Epilogue/Alternate Ending

Katarina shot up from her bed, skin blanketed with sweat yet again. She huffed and puffed, breathing in as much air as she can. She's been having nightmares ever since Ashe's death, each and every nightmare different, but so similar in every other way.

She ran a hand through her hair before wiping the sweat on her face with a hand. After wiping the sweat on her face, she pulled her legs against her and buried her face in her knees.


Honestly, she didn't know what to expect anymore. Waking up covered with sweat and coming to a realization that Ashe is dead and will never be back. No matter what happens, no matter how much she begs, no matter how much she cries, no matter how much she prays, Ashe will never rise from the afterlife and suddenly appear beside her, whispering in her ears, reassuring her with soothing words that she's alive and will never leave her side.

Katarina wiped her tears away.

'Just... stop crying. Ashe would never had liked it, seeing you like this.'

"Isn't crying against my rules?"

Raising her head, she found herself staring into a pair of bronze-hued eyes. For a moment, she just stared at the person sitting at the foot of her bed, looking at her with a look that she assumed is supposed to be a scolding one.

"Ev... Evaine...?"

The scolding look disappeared and was replaced with a smirk.

"Finally, I get to talk to you."

"What?" She asked in confusion. "What're you talking about?"

"I've been wanting to talk to you, but I guess it wasn't time yet. Well, it is now."

Katarina's perplexity increased more and more with LeBlanc's words. The other female isn't making any sense to her right now, and she's still somewhat curious why LeBlanc is suddenly there in her room, sitting at the foot of her bed, in the middle of the freaking night.

"What are you doing here? I'm not part of the Black Rose anymore, remember?"

"Katarina, I know I told you after your last task to quit the Black Rose...-!"

"And, I did." She cut off. "I don't want anything to do with it anymore."




"I'm sorry, Katarina." LeBlanc apologized out of the blue, further confusing Katarina.

"What? Why are you suddenly saying sorry?"

"I had to leave the Black Rose to someone, and... I only saw her as the potential successor. To the legal side of the organization, that is. If you would accept, I want you to lead the other face of the Rose."

Katarina looked at LeBlanc with a flabbergasted gaze. "You want me to continue working with you?"

"Not with me, Katarina, but with her."


"Currently, she's temporarily leading the Black Rose, but she needs you to be there with her, and honestly, I only see you whenever I think of who will lead the Black Rose once my time in the world is done."

"Why now, Evaine? You're still young in some way. Why are you suddenly asking me to take control of the Black Rose's illegal business? And, who the hell is this girl you're talking about?"

"If you don't want to take over that face of the organization, then fine, I'll accept that, but,"

"But what?"

Just then, she saw something unexpected on LeBlanc's face. LeBlanc gazed at her with a pleading look, something she had never seen her whole time being involved with the Black Rose.

"Don't let all of my hard work go to waste." LeBlanc told her. "The Black Rose was nothing but a criminal organization I made from the very start, but then I met you, Marcus' daughter..."

"What does your group have anything to do with me?"

"I promised to myself I wouldn't become attached to you, yet I found myself building a foundation for you."

"What foundation?"

"Your fall-back, Katarina. I knew you didn't want to follow your father's footsteps, I knew you had no direction in life. I built the legal side of the Black Rose for you, so when the time comes, I'll pass the reins to you and you'll have a stable income."

LeBlanc stood up from the bed. "I hope you'll accept this parting gift, Katarina. Thank you."

Katarina was absolutely confused with the whole situation at hand. She didn't know what to do or how to react to LeBlanc's words. She didn't want anything to do with Black Rose, and LeBlanc knows that fully, but... Why is she giving her the whole organization all of a sudden?

And, who the fuck is this mystery person?

She blinked.

LeBlanc was gone.

"Take care of yourself, Katarina." Came LeBlanc's voice from somewhere around her. "And, take care of her."

Without a hint of warning, her bed disappeared and she suddenly fell into a pool of darkness. She tried grasping onto different directions, hoping to find something solid, but it was useless. She continued to fall into the shadows, the light from her bedroom earlier disappearing. Heck, her whole bedroom is gone. It's as if she's sky-diving in a pitch black sky without a single parachute.

But, instead of feeling the rush of air skydivers usually feel whenever they jump out of the aircraft, she felt something cool and wet against her right arm. She attempted to rub the coolness away, but it got... wetter?

