Hello dearies!
I did not forget about you!
I was just struggling to end this...
I hope ya'll enjoy!
Alright, I think I got everything. Bag, books, pencils, my gifts, cloths and random crap I forgot was there. Yep! All good. I hope Elsa has everything she wants to take with. I mean I'll buy her new cloths and stuff. I'll probably need to buy her a whole new wardrobe. Shopping spree! Girls like that don't they? I mean, my friends and I are very chill when it comes to shopping. Mulan usually dresses as a guy. Merida likes to be comfortable, rebelling against her mother that just wants her in dresses. I prefer jeans and t-shirts. Eugene…well he's a guy, which says enough. Then again this is Eugene were talking about…he likes to look stylish. Maybe he is a girl. Huh.
Looking at the room I've been staying in for the last three years I can't help but feel like I'm leaving home again. I was excited and scared. I was just getting used to things here, like they were second nature.
I wonder how much technology has progressed…
You think that's funny?
Do you know how fast the smart phone progressed to the amazing-ness it is now?
It took like a year or two to go from a funny concept and buggy tech to something everyone and their grandma has.
Do I think we have flying cars? No.
Do I think we have virtual reality? Yes.
Okay well that's not fair, Arendelle Corp has been working on that since I left so…
"Anna, you ready?" I look to Oaken and nod. He looks like he wants to cry and I rush over to hug him tightly.
"I'll visit uncle Oaken, I promise," I said and he chuckled. We hugged some more before I went and said goodbye to everyone else. Kristoff gave me a massive bear hug that left me gasping for breath and seeing stars. Rapunzel made me change shirts because she was crying like a drama queen into it. Sven tried to steal my bag from me. Yea, I was going to miss these lovable goofs. Elsa of course had been greeted with even more tears and hugs.
"You will write to us, won't you dear?" Her mother asked.
"And you will visit at least once a year right?" Her father added.
"Of course mother, father," she nodded and hugged them some more.
"Don't worry Mr and Mrs Winter's I will take good care of your daughter," I grinned and they hugged me tightly.
"We know you will Anna dear," her mother smiled as tears ran down her cheeks.
"Just make an honest woman of her," she whispered and I went blood red in my face. Surely it matched my hair now.
"Anna, are you okay?" Elsa asked and I nodded.
"Yea, I'm perfectly fine!" I chirped and said goodbye to everyone again for the umpteenth time. We waved goodbye as we exited the gate and turned to the car waiting for us. As a gentlewoman I open the door for Elsa to get in. She blushed and I packed our bags into the trunk before joining her. She was looking around the cars' interior as her hands absently stroked the soft upholstery. I waved to the driver and he started the car. Elsa jumped at the sudden roar and eventual purr of the car as we drove. I chuckled and held her hand.
"Every things alright Elsa," I reassure her and she smiled to me shyly.
The drive to the airport was long and Elsa fell asleep due to the smooth relaxing ride. I too usually fall asleep on long car rides, but I couldn't stop looking at her. She was pure beauty and I was lucky to have her. I would treat her like the princess she was…wait she's older…the queen she was. Sleep eventually over took me and we took a delightful nap till we got to the airport.
"There are a lot of people here," Elsa whispered as she clung to my arm. I beamed a smile at having this gorgeous woman on my arm.
"Yea, people from around the world use planes to get where they want, mostly for vacation reasons," I said. She looked out the big windows overlooking the plane lot.
"Wow they are big," she said as some landed and some took off.
"Yea, it needs to carry a lot of people and their bags.
"Which one are we getting on?" She asked and I chuckled before pointing to a stand-alone smaller plane.
"Why is that one smaller?" She asked.
"Well we are the only passengers, well us and the pilot," I said and she frowned.
"Because my dear sweet Elsa, that plane is called a jet and I own it," I smiled and she blinked, staring at me.
"It means I can go anywhere I want without needing to pay for tickets or needing to wait," I explained. Her eyes widened.
"But others need to share? Are you a very important person?" She tilted her head and I chuckled.
"Well, I guess in some way. I will be running a company that's very influential in the world. I guess I could be seen as a person with power. I just don't have the authority to make big world changing choices, besides on what we should invest next," I tried to explain. This will take a while for her to get it, but she's a smart woman, she will get it eventually. I man wearing a captain uniform walked up to us and smiled warmly.
"Good to see you again Miss Arendelle, it's been a long three years," he said warmly.
"James! I missed you bud!" I said and hugged him tightly.
"James this is my girlfriend Elsa Winters, Elsa this is James he captains the jet," I said smiling. He took her hand softly and kissed it.
"Nice meeting you Miss Winters," he said and Elsa blushed.
"Okay, okay James she's mine get your own," I chuckled and he smiled.
"Shall we ladies?" He said and took our bags as we walked out to the jet. I could see Elsa tense up the nearer we got.
"Don't be scared Elsa, this is perfectly safe," I smiled and we stepped onto the plane. She looked around in awe. I sat down on the plush couch and smiled.
"This, my dear is what you're going to have to try and get used to, I only take the best," I smiled. I sounded arrogant, but I now had a new found appreciation for the stuff I had. I could now appreciate the effort people put into making these things, like the artisans back at the village.
"Wow, I wonder how long it took for people to make these," she said as she stroked a hand over the sofa. I frowned slightly.
Was she examining the stitching?
What a weird and wonderful girl-ah-woman.
"We will be taking off in five minutes," James said and I nodded.
"Elsa please take a seat, once were in the air you can stand again," I said smiling. She blushes and nodded sitting across from me, a small table separating us. Elsa gripped the arm rests of the seat tightly like a scared cat as we took off. I chuckled and walked to the bar fridge once we were stable in the air.
"Relax Elsa, everything is fine," I said and gave her a bottle of water. She gulped and took it shakily.
"Once we get home in a few hours I think it best to just relax and sleep the jet lag off. Then once were back to normal we can go shopping," I smiled. Elsa frowned as she took a sip of the water.
"Normal? What do you mean?" She asked.
"Well seeing as were changing states and time zones our bodies will be tired, the best solution is to sleep till you're on the right time. I'm explaining this wrong, I'm sorry," I said and she shook her head.
"I think I understand," she smiled and looked outside for the first time. She perked up like a little kid and pressed her face against the window. I chuckled and let her enjoy the view. This was going to be interesting.
A new chapter in our lives…
I wonder what that will bring.
The end!
For now hehe...
There will be a new one coming out...don't know when though...
Hey what would ya'll like to see these crazy girls get up to?
What should the next one's name be?!
Leave a review!
Shout outs!
LockAndKey989 - Hows that ending for ya? Thank you for reading and leaving reviews I appreciate them!
Guest - Hehe yay hope ya liked this one too!
Miss. Styx - Haha awww sorry it had to end...no worries a new one will be out following this AU!
So there ya have it my dudes and dears!
Remember to leave a review to have input in the new installment! I will credit ones I use of course!
See ya'll next time!