are hurt or injured, I just…"

"Want to protect us?" Branch offered as Frost nodded with a sigh, "You are silly, Frost, but you are our silly, hm, Sister?"

Crystal snorted as her twin leaned against her for comfort. Frost's emotions sometimes got away from him. It was annoying and also endearing.

"Well, Branch needs rest," Bhen decided with a firm nod as the group looked up at him, "So does Creek. I don't think an avalanche could wake that poor lad at the moment anyway, but it is time for two, ice trolls and a bouncy, pink queen to leave."

"I'd rather Poppy stay," Branch spoke up as Frost stood with him to lay him in bed, "I'm on edge and my Pop knows how to help me relax."

"I'll be quiet," Poppy promised, pulling out her stubborn face, "But I'm not leaving. If my Branch wants me to stay, then I stay. Period. No one is ever going to tell me that I can't stay beside my soul match's side."

"Are you sure she isn't half ice troll too?" Bhen snorted, gesturing to Poppy as the royal twins hid their smiles, "Mighty fierce, little thing there."

"Yeah. Rah!" Poppy teased, bearing fake fangs, "Fear me."

The room erupted into chuckles before most left. Branch sighed once he was alone with Poppy and they laid curled around one another. His Poppy always made him feel better, but he couldn't shake the feeling of being out of sorts.

"Talk to me," Poppy ordered as Branch looked up to her, "What's wrong?"

"I don't know," Branch sighed, "I feel odd. Physically, I'm a little sore and tired, but emotionally…I feel off. I don't know how to explain it."

"Worried about Creek?" Poppy asked as her lad nodded, "He's been freed, Branch, and he'll wake when his system is stronger. He's fine and then everything can get back to normal again."

Normal. That was what Branch wanted, but after the third day of watching Creek remain still and unresponsive, the feeling that things weren't right increased even more. The prince chalked it up that he was feeling helpless since he had to wait and see how emotionally traumatized his adopted brother would be once he woke. Waiting was hard and he found himself withdrawing and getting snappish. Poppy and his siblings completely understood and gave him his space while he watched over his Creek.

"Um…Prince Branch?"

Branch glanced up in surprise at the voice. Cedar stood hesitantly in Creek's doorway with Sam behind him. The prince narrowed his eyes at these two as he stood to place himself in front of his vulnerable guard.

"Poppy let us in to visit," Cedar began as Branch listened, "We've all been really worried about you two. You know we saw what that overgrown troll did to you and how he forced Creek to follow him. My friends and I were planning on tracking you guys to try and help, but King Frost ordered us to stay put."

"Would have been more dangerous for Creek and I if you had followed," Branch advised before pausing as he regarded the two thoughtfully, "Though, thank you for even thinking of trying to help."

"Oh, you're welcome. Uh, how is he?" Cedar asked, gesturing to Creek.

"Drained," Branch answered as Sam peeked from behind Cedar, "He'll not wake for a long time, but Dr. Plum and Bhen says that he's resting peacefully at least."

Branch remained where he was as his eyes tracked Cedar and Sam stepping around the bed to gaze at Creek.

"Why's he all bruised up like that?" Sam whispered, stepping a little closer, 'And what are all those bandages I see wrapped around his chest? Creek get hurt or something?"

"Yeah, he's been hurt pretty badly both physically and emotionally," Branch admitted as Sam and Cedar turned to the prince, "It's a long story, but just know that the troll that kidnapped Creek and I was working with two other traitors. The three used a spell to try and…they tried to kill him."

"What?" Cedar gasped, turning to stare at Branch in horror, "Ice trolls do that?"

"No, they don't," Branch denied angrily before shaking his head as he calmed, "Look, those three are traitors and atypical of my mother's people. Ice trolls are protectors and warriors. They love deeply, but show it differently from warm climate trolls. The three who hurt Creek did so because they were arrogant and thought themselves better than this tribe."

"This tribe? Our tribe here?" Cedar questioned as Branch nodded, "But you and Creek are of the ice tribe. I don't understand."

"The traitors hated Creek and I because they viewed us as lesser," Branch continued, crossing his arms angrily, "They attacked Creek in the ice lands when my adopted brother was weak and still relying on his crutches. He defended himself. Much as he did with you, Sam."

