Hashimoto sat down in the park looking at the object of his desires…the woman of his dreams.

Every day, at a certain time, the woman of his dreams always came out to the park near his office, and sat down and enjoyed the calm afternoon breeze. Sometimes she read a book, or she did some knitting (something Hashimoto thought odd) , or she occasionally shared lunch with her husband. Which was what she was doing right now.

Her husband Hashimoto thought bitterly. He was a short guy who owned and operated a business nearby. Hashimoto knew him slightly; he had once been at the business to buy some motorcycle accessories…which was where he had first seen her. The shop was not far from the office where Hashimoto worked as a salaryman. He had liked the guy immediately, and he still did , though sometimes, he felt bitter towards the guy for being so darn 'lucky'.

'I wonder how he got such a beautiful lady, a gaijin for that matter, as his wife', Hashimoto thought bitterly. 'If only I was in his shoes'. But he soon pushed away the thought. Salarymen like him were not allowed the luxury of dreaming…except if it was for the benefit of their company. He looked longingly at the couple. They were so happy in each other's presence, with the kind of happiness that Hashimoto could only dream of. And he felt himself seriously unlucky in love…as if someone would love him,a slightly overweight, tired looking, nerdy, easily perspiring, history otaku, who wore an ugly pair of glasses, and had been working as a salaryman for the last five years since graduating. He had tried a few times to get dates back in his university days, only to be turned down every the most part, he did not mind the no-lady status, but he was getting close to his thirties, and he did not want to be alone for too long.

And the painful thing was that he had seen the woman of his dreams….but she was with another….

Sometimes, life was just plain unlucky.

Later that evening, Hashimoto was at home in his meager studio flat, finishing his supper of ramen(unlike most bachelors, he was a good cook), and was about to settle down on the sofa to watch some television, when he remembered that he had not called his brother in some time…and he decided to call up his brother immediately. He picked up his mobile phone, and dialed the number…and got a very strange response…

'Good evening, I am the goddess Freya of the Goddess help line. I will be with you shortly to grant you your wish.! Hold on!'

Hashimoto was stunned for one minute…then….'Wait, who is this,? Have I called a wrong number?'…..

Only to see a bright light shine in his room. He turned to see a picture on his wall….a beautiful picture of a landscape that his grandmother had given him when he had gotten his current job…glow…and a female figure stepped out of the picture

(In the years to come, when Hashimoto told this strange story, he would usually add the caveat..Yes, it sounds strange, but that is what happened. Lie, I do not!)

The female figure stood, or, levitated before Hashimoto, allowing him to take in her features. She was a woman his height, with long black hair, arranged in a pigtail reaching to her waist, with a trim figure and a large bust, concealed in a flowing green had markings on her exquisite face which were in the shape of five pointed stars, clear blue eyes, a delicate nose, and a sensual lip.

The figure spoke, saying "Good evening Mr Kenjiro Hashimoto', I am goddess first class, second category unlimited Freya. I am here to grant you a I must warn you that you are entitled to just one wish, So, what is your heart's desire".?

There was silence ….then Hashimoto said, in a stunned and surprised voice….

'Are you for real?'

This is my first attempt at a multichapter story. I will update in two weeks time, hopefully, as I will be very busy in the coming days.

Read and review please!