'What the hell...?'

Katarina clenched her eyes shut and felt herself drop onto something... soft?

With a gasp in the darkness, her eyes snapped open. Her eyes quickly darted around the unknown location she's suddenly in. She didn't even have to directly look down on herself just to see that she's stark naked.

'White ceiling? White walls? White floor? White lights? White... hair!?'

Katarina's eyes widened as she watched her one and only lover, Ashe, wiping her right arm with a warm towel, giving her some sort of sponge bath. She could only mutely stare, with absolute shock written all over her face, as Ashe gingerly moved the towel against her skin. One hand holding the towel, and the other holding her arm, thumb sometimes stroking her arm's skin.

Ashe hummed a gentle tune quietly, and her hum was purely blissful in Katarina's ears. But, she didn't focus her mind on that, though. She didn't how long she was staring at Ashe, but when she finally snapped back to her senses, her left hand, almost hesitantly, lifted up from her side and moved towards Ashe.

Her lover's white hair was slightly longer than she remembered and it was covering half of her face, which obscured half of Ashe's face. It's actually the main reason why Ashe hasn't noticed that she was awake.

Finally, after a few passing seconds, her fingertips made physical contact with the long strands of white hair her girlfriend possessed. Ashe promptly became rigid, and her movements halted in a split-second.

In the slowest way possible, Ashe turned her head and gazed at her, oh so familiar cerulean eyes widening as it met her emeralds. Ashe opened her mouth and closed it for a few times. For a moment, the Avarosa had forgotten how to form her words, but she eventually figured it out.


'Oh my fucking God...'


In a blink of an eye, Katarina had both of her hands latched around Ashe and had pulled her beloved against her chest, embracing her as tight as she could. She felt Ashe return the hug, but it wasn't as strong as she remembers it. Disregarding that, she turned her head and buried her face in Ashe's neck, closing her eyes and inhaling the refreshing peppermint scent her lover always emitted.

"You're finally awake!" Ashe cried out happily over her shoulder.

"You're fucking alive!" She said, arms showing no sign in loosening. "You're here! You're alive! You're not at the morgue!"

"Morgue?" Ashe asked her, confusion lacing her question.




Katarina's eyes opened abruptly, realization dawning to her.

'Oh no... This is another dream! No! Once I see Ashe's chest, I'm going to see the stitches! No! No, no, no, no, no!'

All of her dreams started like that. She will get to spend time with Ashe, be intimate with her for a few moments, until it comes to the part of discarding each other's clothes. Whenever it came to that exact moment, her dream would transform into a nightmare and she would wake up to her horrible reality.


Ashe didn't get to finish. Katarina pushed her back, enough to break the hug and for Ashe to leave her leaning posture. Once her girlfriend was standing in a somewhat straight manner, both of her hands shot forward and towards Ashe's top clothing. Since Ashe was wearing a black blazer and a white blouse, she shoved the blazer open and forced Ashe to remove it with a tug.

Her girlfriend didn't put up a fight, completely caught off-guard with her bold actions, which gave Katarina less difficulty in getting the blazer out of the way. When the blazer was off and on the floor, her hands were already on the front of the blouse, gripping the fabric as much as she could.

"Katarina, what are...-!"

Katarina, with all her stength, tore the blouse open, sending the buttons cascading away from its rightfully stitched places and instantly revealing a white lace-covered bra Ashe currently wore.

Openly, Katarina literally gawked at Ashe's chest, where no scar or stitches can be seen.

There's no scar, no stitch, no nothing, but smooth and flawless pale skin.

"Katarina!" Ashe squeaked out, face completely red and flushed. "What has gotten into you!?"

Before Ashe could attempt to cover herself with her hands or to continue further with her questions, Katarina's hands clasped around Ashe's waist and pulled the said female in. Katarina leaned forward and placed her ear in Ashe's chest, while Ashe herself mildly struggled to keep her balance.

The sound of an unusually fast-paced heart entered her ears. It was slightly erratic, but nonetheless, beating.

"You're actually alive..."


Slowly, she loosened her hold around Ashe and let her girlfriend pull away a bit. Ashe still leaned on the bed, but not as much as before. She gazed at Ashe, while the other female brushed her hair back and smiled.

"You know what, never mind that. I'm just..." Ashe chuckled to herself. "I'm just glad you're awake now."