"Yeah, I remember," Sam spoke up as he blushed, "I kind of need to apologize to you and he for that day. I am sorry for my behavior and won't act so horribly again. I promise."

"Then I accept that apology, but I expect one to be offered to Creek too once he is stronger," Branch allowed as Sam nodded, "Anyway, my older brother and I happened on the incident and the truth of the three's feelings were revealed. Creek and I were viewed as…a type of contamination. They thought lesser trolls like Creek and I shouldn't be a part of their tribe. Frost stripped the three of their ranks and banished them, but then they came up with a plan to get back at my adopted brother and I."

"By using the spell you mentioned? Cedar pushed as Branch nodded with a sigh, "Is that why your older siblings came running here in the middle of the night?"

"Yep. I called them here when Creek figured out that something wasn't right. That the dreams and sleepwalking moment he had wasn't his doing," Branch groaned, taking a seat on the edge of Creek's bed to stroke his guard's hair gently, "The spell has been broken now, thanks to Crystal and Frost, but Creek gave everything he could to protect me while fighting that spell. You know that if Creek had died, that I would die soon after, right?"

"Yeah, he told me the first night you all came home three months ago that he was needed to watch your ice," Cedar agreed before gasping, "Was that the plan? To kill Creek off so that your ice would kill you?"

"You got it," Branch sighed, shaking his head sadly before pinning Cedar and Sam with his gaze, "I've told you this before. Creek is mine. My guard and more than that, my brother. He is adopted into my family firmly and without question. He has been traumatized and hurt even as he did his duties to keep me safe and I am so angry right now. I have had enough of…the world coming after my brother and that includes you and your group, Cedar."

"I know," Cedar admitted, looking away for a second, "Look, I still don't fully trust Creek, but he's proven his loyalty to me about keeping you safe and he's growing on me a bit. I promise that my friends and I won't give him a hard time anymore unless there is a reason for it."

"You will go through me if you have any grievances against my Creek," Branch snapped, standing to tap a finger into Cedar's chest, "No one is going to try and hurt my brother anymore. I have had enough! When Creek wakes, there is no telling what his emotional state will be and I want no one near him that harbors negativity. You tell that to the tribe. You come for Creek, you'll have me standing in the way."

"And a whole army of ice trolls at his back," Frost hummed, walking into the room as Cedar and Sam glanced at one another, "Any troubles here, Laddies?"

"No. We came to bury that hatchet. Truly," Cedar admitted, raising his hands in surrender to Branch as the prince backed off, "I think I might have been a bit hard on Creek. I was angry with him for endangering my child. Glade is all I have left after his mother died a year after he was born and I reacted to what I saw as a potential threat to my son and the rest of the tribe."

"That is what Creek kept pointing out to me, you know," Branch replied as Cedar blinked at him, "He could see that your aura was sincere in what you did. That you thought you were doing the right thing, but there are sides to every story that need to be considered besides just your own. Are you finally ready to give Creek the chance he deserves to start over again?"

"Yeah, I'm ready," Cedar insisted as Sam nodded beside him, "I'll tell him that too, but only when you allow me to, Prince Branch. I…I kind of think that Creek's been put through enough too. I'm ready to act like a better grown up. I've been a bit petulant and childlike in my actions. I apologize for that. You were right. I need to set a better example for my son."

"I might start liking you a little better now," Frost decided as Cedar glanced to the large king, "You might actually have brains beneath all that fluff you call hair."

"Frost!" Branch fussed as his brother grinned and stepped from the room, "He's just teasing."

"We know," Cedar snorted as his friend chuckled for a moment, "We should get going soon since it is almost time for Sam and I to do our turn in the fields. The whole tribe really does hope Creek wakes soon. You look very worried, Prince Branch. You really are half ice troll since you show your love by hovering. Bye."

"I don't hover," Branch called as the two trolls left while Frost stepped back into the room, "I don't hover, Brother."

"You do," Frost disagreed as Branch huffed, "I do too. You and I got that from our mother. She was a big, big time hoverer when she was worried."

Branch allowed his brother to lead him from the room so he could eat and hear stories of his mother, but a few hours later he returned to Creek's side and sat and watched and moped and watched some more.

"Wake up, Brother," Branch tried as he held one of Creek's hands in his, "I need you to wake up, please. I just…I need to know that you are okay."

Branch didn't even startle when pink arms circled his neck from behind.

