You ever have one of those ideas that you know is a really REALLY bad idea… but can't seem to stop yourself from doing it anyway? Like nudging a loose pebble on a mountain side or throwing a stick at that beehive, or getting on that ship that was supposed to be just a pirate themed boat ride on your vacation to the beach? Ya… this is one of those.

If you haven't read 'One Hundred Kisses' by Cimar of Turalis WildeHopps, Well first, what is wrong with you? Second, go read that first because this story picks up from a point in the end of that story.

Disclaimer: I don't own it and it's only a silly little kids movie from Disney, what could possibly be the harm in watching it?

Chapter 1 – 'Boop'

"Hey Nadine, you gonna come over to watch the game tomorrow?" Wolford asked his partner as they entered the atrium of Precinct 1 heading out at the end of their shift, ready for their weekend off.

"What and miss the chance to gloat as all of you wolves watch as your team gets decimated by The Prowlers?" Fangmeyer responded with a chuckle. "I would never miss an opportunity like that."

Wolford laughed and pointed at her, "Not this year! The Pack has a new rising star this year. With Wayne Howlney we're going to crush you cats!"

"I'll admit that little coyote is good but we've still got Lionel Manessi the 'Golden Lion'," Fangmeyer smirked at him, "It doesn't matter who you have, you're still going to lose."

Wolford was about to respond but stopped and nudged her, pointing over toward the front desk where Clawhauser was chattering away with Judy and Nick.

"Is it just me or does Nick look exceedingly smug… again." Wolford whispered to Fangmeyer.

"Oh, they're up to something again alright. I thought after the Halloween party Nick would try behaving, at least for a little while." Fangmeyer said with a groan.

Wolford gave a hearty laugh at that.

"Do those two ever do what anyone would expect?" he said leading Fangmeyer over toward the front desk, "Come on, I want to see this. Whatever it is, it's going to be entertaining!"

Clawhauser was the first to notice them and waved before Nick and Judy turned to greet them too.

"And what trouble are you two up to today?" Fangmeyer asked, crossed her arms looking at the group.

Nick gave her a shocked look, proclaiming with hurt innocents, "Trouble? Us? Why would we be up to any trouble?"

There was a snort and a chuckle from behind them as an older motherly voice spoke up. "Because you've been getting into trouble from the day you were born."

Eliana Vivian Wilde, though she insisted on Ella or Vivian, stopped pushing the double strolled toward the front desk and can came around the group of officers and to give Nick a motherly kiss on the cheek and a warning look, before saying, "I hope you aren't teaching my grandkits any bad habits now."

"Absolutely not!" Nick responded with wronged indignantly and his mother just gave him another look with a cocked eyebrow and Nick's innocent act faltered as he shuffled his foot and muttered, "And Judy wouldn't let me even if I tried."

Mrs. Wilde smiled at that and turned to the bunny giving her a kiss on the cheek as well, "Good to hear you're keeping an eye on my little boy, I still don't know how he managed to find himself such a wonderful mate, be he couldn't have possibly done better."

Judy's ears turned a light shade of pink as she mumbled something about being lucky to have found Nick and the older fox just smiled at the two.

"Well, I wish that I could spend more time with you all," she turned back to the stroller and reached in to pick up the small rabbit and fox kit, giving them both a nuzzle and kiss before turning back around to the group and handing them over to their parents, "and especially with my cute grandkits but I'll be late to my book club meeting if I don't hurry. We're discussing 'Always' tonight."

The older fox gave all four of them one last hug and kiss before heading back toward the front door, calling back with a smile right before she left, "And don't forget that you two promised to stay for dinner when you come to pick them up on Monday after work."

Judy waved back assuring her mother-in-law that they would, the small fox kit in her arms snuggling against her and sucking on the tip of his tail.

Nick smiled and nuzzled the top of his daughter's head between her small long ears, while the little bunny kit worked to detach the shiny badge on his uniform, "And what mischief did my little Ella and Ridley manage to cause at their grandmother's house today?" he said with a smile before whispering to her with a smirk, "Come on, you can tell daddy. He won't tattle to mommy."

Clawhauser leaned over to Wolford and Fangmeyer while literally holding back a squeal with his paws, and whispered through said paws as Judy berated Nick who looked unabashed, "Aren't they just adorably you-know-what?"

Ella finally managed to remove Nick's badge and waved it around in her tiny paws with a triumphant chirp before sticking it in her mouth to chew on.

Fangmeyer gave a shudder before saying, "That's too adorable, like criminally so." And Wolford laughed before leaning back to Clawhauser.

"So, what's the scoop?" he said conspiratorially while smirking and pointing at the two small officers.