"Awake? Now?"

Ashe stroked her cheeks with her hands, and for just a nanosecond, she wondered where the towel had gone.

"You've been unconscious for quite a while, Kat,"

"Unconscious? Me?"

Ashe nodded.

"For how long?"

"One month."


Ashe lightly laughed. "You wake up after a heart surgery and you're just going to say 'Oh'?"

"Umm, I... love you?"

Her lover quirked an eyebrow. "Is that a question?"

"Er, not really?"

With a small shake of her head, Ashe closed the distance between them and initiated a kiss, which she whole heartedly welcomed and accepted.

"I love you too." Ashe replied against her lips.

"Mmm," She lightly moaned through the kiss as her hands caressed Ashe's flat stomach. Her tongue darted out and Ashe met it halfway with her own. She released another moan when she tasted Ashe for the first time in what seemed like forever. Her hands disappeared behind Ashe, and it doesn't take a genius to know where it went.

She truly missed this. The taste of Ashe's lips, the sensations it would send throughout her body, the dance their tongues would perform, the calming touch of Ashe's cool hands.

Katarina smiled dopily in their kiss when her hands finally found Ashe's, well, ass.

'It's as round and soft as ever...'

Unfortunately for her, Ashe broke the kiss.

"Seriously?" Ashe questioned her with a half-hearted scolding gaze. "You just woke up from your one month-long unconscious state and you're already thinking about that?"

"That means I have a whole month's worth of energy to ravish that sweet little Ashe of yours."

Ashe shot her a look, and repeated her previous one-word question in a flat tone. "Seriously?"

Katarina grinned at her own joke. "Yeah, seriously. I hope you're prepared to be sore."

With a swift and strong tug, Ashe was suddenly off the floor and on the bed, and Katarina was lying back on the mattress, her girlfriend now on top of her.

"That's more like it."

"Katarina, as much as I would love to...-!"

"Have sex with me?"

"...be sexually intimate you," Ashe continued in her own words. "The doctor said that strenuous activities are not allowed for you right now."

"Hey, I'm naked right now, aren't I? Shouldn't it be fair that you take off your clothes as well?"

"You're naked, because I was giving you a sponge bath."

"Can I give you a 'tongue bath', then?"

Ashe glared at her.

"Fine, just lay with me here, then."

"Katarina, don't you at least need a drink?" Ashe asked, moving to the small vacant space at the left side of the bed and settling there.

"What," Katarina then looked at Ashe suggestively. "You gonna give me some?"

Ashe made a face before reaching to the table near the bed, retrieving the water bottle and handing it to Katarina.

"Yes, literally."

"Killjoy." She muttered, twisting the cap off and drinking half of the contents of the bottle. She gave the bottle back to Ashe, who returned it to its original place. "So, where are the others?"

Katarina adjusted herself until she was lying on Ashe's chest, ear near her beloved's now steadily beating heart. Ashe wrapped her arms around her, and she instantly sank in her lover's arms.

"Cassiopeia and Talon are at school, and your father's at work. Oh, and Vi and the others will be dropping by today, I don't know what's the exact time though. And, don't you want to at least put your hospital gown on?"

"No, thanks, I'm more comfortable in this state. What about Evaine? Did she come to visit or is she too busy with the Black Rose?"


When she heard no reply being, she turned her gaze to her partner, who now had a noticeable frown on her beautiful face.


"Evaine's here right now, Kat."

Katarina did a sweeping scan around the room for a second or two. "Where?"

"In here." As Ashe said this, she placed a hand against Katarina's bandaged chest.

Looking down on her chest, she placed a hand on top of Ashe's own, the words registering and being processed in her mind.

"She's the heart donor..."

"She said that it wasn't your time yet."

"Wait, that's impossible."


"A healthy person can't just donate their heart like that. It's illegal. He or she has to be dying, or sick, or...-!"

"Katarina, you of all people should know that the words 'legal' and 'illegal' doesn't mean anything to Evaine. They're just words for her."

Katarina rubbed her eyes with two fingers. "She bribed the doctor, didn't she?"

"She did."

She sighed and buried her face in Ashe's chest. No, she isn't doing that just to feel the warmth of Ashe's bosom... But, that is quite a nice bonus, if she does say so herself.




"Wait a minute,"


"Who's the leader of the Black Rose?"