"I need to know that he is okay, Pop."

"I know you do," Poppy agreed, snuggling into Branch's back as her lad leaned into her, "But Creek is just out of juice, Branch. He's so worn out that there is no more to fall back on anymore."

"Not completely," Branch denied, stroking his thumb across Creek's palm, "Crystal can sense that he's still focused on me. Creek would force himself to wake if I had a flare. I've been trying to stay calm and relaxed. I think the breathing exercises are helping me keep my ice calm, but I know that I've just been a real charmer lately."

Poppy's giggles made Branch smile for a second.

"I heard what you said to Cedar and Sam," Poppy said as Branch finally released Creek's hand to pull her into his lap, "Ice trolls show love differently. You show your ice troll half in the way you express your affection by protecting your loved ones, hovering, over planning, worrying about different scenarios and I could go on, Branch. You're scared for Creek. We all know that and don't blame you for being a bit on edge."

"I just feel so helpless to help," Branch breathed, holding to Poppy tight as he looked to his adopted brother, "You can see how the world is pulling at him. There are more than just bruises on his face. There is clear strain and I want to do something to help soothe Creek, but…"

"There is naught to do on this end," Poppy supplied as Branch blinked at her, "Just give Creek time to rest. He'll wake when his mind and body are stronger. Why don't you come to bed, Love? It's getting late."

"I will soon," Branch agreed, nuzzling into Poppy's neck as she giggled again, "Go warm my spot for me. I'll be there a bit later."

Branch offered Poppy a smile as she slid from the room. She'd taken up residence in his room and the prince didn't mind one bit. Having his soulmate to cuddle at night was the only way he could sleep these days, but Poppy's words replayed in his head. "Naught to do on this end."

"Or is there?" Branch hummed to himself, turning back to his guard, "We're soul brothers, Creek. We've done this twice, but can I do this without your help? Doesn't hurt to try."

Branch breathed in deeply and reached to take one of Creek's hands. The prince wasn't a trained yogi, but he had been exploring within himself to discover his shielding abilities. His was not a physical shield, but a mental one. He'd reached to shield Creek against Jhon . He knew were the soul link was that connected him to Creek within his mind and heart because of the traitor's actions that terrible night. Branch worked to follow the link and found himself traveling through black darkness. Was this Creek's mind?

"Creek?" Branch called as he continued walking forward, "Brother?"

The prince turned at a sound. Well. Not quite a sound, but a pull that felt like a call. Again, the feeling of things not being right welled up.

"Brother?" Branch called again before gasping at a tugging from within him, "I feel you. I'm coming."

Branch took off into the darkness. Creek was there. He was calling for help and Branch knew it. He ran without knowing where he was going. There was no light until a soft, pale sheen began showing bit by bit as Branch continued forward. The prince raced forward towards the light and drew up short when he got a look at where the light was coming from. There was a familiar child within a large bubble. No. Not a bubble…a shield.

"Creek!" Branch gasped as the tiny child smiled up at him as small hands pressed to the shield, "What…uh-oh! Is this me? Did I do this?"

Creek nodded as Branch dropped to place his hand on the other side of one of Creek's. This was the shield Branch had used to protect Creek against Jhon. Whoops. Branch closed his eyes and pulled the shield back inside himself before catching the child that ran at him.

"I knew you'd come, my prince," Creek cheered as Branch grinned at the boy, "Look. I'm all little in here. See, Mate?"

"I do see," Branch agreed, watching as the dark blackness seemed to start ebbing slowly away, "I'm so sorry, Brother. I didn't know that I'd trapped you."

"You kept Jhon from hurting me, but then you didn't know that you'd protected me so good that I got stuck," Creek giggled, cuddling in Branch's arms as the prince hugged him close, "It got dark in here because I couldn't get out. My mind can wake up now and I can be me again when I'm stronger."

"Are you tiny like this because you fed me practically the last of your energy, Brat?" Branch asked, slapping teasingly at Creek's small behind as the boy beamed up at him.

"No, I'm tiny because I'm growing again," Creek admitted, looking at his smaller hand before gazing back up at Branch, "I messed up and pulled myself apart so I could rebuild myself better, Mate. You, Frost, Crystal, Poppy, the Snack Pack, and Dr. Plum are helping me be a better Creek, but then Jhon did his spell thing and I got stuck like this for a bit. I'll be normal sized soon. I can feel it because I have a brother that will help me get better. I'm healing."

