Enjoy chapter 15! :)

Phoebe makes herself comfortable on the yellow couch as Joey takes his coat off and places the list of meals on the table. He notices Phoebe looking at the ground and sees the pain in her eyes. It breaks his heart to see her like this. His whole life is dedicated to protecting her and never letting anything happen to her. But now, he failed so badly at that. He feels like the biggest failure in the world, what kind of friend is he for letting his best friend get hurt?

He walks over and takes a seat next to Phoebe on the couch. He wraps his arm around her and pulls her closer to him. He allows her to rest her head on the shoulder and the tears pour from her eyes.

"Shh, it's alright Pheebs, I'm right here." Joey comforts as he plants a kiss on her head.

She picks her head up and looks into his eyes, "Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?"

"Forcing me to live here with you."

"Because someone has to keep an eye on you. Your doctor even said he was going to recommend getting a roommate for you."

"But I don't think-

Joey interrupts, "No, you're staying right here so I can keep a close eye on you. I'm dead serious Pheebs, I'm only doing this because I care so much about you. And about your well-beings."

Phoebe can tell he's dead serious. She knows it's going be too difficult to argue with him, so she finally gives in.

"Alright, but I do need to back and gather up my things." She points out.

Joey sighs, "Alright." They both walk out of the apartment and back to her place.

After settling everything in, they take a seat at the table while Joey takes a look at the list of meals.

"I better get started on cooking you some dinner. Want me to make you spaghetti with some vegetables?" Joey asks.

Phoebe didn't know how to answer him, she doesn't want to eat anything in the fear of getting fat. However, at the same time, she knows she can't argue with him; it'll just make him angrier. She just has to eat the spaghetti and purge out later. "Alright, that's fine." She finally responds.

"Cool! Because I'm really craving pasta!" Joey exclaims as he gets a pot out and opens his cabinet. His smile soon fades when he realizes that he has no ingredients.

"So, it looks like I don't have the ingredients to make it, so we are going to have to go to Mon's to see if she can make it." Joey takes Phoebe's hand and leads her outside and across the hall.

"Hey." Joey greets as he walks in.

"Hey, Monica and Chandler greet."

"Monica, do you think you can make spaghetti with vegetables for dinner. It's on the list of meals for Pheebs."

"Sure, I was just about to ask about dinner." Monica walks over to get dinner started.

"Thanks Mon!" Joey takes a seat on the couch next to Chandler, while Phoebe sits at the table.

"Oh yeah, did Rachel move in with Ross yet?" Chandler wonders.

"Not yet, she went over to Ross' so they could talk about that and make compromises." Joey explains.

"I'm so glad they're putting the past behind them and moving in. It's going to make things so much easier when the baby comes." Chandler mentions and everyone nods in agreement.

"Oh, can someone call them to say that I'm preparing dinner for everyone?" Monica asks as she boils the water and cuts the vegetables.

An hour later, Monica sets the big pot of spaghetti in the middle of the table while Rachel finishes up setting up the table.

"Dinner's ready!" Monica calls.

Joey is the first one at the table follow by Ross and Chandler. Everyone takes a seat at the table grabs a plate full. However, as Phoebe is about to take her plate, Joey snatches it from her making her have a puzzling look on her face.

"I'll serve for you. I want to make sure you get the right amount." He takes one huge spoon full of pasta and hands it back to her.

"Here, Pheebs. Try to eat all of it." She nods.

As everyone is eating and talking about random crap, Phoebe has barely eaten anything on her plate. She already feels fat enough, and eating this will only make it worse! Spaghetti is full of carbs! The gang must have sensed it because they all are looking at her concern.

"Phoebe, I know it's hard but you have to eat." Ross breaks the silence.

She tries her best make up an excuse. "I am, I'm just a slow eater."

They all are unconvinced, and Joey starts to get upset. "Pheebs, come on! Please! You have to eat!"

Not wanting to cause a fight, she takes a fork full and forcefully shoves the food in her mouth. As she slowly chews, she has a miserable and struggling look on. She feels so disgusted by herself, and she feels she has already put on more pounds.

She continues to forcefully eat just to make everyone happy. She manages to finish little more than a half of her plate.

"Alright, I'm full." She announces.

"You didn't finish everything on your plate." Joey points out.

"I know but I'm really full. Plus, this is most I've eaten in a long time. You should be proud." She gets up from her seat and throws the rest away.

Joey sighs, "Okay. At least you ate." He shoots her with a smile.

She gives a small smile back. I'm going to go take a small walk by myself. I'll be back, she exits the apartment.

Joey can't help but keep that smile on his face. He is just so happy that Phoebe finally ate. This is definitely an improvement. He just hopes she keeps it up.

Meanwhile, Phoebe is making her way to the trash room. When she gets there, she bends over the trash bin and places her two fingers down her throat. There goes all the food from just now, she is finally getting it out of her system. When she finishes, she feels a whole lot better. She walks back with a bigger smile on her face.

Uh oh! Will Joey and the others be able to catch Phoebe before she hurts herself again? Stay tuned to find out! Please Review! It gives me motivation to update faster. Also, sorry for this crappy chapter! I promise the next one will be better.