She lifted her head up and gazed at Ashe, who is currently biting her bottom lip and looking away a tad bit nervously, not wanting to meet her own gaze.

"Ashe, don't tell me..." She trailed off with her words, while her eyes wandered to Ashe's choice of clothing.

"I... I'm sorry."

"Dammit, Ashe," Katarina pulled away and sat up. "Why?"

"I... I promised her that I'll take control...-!"

"You're going to take control of a criminal organization! Didn't you think of that!?"

"Katarina, please, don't stress yourself too mu...-!"

"Stress myself? How can I not? The whole time I was unconscious, I thought you were the one who gave me a new heart! I lived more than just a few days, thinking that you were dead! Now I wake up, and you tell me the woman I always saw as my second mother is dead, and you're the new leader of the Black Rose! How in the holy fucking hell can I keep myself calm!?"


"Don't you know how many people who wants the Black Rose gone!? Don't you know that there's a high possibility that you're going to end up at the top of the kill list of countless gangs and other organizations out there!? DON'T YOU KNOW ANY OF THAT!?"


"Ugh..." Katarina's right hand gripped the blanket while her left hand shot to her chest, her breath suddenly hitching in her throat.

"Katarina, calm down," Ashe was already sitting up and was wiping the sweat that had formed on Katarina's forehead with one of her hands, while Katarina felt the other gently brush and banish the tears that she had obliviously began to shed. "You're stressing yourself too much."


"Shh," Ashe hushed her, brushing her hair back over and over again in a caring manner. "Try to rest for now, alright? Close your eyes, and slee...-!"

"No!" She wrapped her arms around Ashe, burying her face in Ashe's face again. "If I close my eyes... You'll be dead again."


"I'll wake up back inside my room, with you gone! Dead! I don't want to wake up anymore, Ashe!" As she said this, she locked her arms around Ashe. "If this is a dream, then let me die in my sleep! Let me stay here with you!"

Katarina found herself breaking down and crying against Ashe, clear tears running down her lover's chest. She never did have a liking in crying and always had a rule against it, but every single time it involved Ashe, her rules were always put aside and disregarded. Her heart, or to be completely specific, Evaine's heart, inside her chest was physically aching a bit, but it was fading away little by little.

Ashe whispered soothing and reassuring words in her ear, while rubbing her back comfortingly and stroking her hair to calm her tensed nerves. Her lover held her for a long time and never uttered a single complaint about it.

"This isn't a dream, Katarina," Ashe murmured, continuing her comforting gestures. "Don't worry, I'm alive, and know that I will never leave you."

She whimpered, and honestly, she doesn't care if she sounded like some sort of big crybaby. All she wanted right now is to be held by Ashe and Ashe alone. Her tears stopped gradually, but in the process of that, she kept asking herself in her head what would have happened.

What would have happened if Ashe was really the heart donor?

What would have happened if she and Ashe never developed feelings for each other?

What would have happened if Ashe's crush on Riven had bloomed?

Would Katarina herself still have a chance with Ashe?

Or, would she have continued in her life aimlessly? Ashe nowhere near her side and not part of her life.

Her arms around Ashe tightened significantly when she envisioned herself lying down in her bedroom, no one beside her to warm her bed and to hold her whenever she slept, or vice-versa.

"What are you thinking about?" Ashe inquired quietly, speaking into her red hair.

"What we could have been..."

Earlier, while she was still crying all out, Ashe had leaned back onto the bed without her notice, and it just registered to her now. She pulled back a bit and laid her head on Ashe's shoulder.

"What do you think we could have been?"

"Strangers to one another, maybe."

Ashe looked towards her, a small smile on her face while she caressed her cheek with one hand. "You think so?"

"I know so." She leaned forward and started a sweet and innocent kiss, pulling away after a few seconds. "I'm so glad you don't have a dick."

Ashe stared...


...and suddenly, but lightly, laughed.

"Your language will never change, will it?"


Ashe turned away and muttered something under her breath. It was just one word, but Katarina couldn't clearly hear it, and it made her curious.

"What was that?"

Ashe blushed visibly. "O-Oh, n-nothing..."


"I told you, it's nothing."


In a blink of an eye, Ashe was lying down on the bed, while Katarina was now straddling her waist, still completely naked, just like the day she was born. Katarina internally smirked when she saw Ashe's gaze lingered on her chest longer than needed before it flicked up to her face and focused there, the blush on her girlfriend's cheeks becoming more noticeable.

