Hello again! I'm back with another one-shot.

After the series finale, everyone had mixed reactions about how it should've ended. I'm really happy that Delena got their deserving endgame, but I can't help but feel a little disappointed for the things we couldn't get to see on-screen. So I decided to pen it all down. This is basically what the end of 8x16 would've looked like if I was writing it (with some extended time, of course).

A big thanks to faith2727 who did the beta reading at such a short notice. Please check out her stories, I swear you'll not regret it.

Disclaimer : I have no rights over The Vampire Diaries and any of its characters. Just that I can't let Damon and Elena go, I won't. ;)

"Dear Diary,

Today will be different. Today, I will smile. It will be genuine. Because today is the day that I get to live again."

Elena Gilbert-Salvatore is sitting outside her family's crypt with her journal in her hand. Writing everything down gives her a sense of calm, some sort of peace. Peace. Such a foreign concept for someone who has battled the supernatural for a major part of her life. Vampires, werewolves, witches, Originals, hybrids, immortals, travelers, siphoners, heretics, sirens, the Devil, and who can forget the infamous doppelgangers? She lost almost all of her family members, got kidnapped, tortured, sacrificed, resurrected, killed, cursed, body snatched, cured, put in a supernatural coma, blood-jacked and whatnot. But even after everything she's been through, she's content today. Looking back at the last few years, she's happy with where she stands. Although she wishes things could've taken a different turn than what they did, she wouldn't change a thing about the present. Now is a good time to be alive!

"This life will be good, and beautiful, but not without heartbreak. In death comes peace, but pain is the cost of living. Like love, it's how we know we are alive."

She still remembers the day when she woke up from that Sleeping Beauty spell—that's what Damon likes to call it. It was a day of new beginnings for her, but it also had its fair share of pain. She felt so many emotions at once: happiness that she finally got to be with the people she loves, relief that Bonnie didn't have to die and she could spend her life with one of her best friends side-by-side, anxiety about the things that happened while she was asleep, and most of all, grief for the people she lost. Seeing Bonnie trying to spend every waking moment without Enzo made her heart ache. Tyler's death was too soon; he deserved to live his life like all of his friends. But it was Stefan's death that agonized her the most, not only because he was Caroline's husband and Damon's only brother, but he meant something to her too. She loved him, not in the same way now, but he'd always hold a special place in her heart. But she couldn't fall apart, not when Damon needed her the most. So she did what she does best. She stood by him and gave all that she had to him, trying to take some of his pain in the process. With every passing day, the sorrow lessened a bit, and piece by piece, his heart mended and eventually became whole again, thanks to a little addition to their relationship…

Elena had been feeling like this for a week now. Moody, tired, and nauseous, but it couldn't be that, could it? Nope, she must be coming down with the flu. But she was later than usual as well. What if Damon thought it was too soon? Yes, they had talked about having kids years ago, but things didn't go as per their plans. Their lives got back on track just a month back. They were literally leaving everything behind in a week for a fresh start in Seattle. How would this unexpected news affect their move? If she wasn't worried about it before, she definitely was now.

"What's going on in that pretty head of yours?" She was so deep in her thoughts that she didn't hear the front door open. Only when Damon came to her and kissed the side of her head did she realize that he was home.

"Um, nothing. I was just thinking about something," she confessed, biting her lip. It's better to come clean right now than to worry herself to death, she thought.

"Care to share with me?" he asked.

Elena contemplated a nice way to say it, but nothing came to mind. "I think I'm pregnant," she blurted, her heart beating wildly at her own admission. When she glanced at Damon, the look on his face was priceless.

"You what?" He had a comically shocked expression on his face. His eyeballs appeared ready to pop out of their sockets.

She inched closer and cupped his face. "Hey, relax. I'm not 100% sure yet, but all the signs point to it. You don't need to panic about it right this moment. We'll see how it goes, okay?" She was about to withdraw her hands when Damon took a hold of them.

