Okay, as a Joey/Phoebe shipper, I honestly wish the whole Joey/Rachel thing never happened. Which is the reason why I wrote this. Also, Phoebe never ran into David. I have nothing against Mike at all, he's obviously a great guy! But I always thought Joey and Phoebe were more compatible. Anyway, Enjoy! :)

Disclaimer: Friends belongs to Warren Brothers, not me.

Phoebe is sitting at dinner waiting for Mike to show up. While she's waiting, she couldn't get Joey out of her mind. She has been in love with him for a while now, she has been thinking about ending things with Mike, but hasn't found the right time to do it. Gosh, why couldn't she ever tell Joey her feelings? Who knows, he might feel the same way to her. Although, she doubts it. Considering, Joey isn't the type of guy who would want a committed relationship. She also doesn't want to risk losing her friendship with him. That's way too important to her. Suddenly, she sees Mike approaching her with a big smile on her face.

"Hey sweetheart." Mike greets as he plants a kiss on her lips.

"Hi." Phoebe greets back.

"Alright, before we order food, there's something I need to ask you." Mike says as he kneels down and takes a ring out of his pocket.

Phoebe's eyes are wide and jaw as drops as she knows what's about to happen.

"Phoebe, you're the most incredible woman I have ever met. You're so wonderfully weird and I want us to spend the rest of our lives together. Phoebe Buffey, will you marry me?"

Phoebe didn't know how to answer him. She's just too much in shock that this is happening. She does love Mike, but there is always a part of her that keeps telling her that he isn't guy she's supposed to be with.

"Oh, my gosh. Mike, this is so unexpected. Completely, out of the blue. I really don't know what to say." She answers honestly, after a few minutes.

She notices the smile on his face suddenly disappearing. "So…. Is that a yes or no?" He asks getting worried.

"Mike, I…. I do love you, and I care about you a lot. But I just feel this is way too soon." She rejects in the nicest way as possible.

She can tell that he's really disappointed with her answers as he stands up and sits at the table across from her.

"I'm really sorry, Mike. Please don't be mad at me. Just hear me out." She tries to explain

"Phoebe, I'm not mad at all. I guess I'm just bummed at you said no. I was really hoping for a yes." He says playing with his silver where.

"I completely understand that, it's just that-

"Do you honestly love me?" Mike interrupts looking seriously into her eyes.

"Mike, you know the answer to that."

"But I don't know if I believe you."


"Answer me Phoebe. Do you love me?"

She lets out a big sigh, she really doesn't know how to answer. Of course, she loves him! He's a great guy who truly loves her for who she is. How can she not love him? But he does have a point, she has been questioning her feelings for him, since she was considering on ending things. Also the fact that she has feelings for Joey, maybe the part that is telling her that Mike isn't guy she's supposed to be with is right. But she doesn't want to hurt him. She already did by rejecting his proposal.

"Okay look- She begins.

"I knew it." He interrupts and places both his hands on his face.

"Mike, please don't cry. I never meant to make you cry. I'm so sorry." Phoebe comforts as she gets up and wraps her arms around him while resting her chin on his shoulder.

"Who is he, Phoebe?" He finally breaks the silence.

"What are you talking about?" She lifts her chin up and removes her arms.

"The guy you love, do I know him?" He questions looking up at her.

"Umm… she goes back to her seat.

"Just tell me Phoebe, I have to know. I promise, I won't be mad."

"Okay, it's true, I do love somebody else."

"Well, who is he? I don't have all night."

"It's…. it's J-Joey." She exposes looking down at the table.

"Joey? Your friend, Joey?" His eyes are wide now.

"Yeah, I really am sorry. I think I've always loved Joey. But I just assumed that he only sees me as a friend. But I didn't realize that my feelings for him have gotten worse." She explains as tears fall from her eyes.

There are a few minutes of silence. Phoebe can tell that Mike is still trying to process everything that just happened.

"So, umm. Why did you agree to date me, if you've always loved Joey?" He finally asks.

She shrugs, "I honestly don't know. I mean I do love you also, Mike. I guess I was trying to find someone who can help me move on. But I guess, it didn't work."

"You know what I say Phoebe, go get him. Tell him how you feel. Because if you don't, you're going to regret it."

"But what about you?" She finally looks up at him

"What about me?"

"I want you to be okay. I won't be able to forgive myself if I've hurt you."

"Don't worry about me. To be honest, I've noticed the connections you and Joey have together. You guys obviously understand each other way better than you and I have. You guys are also so compatible and comfortable with each other. I want you to be happy and I know Joey will be able to make happier than I can." He explains as he takes her hand.

"You're so sweet Mike!" She has a big smile.

"I know, now go get him." He flashes her with a smile.

She gets up and quickly plants a kiss on his cheek and runs off to find Joey.

Remember to Review! :)