Clawhauser tore his wide eyes away from them long enough to grin at Wolford and say, "Rumor mill says that Judy got fed up with Nick calling the Chief 'Buffalo Butt' today. Apparently, Nick asked why, claiming the name was a perfect fit for him and Judy told him to either shut up about it or prove it. It ended up in a wager, Nick would get a hundred kisses if he proved the name fit by the end of today or he'd have to stop using the name for a month and stop sneakily eating all the blueberries out of their fridge."

Fangmeyer looked at the portly cheetah impressed, "And how did you find all that out?"

Clawhauser giggled, "Radio in their cruiser is still a bit broken from when Bogo hit it, the transmit button sticks."

Wolford laughed and even Fangmeyer couldn't help chuckling at that, "Guess Nick lost though, how was he even going to 'prove' that the Chief should be called 'Buffalo Butt'?" she said.

"Beats me," Clawhauser said before stifling a squealing 'AWWWwww' as Judy went over to help Nick retrieve his badge only for the Ella to hand it to Ridley who took it and from his sister and started sucking on it instead of his tail.

The precinct's loud speakers crackled as something like the sound of a door closing came over the line. There was some grumbling that got louder and finally became decipherable.

"…day finally over, now I can have some time for my important appointment."

There were a few taps and then a bad mechanical impersonation of Gazelle's voice was heard, "Think you can dance… 'Chief. Bogo.' ?"

"Yes. Yes. I do." The chief said in a gleeful voice without his usual gruffness as his seat creaking taking his weight… and an ear-splitting fart roared over the loud speakers.

The precinct, which had gone utterly silent, remained that way for a few seconds as the fart slowly petered out, but then someone over in the office area snickered and the entire precinct erupted in table pounding laughter.

Judy turned to a very smug Nick with a disbelieving look on her face, "Nick, you didn't…"

He smirked back at her with an innocent look that screamed 'Guilty!' and said while pointing over his shoulder with a thumb toward the chief's office, "Did what? I didn't fart. That was Chief 'Buffalo Butt', but I guess you owe me a hundred kisses now."

The precinct quieted as Chief Bogo's voice came over the speakers in a growing growl, "A whoopee cushion?! Somebody put a whoopee cushion on my chair?! Who…" he stopped and the sound of the Chief facepalming could clearly be heard over the speakers. There were a few quiet seconds and then the sound of his door opening and crashing shut boomed both over the speakers and through the atrium.

The group around the front desk which, now also included two chirping and giggling kits, looked up in time to see Bogo appear at the second floor railing, whoopee cushion in one hoof as he bellowed, "WILDE! HOPPS! MY OFFICE, NOW!"

Nick looked up trying to keep his smirk off of his face, "Chief it's Wilde and Wilde now, you were at the wedding remember?"

The Chief pointed the hoof crushing the whoopee cushion at Nick dangerously and bellowing, "Don't CARE, MY OFFICE NOW."

There was a small squealing laugh and Ella waved her small paws at the enraged buffalo like sighting her favorite teddy bear. The chief's eye twitched.

He pointed at Nadine and Ralph standing across from them and still bellowing, though not as menacingly, said, "FANGMEYER! WOLFORD! Watch those two… two kits while I have a nice chat with their parents," He glared back the uniformed fox and bunny adding some extra sub-arctic frost to his voice, "Right, NOW."

Bogo turned and stomped back toward his office slamming the door again. There was another few moments of angry muttering over the speakers, "-better not grow up to be like their parents or this city is doomed, now where is that damned mic?" before there was a click and the speakers turned off.

Judy turned to Nick with her own glare, "If we get put on parking duty for this I'll… I'll…" She said angrily, her temper rising and Fangmeyer and Wolford both took a step back from the bunny. Nick though, smirked at her while she tried to figure out what she was going to do to him and kissed her opened mouth in a way that set her ears which had been bolt upright in fury, vibrating like a rung bell.

Nick pulled back satisfied and said to the shocked bunny, "You'll have time to give me those other 99 kisses?" He turned and walked over to Ralph handing the surprised wolf the bunny kit.

"Watch my little rascal for a second Wolford? Thanks bud." He turned back to Judy, "Come on Carrots we have to go mollify Chief Buffalo Butt now."

Judy sighed and before Fangmeyer had realized what had happened she was holding the little fox kit still sucking away on Nick's badge while Judy thanked her and ran after Nick.

Fangmeyer looked down in terror at the small fox kit sucking away happily in her paws, not knowing what to do.

She looked back up but Judy had already disappeared.

Desperate, Fangmeyer looked over at Wolford who was trying to keep the small bunny from takin his badge off his uniform as well.

"Oh, no you don't Ella! I don't want to have to spend hours re-polishing my badge." He said, one paw holding his badge on his shirt while he tried repeatedly to gently move the small kit that was holding onto it like a limpet away from the shiny object.