"No, no, no, wait!" He pulled her closer, if such a thing was even possible. "I didn't mean for it to come out like that. I was just taken by surprise. We are gonna find about it together, and if that's true, we'll be welcoming a little guest in our new house." He smiled, truly smiled. It was the Damon smile, which had been missing since Stefan died.

"Really?" He nodded, pulling her in for a hug. She embraced him lovingly, seeking comfort in the fact that they were on the same page regarding this prospective good news.

"What else did you think? If you're pregnant, this would be the best thing to happen to me since I fell for you."

He looked down at her, his eyes shining with so much love that she couldn't control the tears that came next.

"Hey, baby. Look here." She tried to hide her face in his shirt, but he was having none of it. He tipped her chin up, kissing the happy tears away. "I'm ready for this. I've been ready for years now. There's nothing in this world that I want other than to build a life with you." She was full-on sobbing then. Damon couldn't help but smile at her, caressing her soft hair.

"How did I get so lucky?" It was more of a statement than a question. At that moment, it was impossible to think that this man used to be a big bad vampire with an impulsive nature. All she saw now was a man who adored the little family he created with his close friends, who was madly and deeply in love with her, and who would probably be the best father she could've given to her future kids.

"Probably because I'm the best?" She tried to act offended for a second, but the smirk on Damon's face made her break into a fit of laughter, and he joined in. It felt good to laugh freely without having to worry about the next day. Maybe it was what they needed to be happy again.

"Okay, I think it's time we find out if we are really going to be parents. You ready for this?" he asked with a hint of nervousness in his voice. Elena knew he was scared, but he was doing a damn good job of hiding it. She felt the need to assure him.

"I think I am. Let's see what the future holds for us."

Half an hour later, both of them were crying in Damon's bathroom, holding onto each other and a little white stick with two pink lines between them.

"After med school, I came home to Mystic Falls. It felt right. It's where I want to grow old. And I did…"

Four years. For four years, they were away from Mystic Falls. They stayed in Seattle where Elena immersed herself in her studies. Damon was too supportive, helping her in any way possible, first with the pregnancy and then with juggling school and parenthood. Just thinking about it makes an enormous amount of love swell in Elena's heart for the man she now proudly calls her husband and the father of her child. He became a full-time dad, staying in their loft during the day while she was at school, and when she came back in the evening, he used to move downstairs to assume his position as the owner of his bar. Even after that, he'd be there during late-night feedings with Elena. If she loved him any less before, then seeing him as a perfect partner and dad made her fall for him even more. And she usually showed it to him in her own way.

Damon was late leaving the bar tonight. It was way past midnight and Elena would probably be dozing off. Crap. Way to spoil a special day.

He was wrong though. There she was, resting her head on her arms over the dining table. When she saw him, her eyes lit up. She stood and ran towards him, flinging herself into his arms. He stood there surprised for a moment; this was not the welcome he expected after being more than two hours late, but he'd take it. Embracing her tightly, he twirled her around before moving to the couch. He sat down with her on his lap. When they finally parted enough to look at each other, Elena softly kissed him, pouring all her love and gratitude into the kiss. He deserved to be appreciated for all that he took upon himself for his family.

"What was that for?" he asked, playing with a stray lock of hair that snuck its way out of her messy bun.

She smirked when she thought of the perfect answer. "I'm guessing you had a really crappy day, and you kinda needed it," she said coyly, pulling him in for another kiss, this time more intense. He responded eagerly, bringing her tightly against his chest. Her hands found their way to his hair at the same time her tongue entered his mouth, sensually making love to its counterpart. He lifted her up and moved them to their bedroom, now used to walking blindly in the hallway. Once inside, he shut the door with one foot and deposited Elena on the bed. She pulled him down with her, and before he knew it, he was shirtless and underneath her, totally at her mercy.

"What if I tell you that my day was crappier than you thought?" He whispered in her ear while she was kissing his jaw.

She looked up, noticing the mischievous glint in his eyes. It was her turn to whisper in his ear now. "Then you're in for the night of your life."

