*yawn..* I still don't know what I'm actually going to do with this story, aha..

Sorry it's a few days late. I didn't expect to get so many reviews in less than 20 hours. And I was focusing on the assessments I had due yesterday and the day before, including the day I had to cook a pasta meal in an hour. Blergh.

Waterpool: Reed is indeed a main character.. or is he? *quick edit: sorry for calling you 'Waterbolt', I guess I was super tired when I was writing the replies*

Flame: Haven't seen nothing yet! ):D

SpiritedSilver: Haha, I don't think I'd consider reviews coming from the same person.. ;) and apologies! It's meant to be written in past-tense.. but I do recall accidentally writing in the 'Falling Feathers' writing style on accident while writing Song's POV. Oops.

Chapter 3

Song poked open an eye hesitantly, her limbs pulsing with aches. Her eyes were wet from crying; she had been having nightmares again. This time, she would fall from the tallest den in twolegplace and fall to her death, hitting the ground with a thud every time until she woke herself up.

Memories flowed back into her mind. She dimly recalled falling from the ruined twoleg den she and Reed had sheltered in when the cat had taken care of them, but that was all.

Where am I?

Blinking her eyes, which seemed to droop and sting, she scanned the area around them. She was in a strange place, and the stale scent of cats wreathed around her while a few nests dotted the walls.

'Reed?' She thought-spoke, her heart beating faster. 'Are you here?'

A sigh met her ears, and she pricked them up slowly, looking around with her dark blue eyes. Is that Reed?

No; it was another cat. A cat Song recognized very well.

A dark ginger she-cat, with richer tabby stripes, pale, dark cream belly, and blue eyes. A thick, short tail, and tufted ears. Her scent was strange now and not mild anymore; it consisted of a weird fishy scent.

Getting up from the mossy nest Song had woken up in, Song warily stepped towards the she-cat, who looked at her with shock.

"Song?" She whispered. "Is that you?"

I was right over there for who knows how long, mouse-brain!

Song pushed away the old irritated feeling and blinked slowly as if she was saying 'yes'. What is she doing here?

This was the cat who had saved them countless moons ago, hunting and feeding them while keeping them safe, whispering they would never get hurt ever again.

Yet, a moon later, the foster-mother abandoned the two young kits alone and never came back. Then, rogues had discovered them, and the kits were tortured by those hostile cats until, one day, they never showed their faces again, never to shove them into that holly bush until they screamed and struggled and got brutally slashed when they wouldn't be still.

This cat had made the first part of their lives miserable, yet saved their lives. And she's laying right in front of one of the kits who had made it through a lonely kithood with angst and desperateness, including the day when that cat had left them for dead.


Song didn't reply, and slowly bared her teeth in the she-cat's direction.

Reed's POV


Pain pulsed through Reed's belly and tail, and he shifted in the nest that he barely acknowledged to adjust the feeling. Murmurs whispered around him, and he slowly lifted his head.

"Where's Song?" He said out loud, his eyes blurry. Shapes swirled around him like blood into flowing water, and he put his head back down.

"He's awake! Thank goodness." A feminine voice met his ears. "I thought he wouldn't survive the hit."

'Reed? Are you here?'


Song's weird thought-voice must be simply his imagination, he decided. There's no way Song's here, too.

Something shoved into him, and he groaned, his eyes screwed shut. "Go away." He muttered.

'If you're here,' The voice was fuzzy and full of shock mixed with anger. 'I've found the cat. That cat.'

"That cat?" Reed's mind snapped back into reality, and opened his eyes wide. Song must be nearby. "She's alive?"

"What cat?"

The dark-grey tom gazed at the glossy-furred golden tabby she-cat that stood near him, along with a grumpy-looking young blue-grey tom, the she-cat's forepaw raised in the air, and Reed instinctively drew his mouth back in a snarl. "You're not one of those rogues, are you?" He said in suspicion, scanning the she-cat with wariness.

"Oh, you must have been scarred for life by those two rogues, didn't you?" She mewed, her green eyes fading from owning a thankful look to a pitiful one. "No, don't worry, we're not rogues. We're medicine cats."

Ignoring the question he was just about to ask about these 'medicine cats', an old thought popped in to his head. "Where's my sister?"

"Oh, the little spotted she-kit? She's in the elders' den."

The tom surveyed Reed with a disdainful-yet-hopeful look. "Don't you think he looks like..?"

The older she-cat shot the tom a look full of despair and anger. "No. He's obviously not Clan-born."

"Actually, he sorta reminds me of Hollowspots. No, the she-kit does."

"Waterpaw!" The she-cat snapped suddenly, making Reed and the tom, Waterpaw, jump. "These are loner kits. Not Clan kits, you stupid mouse-brain."