"Tell me now, or I'll finger you 'til your throat becomes sore from screaming."

"Y-You were j-just c-crying a minute ago...!" Ashe practically squeaked out. "And, now y-you want to d-do it!?"

"I shift easily, probably a God-given gift, if I do say so myself. Now, don't change the subject."

"I-I just said 'good', okay?"

Katarina processed the answer in her head, and next thing Ashe knew, there was a mischievous smirk on her lips. Ashe turned away and blushed redder than a tomato, while Katarina leaned down and pressed her chest against Ashe's barely covered torso.

"Oh, so you like me using vulgar words? Talk dirty to you?"

"N-No! It's...! It's just that...-!"

Ashe pursed her lips once Katarina's tongue stuck out and licked it.

"You're a naughty girl, aren't you?"

"..." Ashe avoided her smug gaze.

"And they say I'm the kinky one. You're just playing innocent, aren't you?"

"U-Uh, n-no...-!"

"Which one would you like to be, Ashe? The pot or the kettle?"

"Isn't that both the same?"

Katarina snapped her gaze over her shoulder, while Ashe looked around her. There, at the door of the room, which is now fully opened, is Lux, and behind her is Vi, Caitlyn and Riven, one specific pinkette grinning at them.

The four females walked in, and Katarina instantly felt Ashe begin to squirm underneath her, trying to escape her. Katarina then saw Riven's steel grey eyes flicker to Ashe's half-undressed self.

"Hey," She hissed, glaring at Riven. "Possessive girlfriend over here."

Riven just looked at her with amusement, while the others released their own laughs at her reaction.

"Umm, Katarina?"

She glanced at Ashe. "What is it?"

"You're a bit behind on the news."

"What news?"

As if on cue, Lux hopped to Riven's side and wound her arms around one of Riven's.

"We're a couple now!"




"Mind-blown?" Vi asked, still grinning.

"I admit, I did have a huge crush on Ashe, but," Riven smiled. "I'm with Lux now, and I'm completely happy with her."

"Anyway," Caitlyn interjected. "Would one of you please tell me what are you two doing right now?"

"We were just about to have sex." Katarina deadpanned, not at bothered with her state of nudity.

"W-What!? N-No, we...! We weren't...!"

"Did you guys know that Ashe actually likes me talking dirty to her?"

Now, the redness in Ashe's face is either from anger or from embarrassment. Truthfully, Katarina doesn't really know.


Okay, maybe it's more on anger.

xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

Author's Note: Okaaay~! The epilogue of this story ends here, I guess. :3

And, yes, it's quite a long epilogue, huh? XD

It's sort of an alternate ending. :3

Again, I want to give my thanks to all of you who had read this story to the very end! I really appreciate the messges and comments, and the fact that you readers even bothered with my story. :D

Obviously, the song that inspired me to write this is "My Heart Will Go On" by the lovely artist, Celine Dion. :)

Got a great big help from silversapphire (mah sister), and my brother when I was experiencing writer's block here and there, so yeah, I give my thanks to them. :)

IvaVampire, thank you for shipping this, well, ship with me! Totally motivated me in typing! ^^ I'm quite sure I'll be thanking and mentioning you more in my future stories, especially the KatxAshe ones. Long live our OTPeh! xD

ClaireFarronXIII, I would like to thank you for sticking with me in my stories! You were the first reader that voted and commented in my first KatxAshe story, so thank you very much for that. :*

ThNguyn719, I also would like to thank you for taking an interest in my stories, your votes and comments really made me happy and motivated me enough to keep me writing. Thankies! :*

Anyway, I have another KatarinaxAshe story (go figure xD), and it is titled "Million Reasons", inspired by Lady Gaga's new awesome song. The story won't be AU/Modern, so it takes place in the League of Legends timeline. :)

If you readers are more interested with the AU/Modern type an setting, I have this new story of mine named "You Don't Own Me".

FEel free to check my stories out. Go ahead, no one's stopping you. :P






BONUS SCENE: (A small prize of mine for those who read the long A/N I left. ^_^)

Ashe closed her eyes and let the shower rain warm water down on her, clear drops cascading down her cool and pale skin. She rinsed the bubbles away from her hair, while she hummed a small tune.

