Meeting Cerise and a Daring roommate

Author's Note: Just enjoy the chapter. Ps I forgot to mention this story takes place after Legacy Day and the reason why I had Farrah in the previous chapter is because I wanted to include her earlier in the story.

Disclaimer: You know what I own and don't own so no need to repeat myself.

Ever After High corridors

William was walking through the empty corridors of Ever After After High with his hood still up and a key and schedule in his hands. As he was walking a student bumped into him causing the student to fall backwards.

"Sorry about that" William said helping the student up.

"No it's my fault, I should have paid more attention to my surroundings" the student said as she accepted William's hand before introducing herself.

"I'm Cerise, by the way Cerise Hood daughter of Red Riding Hood" The student introduced.

"Um William Beast son of Lady Beauty and Lord Beast" William introduced with a faint blush across his face.

"Nice to meet you, William are you new? And what's with the hood? Are hiding a secret of you're own also?" Cerise asked.

"Yes to both, how did you know?" The fable asked.

"Let's just you and I have something in common" Cerise answered.

"What do you mean Cerise?" William asked.

Instead of answering Cerise removed her hood and showed her wolf ears then said.

"My family has been hiding a secret, you see my father is none other than the Big Bad Wolf from my mother's story" Cerise admitted in a whisper.

"Who else knows about this besides me and you're family?" The fable asked.

"So far Raven Queen and Kitty Cheshire" the girl answered.

"Well you're secret is safe with me, though I'm surprised that you decided to tell me about this when we just met" William said.

"I just thought I share my family secret with someone, whose sorta like me" Cerise said with shrug before pulling her hood up.

"I guess that makes sense" the fable pledged.

"What about you? What's you're secret?" Cerise asked her fellow fable.

"It's complicated, but sense you told me you're story, I'll give you mine" William replied before removing his own hood revealing his half beast form and started to speak.

"When I was born, my parents found out that I had inherited my father's curse, this lead to my dad to become increasingly protective of me and my will being, much to my uttered amazement, however unlike my dad my curse works in two ways one where my sister and me would get into an argument or become angry with me causing me to become more beastly by the minute and two when I become angry myself" He continued.

"So you wear the hood, because you don't want people to be afraid of you the minute they catch sight of you" Cerise summed up.

"That about sums it up, and no one else but my family, you and some others know about this" William said before pulling the back hood up.

"You're secret is safe with me" Cerise said.

"Thanks" The fable thanked.

"Anytime" the girl said.

"Listen Cerise I appreciate you telling me all this and such, but I need to get going I got a class in a few minutes and I still need to find my dorm" the fable spoke.

"I understand see you in class" Cerise said before going on her way. Once Cerise was on her way, William resumed walking to his dorm.


William arrived at his dorm then inserted the key and walked into the dorm and looked at its surroundings until he arrived at a bed then placed his things aside and sat at the edge of his bed for his first class would start soon.

"Fancy seeing you again" A familiar voice said.

"What are you doing here Daring?" William asked.

"Needed a new dorm, for Hopper was getting slime all over my old one, especially in my hair" Daring answered.

"Hm you a royal wants to be roommates with me a person you barely know, just because of something you're old roommate did?" William asked skeptically.

"That's about it " Daring answered as he stared at his reflection in a mirror.

"Need I ask why?" The fable said rhetorically.

Daring was to busy admiring his reflection to speak.

'Like father, like son, then again this would probably be the only way for me to get to know him better, and see if he truly is like the Prince Charming I know back home' William thought as soon as Daring was done admiring himself.

"If you're done admiring yourself narcissist, can we get back to the matter at hand about you moving in and being my roommate? For I got a class in a couple of minutes" The fable spoke.

"Yes a course, so what do you say my fellow fable/Prince" Daring replied.

"Fine we're roommates" William said as he grabbed his things and got off his bed and headed for the door.

"Wonderful, you won't regret it" Daring said.

'I hope not' the fable thought before speaking again.

"We'll see" William replied before exiting the dorm and heading off to his first class hopefully Belle and Cerise will already be there by the time he arrives.

Author's Note: I did stated last chapter that I might make Daring William's roommate or friend sense he's destined to be the next Beast besides I'm sure William won't mind living with the next one in Rosabella's story anyway if you're wondering about the narrators don't worry I'll have them in the story so be patient, see you next chapter where we will either start the webisode the day after or a look in one of William's and Belle's class, oh one more thing before end if any of you got ideas for future chapters or have me make Belle and William Royals, Rebels, or Roybels let me know, until then have a hexcellent day.