And she did deliver on her promise. The remaining clothes were shed in a hurry. Elena worshipped him thoroughly, and when she lowered herself onto his rock-hard member, they both moaned in unison. This was home. It was not a place; it was the space which they shared with each other. Right now, it was the cradle of their bodies.

Elena rocked back and forth, looking directly into Damon's eyes. The love, passion, and pleasure reflected in them was just too much to take. She came with a silent scream, pushing herself down on him to the point that he filled her completely. When the tremors subsided, Damon took control and flipped her over. Without losing any contact, he resumed what Elena started, pulling all the way out then slamming in with such intensity that it made her see stars behind her closed eyes. She was close again, but this time, she wanted to go over the edge with him. She squeezed him tightly, and he lost all restraint. With a couple more powerful thrusts, they came together.

When they had gotten their heart rates relatively under control, Elena kissed him sweetly and said against his lips, "Happy third anniversary of being a dad."

Dad. He was getting used to hearing it often now. Their little one had learnt to walk before turning one, and they were used to hearing a few words here and there, but it wasn't until a few months back when he heard a "Dad." Now it was his favorite word in the world.

"Happy third anniversary of being a mommy to you too, baby. Let's continue with our tradition, shall we?" Elena immediately nodded and ran towards the closet to get a nightgown. Damon grabbed his discarded jeans and put them on, then they were making their way towards the bedroom across the hallway.

He slowly opened the door, not wanting to disturb the little angel sleeping on the bed. They kept all the presents on the bedside table and kissed their tiny miracle, who wasn't so tiny anymore. Now that he was human again, Damon understood what a few years meant in the grand scheme of things. Three years passed in the blink of an eye. It felt like yesterday when he witnessed Elena giving birth after fourteen hours of labor. All the trials and tribulations were forgotten once the nurse placed their little bundle of joy in their arms. No feeling in the world could ever compare to this, especially when he had given up on the idea of having his own family after he turned. That was the definition of heaven.

This was the perfect time for taking that next step. While Elena was busy caressing the mane of brown hair lying atop the pillows, he took out the ring from his back pocket and went down on one knee. Clearing his throat, he got her attention. When she looked at him with a jewelry box in his outstretched hand, she lost it. She sank to her knees before he could utter a word and smashed her lips against his, nodding wildly. When he came up for air, she was the one to say yes. "God, yes. I'll marry you." With the biggest grin on his face, he slipped the beautiful rock on her finger. Their little one was once again a witness to one of the most epic moments of their lives.

After a few months, Elena graduated from med school, topping the class. Among the crowd, her fiancé stood out because he was the only one who was waving frantically with a blue-eyed toddler on his shoulders. Her Mystic Falls gang was there too, celebrating her success as well as helping them pack up for their move back home. Yes, it was time. Mystic Falls was home for both of them. The good memories outweighed the bad ones, and they had decided to raise their kids there. Wait, did she just say kids?

"And that's my life. Weird, messy, complicated, sad, wonderful, amazing and above all – epic.

And I owe it all to Stefan. When I met him, I had lost my parents. I was dead inside. But he brought me back to life. And I'm going to live it as best as I can, for as long as I can."

As soon as she finishes writing, a crow flies over her head, but it doesn't scare her now. Rather, she's hit with a memory which makes her smile. She's not a gloomy graveyard girl anymore. She is happy. She has grown up. She's a new wife, a mother, a friend, an aunt, and a resident pediatrician in Mystic Falls Hospital. After her first day at work, she decided to pay a visit to someone who used to be very dear to her. Someone whose sacrifice made sure that she gets her happily ever after with Damon. She'll always be thankful to him for saving her twice. He'd want her to make his brother the happiest man on the planet, and she'll continue to do so till her last breath.

When she puts her journal in her bag, she feels his presence. She looks up and there he is, standing in a black leather jacket in all his bad-boy glory, but underneath is a man who makes her feel alive, who knows where to find her when everyone else has no idea of her whereabouts, who loves her and their family with every fiber of his being. She smiles at her husband, gets up, and walks towards him. He silently offers his hand and she takes it. No words are needed in this moment.