Just because her eyes are closed and the shower is running, doesn't mean she hadn't heard the bathroom door open and someone step inside the bathroom with her. She cracked one eye open and saw a blurry form, topped with the color red and whole body painted with black. She didn't have to open the steam-covered shower door to know who it is that had joined her.

Instead, she closed her eyes again and focused back in ridding her hair from the shampoo she had applied to it. In the background, she could hear the sound of a belt being unbuckled, clothes rustling and zipper being pulled down. She took her time in cleaning her hair, knowing a certain someone would be joining her soon.

She continued humming as she brushed her wet hair away from her face, smiling to herself when she heard the sound of the glass door of the shower being pulled open and someone stepping inside to join her bathing session.

Warm familiar arms wound around her from behind, also feeling two round and soft flesh pressing against her back. A pair of lips were against the right side of her neck, and she moved her head to the left to give the person much more room to explore.

"You're home," She murmured, placing a hand behind the person's head and pushing her neck more against the lips that kissed, sucked and licked.

"I am," Katarina smiled lazily against the skin of Ashe's neck. "And it looks like I'm just in time for bath time."

Ashe chuckled lightly. "Indeed."

Fully turning around, she pressed herself directly against Katarina's body, arms wrapping around the redhead's neck and hands pushing her lover's face more to her. Their lips were inches away from each other, their noses already touching.

"I'm quite glad that you made it."

Katarina grinned. "I can see that,"

Ashe leaned forward and took Katarina's lips into hers, while Katarina moved and pushed her back against the cold tiles of the wall. Each second that passed, Katarina's once dry hair became more and more drenched until it was completely wet.

She could care less with that fact though. Ashe lifted her right leg and hooked it on Katarina's hip, giving the redhead a great opportunity... and a nice view.

Ashe instantly felt Katarina's right hand wander downward, while her left hand shamelessly grabbed her rear and squeeze one of her buttocks.

"Mmm..." She moaned through their kiss as Katarina stroked one finger over her southern lips, which was becoming wet with more than just water.

As they continued their heated kiss, Katarina began teasing Ashe by pressing at least an inch of her finger inside her womanhood before pulling pur and just settling on stroking the outer lips. Truthfully, it was making Ashe, the most patient person Katarina knows, very impatient.

Ashe broke the kiss with a rather arousing pop of their salivas, darkened blue eyes gazing into Katarina's green ones.

"Are you seriously going to tease me now?"

Katarina smirked at her in return. "Maybe."

She unwound and maneuvered one of her hands away from Katarina's neck, said hand teasingly crawling down until it reached the underside of Katarina's chest. Swiftly, she unhooked her leg from Katarina's hip and...!

Katarina quickly placed both of her hands on the wall before she could face-plant onto it. Ashe had abruptly crouched and had suddenly...!

"Fuck...!" Katarina gasped out as soon as she felt Ashe's lips against her lower ones, tongue darting out and licking up her folds. Her fingers against the tiled wall flexed as pleasure shot up her whole body. She clenched her eyes shut and bit her bottom lip, feeling Ashe lick her womanhood feverishly. "Oh...! Oh, fuck...!"

Ashe cupped and squeezed Katarina's rear with both hands, while she pleasured her with her own tongue. After groping Katarina's butt a few times, her hands moved and pushed Katarina's southern lips apart, leaning forward and licking the sensitive bundle of nerves.

Katarina felt her legs weaken beneath her, and she knew that if Ashe continued her pleasurable assault against her lower regions, it would eventually collapse due to being overloaded with pleasure.


Ashe, using her left hand's fingers to keep Katarina's womanhood open, pushed the middle finger of her right hand inside, the warm and moist walls hugging her digit tightly. A wanton growl nearly ripped out of Ashe's throat as she slowly moved her finger in and out Katarina.

Katarina's ragged breathing combined with the sound of the shower and the quiet sound of licking beneath her, and the redhead was feeling like she was about to collapse any moment.

While Ashe fingered Katarina, she began sucking on her girlfriend's swollen nub, sending more and more surges of pleasure throughout Katarina's body.

Looking down, Katarina almost moaned out loud when she saw Ashe's eyes closed and savouring the wetness that dripped out of her. It most certainly isn't tap water.

Ashe, after sucking on Katarina's clit for a few seconds, pushed her index finger inside, the penetration causing Katarina to clench her eyes shut for a moment and to part her lips and release a loud, "Ohh~!"