"That you are," Branch agreed, hugging Creek to him again as relief filled him, "I want you to…"

"No, my prince," Creek interrupted, shaking his head firmly as Branch frowned, "I won't take a drop of your energy."

"Yes, you will," Branch argued as Creek pouted up at him, "Just a little so I know that you have energy to keep healing. I'm scared for you, Brother. I just need to know that you have enough strength to come back to me…to all of us. There is so much to share with you now that the spell is broken."

Creek looked lost in thought as Branch glanced around to see blurry images of something forming.

"My mother's room," Creek spoke up as the prince turned to him, "I used to run to her when I didn't feel good. I felt like she was the only one that was allowed to see me be weak for a long time and then I lost her. You know how I hid everything after that. I tend to visualize that room when I'm not well, but you being here makes me feel so much better, safer."

"Family does that for one another," Branch nodded out as Creek shared a smile with him, "Family is there for one another no matter what. Please take a bit of my strength for yourself, Creek. Just a little."

Alright, my prince," Creek finally agreed as Branch breathed a sigh of relief, "I'll take some of your energy so that you can know that I'll be alright…and I will be, Brother. I will get stronger and wake as soon as I can. I won't leave you. I promise."

"Pinky promise?" Branch insisted as Creek leaned back to hook his smaller pink with the prince's.

"You and pink things," Creek teased as his prince and brother chuckled, "I pinky promise, my prince. I can't promise when I'll wake again because Jhon and Hatred has really caused a lot of problems in my mind, but I'm out of that shield now and can repair the damage. I'm also still watching your ice. Tell Frost and Crystal that I'll not allow a flare to slip up on you even while I'm resting, Brother."

"I will," Branch reassured as he felt Creek slowly taking a bit of his energy, "I can give you more than enough. I'm feeling very strong, now that I know that you are safe again. Take what you need."

"I have enough," Creek giggled, snuggling up against Branch's chest as the prince relished in holding this smaller version of his adopted brother close, "I'm sleepy, my prince. Sing for me?"

"Sure," Branch agreed, seeing a bed in the corner of the now more visible room to tuck the boy in, "Let's get you settled. There we go, Creek."

Creek yawned sleepily and allowed Branch to tuck him under the warm covers. Branch marveled at how little his guard looked at the moment. So cute. The prince leaned to stroke his brother's mane as he began to sing:

Sleep my brother and peace attend thee,
All through the night.
Guardian angels I will send thee,
All through the night.
Soft the drowsy hours are creeping,
Hill and dale in slumber sleeping
I my loved ones' watch am keeping,
All through the night.

Angels watching, e'er around thee,
All through the night.
Midnight slumber close surround thee,
All through the night.
Soft the drowsy hours are creeping,
Hill and dale in slumber sleeping
I my loved ones' watch am keeping,
All through the night.

I watching ever round thee
All through the night.
In thy slumbers close surround thee
All through the night.
I will of all fears disarm thee,
No forebodings should alarm thee,
I will let no peril harm thee
All through the night.

"Sleep well, Brother," Branch whispered once done and he saw Creek sleeping peacefully before glancing about.

The areas was still dim, but no longer dark. Creek's consciousness was all around Branch and he smiled at feeling his brother's tugging to follow the link back to his corporal form. He came awake to four, fretting trolls.

"Tell me one good reason why I shouldn't blister your tail," Frost bit out as Branch looked up to see his brother, Crystal, Poppy, and Bhen glaring down at him, "What in all of snow and ice happened? You wouldn't wake and Crystal couldn't sense you, Baby Brother."

"I was fixing a mistake," Branch admitted, looking and seeing some of the strain gone from Creek's face.

"Mistake, Little One?" Crystal pushed as Branch looked up at her with a beaming smile.

"A big one, Sister. I kind of trapped Creek within his mind with my shield," Branch began as the four trolls blinked at him and found seats to pull closer, "I woke feeling off after the spell was broken. I didn't know why I felt that way. I chalked it up to feeling helpless, but that wasn't it. Creek has been calling to me. The shield was blocking him, but our soul bond was pulling at me hard."

"So, you heard his call and entered Creek's mind?" Bhen asked.