Clawhauser was giggling and had pulled out his phone to video record Wolford fight with the determined baby bunny.

"Ralph!" Fangmeyer hissed at her partner trying not to drop or otherwise break the kit in her paws. Ralph looked up at her and she gesturing down with her muzzle at the fox kit saying desperately, "What do I do with him?"

Ralph shrugged, "Hold him? Hey!" he reached back trying to reclaim his badge from the bunny kit, his ears folding back as he struggled with the infant, "and don't let Ridley get his paws on your badge!"

Fangmeyer looked back down at the kit who was lazily looking back up at her still terrified face. There was faint bellowing coming from Bogo's office but Fangmeyer ignored it trying to think about how to deal with infant she was holding.

"H-Hey there little guy…" She tried saying, while smiling down at the kit. Ridley who had been sucking away happily on the corner of the badge watching her with wide little eyes, stopped.

His expression started to waver and Fangmeyer felt her smile and whiskers drop, fearing what she realized was about to happen.

"Now, now there's no need to-"

Ridley's wavering expression broke and he started to wail.

"Hey, hey, come on. Please don't do that…"

Nadine tried lightly bouncing the kit, then awkwardly rocking him but nothing seemed to work and the kit just wailed louder.

Nadine looked back over at Ralph in desperation, "Ralph! Help!"

The wolf had gotten his badge back but had his head tilted at an odd angle as Ella tugged on his lip, apparently trying to inspect his interesting fangs.

"Liitle bbusy," he slurred, glancing at Fangmeyer, "Try oing ssomething funny, ow!"

Fangmeyer looked down at Ridley still wailing in her paw as he watched her.

"funny… funny… right." She closed her eyes and scrunched her face before popping the open going, "Peak-a-boo!"

The little fox kit stopped, staring at her wide eyed for a second before bursting out in a wail twice as loud as before, little tears now rolling down his cheeks. A second wail picked up sympathetically from the kit's sister in Ralph's paw.

"Nadine! funny, not scary!" Ralph said turned to her, looking a little desperate now himself as all his attempts to comfort Ella failed and the wailing got louder.

"I'm trying," Fangmeyer said in a piteous mew, out of ideas as she tried rocking the kit again against her chest.

"Here let's switch," Wolford said passing the wailing bunny kit to her and taking the little balling fox.

Fangmeyer tried smiling again, this time without teeth, as she leaned down to try cooing at the bunny ineffectually. She even tried purring in a last-ditch effort to cheer the kit up.

The bunny none the less, continued to wail, now starting to cry as well before one of her small paws booped Fangmeyer on her nose making her eyes cross and her nose scrunched and twitch in an automatic response.

Ella's wailing decreased momentary then picked back up.

"Whatever you just did, do it again!" Wolford said desperately having no luck calming the fox kit.

Nadine tried making that face again but couldn't manage it and Ella continued to cry and wail.

"It's not working," Nadine whined her ears flattened against her head in distress as she tried to maintain a purr hoping it would calm the kit.

"What did you do? I'm not having any luck over here." Wolford said while trying to dangle his badge in front of Ridely to catch his attention.

"She booped my nose by accident, but I tried making that face again and it didn't work, she just keeps-"

Fangmeyer's eyes crossed again as a gray wolf paw booped her nose.

"Hey! Ralph!" Fangmeyer shot Wolford a glare, and he booped her again with his finger. Nadine swatted his paw away trying to uncross her eyes and stop her nose from twitching but he just reached back and did it again.

"Who likes to see the tiger go 'Boop'," Wolford said in a baby voice and did it again.

"Boop! See everything's alright, watch the silly tiger! Boop!"

Wolford's finger tapped her nose again.

"Ralph! STOP THAT!" Nadine said rubbing her nose with her free paw her purr faltering.

"Nadine, it's working." Wolford said rocking Ridley who had stopped crying to watch, "Who wants to see the big kitty go Boop, do you want to see the kitty go Boop." Ralph cooed and booped Nadine lightly on the nose again.

She let out a low frustrated grow amid her purr and reached over and booped Wolford on his nose.

The wolf blinked and his ears snapped up a winning pull on a slot machine. There was a small giggle from the fox kit. Wolford gave Nadine a glare and she smirked and booped him again, gaining another giggle this time from both kits.

"Who likes to see the wuffy go Boop!" Nadine cooed through her now steady purr and did it again this time trying not to chuckle along with the kit's chirps and giggles at the startled wolf's reaction.

Wolford frowned and she leaned forward and booped his nose with the tip of her finger, "Boop!" there was more giggles, "Boop!"