They walk off towards the edge of the cemetery where the Camaro is parked. They get in and Damon drives to their destination. Elena looks out of the window, admiring the familiar scenery. When the car comes to a stop, she patiently waits for him to get her door. He opens it and holds his hand out again. Together they walk towards the gate where there are many couples like them, waiting for their little ones.

But all they can see is theirs. Damon knows what comes next, so he bends down and opens his arms for his hurricane to accept the invitation. And she does, gladly.

"Daddy!" she squeals when Damon twirls her. His girls have identical habits, in addition to the same brown hair and a cute-as-a-button nose. Except for his eyes, she's all Elena.

"How was your day, baby?" Elena chimes in, and she decides to suddenly jump on her Mommy. Luckily, Damon stops her in time.

"Careful, Jenna," he reminds her, pointing towards the barely there bump on Elena's belly. "Baby, remember?"

She looks guiltily between them, and like the doting mother Elena is, she takes her from Damon and kisses the crown of her head. "It's okay, angel. You just have to ask for Mommy and I'll hold you. Nothing to worry about, hmm?"

Jenna nods shyly. She might be hardly four years old, but her maturity level can rival a teenager's.

"You still haven't answered Mommy. How was preschool?"

She looks at her father, excited and ready to dish out all the details. Just when she's about to launch into it, her stomach growls loudly.

"Um, can I tell you on our way to home? I'm hungry and you did promise to make me pancakes," she says with some authority, but that's enough to melt Damon into a puddle.

"Aww. I haven't forgotten. The princess gets what she wants, although I did buy a secret ingredient which you like very much." She lights up and jumps back into her Daddy's arms. He knows how to energize his girl when she's tired.

"Choco-chips?" she asks. Damon nods, and she wraps her little arms around his shoulder, resting her face in the crook of his neck. He walks them towards the car and carefully buckles her in her car seat. Now, Elena's the one who's melting watching this interaction between father and daughter. It's not the first she's seen, but every time it fills her heart with more love for both of them.

The ride back home is filled with stories about new friends and Jenna's teacher, the first fight in school, too many babies in the hospital, and the final touches to the now-remodeled Mystic Grill. They're home in no time, where Damon busies himself in the kitchen while Elena and Jenna freshen up. When they come down, he's setting up a table on the porch.

"Special meal for my two most favorite girls in the world." Elena is not a bit surprised with the amount of food he managed to make in such a short time. He likes to spoil them. Making pancakes, waffles, sandwiches, and freshly squeezed juice is a cakewalk; he would've made them a Thanksgiving buffet if one of them had uttered a word about it.

"Wait, it's still incomplete." Before either of them can say anything, Jenna runs inside. They both look at each other, puzzled, until she comes back with whipped cream. She makes tiny fangs on all the pancakes, and in her cute voice says, "It's tradition."

Damon bursts into laughter at her words. Like mother, like daughter. She dashes back to the kitchen to return the whipped cream to its place. He can't help but shake his head at her adorable actions. When he looks at Elena, her smile is accompanying eyes full of unshed tears.

"Lena, why are you crying?" He shifts closer and wraps his arms around her. The gesture is more out of habit than for comforting her.

"Sorry, my hormones are all over the place. It's just that . . . she's grown up. She's getting older and wiser, Damon. Is it too soon?"

"Oh, baby! She's growing normally, just like she's supposed to. I guess we're just awesome parents."

"We raised her well."

"We did." He rests his free hand on her slightly protruding stomach and caresses it. "And now we'll have to repeat that same process again with this one too, mm-hmm?"

"I promise we will."

"Damon thinks he got lucky with everything in life. He doesn't believe that he deserves peace, but that's not true. Peace exists, it lives in everything we hold dear. For me, peace is coming home to a loving family. Peace is Jenna wanting to play with my hair after a long day at work. Peace is Damon carrying me to bed every night just because he wants to. This, right here, is the epitome of a fulfilled life."

Let me know what you think of it :)