"Not exactly," Branch denied, "Poppy's last conversation with me tonight reminded me that Creek and I shared a soul bond. I first went to him to see if I could give him some of my energy so I'd feel better that he could heal, but then I finally figured out that I was being called and discovered what I'd done. Creek's free now and wanted me to reassure everyone that he will wake and that he is still watching my ice. It felt good to speak with him, even if for only a moment."

"So, Creek is okay now?" Poppy chirped.

"Kind of," Branch sighed as the others exchanged looks, "He admitted that Jhon has hurt him inside of his mind and that he needs to repair things. He's too tired now to do the repairs, but the last I saw him, Creek was sleeping peacefully. He promised me to wake as soon as he was able, but couldn't promise me when he could return. Creek needs time right now, but he's in there and trying hard to heal. I feel so relieved."

"As do we all, Baby Brother," Frost grinned out, rubbing vigorously through Branch's hair as the prince bristled slightly, "It is good then that you reached out to Creek, but…"

"Ow!" Branch cried out as his brother flipped him over a knee and smacked his behind with one good smack, "Frost!"

"Don't you 'Frost' me," his brother fussed, giving him one last good smack before releasing him, "Do you know how badly you scared us? You could have at least told someone what you were doing instead of going off on your own like that."

"Says the one that often goes off on his own," Bhen mumbled as Crystal hid a grin.

"Not the same. I'm older and have more experience in life," Frost growled.

"I have two brothers that are going to get an earful in the morning," Crystal snapped, reaching to take each of her brother's ears between her fingers as Frost and Branch whimpered softly, "Get to bed now and stop your fussing about. Branch, you will tell someone your plans from now on and no more reaching out to Creek. He needs to rest. Frost, start taking some of your own advice. Get!"

Branch and Frost both pouted as they left to go to bed.

"Boys often need guidance, Little Queen," Crystal advised as Poppy nodded, "Remember that when Branch is driving you nuts with his ways. He is just like my twin and Frost can be trying at time. Both my brothers always mean well though."

"Which is why we can forgive them," Poppy giggled out as Crystal grinned wide, "Goodnight."

Crystal nodded as Poppy ran to catch up to her lad. The queen turned to watch her adopted brother. Creek did look a little better now.

"Sleep well, Little Brother," Crystal said, reaching to stroke a finger down Creek's cheek, "Rest up and return to us when you can."


Creek felt stiff when awareness began flooding his mind. His back stung a bit and his joints were certainly aching enough to let him know that he'd been sleeping a long time. He used his inner eye to figure out that his prince was near. Branch's aura was calm, but worried and Creek, himself, felt so tired.

"Hm," he heard himself hum as a gasp rang out.

"Creek? Brother, are you awake?"

Creek sighed softly and blinked his eyes slowly open to look up at his prince. Where? His room and laying on his bed…on his side…geez, did his muscles and joints ache.


"Hi," Creek finally offered as Branch's face lit up, "Miss me, Mate?"

"You have no idea," Branch grinned out before leaping towards the door, "He's awake! Frost! Crystal! He's awake!"

Creek lifted a brow as the royal twins got stuck in the doorway before righting themselves to rush inside.

"Look at those open eyes," Frost cheered, reaching to scoop up Creek as he squeaked in surprise and a little discomfort, "You've been waiting to see these peepers for a month, Wart. You certainly took your sweet time."

"Brother, his back is still healing," Branch fussed, clamoring on the bed that Frost sat on to check over his guard while Crystal leaned over one of Frost's shoulders to reach and stroke Creek's cheek softly as the purple-skinned troll offered her a small smile, "But it is good to see you awake, Creek."

"A month?" Creek breathed, laying comfortably against Frost, "That long…you and the queen have been gone that long. The ice kingdom, my king?"

"Is being watched over by the ruling council that Frost and I have set up for emergencies," Crystal soothed, seeing Creek's distress, "It is fine, Dear One. Your older brother and I have been in contact with the council many times while you slept. All is well in the lands of ice and here as well, now that you are awake. How do you feel?"

"Bit achy. My back hurts a little," Creek began before yawning wide, "Tired, my queen."

"Probably the medicine I've been getting in you to help your back heal," a voice said from the doorway as the small family looked up to see Bhen walking in, "Let me see those eyes, Creek."