"Nadine!" Wolford said ears still up like two small flags as he tried to protect his nose with his free paw and she booped him again now grinning.


Both kits were giggling happily now, even though Wolford was frowning.

His frown though suddenly became a smirk and his tail swished around and up, it's tip booping Nadine on the nose as she leaned forward to try booping him again.

"Boop!" Ralph said smirking and both kits laughed as Naidne's eyes crossed and she let out a small sneeze while pulling her head back, but not quick enough because Ralph reached out and tapped her nose with his finger causing her to sneeze again.

"Boop!" Wolford said snickering.

She glared and reached over to boop the wolf's unprotected nose, "Boop!", and both kits laughed, Ella even clapping her little paws.

"Are you two done clowning around?" Bogo's voice said gruffly and both Wolford and Fangmeyer stopped their little battle to try and boop each other, to look over at the Chief who had his head down, hoof pinching his nose like he was striving to prevent a headache.

Both of the officers looked at each other and then back at Bogo, Fangmeyer blushing slightly as Wolford grinned sheepishly.

"That is sooooo going on FurBook!" Clawhauser squealed in a giggle and started tapping away on his phone with enthusiasm and Fangmeyer groaned trying to protest.

"Benji, please, please don't post th-"

"Done!" the cheetah said delighted to Fangmeyer's dismay.

She could feel her whiskers and shoulders dropping knowing it was futile to try and stop the over enthusiastic gossip known as Clawhauser.

Nick, looking only slightly chastised, came over with Judy and collected their two kits while Bogo looked over to the cheetah his expression changing to a grimly satisfied smile that every officer knew to fear.

"Officer Clawhauser," he began getting the cheetah's attention, "If you're done messing around, could you send out a message to Monday's shift that there will be a training session after the morning briefing. Officer Wilde has generously volunteered to let officer Hopps use him to giving a training demonstration on take down techniques, in particular some of the more advanced techniques."

Nick's ears dropped all the way at that and Bogo turned and walked away, with what might have just been the faintest hint of a grin.

"Still worth it." Nick mumbled, sneaking a glance at Judy as they settled the two kits back in the stroller.

Fangmeyer was about to speak when Wolford reached up and booped her nose again.


She gave a short startled jump, eyes crossing again. She landed on her hindpaws, her tail snapping and the two kits squealed in laughter at her expression as she swatted at Wolford's paw but was to slow to get him. There where even some snickers and giggles from the rest of the group.

Nadine's eyes narrowed on her partner dangerously.

"Ralphhhh, if you do that one more time…"

He smirked again apparently thinking that he'd found a new fun little game, and said back, "You'll what? Boop my nose?"

Nick still snickering, called over to the wolf, "Ralph, I'll bet you tickets to the championship game that you can't boop her nose a hundred times before she boops you!"

Nadine's head snapped over and she growled at the grinning fox, "Don't you even-"



Nadine's eyes crossed looking at the gray furred, claw tipped finger on her nose as it twitched.

Nadine let out a Roar to squeals of delight from the two kits in the stroller.


The wolf turned grinning like a fool and ran, calling back, "ONE!" and letting out a howling peel of laughter as the tigress roared loud enough to shake the doors and chased after him.

Boop Count

Ralph: 1


Yep, One Hundred Kisses staring WildHopps might be over, but an ending is only ever another Beginning. And this is a beginning for Wolfeyer.

In the spirit of the story that started this quasi sequel, it will be run the same way. If you have an idea for a 'boop' or a chapter or what ever, send it my way (Easiest to pm me on FanFiction). If it fits the story rating (T) and the story characterization and setting, I'll try my best to fit it in. This story has only a vagueish plot; this is the start and as long as we're going in the right direction the exact route is flexible. Sailing pirate ships is like that, just avoid the sandbars and sea monsters and pick up some supplies and coffee in Tortuga when you pass.


This whole story started because a comment about OceRydia's awesome Zootopia 'Ship' Flags picture (Every self respecting pirate 'ship' needs a flag) and One Hundred Kisses which sparked something off in my mind.

Cimar, I hold you responsible for getting me into this story! (first, 100 Kisses was simply too good) and second as one of the pirate admirals you could have stopped this! Why didn't you stop this?!

MinscLovesBoo, You too are also to blame. You spawned the Wolfeyer fleet. You nudged that little loose pebble on the mountain with that first 'Boop'

Fox in the Hen House, Stop Laughing and Egging me on! A grinch like me can only do so much even with coffee and these pirates are demanding!

Starfang's Secrets, HELP! SOS! The Pirates took me and want me to write more!

Really that last one goes for everybody, We've got 100 chapters to get through people, mammals, pirates... whatevers. Let's get those ideas rolling, we have some booping to do.