Halloween After Effects: Warning Shots

Willow had been showering after gym as normal, she was usually the last one out taking the longest to shower, when she just happened to notice Buffy stiffening and then Buffy...Stiffening! Both of them stared at Buffy's crotch in shock.

Buffy barely kept herself from moaning at the sensations she was receiving from her new add-on. Willow leaned closer and accidentally dripped shampoo on it, then she made the mistake of trying to wipe the shampoo off.

A few minutes later...

Cordelia looked over and saw Willow helping a stumbling towel wrapped Buffy to the bench. "Early visitor?" she asked.

"Completely unexpected," Buffy said looking a bit pale.

"You should go on birth control, it'll help even your periods right out," Cordelia suggested.

"I'll do that," Buffy said as everyone finished up and left for lunch, leaving the two female Scoobs alone.

"Giles," Willow suggested.

"Giles," Buffy agreed, recovering from her most recent shock, relieved to have someone give her directions as her brain was still trying to reboot itself. "Sorry for..." Buffy trailed off.

"Totally my fault!" Willow exclaimed.

"Thanks, I owe you one," Buffy said. "Erm... I mean..."

"I know," Willow said, face as red as her hair.

They both got dressed and Willow couldn't help but stare at Buffy, who was having a hard time tucking it into her panties.

"We just took care of you, why are you hard again?!" Buffy demanded, seeing how it bulged under her skirt.

"Wrap your sweater around it," Willow suggested.

Buffy sighed in relief as she saw that the sweater did a decent job of concealing it. "I regret ever doubting guys who said it has a mind of its own!"

"Really?" Willow asked surprised.

"Not an actual brain, but its not listening to me," Buffy explained, "cause I'm telling it to calm down and it's telling me to... nevermind!"

The two were in the hallway when Buffy suddenly laughed.

"What?" Willow asked.

"We were just cleaning it and it went off!" Buffy said before bursting out in laughter once more.

"It's affecting your brain," Willow said wide-eyed. "That's a joke Xander would make!"

"We better hurry!" Buffy said anxiously.

During lunch

"I really should have thought of the ice cream trick," Willow told Buffy quietly as she watched Dawn and Xander.

"We both should have," Buffy agreed. "It's so obvious now that we've seen it."

"Yes," Giles agreed dryly, reminding them he was there. "I believe we have more pressing matters at the moment however."

The two girls blushed and quickly returned to their research.

"So, what's up with them?" Dawn asked from Xander's lap, as she fed him ice cream.

"Buffy grew a pair," Xander replied.

Dawn glanced over at her sister. "She's had those and mom's are way bigger and I'm rapidly gaining ground."

"Dawn!" Buffy hissed.

"Not those," Xander said. "Below the waist."

"Xander!" Buffy growled.

Neither teen seemed to notice her glare.

"Just this morning I was wishing I'd had a brother instead of a sister, since she insists on sticking her nose in my affairs," Dawn recalled.

"A brother would be even worse," Xander assured her.

"If you were my older brother would you object to you dating me?" Dawn asked.

Xander's memories of Corwin's favorite sister flickered through his mind for a second before he pushed them away. "You already know my opinion on the matter."

"Even taking into consideration my additional memories?" Dawn asked.

"If we lived in a different society I would have no problems dating you," Xander told her, "but here and now we have to publicly conform. As a former diplomat and leader you should know that."

"The key word there is 'publicly'," Dawn said with a grin. "What about privately?"

Buffy and Willow exchanged glances, worried that Dawn was already wearing him down.

"I wear my heart on my sleeve," Xander told her. "I am open and honest about who I care for, no subterfuge or hiding. The woman who I date will never have to wonder what I feel for her or doubt that I love her and I would post billboards and put up posters to that effect rather than consider for a second hiding our relationship. Love is not for the faint of heart."

Buffy was almost sure she heard Dawn purr from across the table and the look Willow developed was quite familiar to her, having seen it many times before.

"So the barrier is public opinion and local laws," Dawn said thoughtfully, snuggling into his chest.

"All of which will change in a couple of years, so be patient," Xander counseled.

"I can wait for all the things society frowns on," Dawn replied. "I simply want to do things that would be of a date-like nature, like see a movie with you or eat dinner and get to know one another better. Not necessarily romantically, but as a 'close friends' situation."

"I have no objections to going out with you and doing friend activities," Xander assured her.

Willow was quickly scribbling down notes on Dawn's actions and arguments while Buffy simply shook her head at how quickly Dawn was working her way through Xander's defenses.

"Good," Dawn said, "because I wanted to see the new remake of Attack of the Killer Tomatoes after school and going alone is no fun."

The doors of the Library slammed open as Snyder entered, his eyes lighting up as he saw Dawn sitting in Xander's lap. "Well Harris, breaking the rules about PDAs-" he began with a sneer.

Feeling Xander stiffen and sensing his worry Dawn glared at Snyder and snapped out, "There is nothing wrong with me sitting in Xander's lap!"

Snyder's eye glazed over. "There is nothing wrong with you sitting in Xander's lap," he dutifully repeated.

"You should go back to your office and catch up on your paperwork," Dawn told him.

"I should go back to my office and catch up on my paperwork," Snyder repeated turning and leaving.

"Well that was like sandblasting a soup cracker," Dawn said after a moment of silence, a bit shocked that she could feel the Force if faintly.

"Can the Force make people grow new body parts?" Buffy asked.

"I'm going to have to train you in the mysteries so you don't go all darkside," Xander told Dawn, ignoring Buffy.

"That's probably a good idea," Dawn agreed, suppressing the urge to grin at getting to spend even more time with Xander and still having a touch of Leia's power.

"Seriously, did you make me grow a penis?!" Buffy demanded.

"If I could do something like that..." Dawn trailed off. "Leia knew about it in theory, but it'd take an expert and at least a month. The most I can do is give you a pimple."

"Too bad," Xander said. "Force healing would come in handy around here."

"That I can do," Dawn assured him, "but Buffy was asking about something completely different. Luke was very good about training Leia in things that would keep her alive, though I am nowhere near her power level."

"Darth was power incarnate and his kids probably weren't that far off," Xander agreed. "I think it's more likely you have a talent for sorcery that is manifesting along the lines of what you have been trained in, rather than you still possessing any of her Force powers."

"How much do you know about magic?" Giles asked Xander curiously, wondering if there was a connection in the latest events, as a spell to make someone 'like' someone could very well cause someone to become similar to another person, rather than having them closer emotionally.

"Corwin knew the basics, preferring sword to sorcery," Xander replied, "but I need a half dozen cleansing ceremonies and some meditation before I would even consider trying the smallest spell after living here my whole life."

Giles nodded, dismissing Xander from consideration as a cause for Buffy's sudden change. "I'll have to ask some friends for a local contact who can help us with magical forensic work. It may be some days before we get a response."

"What do I do in the meantime?" Buffy demanded.

Dawn had to use a good deal of Leia's training to keep a straight face as she told Buffy, "Take it like a man."

Typing by: Stephenopolos