Branch backed away so that the healer could stoop and look closer at his guard. Creek blinked as he was asked to follow Bhen's finger while the healer moved his hand slowly back and forth.

"Okay, a possession spell is almost like getting a head injury," Bhen began as Branch mulled this over, "The inner damage done by the spell can leave repercussions almost like a concussion. Dizziness, problems focusing, confusion, and so forth. Creek's eyes are a bit sluggish so he'll need more rest, but he's alert and responding well. Creek, do you remember what occurred with Jhon and the others?"

"He was hurting me," Creek answered, swallowing softly before focusing on Branch, "Hurting me to hurt Prince Branch. I…we broke the spell thanks to…to…the uh, queen."

"Your sister," Crystal pushed as Creek looked to her in surprise, "You are part of this family, Creek. I know that in public you must keep up titles, but in private you are to refer to us as what we are. Frost and I are your older siblings and Branch here is your younger brother by what I think might be four to five years. Am I right?"

"Five and half years to be exact," Creek agreed as Branch sighed softly, "Still the baby, my prince."

"'Still the baby,'" Branch mocked in a high voice with Creek's accent as the two snickered softly, "Yeah, yeah. Creek, you told me when I released you from my shield that Jhon did damage that you needed to repair. How is that going?"

"It is slow going, my prince," Creek whispered, curling more into Frost as he sought comfort, "Jhon used a lot of my fears against me and ripped open old wounds. You and Dr. Plum has been teaching me better ways to handle my emotions, Mate, but I'll need some time to…[yawn]…figure it all out and stuff. You, my prince? How are you? Where's Poppy?"

Branch snorted as Creek's eyes grew heavier.

"I'm fine, Brother, and Poppy is at a meeting right now. She's going to be upset that she missed your waking. Kiv and the other guards are going to feel the same once they get back from helping in the fields. In fact, the whole tribe will be happy to know you woke," Branch assured as Creek gave him a small smile even as the prince reached to close his eyes, "Go back to sleep. You have all the time you need to get better. Just sleep for right now."

"Kay," Creek hummed as Frost laid him back in bed, "Hurts. My back hurts."

Frost scowled angrily as Bhen checked Creek's back. The wounds were almost healed, but some were angry looking and swollen around the edges. Creek sighed contentedly when Frost reached and used only a bit of his ice to spread coolness over the guard's back.

"Just sleep, Little Brother," Frost encouraged as he sat on the edge of the bed to continue using his powers to soothe Creek, "We're here. Your family is all here to keep you safe."

Creek smiled softly and cuddled closer to Frost as Branch curled against his back. Crystal sat beside Branch and reached to stroke Creek's mane.

"Thank you," Creek murmured, enjoying the coddling as he began to drift to sleep feeling loved and cherished.

Bhen smiled to himself when he saw the royal family piled around Creek as the lad fell asleep. This was good. This was family.


"I'm putting ice spiders in your bed as soon as we get home."

Crystal snorted into a hand as she muffled her laughter. It had been another good month since Creek woke and was deemed well enough to be up and about after his ordeal. Frost and the rest of the honor guard had been instructing Branch and Creek on beginning their training with their practice spears earlier since Bhen had given permission for Creek to do a bit of exercise. It had been most enjoyable to see both her younger brothers laughing and engaging in play fighting as they swung at one another with their spears, but eventually Creek tired and now here she was.

"Oh, hush," Frost whispered, settling a hand on Creek's back as he stirred, "I'd better get a framed picture of that as soon as we are home."

Crystal grinned, jiggling the camera at her twin. Branch and Creek had both climbed into Frost's bed and fallen asleep against their older brother like a set of puppies during the naptime that she had decided everyone should have. The queen had found them and snapped a bunch of pictures until Frost woke.

"Sure," Crystal whispered back as Frost beamed at her, "They never come to me like this."

"You're a sister," Frost reminded with a wink, "The two wouldn't be so forward because you're a girl. Doesn't mean they love you any less, Crystal."

"I know, but it is lonely sometimes…being the only girl in the family," Crystal admitted before gasping as she found herself with an armful of Poppy, "Little Missy?"

"You are my older sister too since my Branch and I will marry one day," Poppy breathed, cuddling into the hug Crystal pulled her into, "Would it be okay if I come to you sometimes? Girls understand girls better just like boys do for boys at times."