Waterpaw growled at the she-cat with hateful hazel eyes, as if there was something more coming from what they were talking about, though he didn't attack her on the spot like Reed expected him too. Also, Reed thought, What are these cats' names? They're weird.

"Can I go see my sister?" Reed asked drearily, distracting the two 'medicine cats', his gaze turning back to normal. When he shifted in his nest again, he felt something crumble off his sore hind leg. Peeking at the aching leg, he saw with disgust that a dried green paste was smeared over the sore part.

"Waterpaw will check on her." The she-cat said, glaring at the tom.

Muttering words about annoying she-cats and lashing his tail, Waterpaw left the roomy den, leaving Reed and the strange she-cat in the den alone.

"Sorry about him." She said, flicking her tail in a friendly manner. "My name is Streakshine. What's yours?"

"Mm.." Reed sighed. This reminds me of that cat. She seemed nice until she suddenly left us. "Reed." He replied quietly, his voice flat.

"Well, Reed," Streakwhatsit said, poking her head outside of the den, "It appears your sister is awake, and she can see you."

Struggling to get out of the den to see what was outside, the she-cat pressed him back down with a firm paw. "No. You can't leave until your leg and tail have healed more."

However much mutiny he felt when she said those words, he felt a strange comfort rise inside of him in her presence, as if he could trust the she-cat with anything.


Reed was about to say something when a brown flash appeared in the edge of his vision, pressing against him and licking his ears. "Song!" He said, wincing when her hind leg stepped on his limp tail.

'Oh, sorry.' She replied, looking at the green-stained tail. 'Are you alright?'

Nodding while his eyes were slightly screwed up in pain, Reed licked his sister on her shoulder. 'What happened to you?' He thought-spoke. 'Did you get hurt, too?'

'I fell from the den.' Song admitted, gazing at the firmly-trodden ground with her ears flattened with fear. 'My whole body aches.'

'That's alright.' He replied. 'At least you're okay.'

"She was being pretty snappy at Flameclaw, but here's who you wanted, o' great Streakshine." Waterpaw suddenly growled, dipping his head, making Song step away from his flicking tail.

The she-cat, Streakshine, gritted her teeth, but looked in Reed's direction then Song's. "She seems like the quiet one, doesn't she? She hasn't said a word ever since we brought you two here." Streakshine said, flicking an ear at Song. Waterpaw nodded slightly.

Song glared at the golden tabby she-cat, indignation in her dark blue eyes. 'You're going to have to tell her that I can't speak.' She said to Reed, annoyance in her thought-speaking tone.

"She.." Reed trailed off. "She can't speak."

"Can't speak?" Waterpaw scoffed. "What do you mean, can't speak?" He let out a barely-suppressed laugh.

"Mute?" Streakshine said, suddenly looking at Song with the same look of pity she had given to Reed. "That's a shame. She looks like an intelligent one."

It was Reed's turn to glower at Streakshine's choice of words. "I can understand what she wants to say." He said carefully, his minty-green eyes narrowed. "It's easy."

"You both seem to be around five moons old." Streakshine said, ignoring the arrogance in Reed's voice. "Yet, you two also seem to be quite smart. One seemingly being smarter than the other." She added the last sentence quietly to Waterpaw, who snorted while trying to compress the laughter.

'Who are you calling dumb?' Song thought-growled, her eyes flashing. Then, her eyes went desperate. 'Ask them who the ginger she-cat is again. The cat who was in the den with me.'

Blinking in acknowledgement, Reed lowered his head. "Song wants to know who the ginger she-cat's name is in the den with her." Earning a harsh glare from Song, he gulped. "Well, I think she does."

"Oh, Flameclaw?" Streakshine mewed, her eyes searching Song's. "Do you know her?" Suddenly, Streakshine froze.

"Two.. minds in unity.. save the Clans.. destruction.. water.." She breathed, before the light died in her eyes and she collapsed, earning a shocked look from all three cats in the den.

Song's eyes were horrified. Those words were apart of the dream she had first had, and a cat she only just met was repeating the words.

That is the last thing Reed thought of before everything suddenly went by in a flash.

I had to end it somehow.. :,)

I managed to not update this at 12am, but at 9pm instead! Yay.. I have a test on tomorrow..

Random stuff in this chapter. I was planning Reed and Song to be prisoners in the two randomly-appearing rogue's camp, but I scrapped that for some reason and brought in the Clans early. Eh.

Qotc: Why do you think Streakshine randomly fainted? Is it by shock, or is it a bad prophecy?

Let's aim for.. lessee.. 15 reviews? ):D