Guys, I wanna get real with you for a second.

First of all, I'm sorry for putting out such a shitty chapter last time, but I was still way behind and felt like I needed to release something. The next update to this story is gonna be a revision of that one hopefully. But that really brings me to why I'm posting ANOTHER notice instead of a real chapter: this story's ending is really shitty in general. I just don't know how to end it. My original outline was lost one or two generations of laptops ago and I have no clue where I was going with it. So, I'll still finish this story, but frankly, it will probably be a lackluster ending not worthy of the first twenty or so chapters. I don't wanna use this as an excuse or anything but I'm really looking forward to a fresh start on the next story. So yeah.

You don't have to review/reply to this but just know thanks for sticking with me and I hope I can find time within a reasonable time frame to make a chapter that's quality.