"Sure," Crystal agreed with a soft laugh, "And you got in here, how?"

"With the key Branch gave me," Poppy said, holding up the key as Frost and Crystal nodded at her, "Was feeling a bit sleepy and was coming to take a nap with my Branch, but it looks like he's already out."

"So, you'll just have to take one with me," Crystal decided, taking the hand Poppy held out to her, "We girls have to stick together, right?"


"Shh," Frost warned as his twin and soon to be sister-in-law nodded, "I still better get a nice picture of our boys sleeping, Sister."

"Sure, Brother," Crystal agreed, leading Poppy from the room.

Frost grinned evilly as he carefully placed his brothers in his warm spot before looking through his bag for his camera. Just a little more time and revenge would be his.

"Payback, Sister," Frost grinned to himself, "Hm. Might have to ask Poppy for some scrapbooking lessons."

Bhen watched from the down the hallway as his king crept towards Crystal's room before smiling. The king and queen's raising had been hard when their mother had left. They'd relied on one another so much that it was unusual to see them being open to others despite how much they loved and adored the tribe. Prince Branch had opened the twins up more than the healer had seen in years and now Creek was helping Frost and Crystal open up even more. Plus, Queen Poppy was part and parcel with her Branch and pulled others in without trying. Each had a role to play within this new family and Bhen thanked any who would listen, for bringing Creek to the ice tribe all those months ago.


"What are you smiling about?"

Creek glanced up to see his prince walking towards him. The guard beamed at his adopted brother as Branch dropped down to sit beside him on the picnic blanket as the party continued around them.

"I felt it," Creek admitted as Branch cocked his head at him as the guard showed his prince one of his hands, "I was tensing up a little and I felt it. Knew to relax and not fist my hands up. That old habit was happening way before Jhon and he did make it worse for me, but now I am realizing what I'm doing so I don't hurt myself anymore."

"That's great news," Branch gushed, enjoying the shy smile Creek was giving him, "Did you try the techniques Dr. Plum urged you to use at your last counseling session or did this happen spontaneously?"

"I've been applying the techniques which helped me realize that I was getting tense," Creek described, "I recognized the warning signs that I was about to start clawing. That feels so good to know that I can finally get past that dratted habit."

"What brought on the tension?" Branch asked as Creek frowned softly as he gazed over to their siblings, "You don't want them going home tomorrow either, do you?"

"Nope," Creek sighed, pulling his legs up against his chest, "It has been nice to have the king and queen here, my prince."


"My brother," Creek corrected as Branch grinned at him, "It has been such a long time since I felt like a part of a family. I don't want them so far away. I wish they could stay here with us so I can watch over all three of you…well, all four since Poppy is a part of that equation. Keep you all safe."

"It would be nice, but our siblings are the ruling monarchy," Branch hummed, playfully jostling his shoulder against Creek's, "We all have our duties, Creek."

"And we do them with all diligence," Creek recited, leaning against Branch for a second, "I know. Do you know that I actually got an apology from Cedar and his friends a bit ago? From Cedar."

"I know because they knew to come to me first to ask my permission to approach you," Branch admitted as Creek scowled slightly, "Just for right now, Brother. I'm watching everything carefully until I know that the last of the damage from that spell is completely gone. You know that Dr. Plum said that you were set back a lot emotionally when you were able to restart your counseling. I'm just looking after one of my brothers."

Creek blushed as he looked away for a second.

"I've improved greatly since then though," Creek reminded as Branch nodded firmly, "It is nice to feel like I'm getting whole again. I can really say that I'm almost healed."

"So, you're not that tiny trolling inside of your mind that I saw before?" Branch asked as Creek chuckled at the memory, "You were so cute."

"Very funny. No. I think I'm just normal me in there now," Creek snorted, "I'm an honor guard and a troll that I enjoy being, flaws and all. I have you to thank for all of that, Brother. Thank you for being there for me through thick and thin."

"Thank you for being there for me too," Branch pointed out, "And thank you for allowing me in…for confiding in me. I hurt inside when I can't help ones I care for. Your trust really means a lot to me and helped me finally open up to Frost. I told him all about Grandma. Healing really is hard, isn't it?"

"So hard," Creek agreed as Branch nodded, "I'm glad you did that, my prince. I bet despite the pain, it was nice to tell King Frost all the wonderful things about Rosiepuff. To remember her and honor her."