The redhead looked down again and met Ashe's now open eyes, a glint of mischief showing in the cerulean hue of her eyes. Katarina didn't have time to recover any extra energy, for Ashe had begun thrusting her fingers in and out of her.

"Ashe...!" She yelped out, jumping in surprise. She had not expected the rapid pace the Avarosa chose to perform, and it was driving her completely insane with sexual ecstasy.

Ashe hummed in reply to her yelp, and it sent a mind-blowing vibration inside her core. Katarina's nails clawed on the wall, teeth biting down on her lip. The sexual pressure inside of her was building up, and she knew she was about to catch a glimpse of a rapturous euphoria.

"M-More..." She moaned out, running one hand through Ashe's white hair. "Ashe... I, fuck... I need more...!"

"Are you close?" Ashe asked Katarina, her breath causing Katarina's extremely sensitive clit to tingle and send another jolt of pleasure.

"Mmm! Y-Yes! I'm...nuughh...! Yes, Ashe, please...!"


With one long and sensual lick, Ashe pulled her fingers out of Katarina and raised back up to her feet, and Katarina immediately groaned at the loss of the fingers inside of her. She leaned back slightly, but still kept her hands on the walls, Ashe's head in between.

Ashe smiled sweetly at her. "It's not quite nice when you get a taste of your own medicine, hm?"

Katarina began regretting on teasing Ashe earlier. She always knew that her teasing would bite her back in the ass, and right now, it's biting her back down there. She pursed her lips and gazed at Ashe pleadingly.

"Please, Ashe... Give me my release..."

Ashe brought her two fingers up and sucked on the both of them, the same fingers that were inside Katarina just a few seconds ago. She made sure to suck loudly at the slim digits, arousing Katarina more and more with the lewd sound. She pulled her fingers out with a low and wet pop.

"I'm sorry, what was that?"

"Aaaashe!" Katarina whined, which Ashe found rather cute.

Ashe chuckled to herself before wrapping her arms around Katarina's neck again, pulling the redhead in for a kiss. Katarina accepted the gesture, hungrily, if one may add, and savoured the wonderful feeling of Ashe's lips.

"Would I really leave you unsatisfied?"

Katarina didn't get a chance to reply. Instead, a moan came out of her lips as Ashe shoved her fingers back inside Katarina's womanhood. The thrusting was quick, just like earlier. Ashe took advantage of the space between her and Katarina, and leaned down, taking one of Katarina's nipples inside her mouth, suckling it avidly and groping the other one with her free hand.

The pleasure of having herself being fingered and her lover sucking on her nipples pushed Katarina back to her building release. She kept one hand planted on the wall, while the other was lost in Ashe's hair. Since her tower of pleasure was already more than halfway finished, it didn't take much effort in Ashe's part to bring Katarina to her pleasurable peak.

"Ah, ah! Oh...! Ah, ah, ahh! Ashe~!

Ashe felt Katarina's already tight walls become much tighter than before, nearly prohibiting her from pulling her fingers out. But, after drawing circles inside Katarina more than just twice, Ashe slowly withdrew her fingers from inside the redhead, and Katarina actually unleashed a small moan at the sensual act.

Katarina watched with a heaving chest as Ashe straightened back up and leaned on the wall, casually sucking on her fingers yet again. Seeing Ashe tasting and enjoying her essence like some sweet candy fueled her whole body and lit another flame. She made a move in starting a kiss, but Ashe had suddenly pulled her fingers out of her mouth and placed the saliva-coated digits on Katarina's own lips.


"What?" She spoke through the saliva-stained fingers. "Don't you want to feel good too?"

Ashe smiled before washing her fingers with the shower's help. Katarina watched with an intense and burning gaze as Ashe reached for the bar of soap at the side and began to rub it on her torso.

"Too dirty for you?" Katarina asked with a teasing smirk.

Ashe merely winked and placed a kiss on the scar on her chest before running the soap over it.

"Not at all."

"Then, what's with this?" Katarina glanced at the soap in Ashe's hands.

"I want you to take your time with me in bed," Ashe told her. "In order for us to move to the bed, you need to finish your shower."

Katarina wound her arms around Ashe before her hands gradually slipped down until it was on Ashe's butt, her hands squeezing the soft round flesh.

"Take your time, then."

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