"It was," Branch breathed, smiling wistfully despite the bit of pain in his eyes, "Poppy and I are also talking more about my grandmother. She really helps me, but my ice flares nearly every single time. I know that someday I'll be able to handle those emotions, but right now it is still hard. I don't know what I'd do without you watching over me."

"You bottle stuff inside like a volcano, my prince," Creek pointed out before nodding at Branch's stink eye, "My brother. Trust me. Bottling up your emotions is bad and can ruin your life. I'm glad you're talking to King Frost and Poppy. You promised me that we would heal together and we are, but only if you stay open so that your emotions don't cause a flare."

"So, I'll continuing working on that," Branch nodded out, reaching a hand to haul Creek up as his guard reached for him, "Come on. I've got a surprise for you."

Creek followed his unusually giddy prince towards their siblings. Frost grinned wide and surprised his adopted brother by sweeping Creek up onto a nearby boulder beside of the Troll Tree.

"Ladies and Gentle-trolls," Frost called out as the party noise died down and all eyes turned to the large king, "My sister, Queen Crystal, and I cannot thank all of you enough for this lovely going away party and celebration that Creek's suffering is over now that the spell that was hurting him is finally broken. Tomorrow, my sister and I leave for our kingdom. My sister's and my heart are torn to leave two trolls here that are family though we know this tribe cares for our lads greatly, but we wish for you all to be witness to this. Sister."

"Creek, honor guard to your prince and brother and adopted brother to Frost and I, we gift you with this," Crystal began, using her own powers to shape a circlet around a surprised Creek's brow, "We also gift you with the title of Archduke of the ice troll tribe. As Archduke, you stand shoulder to shoulder with Prince Branch. Long may your eyes watch over our younger brother and keep him safe as you have vowed to do. We are honored to call you family."

"Yay, Creek!" Poppy cheered as she and Branch started the clapping that other hands quickly added to.

"Yay, Mr. Creek!" Ray called as the other tots that made up Creek's youngest class of yoga students hopped about cheering happily.

"Wonderful!" Kiv gushed out as the other guards clapped loudly around him as Creek blushed at all the attention, "Long live the king and queen! Long live Prince Branch and Archduke Creek! Attention!"

The ice troll guards snapped to attention before bowing low to the royal family. Creek grinned when Frost scooped Branch up to place him beside of Creek while the new Archduke was hugging Crystal. Branch chuckled at Creek's blushing cheeks once he straightened.

"Now I feel it, Brother," Creek whispered as Branch raised a questioning brow, "We're home. I feel it finally, Mate."

"Me too," Branch nodded out as Creek looked to him, "Everything feels…right."

It was a good word. Life was settling down and both were healing so that the two could deal with whatever happened in life healthily. Creek grinned when he hopped down from the boulder and got a bear hug from first Frost and then Branch. While shaking hands with Kiv, Creek caught Cedar's eye and was surprised to get a nod of actual approval. Creek smiled and turned to see Branch nodding happily at him.

"Good job, Wart," Frost whispered into his adopted brother's ear as Creek turned to grin up at him, "Welcome to the family, Kid."

Creek watched the party restart and sighed in contentment when he saw his prince dancing with Poppy as the two gazed into one another's eyes. He also had to hide a grin when he saw Frost watching Kiv dancing with Crystal as the king tapped his foot in irritation. Interesting. Kiv better mind himself. Frost didn't like idle sniffing around his twin. Judging by Kiv's aura, the troll had feelings for his queen.

"Hm," Creek hummed to himself watching the pretty queen laughing softly as his own irritation rose a bit, "I like Kiv, but he best watch his hands around my sister."

Creek grinned up at the stars for a moment as he chuckled at his protective instincts. Today held enjoyment and tomorrow, wonderment. Life could be hard, but he was ready to face it now with family and friends at his back and a better way of thinking.

"Bring it own," Creek thought, trotting over to help soothe his older brother, "I'm ready, Life. I'm ready to finally, truly live."

And he did.

The end.

Song is a twist on the Edward Jones' lullaby "All Through the Night" written in about 1784. I enjoyed writing this and still love my Ice Trolls and the whole lot of Dreamworks Trolls. Thank you for reading and being patient with me. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy New Year, and may the Trolls be with us all.

Love muchly,

Turtle Babe